3,314 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic Properties of Block Copolymer Electrolytes Containing Imidazolium and Lithium Salts

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    We report on the thermal properties, phase behavior, and thermodynamics of a series of polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene oxide) copolymers (SEO) mixed with the ionic species Li[N(SO_(2)CF_3)_2] (LiTFSI), imidazolium TFSI (ImTFSI), and an equimolar mixture of LiTFSI and ImTFSI (Mix). Differential scanning calorimetric scans reveal similar thermal behavior of SEO/LiTFSI and SEO/ImTFSI at the same salt concentrations. Phase behavior and thermodynamics were determined using a combination of small-angle X-ray scattering and birefringence. The thermodynamics of our mixtures can be mapped on to the theory of neat block copolymer phase behavior provided the Flory−Huggins interaction parameter, χ, between the blocks is replaced by an effective χ (χ_(eff)) that increases linearly with salt concentration. The phase behavior and the value of m, the slope of the χ_(eff) versus salt concentration data, were similar for SEO/LiTFSI, SEO/ImTFSI, and SEO/Mix blends. The theory developed by Wang [ J. Phys. Chem. B. 2008, 41, 16205] provides a basis for understanding the fundamental underpinnings of the measured value of m. We compare our experimental results with the predictions of this theory with no adjustable parameters

    Nota previa sobre el Pérmico de la Cordillera Ibérica y bordes del Sistema Central

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    The principal stratigraphic characteristics from severa1 per- mian oatcrops from the Bordes del Macizo Central and Cor- dillera Ibérica are described here. The comparative study of these series, as well as the data apported by previous works allow certain conclusions about development of the sedimen- tation during the Permian and the limit between that system and the Trias

    Pérmico continental en España

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    [ES] Los conocimientos que hasta el momento se poseen, indican que en España el PĂ©rmico estĂĄ representado por el «Autuniense» (Rotliegendes Inferior) en facies grises caracterĂ­sticas y por formaciones rojas que son atribuidas al «Saxoniense» (Rotliegendes Superior). El PĂ©rmico Superior sĂłlo ha sido citado en muy escasos puntos. En general, estĂĄ constituido por series detrĂ­ticas, cuyo tamaño va desde la arcilla, hasta conglomerados de gruesos bloques. Frecuentemente se intercalan rocas volcĂĄnicas de diversos tipos. Su potencia es muy variable, pudiendo llegar a alcanzar espesores de mĂĄs de 2.000 m. Su deposiciĂłn se realiza en cuencas continentales condicionadas normalmente por la tectĂłnica tardihercinica. Todas sus caracterĂ­sticas, asĂ­ como los problemas que plantea su cronoestratigrafia son muy similares a los del PĂ©rmico de Europa Occidental.[FR] Les connaissances aujourd’hui acquisses indiquent quen Espagne, le Permien est rĂ©presente par «l’Autunien» (Rotliegendes Infericur) en facies gris characteritiques et par des formations rouges atribuĂ©es au «Saxonien» (Rotliegendes Superieur). Le Permien Supericur a Ă©tĂ© identifle seulement dans quelques points. En general, les sĂ©ries sont constituĂ©es par des seditnents dĂ©tritiques, des les argiles juqua les conglomerats; frequentment on trouve des passĂ©es volcaniques de type divers. Sa puissance est tres variable, jusqua 2.000 metres maximum; sa deposition prend lieu dans bassins continentaux controlĂ©s normalement par la tectonique tardihercynienne. Ses characteritiques et ses problemes sont tres similaires a ceux du Permien de lEurope Occidentale.[EN] The present data show that the Spanish Permian is represented by the «Autunian» (Lower Rotliegendes) in a typical grey facies and redbeds similar to the «Saxonian» (Upper Rotliegendes). The Upper Permian has been found only in a very few points. In general it is made of detrital series, from clays to conglomerates; some volcanĂ­c levels are found. Tickness is very variable, up to 2.000 meters. Sedimentation takes place in continental basins, tectonically con troled 1w the tardihercynian pbases. Their caracteristics and problenis are similar to the ones of Western European Permian.Peer reviewe

    AntropoestratigrafĂ­a: nuevas unidades litolĂłgicas del Cuaternario controladas por la actividad humana

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    Many areas around the world such as the Mediterranean region have been inhabited without interruption for thousands of years. This is the case of the city of Barcelona (Spain), where remains of human settlements dating from pre-Roman times until the present have been found. A detailed geological mapping of the area occupied by the city of Barcelona raises a number of questions about the Holocene stratigraphy affected by human activity. In the old urban and surrounding areas most of the sedimentary deposits accumulated during settlement result from human interactions. Thus, new anthropostratigraphic units are proposed. The sedimentary deposits and the infill of rock excavations due to human presence may be divided into three categories: Natural lithoanthropogenic units (NAU) when their formation is not directly affected by anthropogenic activity but these contain artefacts of human origin. Induced lithoanthropogenic units (IAU) when natural processes together with human actions produce sedimentation or erosion due to natural phenomena; Constructed lithoanthropogenic units (CAU) when sedimentary accumulations and sharp contacts result from direct human activity.A lo largo de todo el globo terrestre, existen muchas zonas como la región mediterrånea que han sido habitadas ininterrumpidamente durante miles de años. Este es el caso de la ciudad de Barcelona donde se han encontrado restos de asentamientos humanos desde los tiempos pre-romanos hasta la actualidad. Un mapa geológico detallado de la zona ocupada por la ciudad de Barcelona plantea una serie de interrogantes sobre la estratigrafía del Holoceno influenciado por la actividad humana. En la zona urbana antigua y en åreas circundantes, la mayoría de los depósitos acumulados durante el asentamiento se han producido por las interacciones humanas. Por tanto, se proponen nuevas unidades antropoestratigråficas. Los depósitos sedimentarios así como los rellenos de lasexcavaciones debidos a la presencia humana pueden ser divididos en tres categorías: Unidades litoantropogénicas naturales (NAU) cuando su generación no ha sido afectada directamente por la actividad humana, pero contienen diversos artefactos artificiales. Unidades litoantropogénicas inducidas (IAU) cuando los procesos naturales junto a las acciones humanas producen sedimentación o erosión debido a los fenómenos naturales. Unidades litoantropogénicas construidas (CAU) cuando las acumulaciones sedimentarias y los contactos nítidos son el resultado de la actividad humana directa

    Long-living optical gain induced by solvent viscosity in a push-pull molecule

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    The combination of continuum and ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy with DFT and TDDFT calculations, in viscous and non-viscous environments, is effective in unraveling important features of the twisted intramolecular charge transfer mechanism in a new push-pull molecule that possesses aggregation induced emission properties. Long-living optical gain is found when this mechanism is inhibited, highlighting the importance of the environment rigidity in the design of materials for photonic applications

    Hidradenitis suppurativa: guidelines of the Italian Society of Dermatology and Venereology (SIDeMaST) for the use of anti-TNF-α agents.

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    Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by nodules, abscesses and sinus tracts, primarily affecting the intertriginous areas. The occlusion of the upper part of the folliculopilosebaceous unit, leading to rupture of the sebofollicular canal with the consequent development of perifollicular lympho-histiocytic inflammation, is believed to be the initial pathogenic event in HS. Giving the chronic nature of HS, its destructive impact on social, working and daily life of patients, its management is often frustrating both for patients and physicians. The HS treatment choices are influenced by disease severity and its individual subjective impact. In this article, the Board of the Italian Society of Dermatology and Venereology (SIDeMaST) on HS has prepared a document focusing on the role of biologic drugs (anti-TNF-α) in HS management, providing also a flow-chart for HS handling and the inclusion and exclusion criteria for HS treatment with anti-TNF-α

    Optic nerve head and fibre layer imaging for diagnosing glaucoma

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    Background The diagnosis of glaucoma is traditionally based on the finding of optic nerve head (ONH) damage assessed subjectively by ophthalmoscopy or photography or by corresponding damage to the visual field assessed by automated perimetry, or both. Diagnostic assessments are usually required when ophthalmologists or primary eye care professionals find elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) or a suspect appearance of the ONH. Imaging tests such as confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (HRT), optical coherence tomography (OCT) and scanning laser polarimetry (SLP, as used by the GDx instrument), provide an objective measure of the structural changes of retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness and ONH parameters occurring in glaucoma. Objectives To determine the diagnostic accuracy of HRT, OCT and GDx for diagnosing manifest glaucoma by detecting ONH and RNFL damage. Search methods We searched several databases for this review. The most recent searches were on 19 February 2015. Selection criteria We included prospective and retrospective cohort studies and case-control studies that evaluated the accuracy of OCT, HRT or the GDx for diagnosing glaucoma. We excluded population-based screening studies, since we planned to consider studies on self-referred people or participants in whom a risk factor for glaucoma had already been identified in primary care, such as elevated IOP or a family history of glaucoma. We only considered recent commercial versions of the tests: spectral domain OCT, HRT III and GDx VCC or Data collection and analysis We adopted standard Cochrane methods. We fitted a hierarchical summary ROC (HSROC) model using the METADAS macro in SAS software. After studies were selected, we decided to use 2 x 2 data at 0.95 specificity or closer in meta-analyses, since this was the most commonly-reported level. Main results We included 106 studies in this review, which analysed 16,260 eyes (8353 cases, 7907 controls) in total. Forty studies (5574 participants) assessed GDx, 18 studies (3550 participants) HRT, and 63 (9390 participants) OCT, with 12 of these studies comparing two or three tests. Regarding study quality, a case-control design in 103 studies raised concerns as it can overestimate accuracy and reduce the applicability of the results to daily practice. Twenty-four studies were sponsored by the manufacturer, and in 15 the potential conflict of interest was unclear. Comparisons made within each test were more reliable than those between tests, as they were mostly based on direct comparisons within each study. The Nerve Fibre Indicator yielded the highest accuracy (estimate, 95% confidence interval (CI)) among GDx parameters (sensitivity: 0.67, 0.55 to 0.77; specificity: 0.94, 0.92 to 0.95). For HRT measures, the Vertical Cup/Disc (C/D) ratio (sensitivity: 0.72, 0.60 to 0.68; specificity: 0.94, 0.92 to 0.95) was no different from other parameters. With OCT, the accuracy of average RNFL retinal thickness was similar to the inferior sector (0.72, 0.65 to 0.77; specificity: 0.93, 0.92 to 0.95) and, in different studies, to the vertical C/D ratio. Comparing the parameters with the highest diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) for each device in a single HSROC model, the performance of GDx, HRT and OCT was remarkably similar. At a sensitivity of 0.70 and a high specificity close to 0.95 as in most of these studies, in 1000 people referred by primary eye care, of whom 200 have manifest glaucoma, such as in those who have already undergone some functional or anatomic testing by optometrists, the best measures of GDx, HRT and OCT would miss about 60 cases out of the 200 patients with glaucoma, and would incorrectly refer 50 out of 800 patients without glaucoma. If prevalence were 5%, e.g. such as in people referred only because of family history of glaucoma, the corresponding figures would be 15 patients missed out of 50 with manifest glaucoma, avoiding referral of about 890 out of 950 non-glaucomatous people. Heterogeneity investigations found that sensitivity estimate was higher for studies with more severe glaucoma, expressed as worse average mean deviation (MD): 0.79 (0.74 to 0.83) for MD < -6 db versus 0.64 (0.60 to 0.69) for MD >=-6 db, at a similar summary specificity (0.93, 95% CI 0.92 to 0.94 and, respectively, 0.94; 95% CI 0.93 to 0.95; P < 0.0001 for the difference in relative DOR). Authors' conclusions The accuracy of imaging tests for detecting manifest glaucoma was variable across studies, but overall similar for different devices. Accuracy may have been overestimated due to the case-control design, which is a serious limitation of the current evidence base. We recommend that further diagnostic accuracy studies are carried out on patients selected consecutively at a defined step of the clinical pathway, providing a description of risk factors leading to referral and bearing in mind the consequences of false positives and false negatives in the setting in which the diagnostic question is made. Future research should report accuracy for each threshold of these continuous measures, or publish raw data
