62 research outputs found

    Kupipakwa Rasayana: Unique Metalo-Mineral preparation

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    Kupipakwa Rasayana is used as therapeutic agents in the Indian system of Medicine, Ayurveda. It is unique due to its method of preparation. Kupipakwa Rasayana are prepared in the specially designed device Valuka Yantra. Parada (Mercury) and Gandhaka (Sulphur) are the chief ingredients in this medicine along with other metals and minerals. These Kupipakwa Rasayana are used in the different disorders like Rajyakshma, Kushtha, Prameha, Arsha, Vatvikara etc. Here in the present study it was decided to screen and review its reported experimental efficacy studies. On screening, it was revealed that numerous Kupipakwa Rasayana showed significant anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, immune-modulatory, anti-hyperglycemic properties. The observed encouraging results shows the further scope for broad spectrum research era in Kupipakwa Rasayana

    Scattering of emission lines in galaxy cluster cores: measuring electron temperature

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    The central galaxies of some clusters can be strong emitters in the Lyα\alpha and Hα\alpha lines. This emission may arise either from the cool/warm gas located in the cool core of the cluster or from the bright AGN within the central galaxy. The luminosities of such lines can be as high as 1042−104410^{42} - 10^{44} erg/s. This emission originating from the core of the cluster will get Thomson scattered by hot electrons of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) with an optical depth ∌\sim 0.01 giving rise to very broad (Δλ/λ∌\Delta \lambda / \lambda \sim 15%) features in the scattered spectrum. We discuss the possibility of measuring the electron density and temperature using information on the flux and width of the highly broadened line features.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted in MNRA

    On Cohomology theory for topological groups

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    We construct some new cohomology theories for topological groups and Lie groups and study some of its basic properties. For example, we introduce a cohomology theory based on measurable cochains which are continuous in a neighbourhood of identity. We show that if G and A are locally compact and second countable, then the second cohomology group based on locally continuous measurable cochains as above parametrizes the collection of locally split extensions of G by A

    Some interesting morphological features of liver lobes in Mumbai population

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    Introduction: Liver is the largest gland in the body mainly situated in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Abnormalities of liver are rare. Common abnormalities are irregularities in form, occurrence of one or more accessory lobes, fissures or abnormal ligaments. Rare abnormalities include atrophy, or complete absence of one of the lobes. Although the segmental anatomy of the liver has been extensively researched, very few studies have dealt with the surface variations of the liver. Accessory lobe may be confused with tumour. Accessory fissure may mimic internal trauma at the time of the post-mortem study. Aim: Present study was carried to find out the morphological variations of liver lobes occurring in Mumbai population. Methods & Materials: The materials used for present study comprised of formalin fixed 50 adult livers. Results & conclusion: In the present study we found accessory liver lobes in 3 cadavers i.e. 6 %, atrophy of left lobe in 15 cadavers i.e. 30 %, accessory fissures in 21 cases i.e.42%.There is also abnormal connection between left lobe and quadrate lobe in 14% cases. The findings of study may be helpful to radiologist and surgeons respectively, to avoid possible errors in interpretations and subsequent misdiagnosis, and for planning appropriate surgical approaches

    A new Tolman test of a cosmic distance duality relation at 21 cm

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    Under certain general conditions in an expanding universe, the luminosity distance (d_L) and angular diameter distance (d_A) are connected by the Etherington relation as d_L = d_A (1 + z)^2. The Tolman test suggests the use of objects of known surface brightness, to test this relation. In this letter, we propose the use of redshifted 21 cm signal from disk galaxies, where neutral hydrogen (HI) masses are seen to be almost linearly correlated with surface area, to conduct a new Tolman test. We construct simulated catalogs of galaxies, with the observed size-luminosity relation and realistic redshift evolution of HI mass functions, likely to be detected with the planned Square Kilometer Array (SKA). We demonstrate that these observations may soon provide the best implementation of the Tolman test to detect any violation of the Etherington relation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, v2: published versio

    Critical review on Mandabuddhitva in children and role of Samvardhana Ghrita in treatment

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    Ayurveda, which is the science of life, also called an eternal science; deals with spiritual, psychological and physical well being of the individual. Ayurveda being the science of life deals with all its aspects including the aspect of psyche. Although not explained in separate chapters, still conditions referred by our Acharyas as “Alpabuddhi, Mudha, Jada, Abudh” (indicating stunted growth of mental faculties) appear to be state of ‘mental retardation’ these conditions have been attributed to impaired development of buddhi. Mandabuddhitva can be correlated with Mental retardation. Mental retardation is a disorder consisting of below average intellectual functioning and impairment in adaptive skill, which is present, before the person is 18 years of age. This is the period when the brain along with the entire nervous system is in a state of development in order to reach maturity. In Ayurveda Samvardhana Ghrita mentioned by Acharya Kashyapa in the management of Mandabuddhitva

    Nanostructured Cubosomes in a Thermoresponsive Depot System: An Alternative Approach for the Controlled Delivery of Docetaxel

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    The aim of the present study was to develop and evaluate a thermoresponsive depot system comprising of docetaxel-loaded cubosomes. The cubosomes were dispersed within a thermoreversible gelling system for controlled drug delivery. The cubosome dispersion was prepared by dilution method, followed by homogenization using glyceryl monooleate, ethanol and PluronicÂź F127 in distilled water. The cubosome dispersion was then incorporated into a gelling system prepared with PluronicÂźF127 and PluronicÂź F68 in various ratios to formulate a thermoresponsive depot system. The thermoresponsive depot formulations undergo a thermoreversible gelation process i.e., they exists as free flowing liquids at room temperature, and transforms into gels at higher temperatures e.g., body temperature, to form a stable depot in aqueous environment. The mean particle size of the cubosomes in the dispersion prepared with PluronicÂź F127, with and without the drug was found to be 170 and 280 nm, respectively. The prepared thermoresponsive depot system was evaluated by assessing various parameters like time for gelation, injectability, gel erosion, and in-vitro drug release. The drug-release studies of the cubosome dispersion before incorporation into the gelling system revealed that a majority (∌97%) of the drug was released within 12 h. This formulation also showed a short lag time (∌3 min). However, when incorpo- rated into a thermoresponsive depot system, the formulation exhibited an initial burst release of∌21%, and released only∌ 39% drug over a period of 12 h, thus indicating its potential as a controlled drug delivery system

    Predictions for ASKAP Neutral Hydrogen Surveys

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    The Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) will revolutionise our knowledge of gas-rich galaxies in the Universe. Here we present predictions for two proposed extragalactic ASKAP neutral hydrogen (HI) emission-line surveys, based on semi-analytic models applied to cosmological N-body simulations. The ASKAP HI All-Sky Survey, known as WALLABY, is a shallow 3 Pi survey (z = 0 - 0.26) which will probe the mass and dynamics of over 600,000 galaxies. A much deeper small-area HI survey, called DINGO, aims to trace the evolution of HI from z = 0 - 0.43, a cosmological volume of 40 million Mpc^3, detecting potentially 100,000 galaxies. The high-sensitivity 30 antenna ASKAP core (diameter ~2 km) will provide an angular resolution of 30 arcsec (at z=0). Our simulations show that the majority of galaxies detected in WALLABY (87.5%) will be resolved. About 5000 galaxies will be well resolved, i.e. more than five beams (2.5 arcmin) across the major axis, enabling kinematic studies of their gaseous disks. This number would rise to 160,000 galaxies if all 36 ASKAP antennas could be used; the additional six antennas provide baselines up to 6 km, resulting in an angular resolution of 10 arcsec. For DINGO this increased resolution is highly desirable to minimise source confusion; reducing confusion rates from a maximum of 10% of sources at the survey edge to 3%. We estimate that the sources detected by WALLABY and DINGO will span four orders of magnitude in total halo mass (from 10^{11} to 10^{15} Msol) and nearly seven orders of magnitude in stellar mass (from 10^{5} to 10^{12} Msol), allowing us to investigate the process of galaxy formation across the last four billion years.Comment: 21 pages, accepted for publication in MNRAS, minor updates to published version and fixed links. Movies and images available at http://ict.icrar.org/store/Movies/Duffy12c

    Testing the cosmic distance duality with X-ray gas mass fraction and supernovae data

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    In this paper we discuss a new cosmological model-independent test for the cosmic distance duality relation (CDDR), η=DL(L)(1+z)−2/DA(z)=1\eta = D_{L}(L)(1+z)^{-2}/D_{A}(z)=1, where DA(z)D_{A}(z) and DL(z)D_{L}(z) are the angular and luminosity distances, respectively. Using the general expression for X-ray gas mass fraction (fgasf_{gas}) of galaxy clusters, fgas∝DLDA1/2f_{gas} \propto D_L{D_A}^{1/2}, we show that fgasf_{gas} observations jointly with type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) data furnish a validity test for the CDDR. To perform our analysis we use 38 fgasf_{gas} measurements recently studied by two groups considering different assumptions to describe the clusters (La Roque {\it{et al.}} 2006 and Ettori {\it{et al.}} 2009) and two subsamples of SNe Ia distance luminosity extracted from the Union2 compilation. In our test we consider the η\eta parameter as a function of the redshift parameterized by two different functional forms. It is found that the La Roque {\it{et al.}} (2006) sample is in perfect agreement with the duality relation (η=1\eta = 1) whereas the Ettori {\it{et al.}} (2009) sample presents a significant conflict.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, Letter to MNRAS (in press
