822 research outputs found

    Energy-aware 3D micro-machined inductive suspensions with polymer magnetic composite core

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    This paper addresses the issue of Joule heating in micromachined inductive suspensions (MIS) and reports a significant decrease of the operating temperature by using a polymer magnetic composite (PMC) core. The PMC material has a high resistivity, thus inhibiting the formation of eddy currents, and a high permeability, thus guiding the magnetic field more efficiently within the MIS structure. We experimentally study the distribution of the PMC material inside the MIS structure and evaluate the effect of the core from the dependence of the levitation height on the excitation current. The experiments carried on in ambient room temperature demonstrate that the temperature inside the micromachined inductive suspension is reduced to 58°C, which is a record-low temperature compared to other MIS structures reported before

    CEM03.03 and LAQGSM03.03 Event Generators for the MCNP6, MCNPX, and MARS15 Transport Codes

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    A description of the IntraNuclear Cascade (INC), preequilibrium, evaporation, fission, coalescence, and Fermi breakup models used by the latest versions of our CEM03.03 and LAQGSM03.03 event generators is presented, with a focus on our most recent developments of these models. The recently developed "S" and "G" versions of our codes, that consider multifragmentation of nuclei formed after the preequilibrium stage of reactions when their excitation energy is above 2A MeV using the Statistical Multifragmentation Model (SMM) code by Botvina et al. ("S" stands for SMM) and the fission-like binary-decay model GEMINI by Charity ("G" stands for GEMINI), respectively, are briefly described as well. Examples of benchmarking our models against a large variety of experimental data on particle-particle, particle-nucleus, and nucleus-nucleus reactions are presented. Open questions on reaction mechanisms and future necessary work are outlined.Comment: 94 pages, 51 figures, 5 tables, invited lectures presented at the Joint ICTP-IAEA Advanced Workshop on Model Codes for Spallation Reactions, February 4-8, 2008, ICTP, Trieste, Italy; corrected typos and reference

    The low-lying quadrupole collective excitations of Ru and Pd isotopes

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    Quadrupole excitations of even-even Ru and Pd isotopes are described within microscopic approach based on the general collective Bohr model which includes the effect of coupling with the pairing vibrations. The excitation energies and E2 transition probabilities observed in 104-114Ru and 106-110Pd are reproduced in the frame of the calculation containing no free parameters.Comment: 11 pages, 18 figures in EPS forma

    Transference Principles for Log-Sobolev and Spectral-Gap with Applications to Conservative Spin Systems

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    We obtain new principles for transferring log-Sobolev and Spectral-Gap inequalities from a source metric-measure space to a target one, when the curvature of the target space is bounded from below. As our main application, we obtain explicit estimates for the log-Sobolev and Spectral-Gap constants of various conservative spin system models, consisting of non-interacting and weakly-interacting particles, constrained to conserve the mean-spin. When the self-interaction is a perturbation of a strongly convex potential, this partially recovers and partially extends previous results of Caputo, Chafa\"{\i}, Grunewald, Landim, Lu, Menz, Otto, Panizo, Villani, Westdickenberg and Yau. When the self-interaction is only assumed to be (non-strongly) convex, as in the case of the two-sided exponential measure, we obtain sharp estimates on the system's spectral-gap as a function of the mean-spin, independently of the size of the system.Comment: 57 page

    Scale setting for alpha_s beyond leading order

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    We present a general procedure for incorporating higher-order information into the scale-setting prescription of Brodsky, Lepage and Mackenzie. In particular, we show how to apply this prescription when the leading coefficient or coefficients in a series in the strong coupling alpha_s are anomalously small and the original prescription can give an unphysical scale. We give a general method for computing an optimum scale numerically, within dimensional regularization, and in cases when the coefficients of a series are known. We apply it to the heavy quark mass and energy renormalization in lattice NRQCD, and to a variety of known series. Among the latter, we find significant corrections to the scales for the ratio of e+e- to hadrons over muons, the ratio of the quark pole to MSbar mass, the semi-leptonic B-meson decay width, and the top decay width. Scales for the latter two decay widths, expressed in terms of MSbar masses, increase by factors of five and thirteen, respectively, substantially reducing the size of radiative corrections.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figures, 5 tables, LaTeX2

    Dynamics of Tachyon and Phantom Field beyond the Inverse Square Potentials

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    We investigate the cosmological evolution of the tachyon and phantom-tachyon scalar field by considering the potential parameter Γ\Gamma(=VV"V2=\frac{V V"}{V'^2}) as a function of another potential parameter λ\lambda(=VκV3/2=\frac{V'}{\kappa V^{3/2}}), which correspondingly extends the analysis of the evolution of our universe from two-dimensional autonomous dynamical system to the three-dimension. It allows us to investigate the more general situation where the potential is not restricted to inverse square potential and .One result is that, apart from the inverse square potential, there are a large number of potentials which can give the scaling and dominant solution when the function Γ(λ)\Gamma(\lambda) equals 3/23/2 for one or some values of λ\lambda_{*} as well as the parameter λ\lambda_{*} satisfies condition Eq.(18) or Eq.(19). We also find that for a class of different potentials the dynamics evolution of the universe are actually the same and therefore undistinguishable.Comment: 8 pages, no figure, accepted by The European Physical Journal C(2010), online first, http://www.springerlink.com/content/323417h708gun5g8/?p=dd373adf23b84743b523a3fa249d51c7&pi=

    Mapping of periodically poled crystals via spontaneous parametric down-conversion

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    A new method for characterization of periodically poled crystals is developed based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion. The method is demonstrated on crystals of Y:LiNbO3, Mg:Y:LiNbO3 with non-uniform periodically poled structures, obtained directly under Czochralski growth procedure and designed for application of OPO in the mid infrared range. Infrared dispersion of refractive index, effective working periods and wavelengths of OPO were determined by special treatment of frequency-angular spectra of spontaneous parametric down-conversion in the visible range. Two-dimensional mapping via spontaneous parametric down-conversion is proposed for characterizing spatial distribution of bulk quasi-phase matching efficiency across the input window of a periodically poled sample.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Aharonov-Bohm spectral features and coherence lengths in carbon nanotubes

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    The electronic properties of carbon nanotubes are investigated in the presence of disorder and a magnetic field parallel or perpendicular to the nanotube axis. In the parallel field geometry, the ϕ0(=hc/e)\phi_{0}(=hc/e)-periodic metal-insulator transition (MIT) induced in metallic or semiconducting nanotubes is shown to be related to a chirality-dependent shifting of the energy of the van Hove singularities (VHSs). The effect of disorder on this magnetic field-related mechanism is considered with a discussion of mean free paths, localization lengths and magnetic dephasing rate in the context of recent experiments.Comment: 22 pages, 6 Postscript figures. submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Structural and biological identification of residues on the surface of NS3 helicase required for optimal replication of the hepatitis C virus

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    The hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) is a multifunctional enzyme with serine protease and DEXH/D-box helicase domains. A crystal structure of the NS3 helicase domain (NS3h) was generated in the presence of a single-stranded oligonucleotide long enough to accommodate binding of two molecules of enzyme. Several amino acid residues at the interface of the two NS3h molecules were identified that appear to mediate a proteinprotein interaction between domains 2 and 3 of adjacent molecules. Mutations were introduced into domain 3 to disrupt the putative interface and subsequently examined using an HCV subgenomic replicon, resulting in significant reduction in replication capacity. The mutations in domain 3 were then examined using recombinant NS3h in biochemical assays. The mutant enzyme showed RNA binding and RNA-stimulated ATPase activity that mirrored wild type NS3h. In DNA unwinding assays under single turnover conditions, the mutant NS3h exhibited a similar unwinding rate and only ∼2-fold lower processivity than wild type NS3h. Overall biochemical activities of the mutant NS3h were similar to the wild type enzyme, which was not reflective of the large reduction in HCV replicative capacity observed in the biological experiment. Hence, the biological results suggest that the known biochemical properties associated with the helicase activity of NS3h do not reveal all of the likely biological roles of NS3 during HCV replication. Domain 3 of NS3 is implicated in protein-protein interactions that are necessary for HCV replication. © 2006 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    Theoretical study of the two-proton halo candidate 17^{17}Ne including contributions from resonant continuum and pairing correlations

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    With the relativistic Coulomb wave function boundary condition, the energies, widths and wave functions of the single proton resonant orbitals for 17^{17}Ne are studied by the analytical continuation of the coupling constant (ACCC) approach within the framework of the relativistic mean field (RMF) theory. Pairing correlations and contributions from the single-particle resonant orbitals in the continuum are taken into consideration by the resonant Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) approach, in which constant pairing strength is used. It can be seen that the fully self-consistent calculations with NL3 and NLSH effective interactions mostly agree with the latest experimental measurements, such as binding energies, matter radii, charge radii and densities. The energy of π\pi2s1/2_{1/2} orbital is slightly higher than that of π1d5/2\pi1d_{5/2} orbital, and the occupation probability of the (π(\pi2s1/2)2_{1/2})^2 orbital is about 20%, which are in accordance with the shell model calculation and three-body model estimation