137 research outputs found

    Dissipation Layers in Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard Convection: A Unifying View

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    Boundary layers play an important role in controlling convective heat transfer. Their nature varies considerably between different application areas characterized by different boundary conditions, which hampers a uniform treatment. Here, we argue that, independent from boundary conditions, systematic dissipation measurements in Rayleigh-B\'enard convection capture the relevant near-wall structures. By means of direct numerical simulations with varying Prandtl numbers, we demonstrate that such dissipation layers share central characteristics with classical boundary layers, but, in contrast to the latter, can be extended naturally to arbitrary boundary conditions. We validate our approach by explaining differences in scaling behavior observed for no-slip and stress-free boundaries, thus paving the way to an extension of scaling theories developed for laboratory convection to a broad class of natural systems

    Dynamics of fingering convection I: Small-scale fluxes and large-scale instabilities

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    Double-diffusive instabilities are often invoked to explain enhanced transport in stably-stratified fluids. The most-studied natural manifestation of this process, fingering convection, commonly occurs in the ocean's thermocline and typically increases diapycnal mixing by two orders of magnitude over molecular diffusion. Fingering convection is also often associated with structures on much larger scales, such as thermohaline intrusions, gravity waves and thermohaline staircases. In this paper, we present an exhaustive study of the phenomenon from small to large scales. We perform the first three-dimensional simulations of the process at realistic values of the heat and salt diffusivities and provide accurate estimates of the induced turbulent transport. Our results are consistent with oceanic field measurements of diapycnal mixing in fingering regions. We then develop a generalized mean-field theory to study the stability of fingering systems to large-scale perturbations, using our calculated turbulent fluxes to parameterize small-scale transport. The theory recovers the intrusive instability, the collective instability, and the gamma-instability as limiting cases. We find that the fastest-growing large-scale mode depends sensitively on the ratio of the background gradients of temperature and salinity (the density ratio). While only intrusive modes exist at high density ratios, the collective and gamma-instabilities dominate the system at the low density ratios where staircases are typically observed. We conclude by discussing our findings in the context of staircase formation theory.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, submitted to JF

    Dynamics of fingering convection II: The formation of thermohaline staircases

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    Regions of the ocean's thermocline unstable to salt fingering are often observed to host thermohaline staircases, stacks of deep well-mixed convective layers separated by thin stably-stratified interfaces. Decades after their discovery, however, their origin remains controversial. In this paper we use 3D direct numerical simulations to shed light on the problem. We study the evolution of an analogous double-diffusive system, starting from an initial statistically homogeneous fingering state and find that it spontaneously transforms into a layered state. By analysing our results in the light of the mean-field theory developed in Paper I, a clear picture of the sequence of events resulting in the staircase formation emerges. A collective instability of homogeneous fingering convection first excites a field of gravity waves, with a well-defined vertical wavelength. However, the waves saturate early through regular but localized breaking events, and are not directly responsible for the formation of the staircase. Meanwhile, slower-growing, horizontally invariant but vertically quasi-periodic gamma-modes are also excited and grow according to the gamma-instability mechanism. Our results suggest that the nonlinear interaction between these various mean-field modes of instability leads to the selection of one particular gamma-mode as the staircase progenitor. Upon reaching a critical amplitude, this progenitor overturns into a fully-formed staircase. We conclude by extending the results of our simulations to real oceanic parameter values, and find that the progenitor gamma-mode is expected to grow on a timescale of a few hours, and leads to the formation of a thermohaline staircase in about one day with an initial spacing of the order of one to two metres.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, associated mpeg file at http://earth.uni-muenster.de/~stellma/movie_small.mp4, submitted to JF

    Approaching the Asymptotic Regime of Rapidly Rotating Convection: Boundary Layers vs Interior Dynamics

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    Rapidly rotating Rayleigh-B\'enard convection is studied by combining results from direct numerical simulations (DNS), laboratory experiments and asymptotic modeling. The asymptotic theory is shown to provide a good description of the bulk dynamics at low, but finite Rossby number. However, large deviations from the asymptotically predicted heat transfer scaling are found, with laboratory experiments and DNS consistently yielding much larger Nusselt numbers than expected. These deviations are traced down to dynamically active Ekman boundary layers, which are shown to play an integral part in controlling heat transfer even for Ekman numbers as small as 10710^{-7}. By adding an analytical parameterization of the Ekman transport to simulations using stress-free boundary conditions, we demonstrate that the heat transfer jumps from values broadly compatible with the asymptotic theory to states of strongly increased heat transfer, in good quantitative agreement with no-slip DNS and compatible with the experimental data. Finally, similarly to non-rotating convection, we find no single scaling behavior, but instead that multiple well-defined dynamical regimes exist in rapidly-rotating convection systems.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letters on 17 July 201

    A new model for mixing by double-diffusive convection (semi-convection): I. The conditions for layer formation

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    The process referred to as "semi-convection" in astrophysics and "double-diffusive convection in the diffusive regime" in Earth and planetary sciences, occurs in stellar and planetary interiors in regions which are stable according to the Ledoux criterion but unstable according to the Schwarzschild criterion. In this series of papers, we analyze the results of an extensive suite of 3D numerical simulations of the process, and ultimately propose a new 1D prescription for heat and compositional transport in this regime which can be used in stellar or planetary structure and evolution models. In a preliminary study of the phenomenon, Rosenblum et al. (2011) showed that, after saturation of the primary instability, a system can evolve in one of two possible ways: the induced turbulence either remains homogeneous, with very weak transport properties, or transitions into a thermo-compositional staircase where the transport rate is much larger (albeit still smaller than in standard convection). In this paper, we show that this dichotomous behavior is a robust property of semi-convection across a wide region of parameter space. We propose a simple semi-analytical criterion to determine whether layer formation is expected or not, and at what rate it proceeds, as a function of the background stratification and of the diffusion parameters (viscosity, thermal diffusivity and compositional diffusivity) only. The theoretical criterion matches the outcome of our numerical simulations very adequately in the numerically accessible "planetary" parameter regime, and can easily be extrapolated to the stellar parameter regime. Subsequent papers will address more specifically the question of quantifying transport in the layered case and in the non-layered case.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    Las órdenes militares en la cruzada granadina de Alfonso el Benigno (1329-1334)

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    A la memoria de la Dra. Regina Sainz de la MazaEn este estudio se recupera la investigación las Órdenes militares catalanoaragonesas durante el siglo XIV. El interés del trabajo radica en el hecho de que en él se considera, de manera conjunta, la actuación en la cruzada de las cuatro Órdenes militares enclavadas en territorio catalanoaragonés, lo cual permite observar tanto su distinto grado de participación como la diferente actitud del monarca hacia cada una de ellas.Peer reviewe

    Harmonization and standardization of data for a pan-European cohort on SARS- CoV-2 pandemic

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    The European project ORCHESTRA intends to create a new pan-European cohort to rapidly advance the knowledge of the effects and treatment of COVID-19. Establishing processes that facilitate the merging of heterogeneous clusters of retrospective data was an essential challenge. In addition, data from new ORCHESTRA prospective studies have to be compatible with earlier collected information to be efficiently combined. In this article, we describe how we utilized and contributed to existing standard terminologies to create consistent semantic representation of over 2500 COVID-19-related variables taken from three ORCHESTRA studies. The goal is to enable the semantic interoperability of data within the existing project studies and to create a common basis of standardized elements available for the design of new COVID-19 studies. We also identified 743 variables that were commonly used in two of the three prospective ORCHESTRA studies and can therefore be directly combined for analysis purposes. Additionally, we actively contributed to global interoperability by submitting new concept requests to the terminology Standards Development Organizations