93 research outputs found

    Design of a Virtual Reality-based Framework for Supporting the Work Reintegration of Wheelchair Users

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    Accidents at work often lead the involved people to severe impairments, which can seriously compromise their life and their work activities. Various studies have proven that, for disabled people, being employed contributes to a better quality of life, thus it is important to give them the opportunity to continue their profes-sional career. This paper presents a framework aimed at supporting the training and the work-reintegration of people that, after an accident, are forced to use a wheelchair. In the proposed work, the Virtual Reality is the leading technology for allowing the wheelchair users to be trained in simulated environments where, in safe conditions, they become aware of their capabilities, while facing different challenging situations. More-over, the behaviour of the users is tracked during the whole training session for monitoring, processing and assessing, through semantic models, their functional level and the jobs that are still suitable for them


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    ABSTRAKNANDA MAULINA SAFIRA,PERLINDUNGAN KONSUMEN TERHADAP 2014MAKANAN JAJANAN YANG MENGANDUNG FORMALIN DAN BORAKS (Studi Penelitian di Kota Banda Aceh)Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala(iv, 63) pp., tabl., bibl., appdx.( RISMAWATI, S.H., M.Hum. )Dalam Pasal 4 huruf a Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen dijelaskan bahwa konsumen memiliki hak atas keselamatan dalam mengkonsumsi barang. Dalam Pasal 67 Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2012 tentang Pangan dijelaskan bahwa ketentuan keamanan pangan diselenggarakan untuk menjaga pangan tetap aman dikonsumsi, sehingga terhindar dari kemungkinan cemaran biologis atau kimia yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan manusia. Dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 33 Tahun 2012 tentang Bahan Tambahan Pangan disebutkan bahwa bahan yang dilarang digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan pangan diantaranya adalah formalin dan boraks. Pada kenyataannya, di Kota Banda Aceh terdapat masalah dalam mewujudkan perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks.Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks, faktor penyebab tidak berjalannya perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks, dan upaya mengatasi hambatan perwujudan perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks.Data yang diperlukan dalam tulisan ini adalah data sekunder dan data primer. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan cara membaca peraturan perundang-undangan, buku-buku, surat kabar dan bahan-bahan lain yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini, dan data primer diperoleh dengan cara mewancarai responden dan informan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks di Kota Banda Aceh, belum berjalan sebagaimana yang telah diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2012 dan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 33 Tahun 2012. Faktor penyebab tidak berjalannya perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks yaitu kurangnya sosialisasi peraturan perundang-undangan, kurangnya pengawasan, kurangnya ketegasan dalam penerapan sanksi dan kurangnya laporan dari pihak masyarakat.Upaya mengatasi hambatan perwujudan perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks yaitu penyuluhan hukum, pengawasan, peringatan dan pembinaan.Disarankan kepada instansi pemerintahan seperti Dinas Kesehatan dan BBPOM untuk menambah jumlah petugas serta mengalokasikan dana dalam melakukan pemeriksaan dan pengujian makanan jajanan sehingga terselenggaranya perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks.Banda Ace

    The influence of stacking fault energies and solute segregation on high temperature creep strength in L12-containing Co-based Superalloys

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    Co-based superalloys strengthened by the γ’-(L12) phase exhibit comparable and, in some cases, superior high temperature creep resistance to 1st-generation Ni-based superalloys. Despite the comparable creep resistance between Co- and Ni-based superalloys, the high temperature creep deformation modes are markedly different: the γ’ phase in Ni-based superalloys is typically sheared via coupled a/2\u3c110\u3e matrix dislocations, whereas the γ’ phase in Co-based superalloys is sheared via Shockley superpartial a/3\u3c112\u3e dislocations, which leave superlattice intrinsic stacking faults (SISF) behind in their wake. Previous investigations have shown that the creep strength of Co-based alloys increases with increasing SISF energy. In this contribution, the SISF energies for Co3(Al,W,X) and Co3(Al,Mo,X) compounds (X = Cr, Ta, Ti, Nb, and V) are calculated using density functional theory and special quasi-random structures (SQS) in order to assess the potency for quaternary alloying additions to increase the SISF energy, and thus the high temperature creep strength. In all alloy systems except Co-Al-W-Ti, quaternary compositions exhibited higher SISF energies compared to binary or ternary compositions. This implies that higher-order alloying additions that partition to the γ’ phase will always aid to increase the SISF energy and the high temperature creep strength as well. Recent work incorporating vibrational entropy in order to determine temperature-dependent SISF energies will be presented. Additionally, recent observations via high resolution microscopy and atom probe tomography of solute segregation at the SISFs will be presented. The relationship between solute segregation, SISF energy, and high temperature creep strength will be exemplified. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    The sovereign debt crisis: the impact on the intermediation model of Italian banks

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    The aim of the contribute is to analyze the impact of the financial crisis, in particular since the start of the sovereign debt phase, on Italian banks and their intermediation model. Italian banks\u2019 specific business model explains why they suffered less than those of other countries during the first phase of the crisis, requiring one of the lowest levels of public facilities in the EC as compared to GDP. Most of these same characteristics have changed from positive to negative factors since the sovereign debt crisis, which hit Italy hard, affecting first banks\u2019 liquidity and secondly the cost and volumes of funding and loans. Italian banks are now facing the effects of the double-dip recession, which has significantly weakened businesses and households, their key customer segments, and their borrowing and saving capability, with an increasing rate of non-performing loans. This situation is impairing the sustainability of the \u201ctraditional\u201d intermediation model and means that banks must introduce strategies for significantly modifying the banking business model they adopt

    An Empirical Analysis on Board Monitoring Role and Loan Portfolio Quality Measurement in Banks

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    This paper aims to analyze the effectiveness of the board monitoring role on specific loan portfolio quality measures in banks (default rate, recovery rate and provisioning rate). We use a sample comprises a totality of Italian-based banks, listed at Borsa Italiana SpA in 2006-2008 and a number of accounting proxies to express the loan portfolio quality of a bank. The results of the analysis show an overall weakness of the board role (expressed by Independents and Audit Committee on board) in monitoring loan portfolio quality of the bank, with the subsequent damage of the interests of stakeholders. A positive contribution of board monitoring, even if partial, is highlighted in two cases: Independents seems improve recovery rate, while the Audit committee enhances provisioning rate in banks. With reference to default rate, a total negative effect of board monitoring is reported. On the base of these results, some managerial implications are proposed


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    Evoluzione dei modelli di intermediaziione finanziaria negli ultimi trent'anni. Viene analizzato in particolare il modello tradizionale imperniato sull'emissione di riserve tecniche non colllocate sul mercato e quello successivo della bancassicurazione e della cartolarizzazione delle passività tipiche
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