164 research outputs found

    Escobajo de uva: un sustrato sólido innovador para la obtención de ácido láctico en fermentación fúngica

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    La industria vitivinícola de San Juan genera aproximadamente 30.000 ton/año de escobajo de uva (EU) como residuo sólido, el cual presenta una disposición final descontrolada. Se propone al EU como sustrato de fermentación fúngica para obtener ácido láctico (AL), el cual tiene aplicaciones en la industria alimenticia, farmacéutica, química incluyendo la producción de ácido poliláctico1, y cuenta con una alta demanda global (1.220 kilo-toneladas en 2016)2. Los objetivos son, caracterizar fisicoquímicamente al EU y obtener AL a partir de una fermentación fúngica. La metodología fue: 1)Recolección de muestras de EU; 2)Caracterización de EU: Metales (Na+, Mg++, Ca++, P, K+, Fe3+), Nitrógeno total, Azúcares reductores y totales, Fibra bruta y Cenizas; 3)Fermentación de EU: 3a). Siembra de la cepa pura de R. oryzae NCIM 1299 en APD a 32°C por 5 días; 3b). Autoclavado (120ºC por 15 min) de 6 lotes de 50g de EU en Erlenmeyer de 1000 ml, con 200 ml de solución 10 g/l de CaCO3, 3c) Enfriamiento, inoculación e incubación a 32°C durante 21 días. 4)Inactivación a 120°C por 15 min. 5)Extracción, purificación (con H2SO4 0,46N) y cuantificación del AL por HPLC. Los resultados fueron: 1)Caracterización de EU: Na+: 0,38%, Mg++: 0,19%, Ca++:0,95%, P: 0,19%, K+:3,32%, Fe3+:0,007%; Nt: 0,3519%; Az. Red.: 8,13% y Az. Tot.: 15,56%; F.Bruta: 54,32%; Cenizas: 9,05%. 2)Fermentación: el rendimiento promedio fue de 22,54 gAL/100gEU. El EU posee una composición similar a varios sustratos lignocelulósicos reportados(3), siendo adecuado para realizar una fermentación fúngica. No se ha encontrado bibliografía que use EU como sustrato para obtener AL, Gil-Horán y col. (2008)4 obtuvieron 0,570 gAL/100g sustrato seco usando R.oryzae en cáscara de naranja. Como conclusión se puede mencionar que el EU es un residuo agroindustrial que puede ser revalorizado por medio de  la obtención de AL. Se pudo obtener y cuantificar AL a partir de EU, con un rendimiento promedio significativo.

    Massive Star Formation

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    This chapter reviews progress in the field of massive star formation. It focuses on evidence for accretion and current models that invoke high accretion rates. In particular it is noted that high accretion rates will cause the massive young stellar object to have a radius much larger than its eventual main sequence radius throughout much of the accretion phase. This results in low effective temperatures which may provide the explanation as to why luminous young stellar objects do not ionized their surroundings to form ultra-compact H II regions. The transition to the ultra-compact H II region phase would then be associated with the termination of the high accretion rate phase. Objects thought to be in a transition phase are discussed and diagnostic diagrams to distinguish between massive young stellar objects and ultra-compact H II regions in terms of line widths and radio luminosity are presented.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, chapter in Diffuse Matter from Star Forming Regions to Active Galaxies - A Volume Honouring John Dyson, Edited by T.W. Hartquist, J. M. Pittard, and S. A. E. G. Falle. Series: Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings. Springer Dordrecht, 2007, p.6

    Pion, kaon, proton and anti-proton transverse momentum distributions from p+p and d+Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV

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    Identified mid-rapidity particle spectra of π±\pi^{\pm}, K±K^{\pm}, and p(pˉ)p(\bar{p}) from 200 GeV p+p and d+Au collisions are reported. A time-of-flight detector based on multi-gap resistive plate chamber technology is used for particle identification. The particle-species dependence of the Cronin effect is observed to be significantly smaller than that at lower energies. The ratio of the nuclear modification factor (RdAuR_{dAu}) between protons (p+pˉ)(p+\bar{p}) and charged hadrons (hh) in the transverse momentum range 1.2<pT<3.01.2<{p_{T}}<3.0 GeV/c is measured to be 1.19±0.051.19\pm0.05(stat)±0.03\pm0.03(syst) in minimum-bias collisions and shows little centrality dependence. The yield ratio of (p+pˉ)/h(p+\bar{p})/h in minimum-bias d+Au collisions is found to be a factor of 2 lower than that in Au+Au collisions, indicating that the Cronin effect alone is not enough to account for the relative baryon enhancement observed in heavy ion collisions at RHIC.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. We extended the pion spectra from transverse momentum 1.8 GeV/c to 3. GeV/

    Demonstration of the temporal matter-wave Talbot effect for trapped matter waves

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    We demonstrate the temporal Talbot effect for trapped matter waves using ultracold atoms in an optical lattice. We investigate the phase evolution of an array of essentially non-interacting matter waves and observe matter-wave collapse and revival in the form of a Talbot interference pattern. By using long expansion times, we image momentum space with sub-recoil resolution, allowing us to observe fractional Talbot fringes up to 10th order.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Kaon Production and Kaon to Pion Ratio in Au+Au Collisions at \snn=130 GeV

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    Mid-rapidity transverse mass spectra and multiplicity densities of charged and neutral kaons are reported for Au+Au collisions at \snn=130 GeV at RHIC. The spectra are exponential in transverse mass, with an inverse slope of about 280 MeV in central collisions. The multiplicity densities for these particles scale with the negative hadron pseudo-rapidity density. The charged kaon to pion ratios are K+/π=0.161±0.002(stat)±0.024(syst)K^+/\pi^- = 0.161 \pm 0.002 {\rm (stat)} \pm 0.024 {\rm (syst)} and K/π=0.146±0.002(stat)±0.022(syst)K^-/\pi^- = 0.146 \pm 0.002 {\rm (stat)} \pm 0.022 {\rm (syst)} for the most central collisions. The K+/πK^+/\pi^- ratio is lower than the same ratio observed at the SPS while the K/πK^-/\pi^- is higher than the SPS result. Both ratios are enhanced by about 50% relative to p+p and pˉ\bar{\rm p}+p collision data at similar energies.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Azimuthal anisotropy and correlations in p+p, d+Au and Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV

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    We present the first measurement of directed flow (v1v_1) at RHIC. v1v_1 is found to be consistent with zero at pseudorapidities η\eta from -1.2 to 1.2, then rises to the level of a couple of percent over the range 2.4<η<42.4 < |\eta| < 4. The latter observation is similar to data from NA49 if the SPS rapidities are shifted by the difference in beam rapidity between RHIC and SPS. Back-to-back jets emitted out-of-plane are found to be suppressed more if compared to those emitted in-plane, which is consistent with {\it jet quenching}. Using the scalar product method, we systematically compared azimuthal correlations from p+p, d+Au and Au+Au collisions. Flow and non-flow from these three different collision systems are discussed.Comment: Quark Matter 2004 proceeding, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Azimuthal anisotropy: the higher harmonics

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    We report the first observations of the fourth harmonic (v_4) in the azimuthal distribution of particles at RHIC. The measurement was done taking advantage of the large elliptic flow generated at RHIC. The integrated v_4 is about a factor of 10 smaller than v_2. For the sixth (v_6) and eighth (v_8) harmonics upper limits on the magnitudes are reported.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, contribution to the Quark Matter 2004 proceeding

    Plasma Wakefield Acceleration with a Modulated Proton Bunch

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    The plasma wakefield amplitudes which could be achieved via the modulation of a long proton bunch are investigated. We find that in the limit of long bunches compared to the plasma wavelength, the strength of the accelerating fields is directly proportional to the number of particles in the drive bunch and inversely proportional to the square of the transverse bunch size. The scaling laws were tested and verified in detailed simulations using parameters of existing proton accelerators, and large electric fields were achieved, reaching 1 GV/m for LHC bunches. Energy gains for test electrons beyond 6 TeV were found in this case.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    The energy dependence of ptp_t angular correlations inferred from mean-ptp_{t} fluctuation scale dependence in heavy ion collisions at the SPS and RHIC

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    We present the first study of the energy dependence of ptp_t angular correlations inferred from event-wise mean transverse momentum fluctuations in heavy ion collisions. We compare our large-acceptance measurements at CM energies $\sqrt{s_{NN}} =$ 19.6, 62.4, 130 and 200 GeV to SPS measurements at 12.3 and 17.3 GeV. $p_t$ angular correlation structure suggests that the principal source of $p_t$ correlations and fluctuations is minijets (minimum-bias parton fragments). We observe a dramatic increase in correlations and fluctuations from SPS to RHIC energies, increasing linearly with $\ln \sqrt{s_{NN}}$ from the onset of observable jet-related fluctuations near 10 GeV.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    All-optical switching and strong coupling using tunable whispering-gallery-mode microresonators

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    We review our recent work on tunable, ultrahigh quality factor whispering-gallery-mode bottle microresonators and highlight their applications in nonlinear optics and in quantum optics experiments. Our resonators combine ultra-high quality factors of up to Q = 3.6 \times 10^8, a small mode volume, and near-lossless fiber coupling, with a simple and customizable mode structure enabling full tunability. We study, theoretically and experimentally, nonlinear all-optical switching via the Kerr effect when the resonator is operated in an add-drop configuration. This allows us to optically route a single-wavelength cw optical signal between two fiber ports with high efficiency. Finally, we report on progress towards strong coupling of single rubidium atoms to an ultra-high Q mode of an actively stabilized bottle microresonator.Comment: 20 pages, 24 figures. Accepted for publication in Applied Physics B. Changes according to referee suggestions: minor corrections to some figures and captions, clarification of some points in the text, added references, added new paragraph with results on atom-resonator interactio