1,581 research outputs found

    A triple-GEM telescope for the TOTEM experiment

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    The TOTEM experiment at LHC has chosen the triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology for its T2 telescope which will provide charged track reconstruction in the rapidity range 5.3<|eta|<6.5 and a fully inclusive trigger for diffractive events. GEMs are gas-filled detectors that have the advantageous decoupling of the charge amplification structure from the charge collection and readout structure. Furthermore, they combine good spatial resolution with very high rate capability and a good resistance to radiation. Results from a detailed T2 GEM simulation and from laboratory tests on a final design detector performed at CERN are presented.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of 10th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD06), Siena, Italy, October 1-5 200

    Application of Biotests for the Determination of Soil Ecotoxicity after Exposure to Biodegradable Plastics

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    Biodegradable plastics are mostly applied in packaging materials (e.g., shopping bags), waste collection bags, catering products, and agricultural applications. In this last case, degradation takes place directly in soil where biodegradable plastic products are intentionally left after use (e.g., mulch films for weeds control). Due to the growing volumes of biodegradable polymers and plastics, interest in their environmental safety is increasing and more research is carried out. Some attempt has been made to apply biotests, used in other sectors of environmental sciences, in the assessment of biodegradable plastics safety. In this work, the quality of soils after biodegradation of the bioplastics Mater-Bi has been assessed with a large array of biotests based on model organisms representative of the different trophic levels in the food chains of the edaphic and aquatic ecosystems. Mater-Bi was degraded under controlled conditions for 6 months at a 1% concentration. The selected organisms included bacteria and protozoa (Vibrio fischeri and Dictyostelium discoideum, respectively), the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, plants (the monocotyledon Sorghum saccharatum and the dicotyledon Lepidium sativum), and invertebrates animals (Daphnia magna, a freshwater crustacean, and the Oligochaeta earthworm Eisenia andrei), using both acute and chronic endpoints. The results of the applied ecotoxicological tests showed that the Mater-Bi materials tested at very high doses did not affect the soil quality. Soil exposed to Mater-Bi has no noxious effects on edaphic organisms; in particular, mono and dicotyledon plants results, indicate that Mater-Bi plastic products are innocuous for agricultural uses. The use of more sensitive chronic endpoints allows to exclude possible effects at population level. This is the first time that such a comprehensive approach is applied to the assessment of possible ecotoxicity effects induced by biodegradable plastics in soil and represents a possible starting point for improved standardized testing schemes

    Neck orthosis design for 3D printing with user enhanced comfort features

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    An area of interest in orthopaedics is the development of efficient customized neck orthoses, considered that pathologies which affect the neck area are widespread. Advanced acquisition and modelling approaches combined with Additive Manufacturing (AM) can potentially provide customized orthoses with improved performance and complexity. However, in the design of these devices, besides functional and structural requirements, benefit and comfort of the patient should be a main concern, in particular, at the early stage of design during the acquisition of the body’s part, and while using the printed orthosis. In this paper, a scanning system with three sensors was developed which allows a fast, about 5&nbsp;s, and accurate acquisition of the neck area with minimum discomfort for the patient. A neck orthosis with a ventilation pattern obtained by Topology Optimization (TO), lightened by about 35%, was also established. In fact, a main role for comfort is played by the ventilation pattern which contributes both to lightness and breathability. Its structural and comfort performance was evaluated in comparison with an orthosis with a ventilation pattern configured by Voronoi cells. Structural assessment was carried out by means of finite element analysis under main loading conditions. An evaluation of neck temperatures in relation to wearing 3D printed prototypes, manufactured with Hemp Bio-Plastic® filament, was finally conducted by means of a thermal imaging camera. TO orthosis prototype showed a better performance regarding thermal comfort, with a maximum increase of neck temperature less than 1&nbsp;°C, which makes the proposed configuration very promising for user's comfort

    The use of viscoelastic haemostatic assays in goal-directing treatment with allogeneic blood products – A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background Management of the critically bleeding patient can be encountered in many medical and surgical settings. Common for these patients is a high risk of dying from exsanguination secondary to developing coagulopathy. The purpose of this meta-analysis was to systematically review and assess randomised controlled trials (RCTs) performed on patients in acute need for blood transfusions due to bleeding to evaluate the effect of viscoelastic haemostatic assay (VHA) guidance on bleeding, transfusion requirements and mortality. Methods PubMed and EMBASE were searched for RCTs that 1) randomised patients into receiving transfusions based on either a VHA-guided (thromboelastography [TEG] or rotational thromboelastometry [ROTEM]) algorithm (intervention group) or at the clinician’s discretion and/or based on conventional coagulation tests (control group) and 2) adequately reported on the outcomes bleeding and/or transfusions and/or mortality. Data on bleeding, transfusions and mortality were extracted from each trial and included in a meta-analysis. Results Fifteen RCTs (n = 1238 patients) were included. Nine trials referred to cardiothoracic patients, one to liver transplantation, one to surgical excision of burn wounds and one to trauma. One trial was conducted with cirrhotic patients, one with patients undergoing scoliosis surgery while one trial randomised treatment in post-partum females presenting with bleeding. The amount of transfused red blood cells (RBCs), fresh frozen plasma (FFP) and bleeding volume was found to be significantly reduced in the VHA-guided groups, whereas no significant difference was found for platelet transfusion requirements or mortality.Peer Reviewe

    On Representing Concepts in High-dimensional Linear Spaces

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    Producing a mathematical model of concepts is a very important issue in artificial intelligence, because if such a model were found this, besides being a very interesting result in its own right, would also contribute to the emergence of what we could call the \u2018mathematics of thought.\u2019 One of the most interesting attempts made in this direction is P. Gardenfors\u2019 theory of conceptual spaces, a \ua8 theory which is mostly presented by its author in an informal way. The main aim of the present article is contributing to Gardenfors\u2019 theory of conceptual spaces \ua8 by discussing some of the advantages which derive from the possibility of representing concepts in high-dimensional linear spaces


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    Essential oils (EOs) are hydrophobic concentrated liquids from plants made of volatile chemical compounds. EOs are very popular in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry as aromas, fragrances and alternative therapeutic devices [1, 2]. EOs are susceptible to degradation reactions, especially of oxidative type, triggered by temperature, light and oxygen availability. A loss of quality and alterations of sensory and pharmacological properties may occur, causing the production of smelly or even harmful compounds, responsible for allergic reactions and skin irritation [3-5]. For preventing and delaying EOs\u2019 spoilage, synthetic preservatives as 2,6-bis(1,1-dimetiletil)-4-metilphenol (BHT) or t-butil-4-hydrohyanisole (BHA) are commonly adopted; but, in addition to a limited efficiency due mainly to poor solubility in oils, they may cause health diseases [6]. Natural polyphenols as gallic acid (GA) are nowadays proposed as safer alternatives, but their efficiency is limited by their low compatibility with hydrophobic material again, or by the occurrence of probable side reactions with oils constituents. Recently, a hydrophobic and biodegradable GA-enriched dendrimer (GAD) (Fig. 1.a) characterised by a nanospherical morphology (Fig. 1.b) and endowed with a remarkable antioxidant activity was synthetized [7]. Further studies currently being completed, have shown that GAD, with respect to free GA, possesses also more efficient antibacterial properties against several antibiotics-resistant G+ strains, inhibits platelet aggregation and ROS accumulation thus representing an excellent alternative to conventional drugs to combat infections and thrombus formation [8]. In this study, based on integrated results obtained from the due investigations, GAD is advised also as an innovative and semi-synthetic preservative additive. a) b) Figure 1. Intuitive representation of GA-enriched dendrimer (GAD) structure (a); SEM images of GAD spherical nanoparticles (b). Scale bars represent 300 nm. In this regard, GAD proved a much more efficient preservative power than free GA and, unlike GA, it never acts as a pro-oxidant. Besides classic oxidation indexes, the desired information was obtained by FT-IR spectroscopy assisted by multivariate analysis (MVA). For further confirmation of the so obtained results, interpretations of FT-IR data by considering the area of some selected informative bands and iodometric titrations to determine the hydro peroxide value (PV) were also performed [9]. References [1] Yamamoto S., SOFW J., 2008, 134, 8. [2] Jiang Y., Wu N., Fu Y.-J., Wang W., Luo M., Zhao C.-J., Zu Y.-G., and Liu Y.-L., Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol., 2011, 32, 63. [3] Hagvall L., Skold M., Brared-Christensson J., Borje A., and Karlberg A.-T., Contact Dermatitis, 2008, 59, 143. [4] Skold M., Hagvall L., and Karlberg A.-T., Contact Dermatitis, 2008, 58, 9. [5] Brared-Christensson J., Matura M., Gruvberger B., Bruze M., and Karlberg A.-T., Contact Dermatitis, 2010, 62, 32. [6] Hirose M., Takesada Y., Tanaka H., Tamano S., Kato T., and Shirai T., Carcinogenesis, 1998, 19, 207. [7] Alfei S., Catena S., and Turrini F., Drug Deliv. Trans. Res., under review. [8] Alfei S., Signorello M. A., Schito A., Catena S., and Turrini F., results not yet published [9] Alfei S., Oliveri P., and Malegori C., New J. Chem., under review

    Nonlinear convective motion of the asthenosphere and the lithosphere melting: a model for the birth of a volcano

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    The processes of heat transfer occurring between the Earth's asthenosphere and lithosphere are responsible for partial melting of rocks, leading to the magma generation and its migration and segregation in the crust and, possibly, to volcanoes generation at the surface. Convection is the dominant mechanism regulating the heat transfer from the asthenosphere to the lithosphere, although many aspects of the whole process are not yet clear. Therefore, the knowledge of the physical processes leading to the melting of the lithospheric rocks has important consequences in understanding the interior Earth dynamics, the surface volcanic dynamics, and its related hazards. Rock melting occurs when the temperature gradient meets the rock solidus. Here, we propose a nonlinear convective 1D analytical model (representing an approximation of more 3D complex models). The steady-state solution of our equation is in good agreement with the estimated geotherms of the asthenosphere. A perturbative approach leads to a heat swelling at the boundary between asthenosphere and lithosphere able to determine its melting and the birth of a volcano

    A NURBS-based solid modeling to enhance rapid prototyping in the restoration of decorative elements

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    In this research, we describe a computer-aided approach to improve the reconstruction method of decorum in architectural surfaces and sculpture. The effects of withdrawal caused by catalysis of mold in silicone was evaluated and simulated by a NURBS-based solid modelling. A tolerance analysis model was developed to predict manufacturing precision levels. In particular, differential increment along three dimensions was performed considering different volume distributions. The methodology was validated by experimental data obtained during the coffered ceiling restoration of Teatro Massimo Vittorio Emanuele in Palermo. The proposed methodology allowed the reconstruction of decorations or fragments of decoration with high accuracy

    Experience with the Platelia Candida ELISA for the diagnosis of invasive candidosis in neonatal patients

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    ABSTRACTThis preliminary study evaluated the use of the Platelia Candida antigen kit for the diagnosis of invasive candidosis in 70 of 184 pre-term infants admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit between March 2004 and March 2006. The frequency of confirmed candidaemia was 6.5%. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay were 94.4% and 94.2%, respectively, with a positive predictive value of 85% and a negative predictive value of 98%. These results suggest that the inclusion of regular serological surveillance for mannanaemia in some pre-term infants would complement blood cultures for the early detection of candidosis
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