43 research outputs found

    Пам'яті Ігоря Васильовича Попадюка (1954—2020)

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    Paleostress field reconstruction and revised tectonic history of the Donbas fold and thrust belt (Ukraine and Russia).

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    In the WNW-ESE Donbas fold belt (DF), inversion of 3500 microtectonic data collected at 135 sites, in Proterozoic, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Cretaceous competent rocks allowed reconstruction of 123 local stress states. Accordingly, four successive paleostress fields reveal the tectonic evolution of the DF. At the numerous sites that have been affected by polyphase tectonics, the chronology between local paleostress states (also paleostress fields) was established using classical criteria (crosscutting striae, pre- or post-folding stress states, stratigraphic control). The oldest event is an extensional stress field with NNE-SSW σ<inf>3</inf>. It corresponds to the rifting phases that generated the basin in Devonian times and its early Visean reactivation. Later, the DF was affected by a transtension, with NW-SE σ<inf>3</inf> characterizing Early Permian tectonism, including the development of the "Main Anticline" of the DF and the pronounced uplift of its southern margin and Ukrainian Shield. Two paleostress fields characterize the Cretaceous/Paleocene inversion of the DF, which was accompanied by folding and thrusting. Both are compressional in type but differ by the trend of σ<inf>1</inf>, which was first NW-SE and subsequently N-S. The discrete paleostress history of the DF allows a revised interpretation of its tectonic evolution with significant implications for understanding the geodynamic evolution of the southern margin of the East European Craton. Copyright 2003 by the American Geophysical Union

    Quantification du contrôle des séquences par la tectonique et l’eustatisme dans le bassin du Dniepr-Donets et sur la plate-forme russe pendant le Carbonifère et le Permien

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    Introduction. – Une analyse quantitative comparative de la subsidence dans les bassins d’âge paléozoïque supérieur de Moscou (MB) et du Dniepr-Donets (DDB) apporte une vision nouvelle sur l’importance relative de la tectonique et de l’eustatisme comme contrôle de la sédimentation et du fonctionnement de ces bassins. Les résultats publiés sur le segment du Dniepr [Stovba et al., 1995 ; van Wees et al., 1996] sont comparés à de nouveaux résultats provenant du MB et de la partie orientale du DDB (segments du Donets et du Donbass) en utilisant le programme AQUASUB du BRGM. Le bassin de Moscou (MB). – Le MB est situé dans la partie occidentale de la plate-forme russe (fig. 1). Le Carbonifère (fig. 2) y est représenté par environ 650 m de sédiments principalement carbonatés d’origine marine. Une lacune stratigraphique et une érosion importante y sont connues entre le Serpukhovien et le Bashkirien supérieur. La figure 2 présente les séquences du second ordre du MB [Briand et al., 1998] et leur corrélation avec les séquences glaciaires et interglaciaires du Gondwana [Lopez-Gamundi, 1997]. La subsidence totale du Carbonifère (courbe SUTO, fig. 3A) est d’environ 750 m et la subsidence tectonique sous eau (courbe SUTE, fig. 3A) est d’environ la moitié de cette valeur. Deux phases de subsidence sont identifiables : la première du Tournaisien au Bashkirien inférieur avec un faible taux de subsidence tectonique (2 m/Ma) et la seconde du Bashkirien supérieur à l’Assélien avec un taux un peu plus important de subsidence tectonique (22 m/Ma). La méthode proposée par Middleton [1980] pour les bassins intracratoniques américains fut utilisée pour modéliser la subsidence tectonique observée dans le MB (fig. 3B). Le modèle est caractérisé par une phase de subsidence initiale plus faible pendant la période de chauffage de la lithosphère que lors de la seconde phase de subsidence thermique pendant le refroidissement de la lithosphère. Le rapport entre la variation eustatique du niveau marin (DSLE, fig. 3A) et la subsidence tectonique à l’air libre (SUAL) permet de calculer le rapport eustatisme/ tectonique (E/T) qui est égal à 4 en faveur de l’eustatisme pendant la première phase et à 0,3 à l’avantage de la tectonique pendant la deuxième phase. La phase de subsidence 1 correspond aux séquences du second ordre D, 0 et I et la phase 2 aux séquences II à VII. Le bassin du Dniepr-Donets (DDB). – Le DDB est un rift situé entre deux massifs précambriens et est divisé en différents segments, appelés Pripyat, Dniepr, Donets et Donbass (fig. 1). Le DDB présente environ 14 km de sédiments principalement terrigènes dans le segment du Dniepr et environ 21 km dans le Donets et Donbass, d’âge dévonien moyen à sakmarien [Izart et al., 1996 ; 1998]. La couverture d’âge mésozoïque et cénozoïque a une épaisseur de 2 km excepté dans le Donbass où elle a été érodée. Une subsidence tectonique maximale d’environ 3,4 km fut calculée dans le Dniepr par van Wees et al., [1996]. Selon ces auteurs, le segment du Dniepr présente une phase de rifting initiale pendant le Dévonien supérieur et une phase post-rifting du Carbonifère inférieur à la base du Mésozoïque avec quelques rajeunissements, suivie par une inversion tectonique. A la limite entre le segment du Donets et du Donbass nous avons calculé une subsidence totale de 22,8 km et une subsidence tectonique d’environ 6,1 km (fig. 3C). Deux phases tectoniques peuvent être distinguées : la première du Dévonien au Carbonifère inférieur qui présente un taux moyen de subsidence tectonique de 40 m/Ma correspond à la phase du rifting initial et du début de la phase post-rifting du Dniepr et la seconde phase de rifting du Viséen supérieur à l’Assélien qui présente un taux important de subsidence tectonique de 90 m/Ma correspond aux rajeunissements du segment du Dniepr. Un soulèvement a lieu au Sakmarien, puis une compression pendant le Trias supérieur et à la limite Crétacé-Tertiaire [Stovba et Stephenson, 1999]. La subsidence tectonique fut modélisée (fig. 3D) en utilisant la méthode de Royden et Keen [1980]. Les deux phases tectoniques, appelées rifting 1 et 2, furent modélisées successivement. Les facteurs d’extension crustale (δ) sont respectivement pour les deux phases de 1,18 et 3,5 et les facteurs d’extension sous-crustale (β) de 1,1. Le rapport E/T est de 0,24 en faveur de la tectonique pendant la phase 1 et de 0,03 pendant la phase 2. La phase 1 correspond aux séquences du second ordre D et 0 et la phase 2 aux séquences I à VII (fig. 2). Les segments du Dniepr, Donets et Donbass possèdent donc les mêmes caractéristiques tectoniques, avec une intensité plus importante dans le Donets et le Donbass. Conclusion. – Le rifting d’âge dévonien supérieur a existé dans le DDB et probablement aussi dans le MB. L’histoire de ces deux bassins diverge ensuite avec la poursuite du rifting dans le seul DDB. Le MB est un bassin intracratonique qui peut être modélisé avec une phase de chauffage du Dévonien au Bashkirien et une phase de refroidissement engendrant une subsidence thermique du Moscovien à l’Assélien. Le DDB est un rift montrant une première phase de rifting durant le Dévonien supérieur, une phase post-rift jusqu’au Viséen supérieur et une deuxième phase de rifting jusqu’à l’Assélien uniquement dans les segments du Donets et Donbass. Si l’eustatisme contrôle la sédimentation dans le MB, la tectonique prévaut dans le DDB

    Diagnostics of Human Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome

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    Middle-East respiratory syndrome is a human disease caused by a new coronavirus. In December, 2012 WHO published draft regulatory document on diagnostics of the virus. It was recommended to use two methods of disease diagnostics - two-phase reverse-transcription real-time PCR and enzyme immunoassay. The first phase of the PCR-diagnostics should include reverse-transcription real-time PCR targeted on the genome fragment upwards of upE. The second (control) PCR-test may be alternatively targeted within the bonds of the genome, its target being non-crisscross with upE gene. It should include sequencing of, at least, a segment of one of the viral genomes and comparative analysis of the obtained sequence along with the like ones deposited in the GenBank. Enzyme immunoassay is retrospectively used for virus-specific antibody detection in convalescents’ blood sera. Examined are the key specifications of the methods for the detection of ethiological agent or specific antibodies to it, and WHO methodological recommendations in case of Middle-East respiratory syndrome diagnostics

    Safety and immunogenicity of IMVAMUNE®, a third-generation vaccine based on the modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) strain

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    In 1980, the World Health Assembly officially declared smallpox eradicated in the world, which allowed developed countries to stop preventive vaccination against this disease. However, circulating and emerging orthopoxviruses along with the lack of herd immunity prompt the need for emergency smallpox vaccines meeting the current requirements for biologicals.The aim of the study was to analyse the safety and efficacy of third-generation smallpox vaccines based on the MVA strain of vaccinia virus compliant with the current (stricter) immunogenicity and safety requirements in healthy subjects and especially in patients with underlying health conditions, considering the lack of herd immunity to orthopoxviruses.The authors analysed the existing experience with smallpox vaccines. The vaccines based on the modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) strain hold a special place amongst other third-generation vaccines, as this strain is safe and can be used for creating vector vaccines. Bavarian Nordic produces the MVA-based vaccine under three brand names (Imvanex in the EU, Jynneos™ in the USA, and IMVAMUNE® in Canada). According to the results of MVA-based vaccine clinical trials in healthy volunteers and patients with various underlying conditions, the main mild adverse drug reactions (erythema, pain, pruritus, and swelling) were mostly registered at the injection site. The systemic adverse drug reactions included fatigue, headache, myalgia, and chills; several subjects developed upper respiratory tract infections, nausea, and gastroenteritis, which resolved spontaneously within a day. MVA-based vaccines did not cause any cardiac abnormalities, including myo- or pericarditis. Thus, the vaccines may be used in patients with eczema, atopic dermatitis, inflammatory skin conditions, HIV, tuberculosis, cardiac abnormalities, as well as in children, adolescents, and pregnant women. The optimal intradermal immunisation dose was 1×108 TCID50. Two injections at this dose induced a pronounced humoral and cell-mediated immune response comparable to that induced by one administration of a first-generation smallpox vaccine. At this dose, the study vaccine also boosted pre-existing immunity conferred by a first-generation vaccine. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend Jynneos™ for preventing monkeypox in adults (18 years of age and older)

    Emerging Coronavirus Which Gives Rise to the Disease in Humans

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    Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses with a single-strand “+” RNA, its genome size varying from 25 to 32 thousands of nucleotides. They cause respiratory and intestinal diseases in animals and humans. The review contains the data on human infection cases induced by a new coronavirus (NCoV), as well as the information about probable natural agent reservoirs, mechanisms of transmission, some characteristic features of the etiological agent, methods of diagnostics and identification, complete genome sequence, and NCoV relation to the established coronaviruses

    The Molecular Genetic Peculiarities of Genomic Structure of Members of the <i>Ebolavirus</i> Genus

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    The molecular genetic peculiarities of genomic structure of the Ebolavirus genus members are viewed in the review. The Ebola virus disease outbreaks in West African countries constitute a threat not only for Africa, but for the whole world in view of possible introduction of the agent in non-endemic regions. The members of the Ebolavirus genus have different pathogenicity for humans, thus differ severity and mortality of the disease they cause. There is a significant genetic divergence among members of the Ebolavirus genus. The differences of pathogenic potential of members of the Ebolavirus genus may be explained as the result of mutations in the genes of virus structural proteins. It is possible, that some of these mutations may affect virulence of strains within one virus species. So far as most effective modern medicines for specific prophylaxis and treatment of Ebola fever are target-oriented, genotyping of the agent will promote elaboration of strategy of such preparations development

    Current State of the Development of Therapies for Emergency Prophylaxis and Treatment of Ebola Virus Disease

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    Nowadays vaccination of the population living in the endemic regions and widespread implementation of the potent therapies for the emergency prophylaxis and treatment into the clinical practice are regarded as the basic efficient and cost-effective measures for Ebola epidemic spread control. Objective of the review is to analyze current state of the development of aids for the immediate prophylaxis and treatment of Ebola fever. Focus area of the activities is the construction of drugs on the basis of virus-specific anti-bodies (including monoclonal), small interfering RNA, and anti-sense phosphordiamidate morpholine oligomers and interferons. The paper discusses the most significant achievements in this sphere

    Безопасность и иммуногенность вакцины третьего поколения IMVAMUNE® на основе вируса вакцины, штамм MVA

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    In 1980, the World Health Assembly officially declared smallpox eradicated in the world, which allowed developed countries to stop preventive vaccination against this disease. However, circulating and emerging orthopoxviruses along with the lack of herd immunity prompt the need for emergency smallpox vaccines meeting the current requirements for biologicals.The aim of the study was to analyse the safety and efficacy of third-generation smallpox vaccines based on the MVA strain of vaccinia virus compliant with the current (stricter) immunogenicity and safety requirements in healthy subjects and especially in patients with underlying health conditions, considering the lack of herd immunity to orthopoxviruses.The authors analysed the existing experience with smallpox vaccines. The vaccines based on the modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) strain hold a special place amongst other third-generation vaccines, as this strain is safe and can be used for creating vector vaccines. Bavarian Nordic produces the MVA-based vaccine under three brand names (Imvanex in the EU, Jynneos™ in the USA, and IMVAMUNE® in Canada). According to the results of MVA-based vaccine clinical trials in healthy volunteers and patients with various underlying conditions, the main mild adverse drug reactions (erythema, pain, pruritus, and swelling) were mostly registered at the injection site. The systemic adverse drug reactions included fatigue, headache, myalgia, and chills; several subjects developed upper respiratory tract infections, nausea, and gastroenteritis, which resolved spontaneously within a day. MVA-based vaccines did not cause any cardiac abnormalities, including myo- or pericarditis. Thus, the vaccines may be used in patients with eczema, atopic dermatitis, inflammatory skin conditions, HIV, tuberculosis, cardiac abnormalities, as well as in children, adolescents, and pregnant women. The optimal intradermal immunisation dose was 1×108 TCID50. Two injections at this dose induced a pronounced humoral and cell-mediated immune response comparable to that induced by one administration of a first-generation smallpox vaccine. At this dose, the study vaccine also boosted pre-existing immunity conferred by a first-generation vaccine. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend Jynneos™ for preventing monkeypox in adults (18 years of age and older).В 1980 г. Всемирная ассамблея здравоохранения официально провозгласила искоренение натуральной оспы в мире, что позволило в развитых странах отменить профилактическую вакцинацию против этого заболевания. Однако из-за постоянно циркулирующих и вновь возникающих ортопоксвирусов, а также отсутствия популяционного иммунитета необходимо наличие в чрезвычайных ситуациях противооспенных вакцин, отвечающих современным требованиям к иммунобиологическим препаратам.Цель работы — анализ безопасности и эффективности в условиях отсутствия популяционного иммунитета к ортопоксвирусам оспенной вакцины третьего поколения на основе штамма MVA вируса вакцины, отвечающей повышенным требованиям иммуногенности и безопасности, особенно с учетом применения ее для лиц с отклонениями в состоянии здоровья. Проанализирован опыт применения противооспенных вакцин. Среди противооспенных вакцин третьего поколения особое место занимает вакцина на основе вируса вакцины, штамм MVA (modified vaccinia virus Ankara), выпускаемая компанией Bavarian Nordic под тремя названиями (в Европе — Imvanex, в США — Jynneos™, в Канаде — IMVAMUNE®), поскольку он безопасен и может использоваться для конструирования векторных вакцин. Результаты клинических исследований вакцины на основе штамма MVA на здоровых добровольцах и лицах с различными отклонениями в здоровье показали, что основные побочные реакции легкой степени тяжести (эритема, болезненность, зуд, припухлость) в основном регистрировали в месте введения вакцины. Из системных побочных реакций отмечены утомление, головная боль, миалгия, озноб; у незначительной части — инфекция верхних дыхательных путей, тошнота, гастроэнтерит, которые самопроизвольно проходили в течение первых суток. Вакцина не вызывает нарушений сердечной деятельности, включая миоперикардит, может быть применена для лиц с экземой, атопическим дерматитом и воспалительными кожными заболеваниями, ею можно вакцинировать ВИЧ-инфицированных, больных туберкулезом, лиц с нарушениями сердечной деятельности, а также детей младшего возраста, подростков и беременных женщин. Определена оптимальная иммунизирующая доза вакцины при внутрикожном введении, равная 1×108 ЦПД50. Выявлено, что при двукратном введении в данной дозе вакцина индуцирует выраженный гуморальный и клеточный иммунный ответ, сопоставимый по уровню с иммунитетом после однократного введения вакцины первого поколения, а также бустирует иммунитет, ранее сформировавшийся при иммунизации противооспенной вакциной первого поколения. Вакцина Jynneos™ в настоящее время одобрена CDC (США) для профилактики оспы обезьян у взрослых в возрасте 18 лет и старше

    Rifting in heterogeneous lithosphere inferences from numerical modeling of the northern North Sea and the Oslo Graben.

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    Permian rifting and magmatism are widely documented across NW Europe. The different Permian basins often display contrasting structural styles and evolved in lithospheric domains with contrasting past evolution and contrasting thermotectonic ages. In particular, the Oslo Graben and the northern North Sea rift initiated in close areas of northern Europe. The Oslo Graben evolved in the cold and stable Precambrian lithosphere of Fennoscandia, whereas the northern North Sea rift took birth in freshly reworked Caledonian lithosphere. Huge volumes of magmatic rocks characterize the relatively narrow Oslo Graben. In contrast, little magmatism is documented for the wide northern North Sea rift. Differences in timing between both rifts are inferred but still debated. We present numerical thermomechanical models along a lithospheric E-W section that involves both the Oslo Graben and the northern North Sea area. Because the modeled section crosses the boundary between Caledonian and Proterozoic provinces, thermal and compositional heterogeneities are considered. As is suggested by various geophysical data sets, we also consider lithospheric thickness heterogeneities in the Precambrian lithosphere. Modeling results suggest that the northern North Sea was on top of "weak" lithosphere very sensitive to far-field stresses. Consequently, we suggest that rifting in the northern North Sea began as early as regional extension was effective (i.e., Late Carboniferous-Early Permian) and does not postdate the Oslo Graben as it is commonly assumed. Rifting in the "strong" Precambrian lithosphere is unexpected. Modeling results suggest that a pre-existing lithospheric thickness contrast within the Fennoscandian lithosphere favored rifting in the Oslo Graben