132 research outputs found
On the K^+D Interaction at Low Energies
The Kd reactions are considered in the impulse approximation with NN
final-state interactions (NN FSI) taken into account. The realistic parameters
for the KN phase shifts are used. The "quasi-elastic" energy region, in which
the elementary KN interaction is predominantly elastic, is considered. The
theoretical predictions are compared with the data on the K^+d->K^+pn,
K^+d->K^0pp, K^+d->K^+d and K^+d total cross sections. The NN FSI effect in the
reaction K^+d->K^+pn has been found to be large. The predictions for the Kd
cross sections are also given for slow kaons, produced from phi(1020) decays,
as the functions of the isoscalar KN scattering length a_0. These predictions
can be used to extract the value of a_0 from the data.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure
Triple GEM Tracking Detectors for the BM@N Experiment
BM@N (Baryonic Matter at the Nuclotron) is the fixed target experiment aimed to study nuclear matter in the relativistic heavy ion collisions at the Nuclotron accelerator in JINR. The BM@N tracking system is based on Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) detectors, mounted inside the BM@N analyzing magnet. The structure of the GEM detectors and the results of study of their characteristics are presented. The GEM detectors are integrated into the BM@N experimental setup and data acquisition system. The results of the first test of the GEM tracking system in the technical run with the deuteron beam are shortly reviewed
Programmable active memories in real-time tasks: implementing data-driven triggers for LHC experiments
The future Large Hadron Collider (LHC), to be built at CERN, presents among other technological challenges a formidable problem of real-time data analysis. At a primary event rate of 40 MHz, a multi-stage trigger system has to analyze data to decide which is the fraction of events that should be preserved on permanent storage for further analysis. We report on implementations of local algorithms for feature extraction as part of triggering, using the detectors of the proposed ATLAS experiment as a model. The algorithms were implemented for a decision frequency of 100 kHz, on different data-driven programmable devices based on structures of field- programmable gate arrays and memories. The implementations were demonstrated at full speed with emulated input, and were also integrated into a prototype detector running in a test beam at CERN, in June 1994
IC100 cyclotron based facility for production of nuclear filters as well as for scientific and applied research
The complex based on the cyclotron IC100 of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (JINR, Dubna, Russia) provides industrial fabrication of nuclear filters. During modernization the cyclotron was equipped with superconducting ECR-ion source and axial injection system. The specialized beam channel with two coordinates scanning system and equipment for irradiation of polymer films has been installed in the implantation part of the complex. High intensity heavy ion beams of Ne, Ar, Fe, Kr, Xe, I, W have been accelerated to 1 MeV/nucleon energy. The investigation of irradiated crystals features, irradiation of different polymer films have been provided. Also few thousands square meters of track films with holes in the wide range of densities have been produced. The cyclotron based complex is capable to solve different kinds of scientific and applied problems as well.На циклотронному комплексі ИЦ100 Лабораторії ядерних реакцій ОІЯД (м. Дубна, Россія) реалізовано промислове виготовлення ядерних фільтрів. У результаті проведення повної модернізації циклотрон був оснащений надпровідним ЕЦР-джерелом і системою зовнішньої аксіальної інжекції пучка. Інплантаційний комплекс був обладнаний спеціалізованим каналом транспортування з системою сканування пучка і установкою для опромінення полімерних плівок. Були отримані інтенсивні пучки важких іонів Ne, Ar, Fe,Kr, Xe, I, W з енергією біля 1 МеВ/нуклон. Був проведений ряд наукових досліджень по вивченню властивостей опромінених кристалів, проведене опромінення різних полімерних плівок, виготовлено кілька тисяч квадратних метрів трекових мембран у широкому діапазоні змін щільності отворів. Циклотронний комплекс здатний також вирішувати і інші науково-прикладні завдання.На циклотронном комплексе ИЦ100 Лаборатории ядерных реакций ОИЯИ (г. Дубна, Россия) реализовано промышленное изготовление ядерных фильтров. В результате проведения полной модернизации циклотрон был оснащен сверхпроводящим ЭЦР-источником и системой внешней аксиальной инжекции пучка. Имплантационный комплекс был оборудован специализированным каналом транспортировки с системой сканирования пучка и установкой для облучения полимерных пленок. Были получены интенсивные пучки тяжелых ионов Ne, Ar, Fe,Kr, Xe, I, W с энергией около 1 МэВ/нуклон. Был проведен ряд научных исследований по изучению свойств облученных кристаллов, проведено облучение различных полимерных пленок, изготовлено несколько тысяч квадратных метров трековых мембран в широком диапазоне изменения плотности отверстий. Циклотронный комплекс способен также решать и другие научно-прикладные задачи
The BM@N spectrometer at the NICA accelerator complex
BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) is the first experiment operating and
taking data at the Nuclotron/NICA ion-accelerating complex.The aim of the BM@N
experiment is to study interactions of relativistic heavy-ion beams with fixed
targets. We present a technical description of the BM@N spectrometer including
all its subsystems.Comment: 34 pages, 47 figures, 6 table
Production of {\pi}+ and K+ mesons in argon-nucleus interactions at 3.2 AGeV
First physics results of the BM@N experiment at the Nuclotron/NICA complex
are presented on {\pi}+ and K+ meson production in interactions of an argon
beam with fixed targets of C, Al, Cu, Sn and Pb at 3.2 AGeV. Transverse
momentum distributions, rapidity spectra and multiplicities of {\pi}+ and K+
mesons are measured. The results are compared with predictions of theoretical
models and with other measurements at lower energies.Comment: 29 pages, 20 figure
Exacerbated fires in Mediterranean Europe due to anthropogenic warming projected with non-stationary climate-fire models
The observed trend towards warmer and drier conditions in southern Europe is projected to continue in the next decades, possibly leading to increased risk of large fires. However, an assessment of climate change impacts on fires at and above the 1.5 °C Paris target is still missing. Here, we estimate future summer burned area in Mediterranean Europe under 1.5, 2, and 3 °C global warming scenarios, accounting for possible modifications of climate-fire relationships under changed climatic conditions owing to productivity alterations. We found that such modifications could be beneficial, roughly halving the fire-intensifying signals. In any case, the burned area is robustly projected to increase. The higher the warming level is, the larger is the increase of burned area, ranging from ~40% to ~100% across the scenarios.
Our results indicate that significant benefits would be obtained if warming were limited to
well below 2 °C
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