6,641 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of a program of romana’s Pilates for non-specific low back pain: A pilot study

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    Objetivo: comprobar la efectividad del método Pilates Romana para conseguir una mayor flexibilidad de la columna, junto con una mejora en la movilidad de la misma, así como del dolor que presentan en su vida diaria los pacientes. Metodología: ensayo clínico con intención de tratar a treinta pacientes con dolor lumbar inespecífico. Asistieron a 15 sesiones, 2 veces a la semana, del Método Pilates Romana.. Se evaluaron parámetros tales como dolor, test de Schöber, SRS-22 y distancia dedos- suelo. Resultados. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas con respecto al dolor (escala EVA), distancia dedos- suelo, test de Schöber (flexibilidad en plano sagital), flexión lateral (flexibilidad en plano frontal) y en varios ítems de la escala SRS-22, con valores de p<0,001. Por ello, este método puede ser usado para mejorar el dolor, la flexibilidad axial, la función y los aspectos relacionados con la calidad de vidaAim: to test the effectiveness of the Romana’s Pilates method to obtain increased flexibility, improvements in mobility, and reduced pain in daily life. Methodology: a clinical trial with intention-to-treat thirty patients with nonspecific low back pain. Participants attended 15 sessions, twice a week. The Romana’s Pilates method was taught by an external physiotherapist. Parameters such as pain, the Schober test, and the SRS-22 were evaluated. Results: Statistically significant differences in pain (VAS), the Schober test (flexibility in sagittal plane), lateral flexion (flexibility in frontal plane) and several items of the SRS-22 scale were found, with p <0.001. This method may be used to improve pain, axial flexibility, function and aspects related to the quality of life of patient

    Analysis of the legume–rhizobia symbiosis in shrubs from central western Spain

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    s. rodríguez-echeverría, m.a. pérez-fernández, s. vlaar and t. finnan. 2003.Aims: This work analyses the diversity of rhizobia associated with some of the predominant shrubby legumes in central-western Spain. Symbiotic promiscuity and effectiveness were studied using cross-inoculation experiments with shrubby species.Material and Results: Six new bradyrhizobia strains were isolated from nodules collected from wild plants of six leguminous species, Cytisus balansae, C. multiflorus, C. scoparius, C. striatus, Genista hystrix and Retama sphaerocarpa. These isolates were genetically characterized by 16S rDNA partial sequencing and random amplification of polymorphic DNA2013PCR fingerprinting. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that these isolates could represent three new Bradyrhizobium species. Shrubby legumes and bradyrhizobia displayed a high symbiotic promiscuity both for infectivity and effectiveness. Symbioses were effective in more than 70% of the associations established by four of the six plant species.Conclusions: Native woody legumes in western Spain are nodulated by Bradyrhizobium strains. The high degree of symbiotic promiscuity and effectiveness highlights the complex dynamics of these communities in wild ecosystems under a Mediterranean-type climate. Furthermore, the results from this study suggest a potential importance of inoculation for these legume species in soil-restoration projects.Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first study, to our knowledge, that combines both molecular analysis and pot trials to study the rhizobia2013legume symbiosis for wild legumes

    TOY: A System for Experimenting with Cooperation of Constraint Domains

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    AbstractThis paper presents, from a user point-of-view, the mechanism of cooperation between constraint domains that is currently part of the system TOY, an implementation of a constraint functional logic programming scheme. This implementation follows a cooperative goal solving calculus based on lazy narrowing. It manages the invocation of solvers for each domain, and projection operations for converting constraints into mate domains via mediatorial constraints. We implemented the cooperation among Herbrand, real arithmetic (R), finite domain (FD) and set (S) domains. We provide two mediatorial constraints: The first one relates the numeric domains FD and R, and the second one relates FD and S

    Quantum authentication with unitary coding sets

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    A general class of authentication schemes for arbitrary quantum messages is proposed. The class is based on the use of sets of unitary quantum operations in both transmission and reception, and on appending a quantum tag to the quantum message used in transmission. The previous secret between partners required for any authentication is a classical key. We obtain the minimal requirements on the unitary operations that lead to a probability of failure of the scheme less than one. This failure may be caused by someone performing a unitary operation on the message in the channel between the communicating partners, or by a potential forger impersonating the transmitter.Comment: RevTeX4, 10 page

    Gangrena gaseosa: revisión de cuatro casos

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    Desde el mes de enero de 1988 hasta diciembre de 1993, hemos atendido en el Servicio de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología 6.853 pacientes, de ellos 263 presentaron infecciones post-quirúrgicas, post-traumáticas o expontáneas. Del total de infecciones cuatro se manifestaron como un cuadro clínico de gangrena gaseosa. El origen fue post-traumático en tres casos y por arma de fuego en uno, localizándose la enfermedad en todos los pacientes en las extremidades inferiores. Para establecer el diagnóstico además de las manifestaciones clínicas se ha valorado el resultado bacterológico y anatomo-patológico de las muestras analizadas. El tratamiento consistió en Cirugía precoz, antibioticoterapia y oxigenoterapia hiperbárica cuando era necesario. La evolución ha sido buena en dos casos y desfavorable en el resto de los enfermos.From January 1988 to December 1993, we have seen in our institution 6853 patients, 263 of them presented post-surgical, post-traumatic or spontaneus infections. Of the total of infections, four of them were manifested as clinical cases of gaseous gangrene. The origin was post-traumatic in three cases, and gun shot in one case, localizing the disease in all patients in inferior extremities. For diagnosis clinical manifestations and the bacteriological and patologic results were evaluated. The treatment consisted of early surgery, antibiotical therapy and hiperbaric oxigenotherapy when it was necessary. The outcome was satisfactory in two cases and non favorable in the other two patients

    Crystallisation of amorphous Al-Y-Ni-(Cu)alloys

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    The nanocrystallisation behaviour and subsequent intermetallics formation of an amorphous Al88-Y4-Ni8 alloy has been studied. A 1 at% of Al or Ni was also substituted by Cu and its effect studied. Differential scanning calorimetry has been used to measure the thermal stability of these amorphous alloys. Transmission electron microscopy showed the smaller size of the nanocrystals obtained during primary crystallisation when Cu is added. Using three-dimensional atom probe, it has been checked that Cu is homogeneously distributed in the amorphous matrix, not contributing to a heterogeneous nucleation around Cu clusters during the formation of nanocrystals. Transmission electron microscopy and X-rays diffraction are used to study the controversial intermetallics occurrence at higher temperatures. The sequence and characteristics of the intermetallics appearing in these alloys were sensitive to the presence of Cu. The evolution of these intermetallics, up to 600 ºC, has been studied. Findings are compared with previous studies.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2015-69550-C2-2-

    Spin splitting in a polarized quasi-two-dimensional exciton gas

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    We have observed a large spin splitting between "spin" +1+1 and 1-1 heavy-hole excitons, having unbalanced populations, in undoped GaAs/AlAs quantum wells in the absence of any external magnetic field. Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy, under excitation with circularly polarized light, reveals that, for high excitonic density and short times after the pulsed excitation, the emission from majority excitons lies above that of minority ones. The amount of the splitting, which can be as large as 50% of the binding energy, increases with excitonic density and presents a time evolution closely connected with the degree of polarization of the luminescence. Our results are interpreted on the light of a recently developed model, which shows that, while intra-excitonic exchange interaction is responsible for the spin relaxation processes, exciton-exciton interaction produces a breaking of the spin degeneracy in two-dimensional semiconductors.Comment: Revtex, four pages; four figures, postscript file Accepted for publication in Physical Review B (Rapid Commun.