335 research outputs found

    Aging and the Effects of Conversation with a Passenger or a Caller on Simulated Driving Performance

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    A total of 96 pairs of older and younger drivers participated in a study assessing the effects of conversation on the driving performance of older and younger drivers in a simulated city environment. These effects were investigated while drivers conversed with an in-vehicle passenger or an outside-vehicle caller. All of the passengers completed three separate, counterbalanced blocks of tasks that consisted of two single-task blocks (driving only and conversing only) and one dual-task block (driving and conversing). The results showed greater variability in velocity, lane keeping and steering control under single-task than under dual-task conditions. Drivers also showed greater average velocity and greater deviation from the center of the lane under single-task than under dualtask conditions. However, when crossing an intersection, a task requiring greater attentional resources, drivers exhibited a cost due to the dual task. Our data are consistent with the literature, which suggests that a secondary task may aid in the performance of a routinized task but may also impose costs if the primary task requires significant attentional resources. Older drivers exhibited greater variability in velocity, stayed closer to the center of the lane, and waited longer to cross intersections than their younger counterparts, suggesting that they compensate for their declining perceptual and cognitive abilities through changes in driving behavior. Drivers exhibited greater variability in steering under singletask conditions when talking to an outside-vehicle caller, and older drivers showed greater variability in velocity when conversing with an outside-vehicle caller

    The Effects of Speech Production and Speech Comprehension on Simulated Driving Performance

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    We performed two experiments comparing the effects of speechproduction and speech comprehension on simulated driving performance. In bothexperiments, participants completed a speech task and a simulated driving taskunder single- and dual-task conditions, with language materials matched forlinguistic complexity. In Experiment 1, concurrent production and comprehensionresulted in more variable velocity compared to driving alone. Experiment 2replicated these effects in a more difficult simulated driving environment, withparticipants showing larger and more variable headway times when speaking orlistening while driving than when just driving. In both experiments, concurrentproduction yielded better control of lane position relative to single-taskperformance; concurrent comprehension had little impact on control of laneposition. On all other measures, production and comprehension had very similareffects on driving. The results show, in line with previous work, that there aredetrimental consequences for driving of concurrent language use. Our findingsimply that these detrimental consequences may be roughly the same whetherdrivers are producing speech or comprehending i

    Employment mobility in high-technology agglomerations: the cases of Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire

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    This paper examines labour market behaviour of the highly skilled in high-tech local economies, taking the UK examples of Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire as case studies. It reports on data from a survey of members of three scientific institutes to compare rates of employee mobility in the two locations and considers the likely explanations and implications of those patterns

    Sustaining entrepreneurial business: a complexity perspective on processes that produce emergent practice

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    This article examines the management practices in an entrepreneurial small firm which sustain the business. Using a longitudinal qualitative case study, four general processes are identified (experimentation, reflexivity, organising and sensing), that together provide a mechanism to sustain the enterprise. The analysis draws on concepts from entrepreneurship and complexity science. We suggest that an entrepreneur’s awareness of the role of these parallel processes will facilitate their approaches to sustaining and developing enterprises. We also suggest that these processes operate in parallel at multiple levels, including the self, the business and inter-firm networks. This finding contributes to a general theory of entrepreneurship. A number of areas for further research are discussed arising from this result

    Policies for new path development: the case of Oxfordshire

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    This chapter reflects on how evolutionary economic geography (EEG) can be extended to incorporate public policy in its explanations of path development. A weakness of EEG is the poor conceptualisation of the role of the state (central, regional, local) in regional path development. It is therefore argued that a multi-scalar perspective of policy is required and that a large set of policies deserve attention. Oxfordshire in the UK is used to explore the link between public policy and path development

    All grown up? The fate after 15 years of a quarter of a million UK firms born in 1998

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    The theory of firm growth is in a rather unsatisfactory state. However, the analysis of large firm-level datasets which have become available in recent years allows us to begin building an evidence base which can, in turn, be used to underpin the development of more satisfactory theory. Here we study the 239 thousand UK private sector firms born in 1998 over their first 15 years of life. A first, and quite striking, finding is the extraordinary force of mortality. By age 15, 90% of the UK firms born in 1998 are dead, and, for those surviving to age 15, the hazard of death is still about 10% a year. The chance of death is related to the size and growth of firms in an interesting way. Whilst the hazard rate after 15 years is largely independent of size at birth, it is strongly affected by the current (age 14) size. In particular, firms with more than five employees are half as likely to die in the next year as firms with less than five employees. A second important finding is that most firms, even those which survive to age 15, do not grow very much. By age 15 more than half the 26,000 survivors still have less than five jobs. In other words, the growth paths – what we call the ‘growth trajectories’ – of most of the 26,000 survivors are pretty flat. However, of the firms that do grow, firms born smaller grow faster than those born larger. Another striking finding is that growth is heavily concentrated in the first five years. Whilst growth does continue, even up to age 15, each year after age five it involves only a relatively small proportion of firms. Finally, there are two groups of survivors which contribute importantly to job creation. Some are those born relatively large (with more than 20 jobs) although their growth rate is quite modest. More striking though, is a very small group of firms born very small with less than five jobs (about 5% of all survivors) which contribute a substantial proportion (more than one third) of the jobs added to the cohort total by age 15

    Economic language and economy change: with implications for cyber-physical systems

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    The implementation of cyber-physical and similar systems depends on prevailing social and economic conditions. It is here argued that, if the effect of these technologies is to be benign, the current neo-liberal economy must change to a radically more cooperative model. In this paper, economy change means a thorough change to a qualitatively different kind of economy. It is contrasted with economic change, which is the kind of minor change usually considered in mainstream discourse. The importance of language is emphasised, including that of techno-optimism and that of economic conservatism. Problems of injustice, strife, and ecological overload cannot be solved by conventional growth together with technical efficiency gains. Rather, a change is advocated from economics-as-usual to a broader concept, oikonomia (root-household management), which takes into account all that contributes to a good life, including what cannot be represented quantitatively. Some elements of such a broader economy (work; basic income; asset and income limits) are discussed. It is argued that the benefits of technology can be enhanced and the ills reduced in such an economy. This is discussed in the case of cyber-physical systems under the headings employment, security, standards and oligopoly, and energy efficiency. The paper concludes that such systems, and similar technological developments, cannot resolve the problems of sustainability within an economy-as-usual model. If, however, there is the will to create a cooperative and sustainable economy, technology can contribute significantly to the resolution of present problems

    The Equifinality of Archaeological Networks: an Agent-Based Exploratory Lab Approach

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    When we find an archaeological network, how can we explore the necessary versus contingent processes at play in the formation of that archaeological network? Given a set of circumstances or processes, what other possible network shapes could have emerged? This is the problem of equifinality, where many different means could potentially arrive at the same end result: the networks that we observe. This paper outlines how agent-based modelling can be used as a laboratory for exploring different processes of archaeological network formation. We begin by describing our best guess about how the (ancient) world worked, given our target materials (here, the networks of production and patronage surrounding the Roman brick industry in the hinterland of Rome). We then develop an agent-based model of the Roman extractive economy which generates different kinds of networks under various assumptions about how that economy works. The rules of the simulation are built upon the work of Bang (2006; 2008) who describes a model of the Roman economy which he calls the ‘imperial Bazaar’. The agents are allowed to interact, and the investigators compare the kinds of networks this description generates over an entire landscape of economic possibilities. By rigorously exploring this landscape, and comparing the resultant networks with those observed in the archaeological materials, the investigators will be able to employ the principle of equifinality to work out the representativeness of the archaeological network and thus the underlying processes

    Looking inside the spiky bits : a critical review and conceptualisation of entrepreneurial ecosystems

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    The authors wish to thank the Organisational for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for funding their original research on entrepreneurial ecosystems.The concept of entrepreneurial ecosystems has quickly established itself as one of the latest ‘fads’ in entrepreneurship research. At face value, this kind of systemic approach to entrepreneurship offers a new and distinctive path for scholars and policy makers to help understand and foster growth-oriented entrepreneurship. However, its lack of specification and conceptual limitations has undoubtedly hindered our understanding of these complex organisms. Indeed, the rapid adoption of the concept has tended to overlook the heterogeneous nature of ecosystems. This paper provides a critical review and conceptualisation of the ecosystems concept: it unpacks the dynamics of the concept; outlines its theoretical limitations; measurement approaches and use in policy-making. It sets out a preliminary taxonomy of different archetypal ecosystems. The paper concludes that entrepreneurial ecosystems are a highly variegated, multi-actor and multi-scalar phenomenon, requiring bespoke policy interventions.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe