5,040 research outputs found

    A corpus-based study of Italian idiomatic phrases: from citation forms to 'real-life' occurrences

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    In the current paper we present a typological description of the alternative forms and variations which Italian idiomatic phrases were found to take in a corpus of contemporary written Italian. We were concerned above all with lexical variation, both regularly occurring and occasional, not with the syntactic flexibility of idioms. Flexible search parameters were used in order to locate as many variations as possible, including alternative lexical components, shortened forms of idioms, adaptation of underlying metaphors, and alternative syntactic realizations. We relate our findings to lexicographical description

    A Corpus Study of Italian Proverbs: Implications for Lexicography

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    In this paper we look at the way in which proverbs were found to behave in a corpus of contemporary written Italian. We comment especially on the types of formal variation they were found to undergo, whether in terms of alternative citation forms or context related changes. We also comment on the more significant relationships between variation and textual function. Our findings would suggest that proverbs are far from being invariable units, and that lexicographical description of proverbs could be more complete than it usually is, especially as regards formal variation and syntactic flexibility. We acknowledge the need to compare our findings with data regarding proverb usage in the spoken language, and also the size limitations of the corpus used in the present study

    Mechanisms of superconductivity investigated by nuclear radiation

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    Investigation focused on the behavior of superconducting magnet and its constituent materials during and after exposure to nuclear radiation. The results will indicate the feasibility of their use in diverse applications and various environments

    Field dependence of the temperature at the peak of the ZFC magnetization

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    The effect of an applied magnetic field on the temperature at the maximum of the ZFC magnetization, MZFCM_{ZFC}, is studied using the recently obtained analytic results of Coffey et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 80}(1998) 5655) for the prefactor of the N\'{e}el relaxation time which allow one to precisely calculate the prefactor in the N\'{e}el-Brown model and thus the blocking temperature as a function of the coefficients of the Taylor series expansion of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The present calculations indicate that even a precise determination of the prefactor in the N\'{e}el-Brown theory, which always predicts a monotonic decrease of the relaxation time with increasing field, is insufficient to explain the effect of an applied magnetic field on the temperature at the maximum of the ZFC magnetization. On the other hand, we find that the non linear field-dependence of the magnetization along with the magnetocrystalline anisotropy appears to be of crucial importance to the existence of this maximum.Comment: 14 LaTex209 pages, 6 EPS figures. To appear in J. Phys.: Condensed Matte

    Evaluation of a ln tan integral arising in quantum field theory

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    We analytically evaluate a dilogarithmic integral that is prototypical of volumes of ideal tetrahedra in hyperbolic geometry. We additionally obtain new representations of the Clausen function Cl_2 and the Catalan constant G=Cl_2(\pi/2), as well as new relations between sine and Clausen function values.Comment: 24 pages, no figure

    Researching ‘bogus’ asylum seekers, ‘illegal’ migrants and ‘crimmigrants’

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    Both immigration and criminal laws are, at their core, systems of inclusion and exclusion. They are designed to determine whether and how to include individuals as members of society or exclude them from it, thereby, creating insiders and outsiders (Stumpf 2006). Both are designed to create distinct categories of people — innocent versus guilty, admitted versus excluded or, as majority would say, ‘legal’ versus ‘illegal’ (Stumpf 2006). Viewed in that light, perhaps it is not surprising that these two areas of law have become inextrica- bly connected in the official discourses. When politicians and policy makers (and also law enforcement authorities and tabloid press) seek to raise the barriers for non-citizens to attain membership in society, it is unremarkable that they turn their attention to an area of the law that similarly func- tions to exclude the ‘other’ — transforming immigrants into ‘crimmigrants’.1 As a criminological researcher one then has to rise up to the challenges of disentangling these so-called officially constructed (pseudo) realities, and breaking free from a continued dominance of authoritative discourses, and developing an alternative understanding of ‘crimmigration’ by connecting the processes of criminal is ation and ‘other ing’ with poverty, xe no-racism and other forms of social exclusion (see Institute of Race Relations 1987; Richmond 1994; Fekete 2001; Bowling and Phillips 2002; Sivanandan 2002; Weber and Bowling 2004)

    Thermally activated escape rates of uniaxial spin systems with transverse field

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    Classical escape rates of uniaxial spin systems are characterized by a prefactor differing from and much smaller than that of the particle problem, since the maximum of the spin energy is attained everywhere on the line of constant latitude: theta=const, 0 =< phi =< 2*pi. If a transverse field is applied, a saddle point of the energy is formed, and high, moderate, and low damping regimes (similar to those for particles) appear. Here we present the first analytical and numerical study of crossovers between the uniaxial and other regimes for spin systems. It is shown that there is one HD-Uniaxial crossover, whereas at low damping the uniaxial and LD regimes are separated by two crossovers.Comment: 4 PR pages, 3 figures, final published versio

    On hypergeometric series reductions from integral representations, the Kampe de Feriet function, and elsewhere

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    Single variable hypergeometric functions pFq arise in connection with the power series solution of the Schrodinger equation or in the summation of perturbation expansions in quantum mechanics. For these applications, it is of interest to obtain analytic expressions, and we present the reduction of a number of cases of pFp and p+1F_p, mainly for p=2 and p=3. These and related series have additional applications in quantum and statistical physics and chemistry.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Age and Correlation of the Moorefield Shale (Upper Mississippian) in its Type Area, Northeastern Arkansas

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    The name Moorefield was proposed by Adams and Ulrich (1904) for exposures of gray to brown, phosphatic shale with a basal limestone, overlying the Lower Mississippian Boone Formation, and underlying the Upper Mississippian Batesville Sandstone, in the vicinity of Moorefield, Independence County, northeastern Arkansas. Gordon (1944) 1) restricted the name Moorefield to the lower limestone-bearing interval, 2) applied a new name, Ruddell, to the succeeding shale section that comprises the bulk of the interval, with a type area near Moorefield, and 3) interpreted the interval contacts as unconformities. The name Ruddell was used for the revised Geological Map of Arkansas (1993), but later publications by the Arkansas Geological Survey and other sources refer the entire interval to the Moorefield Shale, and report a maximum thickness of 91.44 m. (300 feet). Age assignments for the Moorefield Shale are based almost entirely on ammonoid cephalopods (e.g. Gordon 1965, Saunders et al. 1977, Korn and Titus 2011). Brachiopods (e.g. Girty 1911) have provided a supporting role, but never to the precision of the ammonoids. Initially, Gordon (1965) recognized two ammonoid zones and four subzones through all the Moorefield, except the base. Korn and Titus (2011) reexamined Gordon’s published ammonoid assemblages, and made additional collections from the type Moorefield. They recognized only two Moorefield ammonoid zones: the lower Goniatites eganensis - Girtyoceras welleri zone, succeeded by the upper Goniatites multiliratus zone concentrated near the middle of the interval. The best age assignment for these abundant, middle Moorefield ammonoid assemblages is to the lower Chesterian Series (Korn and Titus 2011). The unfossiliferous lower Moorefield Shale spans the Meramecian-Chesterian boundary. The upper section, above the ammonoid occurrences, but also barren of ammonoids, and other biostratigraphically useful fossils, likely extends to at least the middle Chesterian. Thus, the bulk of the Moorefield formation represents the Chesterian, not the Meramecian Series. This age assignment is complicated further by the reduction of the lithostratigraphic units comprising the type Meramecian Series (Lane and Brenckle 2005), and a lack of ammonoid assemblages in its type area, St. Louis County, Missouri

    Identity and naming practices in British marriage and civil partnerships

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    This article demonstrates the continued prevalence of traditional, heteronormative practices regarding marriage and naming practices in Britain, and also considers the complex choices made by same-sex couples who marry in relation to whether there are any benefits in changing their surname. The study draws on data from an online survey of 1,000 UK respondents, and reveals that it continues to be viewed as more ‘normal’ for a woman to take her husband’s surname in a heterosexual union than for her to make any other choice. Whilst other options (such as the woman retaining the surname given to her by her parents, for instance) are often considered in relation to heterosexual marriage, these continue to be seen as a deviation from the norm. We find that the role of tradition is critical to heterosexual women’s decisions over what to do with their surname, whether they follow the culturally expected route or consciously deviate from it. Same-sex couples are broadly perceived to have comparably more freedom than heterosexuals regarding their names, and here we analyse whether this is the case. Through qualitative critical analysis of the discursive responses of those completing our survey, and some quantitative discussion of the data, we demonstrate that heteronormative assumptions about a woman’s role in a heterosexual relationship have continued salience and that this leads to a conscious and often difficult negotiation of her own identity as both an individual and a wife