766 research outputs found

    A Double Inverted F-Shape Patch Antenna for Dual-Band Operation

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    A double inverted F-shape patch antenna is presented for dual-band operation. The proposed antenna is comprised of circular and rectangular slots on a printed circuit board of 40 mm × 40 mm × 1.6 mm with a 50 Ω microstrip transmission line. Commercially available high frequency structural simulator (HFSS) based on the finite element method (FEM) has been adopted in this investigation. It has a measured impedance bandwidths (2 : 1 VSWR) of 18.53% on the lower band and 7.8% on the upper band, respectively. It has achieved stable radiation efficiencies of 79.76% and 80.36% with average gains of 7.82 dBi and 5.66 dBi in the operating frequency bands. Moreover, numerical simulations have been indicated as an important uniformity with measured results


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    Earthquake is one of the most dreadful natural disasters which have caused incalculable destruction of properties and human lives. An examination of the historical catalog of Bangladesh and its surrounding regions reveal that several earthquakes of large magnitude with epicenters within this region have occurred in the past. In this paper, we have analyzed the previous earthquake data up to 2008 of Bangladesh and its adjacent regions with spatial distribution and have tried to find out the probable earthquake risk with magnitude ( ms ≥ 6.0) in this region. Our goal is to forecast waiting times until the next earthquake in Bangladesh and its surrounding regions for a magnitude of earthquake ( ms ≥ 6.0). For the prediction of the next strong earthquake, we have used Weibull distribution which is the best way to carry out probabilistic hazard analysis of earthquake occurrences and compared this distribution with the log-normal distribution and exponential distribution for the occurrence of earthquake in Bangladesh and its surrounding regions


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    Earthquake is one of the most dreadful natural disasters which have caused incalculable destruction of properties and human lives. An examination of the historical catalog of Bangladesh and its surrounding regions reveal that several earthquakes of large magnitude with epicenters within this region have occurred in the past. In this paper, we have analyzed the previous earthquake data up to 2008 of Bangladesh and its adjacent regions with spatial distribution and have tried to find out the probable earthquake risk with magnitude ( ms ≥ 6.0) in this region. Our goal is to forecast waiting times until the next earthquake in Bangladesh and its surrounding regions for a magnitude of earthquake ( ms ≥ 6.0). For the prediction of the next strong earthquake, we have used Weibull distribution which is the best way to carry out probabilistic hazard analysis of earthquake occurrences and compared this distribution with the log-normal distribution and exponential distribution for the occurrence of earthquake in Bangladesh and its surrounding regions

    Small-Scale Turkey Farming in Bangladesh: Farming Practices, Profitability and Supply Chain Mapping

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    The study was conducted to know the existing turkey production system, supply chain mapping, and identifying the prospects and problems of turkey rearing in some selected areas of Bangladesh during October 2019 to December 2019. A total of 100 turkey raisers were surveyed following convenience method of sampling technique. The primary data were collected, analyzed accordingly and tabular presentation method was applied with the help of simple descriptive statistical measures e.g. frequency distributions, percentage, sum and means to illustrating the results. Profitability analysis was done on the basis of variable cost, fixed cost, return by using arithmetic means and percentages. The study revealed that 87 male and 13 female respondents were surveyed, of them cent percent found educated. About 56% turkey keeper’s main occupation was business, 27% service and 12% in farming while 88.57% involved with farming as secondary sources of income. Average landholding for homestead, cultivable and non-cultivable was 24.40, 129.71 and 29.47 decimal, respectively. About 59% farms started for commercial purpose, 32% for non-commercial purpose and 9% for both. About 60% respondents kept less than 50 turkeys and only 2% kept 501-1000 turkeys. Among the surveyed farms55% stopped their operation and 45% farms found running their business. Among the running farms cent percent were small-scale group. The average feed intake was 192.13 grams per day per bird at 20 weeks of age. Turkey laid on an average 139 eggs a year irrespective of variety and for hatching poults, the fertility and hatchability rate found between 65 to 100% and 50 to 90%, respectively. About 28% farmers experienced the deaths of turkey because of Cold, Pox, Ranikhet, Bird flu and unknown cases and 69.47% farmers took veterinary advice from Upazila Livestock Hospital and rest from other sources. Farmers to consumers were the most common and widely used marketing channel for egg, chick and adult turkey. The market intermediaries of turkey farm carried out different marketing functions e.g. buying and selling, pricing, transportation, sorting, distribution and market information. The average net return and benefit-cost ratio was BDT 127838.04 and 1.38, respectively for 50 turkeys per year. In the study, turkey rearing found some comparative benefit over chicken and ducks e.g. higher weight gain, forage eater, lower diseases rate and suitability for the country. The main problem of turkey rearing identified as market instability, lack of quality turkey feed, higher feed price, lack of proper marketing facility and training on turkey farming. In conclusion, the small-scale turkey farming could be a viable source of income for the rural people of Bangladesh after taking some remedial steps by the Government of Bangladesh for the aforesaid hindrances faced by the turkey farmers

    An exploratory study to examine abundance of PM2.5 and associated disease burden in Bangladesh

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    This study examined selected disease burdens in Bangladesh associated with particulate matter exposure using gridded population and PM2.5 data between 2001 and 2019. The Global Exposure Mortality Model (GEMM) was used to determine hazard ratio (HR) and disease specific mortality. Besides, trend of PM2.5 and selected diseases were evaluated. Results revealed that strong seasonality existed in PM2.5 with winter exhibited maximum concentration. The trend assessment showed PM2.5 was increasing over time. Among five diseases assessed, LRI was most sensitive to an increase of PM2.5, followed by IHD, LC, CEV and COPD. Excess mortality was found to be elevating because of PM2.5, particularly in major cities. This study could be useful in advancing research in the disease burden attributable to ambient air pollution in Bangladesh

    Changing species distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of Shigella over a 29-year period (1980-2008)

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    We studied changes in species distribution and antimicrobial resistance patterns of Shigella during 1980-2008, using the Diarrhoeal Diseases Surveillance system of Dhaka Hospital of ICDDR,B. In hospitalized patients Shigella prevalence decreased steadily from 8-12% in the 1980s to 3% in 2008. Endemic S. flexneri was the most commonly isolated species (54%). Epidemic S. dysenteriae type 1 had two peaks in 1984 and 1993, but was not found after 2000, except for one case in 2004. The therapeutic options are now limited: in 2008 a total of 33% of S. flexneri were resistant to ciprofloxacin and 57% to mecillinam. In the <5 years age group, severely underweight, wasted and stunted children were more at risk of shigellosis compared to well-nourished children (P<0·001). Although hospitalization for Shigella diarrhoea is decreasing, the high levels of antimicrobial resistance and increased susceptibility of malnourished children continue to pose an ongoing ris