6,455 research outputs found

    Formulation and implementation of nonstationary adaptive estimation algorithm with applications to air-data reconstruction

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    The dynamics model and data sources used to perform air-data reconstruction are discussed, as well as the Kalman filter. The need for adaptive determination of the noise statistics of the process is indicated. The filter innovations are presented as a means of developing the adaptive criterion, which is based on the true mean and covariance of the filter innovations. A method for the numerical approximation of the mean and covariance of the filter innovations is presented. The algorithm as developed is applied to air-data reconstruction for the space shuttle, and data obtained from the third landing are presented. To verify the performance of the adaptive algorithm, the reconstruction is also performed using a constant covariance Kalman filter. The results of the reconstructions are compared, and the adaptive algorithm exhibits better performance

    A Comparison of Methods for Determining the Age Distribution of Star Clusters: Application to the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    The age distribution of star clusters in nearby galaxies plays a crucial role in evaluating the lifetimes and disruption mechanisms of the clusters. Two very different results have been found recently for the age distribution chi(t) of clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We found that chi(t) can be described approximately by a power law chi(t) propto t^{gamma}, with gamma -0.8, by counting clusters in the mass-age plane, i.e., by constructing chi(t) directly from mass-limited samples. Gieles & Bastian inferred a value of gamma~, based on the slope of the relation between the maximum mass of clusters in equal intervals of log t, hereafter the M_max method, an indirect technique that requires additional assumptions about the upper end of the mass function. However, our own analysis shows that the M_max method gives a result consistent with our direct counting method for clusters in the LMC, namely chi(t) propto t^-0.8 for t<10^9 yr. The reason for the apparent discrepancy is that our analysis includes many massive (M>1.5x10^3 M_sol), recently formed (t<10^7 yr) clusters, which are known to exist in the LMC, whereas Gieles & Bastian are missing such clusters. We compile recent results from the literature showing that the age distribution of young star clusters in more than a dozen galaxies, including dwarf and giant galaxies, isolated and interacting galaxies, irregular and spiral galaxies, has a similar declining shape. We interpret this approximately "universal" shape as due primarily to the progressive disruption of star clusters over their first ~few x 10^8 yr, starting soon after formation, and discuss some observational and physical implications of this early disruption for stellar populations in galaxies.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, published in the Astrophysical Journal, volume 713, page 134

    New Tests for Disruption Mechanisms of Star Clusters: Methods and Application to the Antennae Galaxies

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    We present new tests for disruption mechanisms of star clusters based on the bivariate mass-age distribution g(M,\tau). In particular, we derive formulae for g(M,\tau) for two idealized models in which the rate of disruption depends on the masses of the clusters and one in which it does not. We then compare these models with our Hubble Space Telescope observations of star clusters in the Antennae galaxies over the mass-age domain in which we can readily distinguish clusters from individual stars: \tau\la10^7(M/10^4 M_{\odot})^{1.3} yr. We find that the models with mass-dependent disruption are poor fits to the data, even with complete freedom to adjust several parameters, while the model with mass-independent disruption is a good fit. The successful model has the simple form g(M,\tau) \propto M^{-2} \tau^{-1}, with power-law mass and age distributions, dN/dM propto M^{-2} and dN/d\tau\propto\tau^{-1}. The predicted luminosity function is also a power law, dN/dL \propto L^{-2}, in good agreement with our observations of the Antennae clusters. The similarity of the mass functions of star clusters and molecular clouds indicates that the efficiency of star formation in the clouds is roughly independent of their masses. The age distribution of the massive young clusters is plausibly explained by the following combination of disruption mechanisms: (1) removal of interstellar material by stellar feedback, \tau \la 10^7$ yr; (2) continued stellar mass loss, 10^7 yr \la \tau \la 10^8 yr; (3), tidal disturbances by passing molecular clouds, \tau \ga 10^8 yr. None of these processes is expected to have a strong dependence on mass, consistent with our observations of the Antennae clusters. We speculate that this simple picture also applies--at least approximately--to the clusters in many other galaxies.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures; Published in the Asrophysical Journal, volume 704, pages 453-46

    The Age Distribution of Massive Star Clusters in the Antennae Galaxies

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    We determine the age distribution of star clusters in the Antennae galaxies (NGC 4038/9) for two mass-limited samples (M > 3 x 10^4 M_{\odot} and M > 2 x 10^5 M_{\odot}). This is based on integrated broadband UBVI and narrowband H-alpha photometry from deep images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. We find that the age distribution of the clusters declines steeply, approximately as dN/d\tau \propto \tau^{-1}. The median age of the clusters is ~10^7 yr, which we interpret as evidence for rapid disruption ("infant mortality"). It is very likely that most of the young clusters are not gravitationally bound and were disrupted near the times they formed by the energy and momentum input from young stars to the interstellar matter of the protoclusters. At least 20% and possibly all stars form in clusters and/or associations, including those that are unbound and short-lived.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the ApJ Letters; Submitted 2004 July 29; accepted 2005 August

    First Starbursts at high redshift: Formation of globular clusters

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    Numerical simulations of a Milky Way-size galaxy demonstrate that globular clusters with the properties similar to observed can form naturally at z > 3 in the concordance Lambda-CDM cosmology. The clusters in our model form in the strongly baryon-dominated cores of supergiant molecular clouds. The first clusters form at z = 12, while the peak formation appears to be at z = 3-5. The zero-age mass function of globular clusters can be approximated by a power-law dN/dM ~ M^-2, in agreement with observations of young massive star clusters.Comment: 4 pages, proceedings of the "Multi-Wavelength Cosmology" meeting, June 200

    Air data position-error calibration using state reconstruction techniques

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    During the highly maneuverable aircraft technology (HiMAT) flight test program recently completed at NASA Ames Research Center's Dryden Flight Research Facility, numerous problems were experienced in airspeed calibration. This necessitated the use of state reconstruction techniques to arrive at a position-error calibration. For the HiMAT aircraft, most of the calibration effort was expended on flights in which the air data pressure transducers were not performing accurately. Following discovery of this problem, the air data transducers of both aircraft were wrapped in heater blankets to correct the problem. Additional calibration flights were performed, and from the resulting data a satisfactory position-error calibration was obtained. This calibration and data obtained before installation of the heater blankets were used to develop an alternate calibration method. The alternate approach took advantage of high-quality inertial data that was readily available. A linearized Kalman filter (LKF) was used to reconstruct the aircraft's wind-relative trajectory; the trajectory was then used to separate transducer measurement errors from the aircraft position error. This calibration method is accurate and inexpensive. The LKF technique has an inherent advantage of requiring that no flight maneuvers be specially designed for airspeed calibrations. It is of particular use when the measurements of the wind-relative quantities are suspected to have transducer-related errors

    Flight and wind-tunnel comparisons of the inlet-airframe interaction of the F-15 airplane

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    The design of inlets and nozzles and their interactions with the airplane which may account for a large percentage of the total drag of modern high performance aircraft is discussed. The inlet/airframe interactions program and the flight tests conducted is described. Inlet drag and lift data from a 7.5% wind-tunnel model are compared with data from an F-15 airplane with instrumentation to match the model. Pressure coefficient variations with variable cowl angles, capture ratios, examples of flow interactions and angles of attack are for Mach numbers of 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, and 1.5 are presented

    The effects of organic farming on the soil physical environment

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of organic farming practices on the development of soil physical properties, and in particular, soil structure in comparison with conventional agricultural management. The soil structure of organically and conventionally managed soils at one site was compared in a quantitative manner at different scales of observations using image analysis. Key soil physical and chemical properties were measured as well as the pore fractal geometry to characterise pore roughness. Organically managed soils had higher organic matter content and provided a more stable soil structure than conventionally managed soils. The higher porosity (%) at the macroscale in soil under conventional management was due to fewer larger pores while mesoand microscale porosity was found to be greater under organic management. Organically managed soils typically provided spatially well distributed pores of all sizes and of greater roughness compared to those under conventional management. These variations in the soil physical environment are likely to impact significantly on the performance of these soils for a number of key processes such as crop establishment and water availabilit

    Dynamical Masses of Young Star Clusters in NGC 4038/4039

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    In order to estimate the masses of the compact, young star clusters in the merging galaxy pair, NGC 4038/4039 (``the Antennae''), we have obtained medium and high resolution spectroscopy using ISAAC on VLT-UT1 and UVES on VLT-UT2 of five such clusters. The velocity dispersions were estimated using the stellar absorption features of CO at 2.29 microns and metal absorption lines at around 8500 \AA, including lines of the Calcium Triplet. The size scales and light profiles were measured from HST images. From these data and assuming Virial equilibrium, we estimated the masses of five clusters. The resulting masses range from 6.5 x 10^5 to 4.7 x 10^6 M_sun. These masses are large, factor of a few to more than 10 larger than the typical mass of a globular cluster in the Milky Way. The mass-to-light ratios for these clusters in the V- and K-bands in comparison with stellar synthesis models suggest that to first order the IMF slopes are approximately consistent with Salpeter for a mass range of 0.1 to 100 M_sun. However, the clusters show a significant range of possible IMF slopes or lower mass cut-offs and that these variations may correlate with the interstellar environment of the cluster. Comparison with the results of Fokker-Planck simulations of compact clusters with properties similar to the clusters studied here, suggest that they are likely to be long-lived and may lose a substantial fraction of their total mass. This mass loss would make the star clusters obtain masses which are comparable to the typical mass of a globular cluster.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, A&A accepte