1,306 research outputs found

    Психологічний аналіз професійного шляху Євгена Гливи (Psychological Analysis of Professional Activity of Yevhen Hlyva)

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    Представлено дослідження професійного шляху відомого української діаспорного психіатра Євгена Гливки на основі психологічного аналізу. За його допомогою встановлено, що важливу роль у фаховій самореалізації вченого відіграли закладені ще в дитинстві постійна тяга до знань, самоаналізу та рефлексії. Проаналізовано ключові події з його життя – постійні скитання, участь у війні, де він втрачав рідних та близьких, зрештою й еміграцію як вагомі фактори впливу на його професійні зацікавлення, громадсько-патріотичну роботу. (The article presents the study based on the psychological analysis of professional activity of famous Ukrainian psychiatrist from Australia Yevhen Hlyva. This inquiry has established that the constant thirst for knowledge, introspection and reflection, which were formed in childhood, played an important role in professional self-actualization of the scholar. The article has analysed the key events from his life such as constant distress, his participation in the war, where he lost his family and friends, and finally emigration as significant impacts on his professional interests and social-patriotic work.

    Quality assessment of laser cladded HSS coatings with deep penetration into base material to obtain a smooth gradient of properties in coating-substrate interface

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    ArticleThe present research is dedicated to the study of influence of coaxial laser cladding (CLC) process parameters onto values of alloying compo nents content in the coatings, morphology as well as the influence of post - cladding heat treatment on the quality and mechanical properties of coatings. The research is based on a hypothesis that applying of first layer of coatings onto steel substrate wit h keyhole in penetration allows achieving smooth gradient of properties of the coating - substrate system. As a result it may provide a smooth distribution of the internal residual stresses in interface as well as the better resistance to external stress dur ing cyclic load in tool operation processes: metal forming, stamping etc. Experimental work was carried out using CLC system, which consists of industrial robot Kuka and 1 kW IPG Yb - fiber laser, integrated to the coaxial powder supplying cladding head. The regularities of formation of High Speed Steel AISI М2 cladding coatings created by different regimes were studied by deposition onto EN 41Cr4 and C80U steel substrates. The quality of achieved coatings has been evaluated by examination of morphology of tr ansverse cross - sections, coatings geometrical features, elemental composition and microhardness distribution inside coatings. Additionally detailed assessment of coating thickness and content of alloying elements using statistical methods has been performe d. As a result of the research done the degree of influence of chosen CLC process parameters onto quality characteristics were estimated. The most appropriate cladding regime for used method was proposed


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    The study is dedicated to identification of problematic aspects of financial risk assessment methodology on the example of stevedoring companies. In research established the list of issues for improvement the methodology of financial risk assessment both in theoretical and practical aspects. Formulated industry features of the stevedoring companies’ activity, relevant factors from the perspective of financial risk impact on results of activity, among which are distinguished: loss of net sales, exchange rate instability and decrease of financial stability. It was found that the loss of net income from the sale of state stevedoring companies of Ukraine occurred: due to the failure to fulfill the plan of cargo processing by reducing the number of the number of ship-measures and change of the nomenclature of cargo towards the less profitable and instability of the US dollar. Particular attention is paid to assessing the level of financial stability of state-owned stevedoring companies in Ukraine and identifies a downward trend in recent years. It is argued that the definition of factors that affect financial risks should be conducted using factor analysis, mathematical models that require comprehensive consideration of uncertainty factors and related to the peculiarities of stevedoring companies operation. The feasibility of drawing up a financial risk map and the options of management's response to their presence have been proved.The study is dedicated to identification of problematic aspects of financial risk assessment methodology on the example of stevedoring companies. In research established the list of issues for improvement the methodology of financial risk assessment both in theoretical and practical aspects. Formulated industry features of the stevedoring companies’ activity, relevant factors from the perspective of financial risk impact on results of activity, among which are distinguished: loss of net sales, exchange rate instability and decrease of financial stability. It was found that the loss of net income from the sale of state stevedoring companies of Ukraine occurred: due to the failure to fulfill the plan of cargo processing by reducing the number of the number of ship-measures and change of the nomenclature of cargo towards the less profitable and instability of the US dollar. Particular attention is paid to assessing the level of financial stability of state-owned stevedoring companies in Ukraine and identifies a downward trend in recent years. It is argued that the definition of factors that affect financial risks should be conducted using factor analysis, mathematical models that require comprehensive consideration of uncertainty factors and related to the peculiarities of stevedoring companies operation. The feasibility of drawing up a financial risk map and the options of management's response to their presence have been proved

    Computer simulation of operation plant effective modes for water disinfection by electrical discharges in gas bubbles

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    Purpose. Determination by means of computer simulation of the most efficient modes of operation of the installation for water disinfection using discharges in gas bubbles, in which (modes) the amplitude of voltage pulses at the processing unit and on the layer of treated water is not less than the voltage amplitude immediately after the switching discharger. Methodology. To achieve this goal, we used computer simulation using Micro-Cap 10. We used two different electrical circuits that simulate the operation of the experimental setup in two different modes: in a mode with a restoring electrical strength of the discharge gap in the gas bubble between two adjacent voltage pulses on the discharge node and in the mode without restoring this dielectric strength. In computer simulation, we varied the following factors: the maximum simulation step, inductances, capacitances, active resistances, wave resistance of a long line, and the delay time for the operation of a spark gap simulating a discharge gap in a gas bubble. Results. Computer modeling has shown that in order to increase the voltage amplitude at the treatment unit and on the layer of treated water, it is necessary to reduce the load capacitance – the capacitance of the water layer in the treatment unit to 10 pF or less, to increase the active resistance of the water layer to 500 W or more. An important factor for increasing the voltage and electric field strength in the discharge unit and, consequently, for increasing the efficiency of treated water disinfection is the discharge delay time in gas bubbles. The most rational delay time for the operation of the arrester, which is the gap in the gas bubble inside the water, under the conditions considered by us is 4–5 ns. It is with this delay time that the amplitude of voltage pulses at the node of disinfecting water treatment and on the layer of treated water is maximum, all other things being equal. Furthermore, with such a delay time this amplitude of voltage pulses significantly exceeds the voltage amplitude directly after the main high-voltage discharger, switching energy from the high-voltage capacitive storage to the processing unit through a long line filled with water. Originality. Using computer simulation, we have shown the possibility of increasing the voltage at the discharge unit of the experimental setup by 35 % without increasing the voltage of the power source. This provides a higher efficiency of microbiological disinfection of water by nanosecond discharges in gas bubbles and lower specific energy consumption. Practical value. The obtained results of computer simulation confirm the prospect of industrial application of installations using nanosecond discharges for disinfection and purification of wastewater, swimming pools and post-treatment of tap water.Мета. Визначення за допомогою комп’ютерного моделювання найбільш ефективних режимів роботи установки для знезараження води за допомогою розрядів у газових бульках, при яких (режимах) амплітуда імпульсів напруги на вузлі обробки та на шарі води, що обробляється, не менше амплітуди напруги безпосередньо після комутуючого розрядника. Методика. Для досягнення поставленої мети ми використовували комп’ютерне моделювання за допомогою Micro-Cap 10. Ми використовували дві різні електричні схеми, що моделюють роботу експериментальної установки в двох різних режимах: в режимі з електричною міцністю, що відновлюється, розрядного проміжку в газовій бульці між двома сусідніми імпульсами напруги на розрядному вузлі та у режимі без відновлення цієї електричної міцності. При комп’ютерному моделюванні варіювалися такі фактори: максимальний крок при моделюванні, індуктивності, ємності, активні опори, хвильовий опір довгої лінії, час затримки спрацьовування розрядника, що моделює розрядний проміжок у газовому міхурі. Результати. Комп’ютерне моделювання показало, що для збільшення амплітуди напруги на вузлі обробки і на шарі води, що обробляється, слід зменшувати навантажувальну ємність – ємність шару води у вузлі обробки до 10 пФ і менше, збільшувати активний опір шару води до 500 Ом і більше. Важливим чинником збільшення напруги і напруженості електричного поля в розрядному вузлі і, отже, збільшення ефективності знезараження оброблюваної води є час затримки розряду в газових бульбашках. Найбільш раціональний час затримки спрацьовування розрядника, яким є зазор у газовій бульці всередині води, у розглянутих умовах становить 4-5 нс. Саме при такому часі затримки амплітуда імпульсів напруги на вузлі знезаражувальної обробки води і на шарі оброблюваної води є максимальною за інших рівних умов і істотно перевищує амплітуду напруги безпосередньо після основного високовольтного розрядника, що комутує енергію з високовольтного ємнісного нагромаджувача у вузол обробки. Наукова новизна. За допомогою комп’ютерного моделювання показана можливість підвищення напруги на розрядному вузлі експериментальної установки на 35 % без збільшення напруги джерела живлення, що забезпечує більш ефективне мікробіологічне знезараження води за допомогою наносекундних розрядів у газових бульбашках за малих питомих витрат енергії. Практична значущість. Отримані результати комп’ютерного моделювання підтверджують перспективу промислового застосування установок з використанням наносекундних розрядів для знезараження та очищення стічних вод, басейнів та доочищення водопровідної води

    Weak and strong coupling limits of the two-dimensional Fr\"ohlich polaron with spin-orbit Rashba interaction

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    The continuous progress in fabricating low-dimensional systems with large spin-orbit couplings has reached a point in which nowadays materials may display spin-orbit splitting energies ranging from a few to hundreds of meV. This situation calls for a better understanding of the interplay between the spin-orbit coupling and other interactions ubiquitously present in solids, in particular when the spin-orbit splitting is comparable in magnitude with characteristic energy scales such as the Fermi energy and the phonon frequency. In this article, the two-dimensional Fr\"ohlich electron-phonon problem is reformulated by introducing the coupling to a spin-orbit Rashba potential, allowing for a description of the spin-orbit effects on the electron-phonon interaction. The ground state of the resulting Fr\"ohlich-Rashba polaron is studied in the weak and strong coupling limits of the electron-phonon interaction for arbitrary values of the spin-orbit splitting. The weak coupling case is studied within the Rayleigh-Schr\"odinger perturbation theory, while the strong-coupling electron-phonon regime is investigated by means of variational polaron wave functions in the adiabatic limit. It is found that, for both weak and strong coupling polarons, the ground state energy is systematically lowered by the spin-orbit interaction, indicating that the polaronic character is strengthened by the Rashba coupling. It is also shown that, consistently with the lowering of the ground state, the polaron effective mass is enhanced compared to the zero spin-orbit limit. Finally, it is argued that the crossover between weakly and strongly coupled polarons can be shifted by the spin-orbit interaction.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Optimization of characteristics of multilayer spherical control joint-hinge stiffness

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    In this work the analytical expression is derived on the basis of the variational method for the evaluation of angular stiffness characteristics of the spherical multilayered elastomeric package joint-hinge subjected to loading with hinge moment and hydrostatic pressure on the lateral surfaces. Joint-package consists of alternating metallic and thin elastomeric layers. Metallic plates-layers are assumed to be rigid. It is demonstrated that the hydrostatic pressure can both mitigate and "harden" the hinge angular stiffness characteristics depending on which side surface of the elastomeric layer it is applied. Obtained relationships allow solving problems of optimal design, operation and control program selection for compensating joints of this type


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    The article considers debt safety as an integral element of the country financial safety. The author has done regressive analysis of the state debt and the main macroeconomic indices and determined the close relationship with the state budget expenditures, the GDP, and the state budget deficit.   The author has indicated methodological frameworks of calculation of a ratio of state debt safety: a ratio calculation procedure, a list of indicators of state debt safety, weight coefficients of the indicators, and their threshold values. The author has analyzed the condition of debt safety of Ukraine in 2008-2015. The author has determined the unstable condition in 2011-2012, the critical condition in 2008-2010, 2013, and the crisis condition in 2014-2015. There has been a stable tendency for deterioration of the debt safety condition and the increase of debt dependence of Ukraine since 2011.  The author verifies the ratio of state debt safety with the use of a correlation matrix. The author substantiates expediency of application of a simplified model of the ratio of state debt safety on the basis of seven indicators: the relation between a general amount of the state and the government-backed debt and the GDP; a ratio of growth of the general amount of the state debt with reference to the GDP; a share of the external debt in the general amount of the debt; the difference between a rate of growth of the state debt and a rate of growth of the nominal GDP; a share of the debt denominated in a foreign currency in the general amount of the debt; a ratio of change of the official exchange rate of the national currency to the USA dollar; the relation between state debt payments and state budget revenues. В статье рассмотренно долговую безопасность как неотъемлемый элемент финансовой безопасности государства. Проведено регрессионный анализ государственного долга и основных макроэкономических показателей. Определены методологические основы расчета индекса боровой безопасности государства: порядок расчета индекса, перечень индикаторов долговой безопасности государства, весовые коэффициенты индикаторов и их пороговые значения. Проведен анализ состояния долговой безопасности Украины в 2008-2015 гг., осуществлена проверка полученной модели с помощью корреляционной матрицы. Обоснована целесообразность применения упрощенной модели индекса боровой безопасности государства. В статті розглянуто боргову безпеку як невід’ємний елемент фінансової безпеки держави. Проведено регресійний аналіз державного боргу та основних макроекономічних показників. Визначено методологічні засади розрахунку індексу боргової безпеки держави: порядок розрахунку індексу, перелік індикаторів боргової безпеки держави, вагові коефіцієнти індикаторів та їх порогові значення. Проведено аналіз стану боргової безпеки України у 2008-2015 рр. та здійснено перевірку одержаної моделі за допомогою кореляційної матриці. Обгрунтовано доцільність застосування спрощеної моделі індексу борової безпеки держави

    Has incentive payment improved venous thrombo-embolism risk assessment and treatment of hospital in-patients?

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    This paper focuses on financial incentives rewarding successful implementation of guidelines in the UK National Health Service (NHS). In particular, it assesses the implementation of National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) venous thrombo-embolism (VTE) guidance in 2010 on the risk assessment and secondary prevention of VTE in hospital in-patients and the financial incentives driving successful implementation introduced by the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation for Payment Framework (CQUIN) for 2010-2011. We systematically compared the implementation of evidence-based national guidance on VTE prevention across two specialities (general medicine and orthopaedics) in four hospital sites in the greater South West of England by auditing and evaluating VTE prevention activity for 2009 (i.e. before the 2010 NICE guideline) and late 2010 (almost a year after the guideline was published). Analysis of VTE prevention activity reported in 816 randomly selected orthopaedic and general medical in-patient medical records was complemented by a qualitative study into the practical responses to revised national guidance. This paper's contribution to knowledge is to suggest that by financially rewarding the implementation of national guidance on VTE prevention, paradoxes and contradictions have become apparent between the 'payment by volume system' of Healthcare Resource Groups and the 'payment by results' system of CQUIN

    Investigation of coaxial laser cladding process parameters influence onto single pass clad geometry of tool steel

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    ArticleThis paper is devoted to the investigation of the influence of technological parameters on the single pass clad geometry and quality as well as elemental composition in the clad after coaxial laser cladding (CLC). The objects of the investigation are components of expensive machines and tools for presswork needed to be repaired, i.e. refurbished for the future application with the goal of effective using of material resources in production. Nowadays such repair of worn tools is an actual task due to tendency for thrifty management of resources at affordable cost. Experimental work was carried out using CLC system, which consists of industrial robot and a ytterbium fiber laser with a core diameter of 100 μm, integrated to the coaxial powder supplying cladding head. During research separate cladding tracks of metal powder AISI М2 (particle size 53–150 μm) were deposited on the top surface of steel plates, which were grinded before treatment. This work’s highlighted parameters for variation were laser scanning speed and laser beam focus plane distance. The clad geometry was examined on cross-sections with SEM. Elemental composition was determined by the X-ray spectroscopy analysis. Gladding beads with good surface quality were achieved. Cross-sectional observation presented that clads has a good fusion with the base material without exfoliation. Keyhole shape of molten substrate area was achieved, which leads to increase of the dilution value. The future research is needed to achieve stable quality of cladding, which is extremely necessary for industry