914 research outputs found

    Ultrasonic locating devices for central venous cannulation: meta-analysis

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the evidence for the clinical effectiveness of ultrasound guided central venous cannulation. DATA SOURCES: 15 electronic bibliographic databases, covering biomedical, science, social science, health economics, and grey literature. DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. POPULATIONS: Patients scheduled for central venous access. INTERVENTION REVIEWED: Guidance using real time two dimensional ultrasonography or Doppler needles and probes compared with the anatomical landmark method of cannulation. DATA EXTRACTION: Risk of failed catheter placement (primary outcome), risk of complications from placement, risk of failure on first attempt at placement, number of attempts to successful catheterisation, and time (seconds) to successful catheterisation. DATA SYNTHESIS: 18 trials (1646 participants) were identified. Compared with the landmark method, real time two dimensional ultrasound guidance for cannulating the internal jugular vein in adults was associated with a significantly lower failure rate both overall (relative risk 0.14, 95% confidence interval 0.06 to 0.33) and on the first attempt (0.59, 0.39 to 0.88). Limited evidence favoured two dimensional ultrasound guidance for subclavian vein and femoral vein procedures in adults (0.14, 0.04 to 0.57 and 0.29, 0.07 to 1.21, respectively). Three studies in infants confirmed a higher success rate with two dimensional ultrasonography for internal jugular procedures (0.15, 0.03 to 0.64). Doppler guided cannulation of the internal jugular vein in adults was more successful than the landmark method (0.39, 0.17 to 0.92), but the landmark method was more successful for subclavian vein procedures (1.48, 1.03 to 2.14). No significant difference was found between these techniques for cannulation of the internal jugular vein in infants. An indirect comparison of relative risks suggested that two dimensional ultrasonography would be more successful than Doppler guidance for subclavian vein procedures in adults (0.09, 0.02 to 0.38). CONCLUSIONS: Evidence supports the use of two dimensional ultrasonography for central venous cannulation

    TReATS: a novel method for TAT-Cre recombinase mediated floxed Allele modification in ex vivo tissue slices

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    Precision-Cut Lung Slices (PCLS) are used for a variety of applications. However, methods to manipulate genes in PCLS are currently limited. We developed a novel method, TAT-Cre Recombinase-mediated floxed Allele modification in Tissue Slices (TReATS), to induce highly effective and temporally controlled gene deletion or activation in ex vivo PCLS. Treatment of PCLS from Rosa26-flox-stop-flox-EYFP mice with cell-permeant TAT-Cre recombinase induced ubiquitous EYFP protein expression, indicating successful Cre-mediated excision of the upstream loxP-flanked stop sequence. Quantitative real-time PCR confirmed induction of EYFP. We successfully replicated the TReATS method in PCLS from Vangl2flox/flox mice, leading to the deletion of loxP-flanked exon 4 of the Vangl2 gene. Cre-treated Vangl2flox/flox PCLS exhibited cytoskeletal abnormalities, a known phenotype caused by VANGL2 dysfunction. We report a novel method that by-passes conventional Cre-Lox breeding, allowing rapid and highly effective gene manipulation in ex vivo tissue models

    Spectrophotometric Analysis of Vancomycin Hydrochloride in Pure and Pharmaceutical Injections via Batch and Cloud Point Extraction Techniques

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    تم تطوير تفاعل بسيط وحساس لتقدير هيدروكلوريد الفانكومايسين باستخدام طرائق الدفعة واستخلاص نقطة الغيمة (CPE)   وتعتمد الطريقة الأولى على تكوين صبغة الآزو الناتجة عن تفاعل اقتران الدابسون المؤزوت مع هيدروكلوريد الفانكومايسين في الوسط القاعدي وتم تطوير حساسية هذا التفاعل باستخدام المادة الفعالة غير الأيونية (Triton X-114) وبتقنية نقطة الغيمة. تمت إذابة صبغة الآزو المستخلصة في الطور الغني بمادة الشد السطحي في الإيثانول وقياسها طيفيًا عند الطول الموجي الاعظم 440 نانومتر. تم تقدير التفاعل باستخدام كل من الطرائق الدفعة وطريقةCPE  (أي مع الاستخلاص وبدونه) وتم إجراء مقارنة بسيطة بين الطريقتين. وقد درست جميع الظروف الكيميائية والفيزيائية لطريقتي الدُفعة والاستخلاص بنقطة الغيمة بعناية في ظل الظروف المثلى ، كانت مديات الخطية من 3 إلى 50 و 0.5-25 ميكروغرام. مل-1 لهيدروكلوريد الفانكومايسين بينما كانت حدود الكشف 0.806 و 0.462 ميكروغرام.مل-1 لطريقتي الدفعة و التحليل بالاستخلاص بنقطة الغيمة على التوالي. تمت مقارنة قيم الاستعادية التي تم الحصول عليها مع تلك التي تم الحصول عليها من تطبيق طريقة الأشعة فوق البنفسجية. استخدمت التفنيات المقترحة بفعالية عالية في تقدير الفانكومايسين في الحقن الصيدلانية.  Development of a precise and delicate reaction has been acquired for the determination of vancomycin hydrochloride using batch and cloud point extraction (CPE) methods. The first method is based on the formation of azo dye as a result of diazotized dapsone coupled with vancomycin HCl (VAN) in a basic medium. The sensitivity of this reaction was enhanced by utilizing a nonionic surfactant (Triton X-114) and the cloud point extraction technique (second method). The azo dye formed was extracted into the surfactant-rich phase, dissolved in ethanol and detected at λmax 440 nm spectrophotometrically. The reaction was investigated using both batch and CPE methods (with and without extraction), and a simple comparison between the two developed methods was made. The conditions that affect the extraction process and the sensitivity of the methods have been carefully examined. The linearity of the calibration curves was in the range of 3-50 and 0.5- 25 µg.mL-1 with limits of detection of 0.806 and 0.462 µg.mL-1 for VAN in both batch and CPE procedures, respectively. The percentage of relative standard deviation (R.S.D.%) for the two methods was better than 2.54% and 2.83%, respectively. The recommended procedures have been effectively used to assay VAN in commercial injections

    Investigating organic aerosol loading in the remote marine environment

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    Aerosol loading in the marine environment is investigated using aerosol composition measurements from several research ship campaigns (ICEALOT, MAP, RHaMBLe, VOCALS and OOMPH), observations of total AOD column from satellite (MODIS) and ship-based instruments (Maritime Aerosol Network, MAN), and a global chemical transport model (GEOS-Chem). This work represents the most comprehensive evaluation of oceanic OM emission inventories to date, by employing aerosol composition measurements obtained from campaigns with wide spatial and temporal coverage. The model underestimates AOD over the remote ocean on average by 0.02 (21 %), compared to satellite observations, but provides an unbiased simulation of ground-based Maritime Aerosol Network (MAN) observations. Comparison with cruise data demonstrates that the GEOS-Chem simulation of marine sulfate, with the mean observed values ranging between 0.22 μg m−3 and 1.34 μg m−3, is generally unbiased, however surface organic matter (OM) concentrations, with the mean observed concentrations between 0.07 μg m−3 and 0.77 μg m−3, are underestimated by a factor of 2–5 for the standard model run. Addition of a sub-micron marine OM source of approximately 9 TgC yr−1 brings the model into agreement with the ship-based measurements, however this additional OM source does not explain the model underestimate of marine AOD. The model underestimate of marine AOD is therefore likely the result of a combination of satellite retrieval bias and a missing marine aerosol source (which exhibits a different spatial pattern than existing aerosol in the model)

    A rapid review indicated higher recruitment rates in treatment trials than in prevention trials

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    Objectives To test the hypothesis that the percentage of patients screened that randomize differs between prevention and therapy trials. Study Design and Setting Rapid review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) identified through published systematic reviews in August 2013. Individually randomized, parallel group controlled RCTs were eligible if they evaluated metformin monotherapy or exercise for the prevention or treatment of type 2 diabetes. Numbers of patients screened and randomized were extracted by a single reviewer. Percentages were calculated for each study for those randomized: as a function of those approached, screened, and eligible. Percentages (95% confidence intervals) from each individual study were weighted according to the denominator and pooled rates calculated. Statistical heterogeneity was assessed using I2. Results The percentage of those screened who subsequently randomized was 6.2% (6.0%, 6.4%; 3 studies, I2 = 100.0%) for metformin prevention trials; 50.7% (49.9%, 51.4%; 21 studies, I2 = 99.6%) for metformin treatment trials; 4.8% (4.7%, 4.8%; 14 studies, I2 = 99.9%) for exercise prevention trials; and 43.3% (42.6%, 43.9%; 28 studies, I2 = 99.8%) for exercise treatment trials. Conclusion This study provides qualified support for the hypothesis that prevention trials recruit a smaller proportion of those screened than treatment trials. Statistical heterogeneity associated with pooled estimates and other study limitations is discussed. Keywords Prevention; Treatment; RCTs; Recruitment rates; Exercise; Screening failures; Consent rates; Eligibilit

    Une tumeur du vagin à ne pas méconnaitre, l’adénocarcinome mésonephrique: à propos d’un cas et revue de la literature

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    L'adénocarcinome mésonéphrique du vagin est une tumeur maligne extrêmement rare avec uniquement trois cas publiés dans la littérature jusqu'à maintenant. Il dérive des reliquats embryonnaires des canaux mésonéphriques au niveau du vagin. Nous rapportons un cas d'adénocarcinome mésonéphrique du vagin survenant chez une femme de 50 ans, et révélé par une masse polyploïde du vagin. L'IRM a montré un envahissement du périnée et de la branche inférieure du pubis. L'étude anatomo-pathologique était en faveur d'un adénocarcinome mésonéphrique dont les cellules tumorales expriment la pancytokératine et le CD10. Elles ne sont pas marquées par les anticorps anti récepteurs ostrogéniques et progestatifs. La patiente a été adressée pour radiothérapie avant la prise en charge chirurgicale. Les auteurs soulignent à travers cette observation les aspects étiopathogéniques, histologiques et thérapeutiques de cette tumeur rare

    Live imaging of alveologenesis in precision-cut lung slices reveals dynamic epithelial cell behaviour

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    Damage to alveoli, the gas-exchanging region of the lungs, is a component of many chronic and acute lung diseases. In addition, insufficient generation of alveoli results in bronchopulmonary dysplasia, a disease of prematurity. Therefore visualising the process of alveolar development (alveologenesis) is critical for our understanding of lung homeostasis and for the development of treatments to repair and regenerate lung tissue. Using long-term, time-lapse imaging of precision-cut lung slices, we show alveologenesis for the first time. We reveal that during this process, epithelial cells are highly mobile and we identify specific cell behaviours that contribute to alveologenesis: cell clustering, hollowing and cell extension. Using the cytoskeleton inhibitors blebbistatin and cytochalasin D, we showed that cell migration is a key driver of alveologenesis. This study reveals important novel information about lung biology and provides a new system in which to manipulate alveologenesis genetically and pharmacologically

    The conceptual and practical ethical dilemmas of using health discussion board posts as research data.

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    Increasing numbers of people living with a long-term health condition are putting personal health information online, including on discussion boards. Many discussion boards contain material of potential use to researchers; however, it is unclear how this information can and should be used by researchers. To date there has been no evaluation of the views of those individuals sharing health information online regarding the use of their shared information for research purposes

    Understanding the needs and preferences for cancer care among First Nations people: an integrative review.

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    This systematic review aimed to identify the needs and preferences for cancer care services among Australian First Nations people. An integrative review was conducted. A wide range of search terms were used to increase the sensitivity and specificity of the searches in electronic databases. Methodological quality assessment, data extraction, was conducted independently by two reviewers, and a narrative synthesis was conducted. Forty‐two studies were included. A total of 2965 Australian First Nations adults, both men and women of various ages across the lifespan, were represented; no First Nations children affected by cancer were represented in the studies. Three themes emerged which included: (1) discrimination, racism and trauma, resulting from colonization, directly impacted First National people's cancer care experience; (2) cultural ways of knowing, being and doing are fundamental to how First Nations people engage with cancer care services; and (3) First Nations people need culturally safe person‐centred cancer care services that address practical needs. Most participants represented in this review experienced discrimination, racism and trauma, resulting from colonization, which directly negatively impacted Aboriginal peoples' cancer care experience. While the Optimal Cancer Pathway (OCP) was launched in Australia several years ago, people with cancer may continue to experience distressing unmet care needs. Our team includes both First Nations people, non‐First Nations researchers and healthcare professionals with expertise in cancer care. The researchers employed decolonizing restorative approaches to ensure voice, respect, accountability and reciprocity in this review work. Members of the multidisciplinary team including nurses and policymakers should reflect on these findings, ensure that they have up‐to‐date cultural safety training and stand together with Indigenous and non‐Indigenous cancer leaders to take proactive steps to stamp out and dismantle oppression in health, and safely implement the OCP