224 research outputs found

    Standard industrial guideline for mechatronic product design

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    Danas, moderni proizvodi predstavljaju sveobuhvatne mehaničke sisteme sa kompletnom integrisanom elektronikom i informacionom tehnologijom (IT). Takvi proizvodi, koji se smatraju mehatroničkim proizvodima, zahtevaju drugi pristup za efikasan razvoj kao čisto mehanički, elektronski-električni ili IT proizvodi. Industrijski i naučni razvoj mehatroničkih proizvoda dovode do značajnog iskustva i kao prirodna posledica primene industrijskih uputstava pojavljuje se u projektovanju proizvoda kao što su mehatronički proizvodi. Široko prihvaćena industrijska uputstva predlažu važne korake i mere sa ciljem efikasnog finaliziranja i sa cenom prihvatljivih mehatroničkih proizvoda. Na kraju, pored prezentacije i komentara na predstavljena industrijska uputstva, ilustrovana je praktična primena na primeru veš mašina. .Modern products are comprehensive mechanical systems with fully integrated electronics and information technology (IT). Such products, which are considered mechatronic products, demand another approach for efficient development as pure mechanical, electronic/electric and IT products. Industrial and scientific evolutions of mechatronic products have led to substantial experience and as a natural consequence industrial guideline have emerged for the product design of mechatronic products. Widely accepted industrial guidelines proposed crucial steps and measures to finalize efficient and cost-efficient mechatronic products. Aside from the presentation of and comments on such industrial guidelines, some examples for practical application are also given - washing machines.

    Standard industrial guideline for mechatronic product design

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    Danas, moderni proizvodi predstavljaju sveobuhvatne mehaničke sisteme sa kompletnom integrisanom elektronikom i informacionom tehnologijom (IT). Takvi proizvodi, koji se smatraju mehatroničkim proizvodima, zahtevaju drugi pristup za efikasan razvoj kao čisto mehanički, elektronski-električni ili IT proizvodi. Industrijski i naučni razvoj mehatroničkih proizvoda dovode do značajnog iskustva i kao prirodna posledica primene industrijskih uputstava pojavljuje se u projektovanju proizvoda kao što su mehatronički proizvodi. Široko prihvaćena industrijska uputstva predlažu važne korake i mere sa ciljem efikasnog finaliziranja i sa cenom prihvatljivih mehatroničkih proizvoda. Na kraju, pored prezentacije i komentara na predstavljena industrijska uputstva, ilustrovana je praktična primena na primeru veš mašina. .Modern products are comprehensive mechanical systems with fully integrated electronics and information technology (IT). Such products, which are considered mechatronic products, demand another approach for efficient development as pure mechanical, electronic/electric and IT products. Industrial and scientific evolutions of mechatronic products have led to substantial experience and as a natural consequence industrial guideline have emerged for the product design of mechatronic products. Widely accepted industrial guidelines proposed crucial steps and measures to finalize efficient and cost-efficient mechatronic products. Aside from the presentation of and comments on such industrial guidelines, some examples for practical application are also given - washing machines.

    Probabilistic analysis of voltage divider ratios

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    Tolerancija modernih otpornika obično varira od 0.1% do 1 %. Sa probabilističke tačke gledišta to znači da se odgovarajući otpor može posmatrati kao slučajna promenljiva sa odgovarajućom funkcijom gustine raspodele verovatnoće (PDF). Dobijen je izraz za PDF za odnos prenosa dvo-otporničkog razdelničkog napona, kada je otporima u razdelniku dodeljena uniformna raspodela. Grafikoni dobijeni analitičkim izrazima, za različite kombinacije nominalnih otpora i tolerancije dvaju otpornika, upoređeni su sa onima dobijenim numeričkim simulacijama. Asimetrični karakter dobijenog rezultantnog PDF-a, uzrokovan nelinearnošću funkcije razdelničkog kola, implicira da se nominalna, srednja i najverovatnija vrednost razdelničkog odnosa mogu razlikovati. Za normalnu raspodelu otpora u dvootporničkom razdelniku, analitički pristup postaje složen, dok Monte Karlo simulacije lako daju grafikone naponskih odnosa PDF-a i izračunavaju vrednosti njihovih parametara.Tolerance of modern resistors typically ranges from 0.1% to 1%. From the probabilistic viewpoint, this is taken to mean that the corresponding resistance can be treated as a random variable, with an appropriate probability density function (PDF). We derive an expression for the PDF of a two-resistor voltage divider's transfer ratio, when the resistances in the divider are assigned uniform distributions. Plots of the obtained analytical expression, for various combinations of nominal resistances and tolerances of the two resistors, are compared to those produced by numerical (Monte Carlo) simulations. The asymmetrical character of the obtained resultant PDF, caused by non-linearity of the divider's circuit function, implies that the nominal, the mean and the most probable value of the divider's ratio can all differ. For normally distributed resistances in the two-resistor divider, analytical approach becomes complex, while Monte Carlo simulations readily provide the plots of voltage ratio PDFs and calculate the values of their parameters

    Probabilistic analysis of voltage divider ratios

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    Tolerancija modernih otpornika obično varira od 0.1% do 1 %. Sa probabilističke tačke gledišta to znači da se odgovarajući otpor može posmatrati kao slučajna promenljiva sa odgovarajućom funkcijom gustine raspodele verovatnoće (PDF). Dobijen je izraz za PDF za odnos prenosa dvo-otporničkog razdelničkog napona, kada je otporima u razdelniku dodeljena uniformna raspodela. Grafikoni dobijeni analitičkim izrazima, za različite kombinacije nominalnih otpora i tolerancije dvaju otpornika, upoređeni su sa onima dobijenim numeričkim simulacijama. Asimetrični karakter dobijenog rezultantnog PDF-a, uzrokovan nelinearnošću funkcije razdelničkog kola, implicira da se nominalna, srednja i najverovatnija vrednost razdelničkog odnosa mogu razlikovati. Za normalnu raspodelu otpora u dvootporničkom razdelniku, analitički pristup postaje složen, dok Monte Karlo simulacije lako daju grafikone naponskih odnosa PDF-a i izračunavaju vrednosti njihovih parametara.Tolerance of modern resistors typically ranges from 0.1% to 1%. From the probabilistic viewpoint, this is taken to mean that the corresponding resistance can be treated as a random variable, with an appropriate probability density function (PDF). We derive an expression for the PDF of a two-resistor voltage divider's transfer ratio, when the resistances in the divider are assigned uniform distributions. Plots of the obtained analytical expression, for various combinations of nominal resistances and tolerances of the two resistors, are compared to those produced by numerical (Monte Carlo) simulations. The asymmetrical character of the obtained resultant PDF, caused by non-linearity of the divider's circuit function, implies that the nominal, the mean and the most probable value of the divider's ratio can all differ. For normally distributed resistances in the two-resistor divider, analytical approach becomes complex, while Monte Carlo simulations readily provide the plots of voltage ratio PDFs and calculate the values of their parameters

    Influence of international security actors on reformulating the national security of Western Balkan countries

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    Међународна безбедност завршетком хладног рата, губи своју утемељеност и „сигурност” у постојећем свету подељеном на два супротстављена блока. Иако супротстављена, та два блока давала су својим чланицама јасну представу ко је непријатељ, одакле прете опасности, како се доживљавају и како могу да се спрече. Данас то више није случај. У савременом „глобализованом свету“, поред постојања традиционалних претњи (ратови унутар и између држава) суочени смо и са асиметричним претњама које су последица употребе нових технологија и пораста утицаја нетрадиционалних претњи (организовани криминал, тероризам, еколошке и демографске претње и др.). У том смислу традиционални концепт безбедности постаје неефикасан инструмент у решавању безбедносних проблема, а редефинисање појма безбедности и успостављање међународног или колективног безбедносног система на новим основама постаје императив. Због бројних и разноврсних безбедносних проблема, различитог нивоа повезаности безбедносних изазова и претњи и њиховог ризичног регулисања и међународном поимању безбедности, последњих година у оптицају је термин „Западни Балкан“. У XX веку овај регион је био поприште нестабилности, сукоба и ратова. У тим догађајима створени су специфични односи између појединих народа и држава који су резултирали непријатељствима, мржњом, неповерењем и немогућношћу успостављања стабилних добросуседских односа заснованих на повезаности и сарадњи, а које би могле довести до успостављања демократских тековина тих друштава и обезбеђења просперитета. Наслеђени проблеми из прошлости, историјске противречности, као и последице сукобљавања народа на простору Балкана и данас утичу на стање безбедности у региону. Савремени изазови, ризици и претње захтевају сагледавање новог места и улоге Западног Балкана, а пре свега Босне и Херцеговине, Републике Македоније, Републике Србије и Црне Горе, у контексту међународних интеграционих процеса. О проблему укључења наведених земаља Западног Балкана у евроатлантске интеграције постоје многе економске, политичке, социјалне, војне и друге расправе и схватања на различитим нивоима и са различитих аспеката разматрања овог пихања, али њиховом дубљом анализом уочавамо да нигде нема јединственог става о начину укључења у интеграционе процесе...At the end of the Cold War, international security loses its well-foundedness and “safety” in the existing world divided in two opposing blocks. In spite of being mutually opposed, the two blocks presented to their respective member states a clear picture of who the enemy was, where the threats came from and how these could be perceived and prevented. Nowadays, it is no longer the case. In the modem “globalised world”, in addition to traditional threats (wars waged inside one or between different states) we are faced with asymmetric threats that are the consequence of the utilisation of new technologies and the increased influence of non-traditional threats (organised crime, terrorism, environmental and demographic threats, etc). In this respect, the traditional concept of security becomes an inefficient tool in terms of addressing security issues, and the reformulation of the notion of security and the establishment of an international or collective security system with new foundations becomes an imperative. Due to numerous and diverse security issues, different levels of linkage between security challenges and threats and the risky management thereof, and the international understanding of security, the term “Western Balkans” has been used for several years now. Throughout 20th century, this region was the arena of insecurity, conflicts and wars. Through these events, special relations between particular peoples and states were generated resulting in hostilities, hatred, distrust and impossibility to establish good neighbourly relations that rest on bonds and cooperation and that could have lead to setting up democratic achievements of those societies and ensured prosperity. The problems handed down from the past, historic contradictions, and the consequences of the conflicts between the peoples in the Balkan area still affect the security situation in the region. Contemporary challenges, risks and threats require the comprehension of the new position and role of the Western Balkans, and those Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro in particular, in the context of international integration processes. There are numerous economic, political, social, military and other types of debates and perceptions of the issue of the Euro-Atlantic integration of the said Western Balkan countries on different levels and from different points of view in terms of considering this issue, but through a deeper analysis thereof, we see that there is no single stance about the method of integration..

    Uticaj finansijskih tržišta na kvalitet makroekonomskih performansi Republike Srbije i zemalja Centralne Evrope

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    Developed and stable financial system is a key factor in economic development and one of the most important indicators of national economy development, which also indicates the participation of countries in international economic flows. It is undisputed that there is interdependence between economic development and financial system development, as confirmed by numerous empirical studies, because the optimal allocation of financial resources has a stimulating effect on the business sector efficiency and overall economic development. Financial market is a place of demands for diversification, in which the participants, at the micro level, want to ensure the optimal option for their business activities implementation, while at the macro level that provides a higher quality of macroeconomic performances. Financial stability ensures an efficient resources allocation and the achievement of key macroeconomic functions. Maintaining financial stability is necessary during prospective periods and in times of crisis, because the financial sector is an essential component of national economy, with a huge potential to strengthen and support economic growth or to undermine the economic stability of the country, whatgreat economic depressions through history confirmed. The financial system of European transition economies is not sufficiently developed, with a weak correlation between the financial system and the real economy, which has become particularly evident inconditions of modern economic crisis. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation is to examine financial system’s contribution to macroeconomic stabilization, especially in the conditions of transition to market economies in European countries, with reference to characteristics of developed market systems and specificity of their financial markets. The financial system in the Republic of Serbia is based on the dominance of banking sector, which was characterized by rapid growth in bank lending activity from 2003, until the outbreak of the Global crisis and the exposure to turbulence due to bad loans. That is the starting benchmark for research to find answers to the question of whether the development of the financial markets had an impact on the quality of macroeconomic performances in the previous thirteen–year transition period. Efficient functioning of the financial system provides the macroeconomic efficiency, while the better macroeconomic performances contribute to a more efficient financial system. Without developed financial markets and financial institutions, economic dynamics of modern market economies would show a negative trend in the long term. The aim of this dissertation is to review the experiences of modern market economies and selected countries of Central Europe (Abbreviation CE5 includes selected countries of Central Europe: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia), examine the interdependence of the financial system and the macroeconomics performances and prospects of different ways of financing the economy of the Republic of Serbia

    X-ray computed micro tomography as complementary method for the characterization of activated porous ceramic preforms

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    X-ray computed micro tomography (CT) is an alternative technique to the classical methods such as mercury intrusion (MIP) and gas pycnometry (HP) to obtain the porosity, pore-size distribution, and density of porous materials. Besides the advantage of being a nondestructive method, it gives not only bulk properties, but also spatially resolved information. In the present work, uniaxially pressed porous alumina performs activated by titanium were analyzed with both the classical techniques and CT. The benefits and disadvantages of the applied measurement techniques were pointed out and discussed. With the generated data, development was proposed for an infiltration model under ideal conditions for the production of metal matrix composites (MMC) by pressureless melt infiltration of porous ceramic preforms. Therefore, the reliability of the results, received from different investigation techniques, was proved statistically and stereologicall

    Improvement possibilities of the I-V characteristics of PIN photodiodes damaged by gamma irradiation

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    This paper presents the behavior of PIN photodiodes after combined gamma and neutron irradiation. Different types of PIN photodiodes have been exposed first to gamma and then to neutron irradiation. I-V characteristics (current dependence on voltage) of photodiodes have been measured after each of these irradiations. It has been noted that the photocurrent level after the neutron irradiation is higher than before it, which is not consistent with the current theories about the effects of neutron radiation on semiconductors. In order to explain this behavior of the photodiodes, the Monte Carlo simulation of photon transport through the material has been used. It is proposed that a possible cause for current enhancement are defects in semiconductor created by gamma irradiation and effects of neutron irradiation on these defects. The results can be explained by an intercentre transfer of charge between defects in close proximity to each other. The aim of this paper is to investigate the improvement possibilities of the I-V characteristics of PIN photodiodes, and photodetectors in general, damaged by gamma irradiation. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 171007


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    The influence of the berry size on the skin anthocyanins content of the black wine grape varieties Cabernet sauvignon (clone 169), Merlot (clone 348) and Pinot noir (clone 115) was studied. Research was conducted in vineyard of Experimental estate “Radmilovac” and  in the laboratory of  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. The aim of the research was the determination of an anthocyanin of malvidin-3-glucoside on the berry skin. For all three varieties, berries were separated into three categories: small, medium and large. Based on the results, the goal was to compare the berry skin anthocyanin content of different sizes of berries. Determination of fertility coefficients, yield indicators, analysis of the composition and structure of clusters and berries and the content of sugars and total acids were performed regularly. The obtained results on the content anthocyanin of malvidin-3-glucoside were expressed in mg/g skin fresh weight. Varieties Cabernet sauvignon and Pinot noir had an expected result, meaning that the highest anthocyanin content was recorded in the smallest berries (diameter < 7.5 mm). For the Merlot variety, the highest anthocyanin content was observed in the medium berries (diameter 7.6 – 10 mm). The lowest anthocyanin content in varieties Cabernet sauvignon and Merlot was obtained in the largest berries (diameter > 10.1 mm), which was the expected result, while in the Pinot noir variety the lowest anthocyanin content was registered in the medium category (diameter 7.6 – 10 mm). Variety Cabernet sauvignon (clone 169) showed the highest anthocyanins content (average 6.871 mg/g fresh skin weigh), followed by Merlot variety, clone 348 (average 4.61 mg/g fresh skin weigh), whereas the lowest anthocyanin content was observed in Pinot noir, clone 115 (average 4.05 mg/g fresh skin weigh)