118 research outputs found

    Lithology and Fluid discrimination of Sody field of the Nigerian Delta

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    The lithology and fluid discrimination of an onshore Sody field, of the Niger Delta was studied using gamma ray, resistivity and density logs from  three wells in the field in order to evaluate the field’s reservoir properties. Two reservoir sands (RES 1 and RES 2) were delineated and identified as hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs. The petrophysical parameters calculated include total porosity, water saturation and volume of shale. The results obtained revealed that the average porosity of the reservoir sands, range from 21% to 39%, which is excellent indicator of a good quality reservoir and probably reflecting well sorted coarse grain sandstone reservoirs with minimal cementation. Water saturation is low in all the reservoirs, ranging from 2% to 32%, indicating that the proportion of void spaces occupied by water is low, and implying high hydrocarbon saturation. The crossplot discriminated the reservoirs lithologies as sand, shaly sand and shale sequences, except well Sody 2 which differentiated its lithologies as sand and shale sequences and distinguished the reservoirs’ litho-fluids into three, namely; gas, oil and brine. These results suggest that the reservoirs sand units of Sody field contain significant accumulations of hydrocarbon. Keywords: Reservoir, porosity, net-to-gross, impedance, litholog

    Use of grape pomace phenolics to counteract endogenous and exogenous formation of advanced glycation end-products

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    The increase in consumption of \u201cultra-processed\u201d foods has raised attention because of the possible adverse effects deriving from the Maillard reaction leading to the formation of toxic advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) during food processing. Additionally, the increasing trend and consumption of sugar-added foods and sweetened beverages is related to the endogenous formation of the same toxic compounds. However, ultra-processing in the context of food technology can bring challenges as well as a wealth of opportunities. Indeed, re-processing of grape pomace, a by-product of winemaking, can yield phenolic-rich fractions that efficiently counteract the effects of AGEs. In this review, the process of endogenous and exogenous AGE formation is illustrated. Then, the ability of grape phenolics to act as inhibitors of AGE formation is presented, including the efficacy ranking of various individual compounds measured in vitro and the outcome of in vivo double-blinded randomized crossover trials designed to prove the efficacy of grape phenolics as inhibitors of protein carbonylation. Finally, a survey of model functional foods added with grape phenolics, either to lower the dietary load of AGEs or to deliver antiglycation agents in vivo is listed in order to highlight the opportunity to develop safe and tailor-made \u201canti-AGEs\u201d food applications

    O vestuário profissional enquanto elemento de identidade corporativa – um caso prático ao serviço do Centro Hospitalar da Cova da Beira

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    O presente artigo expõe o projeto de índole curricular em desenvolvimento e tem como finalidade demonstrar que o vestuário profissional (fardamento) representa um canal de difusão da imagem de uma instituição e pode ser promotor da sua identidade visual. Cada vez mais e nas diversificadas situações, o fardamento tem problemas que um designer de vestuário e têxtil pode solucionar. Conhecedores de algumas necessidades ao nível do fardamento, os responsáveis do Departamento de Comunicação e Marketing do Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira (C.H.C.B.), comunicaram o seu interesse na possibilidade de reavaliação do caráter visual do vestuário profissional ao nível de front office, solicitando a apresentação de soluções práticas para a inexistência de vestuário profissional uniformizado. Desta forma, delineou-se como objetivo geral para o projeto, a Criação de uma proposta de fardamento e acessórios para os profissionais das unidades de atendimento (front office) do C.H.C.B. com base numa nova Identidade Visual Corporativa, garantindo o conforto no desempenho das várias atividades e funções. É certo que a imagem de uma instituição perante a perceção do público, nasce de uma quantidade de elementos que refletem os seus valores, a sua atividade e o seu profissionalismo. Hoje em dia, essa identidade não aparece só nos estacionários mas também, e cada vez mais frequente, no fardamento que os colaboradores vestem e exibem

    O vestuário profissional em âmbito hospitalar como elemento de identidade corporativa

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    O presente artigo expõe o trabalho de investigação em desenvolvimento e pretende demonstrar que o vestuário profissional em âmbito hospitalar pode ser promotor da identidade corporativa de uma instituição. A imagem de uma instituição nasce da perceção, por parte do público, de uma quantidade de elementos, refletindo os seus valores, a sua atividade e o seu profissionalismo. Essa identidade não aparece só nos cartazes, nos veículos, nos envelopes ou nos cartões-de-visita mas também, e cada vez mais frequente, no vestuário e acessórios que as pessoas vestem e exibem. Desta forma, o vestuário profissional (ou fardamento) representa um canal de difusão direto da imagem de uma instituição e pode desempenhar diversas funções ao serviço de uma estratégia. É importante que o vestuário profissional assuma igualmente características de conforto e estética ou ainda, qualquer outra necessidade que tenha como objetivo o vestuário comum para determinadas pessoas ou grupo de pessoas.ABSTRACT : This article exposes the work of developing research and seeks to demonstrate that the hospital-wide professional clothing can be promoter of corporate identity of an institution. The image of an institution born of the lack, for the public, a number of elements, reflecting your values, your activity and your professionalism. This identity does not appear only in the posters, in vehicles, in envelopes or business cards but also, and increasingly, in clothing and accessories that people wear and display. In this way, professional clothing (or uniforms) represents a direct broadcast channel of the image of an institution and can play several roles in the service of a strategy. It is important that the professional clothing take also features of comfort and aesthetics or any other needs that have as objective the common attire for certain persons or group of persons.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Manajemen Riset Proyek Penelitian Independen Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

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    Penelitian ilmiah menjadi suatu hal yang sangat lazim ditemui dalam dunia pendidikan. Setiap instansi pendidikan pun rutin melakukan penelitian demi kemajuan nama instansi mereka, salah satunya adalah Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. Di tengah kemunculan pandemi COVID-19, UMN mengadakan Proyek Penelitian Independen yang memungkinkan mahasiswa berpartisipasi dalam penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para dosen. Dalam melakukan sebuah penelitian, manajemen penelitian sangat penting untuk dilakukan demi menjamin hasil akhir yang maksimal. Adapun tahapan yang paling krusial dalam manajemen penelitian adalah pengumpulan data (collect). Analisis isi merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan dalam proses pengumpulan data. Dengan merujuk pada tahapan analisis isi dari buku Eriyanto (2011), mahasiswa melaksanakan peran sebagai research assistant yang membantu pengerjaan penelitian berjudul "Digital Public Relations Strategy of Perceived-Bad Organizations", khususnya dalam proses pengumpulan data. Sebagai research assistant, mahasiswa memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui tahapan manajemen penelitian yang dilakukan dalam proyek penelitian independen serta memahami implementasi dari metode analisis isi. Selama pengerjaan proyek mahasiswa mempelajari ilmu-ilmu baru yang dapat diterapkan dalam pengerjaan penelitian selanjutnya, seperti bagaimana pengumpulan data tidak hanya dapat dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner atau wawancara saja, tetapi juga dapat dilakukan dengan menganalisis sebuah konten

    Cellular mechanisms underlying Pax3-related neural tube defects and their prevention by folic acid

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    Neural tube defects (NTDs), including spina bifida and anencephaly, are among the most common birth defects worldwide, but their underlying genetic and cellular causes are not well understood. Some NTDs are preventable by supplemental folic acid. However, despite widespread use of folic acid supplements and implementation of food fortification in many countries, the protective mechanism is unclear. Pax3 mutant (splotch; Sp2H) mice provide a model in which NTDs are preventable by folic acid and exacerbated by maternal folate deficiency. Here, we found that cell proliferation was diminished in the dorsal neuroepithelium of mutant embryos, corresponding to the region of abolished Pax3 function. This was accompanied by premature neuronal differentiation in the prospective midbrain. Contrary to previous reports, we did not find evidence that increased apoptosis could underlie failed neural tube closure in Pax3 mutant embryos, nor that inhibition of apoptosis could prevent NTDs. These findings suggest that Pax3 functions to maintain the neuroepithelium in a proliferative, undifferentiated state, allowing neurulation to proceed. NTDs in Pax3 mutants were not associated with abnormal abundance of specific folates and were not prevented by formate, a one-carbon donor to folate metabolism. Supplemental folic acid restored proliferation in the cranial neuroepithelium. This effect was mediated by enhanced progression of the cell cycle from S to G2 phase, specifically in the Pax3 mutant dorsal neuroepithelium. We propose that the cell-cycle-promoting effect of folic acid compensates for the loss of Pax3 and thereby prevents cranial NTDs
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