8,880 research outputs found

    On the Definition of Gauge Field Operators in Lattice Gauge-Fixed Theories

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    We address the problem of defining the gauge four-potential on the lattice, in terms of the natural link variables. Different regularized definitions are shown, through non perturbative numerical computation, to converge towards the same continuum renormalized limit.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX2e/LaTeX209, 3 eps figure

    qqˉq\bar{q}-potential: a numerical study

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    We report the results of recent lattice simulations aimed at computing the qq and qˉ\bar q potential energies in the singlet and the octet (adjoint) representation.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, poster presented at the 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2013), 29 July - 3 August 2013, Mainz, German

    Hazardous Waste Disposal Site Hydrogeologic Characterization

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    A major hazardous waste disposal facility near Arlington, Oregon serving the Pacific Northwest, Canada, and Alaska maintains numerous favorable environmental characteristics for siting of a hazardous waste disposal facility. The risk of contamination as a result of potential leakage from a waste management unit via primary pathways to surface water, groundwater or by direct contact and/or ingestion is thus reasonably low. However, these same characteristics which make the site most suitable for hazardous waste disposal often conflict with: 1) the demonstration of the groundwater monitoring system\u27s ability to adequately perform immediate leak detection monitoring as mandated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 40 CFR Part 264, part F, and, 2) the level of demonstration required for the site to be “properly characterized.

    On the color structure of Yang-Mills theory with static sources in a periodic box

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    We present an exploratory numerical study on the lattice of the color structure of the wave functionals of the SU(3) Yang-Mills theory in the presence of a qqˉq\bar q static pair. In a spatial box with periodic boundary conditions we discuss the fact that all states contributing to the Feynman propagation kernel are global color singlets. We confirm this numerically by computing the correlations of gauge-fixed Polyakov lines with color-twisted boundary conditions in the time direction. The values of the lowest energies in the color singlet and octet external source sectors agree within statistical errors, confirming that both channels contribute to the lowest (global singlet) state of the Feynman kernel. We then study the case of homogeneous boundary conditions in the time direction for which the gauge-fixing is not needed. In this case the lowest energies extracted in the singlet external source sector agree with those determined with periodic boundary conditions, while in the octet sector the correlator is compatible with being null within our statistical errors. Therefore consistently only the singlet external source contribution has a non-vanishing overlap with the null-field wave functional.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Soil Remediation Via Environmentally Processed Asphalt (EPA)

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    Several methodologies are available for the remediation of contaminated soils including bioremediation, vapor extraction, chemical fixation, incineration and direct disposal. A proven innovative and cost effective alternative for the fixation of contaminated soils is via cold-mix Environmentally Processed Asphalt (EPA). EPA methodology utilizes contaminated soil as an ingredient in an industrial process to produce a commercially viable product. Petroleum hydrocarbon and metal affected soil is incorporated with an asphalt emulsion and aggregate to produce a range of cold-mix asphalt product that fulfills the requirements of a variety of end uses. This viable and creative use which is within the intent and spirit of current regulations is producing, in lieu of a landfill waste, an end product for use as a berm, road base, liner, or other site specific application. Consideration of certain factors including durability, chemical resistance and ageing, biological resistance, permeability, and leachability suggests that cold-mix asphalt incorporation of affected soil will perform more than adequately under normal conditions for a long period of time

    The extended structure of the dwarf irregular galaxies Sextans A and Sextans B. Signatures of tidal distortion in the outskirts of the Local Group

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    We present a detailed study of the stellar and HI structure of the dwarf irregular galaxies SextansA and SextansB, members of the NGC3109 association. We use newly obtained deep (r~26.5) and wide field g,r photometry to extend the Surface Brightness (SB) profiles of the two galaxies down to mu_V~ 31.0 mag/arcsec^2. We find that both galaxies are significantly more extended than what previously traced with surface photometry, out to ~4 kpc from their centers along their major axis. Older stars are found to have more extended distribution with respect to younger populations. We obtain the first estimate of the mean metallicity for the old stars in SexB, from the color distribution of the Red Giant Branch, =-1.6. The SB profiles show significant changes of slope and cannot be fitted with a single Sersic model. Both galaxies have HI discs as massive as their respective stellar components. In both cases the HI discs display solid-body rotation with maximum amplitude of ~50 km/s (albeit with significant uncertainty due to the poorly constrained inclination), implying a dynamical mass ~10^{9}~M_sun, a mass-to-light ratio M/L_V~25 and a dark-to-barionic mass ratio of ~10. The distribution of the stellar components is more extended than the gaseous disc in both galaxies. We find that the main, approximately round-shaped, stellar body of Sex~A is surrounded by an elongated low-SB stellar halo that can be interpreted as a tidal tail, similar to that found in another member of the same association (Antlia). We discuss these, as well as other evidences of tidal disturbance, in the framework of a past passage of the NGC3109 association close to the Milky Way, that has been hypothesized by several authors and is also supported by the recently discovered filamentary configuration of the association itself.Comment: Accepted for publication by A&A. PdfLateX, 16 pages, 11 figures, 2 appendice

    Line intensity enhancements in stellar coronal X-ray spectra due to opacity effects

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    Context. The I(15.01 A)/I(16.78 A) emission line intensity ratio in Fe XVII has been reported to deviate from its theoretical value in solar and stellar X-ray spectra. This is attributed to opacity in the 15.01 A line, leading to a reduction in its intensity, and was interpreted in terms of a geometry in which the emitters and absorbers are spatially distinct. Aims. We study the I(15.01 A)/I(16.78 A) intensity ratio for the active cool dwarf EV Lac, in both flare and quiescent spectra. Methods. The observations were obtained with the Reflection Grating Spectrometer on the XMM-Newton satellite. The emission measure distribution versus temperature reconstruction technique is used for our analysis. Results. We find that the 15.01 A line exhibits a significant enhancement in intensity over the optically thin value. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such an enhancement has been detected on such a sound statistical basis. We interpret this enhancement in terms of a geometry in which the emitters and absorbers are not spatially distinct, and where the geometry is such that resonant pumping of the upper level has a greater effect on the observed line intensity than resonant absorption in the line-of-sight.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    The extended structure of the dwarf irregular galaxy Sagittarius

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    We present a detailed study of the stellar and HI structure of the dwarf irregular galaxy Sagittarius. We use new deep and wide field photometry to trace the surface brightness profile of the galaxy out to ~5.0' (corresponding to ~1600 pc) and down to μV30.0\mu_V\simeq 30.0 mag/arcsec2^2, thus showing that the stellar body of the galaxy is much more extended than previously believed, and it is similarly (or more) extended than the overall HI distribution. The whole major-axis profile is consistent with a pure exponential, with a scale radius of 340\simeq 340 pc. The surface density maps reveal that the distribution of old and intermediate-age stars is smooth and remarkably flattened out to its edges, while the associated HI has a much rounder shape, is off-centred and presents multiple density maxima and a significant hole. No clear sign of systemic rotation is detectable in the complex HI velocity field. No metallicity gradient is detected in the old and intermediate age population of the galaxy, and we confirm that this population has a much more extended distribution than young stars (age<1\lt 1 Gyr).Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication on A&A. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1404.169

    Magnetic structure of Ba(TiO)Cu4_4(PO4_4)4_4 probed using spherical neutron polarimetry

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    The antiferromagnetic compound Ba(TiO)Cu4_4(PO4_4)4_4 contains square cupola of corner-sharing CuO4_4 plaquettes, which were proposed to form effective quadrupolar order. To identify the magnetic structure, we have performed spherical neutron polarimetry measurements. Based on symmetry analysis and careful measurements we conclude that the orientation of the Cu2+^{2+} spins form a non-collinear in-out structure with spins approximately perpendicular to the CuO4_4 motif. Strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction naturally lends itself to explain this phenomenon. The identification of the ground state magnetic structure should serve well for future theoretical and experimental studies into this and closely related compounds.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure