7,154 research outputs found

    Probing the internal magnetic field of slowly pulsating B-stars through g modes

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    We suggest that high-order g modes can be used as a probe of the internal magnetic field of SPB (slowly pulsating B) stars. The idea is based on earlier work by the authors which analytically investigated the effect of a vertical magnetic field on p and g modes in a plane-parallel isothermal stratified atmosphere. It was found that even a weak field can significantly shift the g-mode frequencies -- the effect increases with mode order. In the present study we adopt the classical perturbative approach to estimate the internal field of a 4 solar mass SPB star by looking at its effect on a low-degree (l=1l=1) and high-order (n=20n=20) g mode with a period of about 1.5 d. We find that a polar field strength of about 110 kG on the edge of the convective core is required to produce a frequency shift of 1%. Frequency splittings of that order have been observed in several SPB variables, in some cases clearly too small to be ascribed to rotation. We suggest that they may be due to a poloidal field with a strength of order 100 kG, buried in the deep interior of the star.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (to appear in Astronomy & Astrophysics

    Farley-Buneman Instability in the Solar Chromosphere

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    The Farley-Buneman instability is studied in the partially ionized plasma of the solar chromosphere taking into account the finite magnetization of the ions and Coulomb collisions. We obtain the threshold value for the relative velocity between ions and electrons necessary for the instability to develop. It is shown that Coulomb collisions play a destabilizing role in the sense that they enable the instability even in the regions where the ion magnetization is greater than unity. By applying these results to chromospheric conditions, we show that the Farley-Buneman instability can not be responsible for the quasi-steady heating of the solar chromosphere. However, in the presence of strong cross-field currents it can produce small-scale, 0.13\sim 0.1-3 m, density irregularities in the solar chromosphere. These irregularities can cause scintillations of radio waves with similar wave lengths and provide a tool for remote chromospheric sensing

    The resonant damping of oscillations of coronal loops with elliptic cross-sections

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    Motivated by recent Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) observations of damped oscillations in coronal loops, Ruderman & Roberts (2002), studied resonant damping of kink oscillations of thin straight magnetic tubes in a cold plasma. In their analysis, Ruderman & Roberts considered magnetic tubes with circular cross-sections. We extend their analysis for magnetic tubes with elliptic cross-sections. We find that there are two infinite sequences of the eigenfrequencies of the tube oscillations, {omega(nc)} and {omega(ns)}, n = 1,2,.... The eigenfrequencies {omega(nc)} and {omega(ns)} correspond to modes with 2n nodes at the tube boundary. In particular, omega(1c) and omega(1s) correspond to two kink modes. These modes are linearly polarized in the direction of the large and small axis of the tube elliptic cross-section respectively. The sequence {omega(nc)} is monotonically growing and {omega(ns)} monotonically decreasing, and they both tend to omega(k) as n --> infinity, where omega(k) is the frequency of the kink mode of tubes with circular cross-sections. In particular, omega(1c) < omega(k) < omega(1s). We calculate the decrements of the two kink modes and show that they are of the order of decrement of the kink mode of a tube with a circular cross-section

    On the validity of nonlinear Alfvén resonance in space plasmas

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    Aims. In the approximation of linear dissipative magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), it can be shown that driven MHD waves in magnetic plasmas with high Reynolds number exhibit a near resonant behaviour if the frequency of the wave becomes equal to the local Alfvén (or slow) frequency of a magnetic surface. This behaviour is confined to a thin region, known as the dissipative layer, which embraces the resonant magnetic surface. Although driven MHD waves have small dimensionless amplitude far away from the resonant surface, this near-resonant behaviour in the dissipative layer may cause a breakdown of linear theory. Our aim is to study the nonlinear effects in Alfvén dissipative layer Methods. In the present paper, the method of simplified matched asymptotic expansions developed for nonlinear slow resonant waves is used to describe nonlinear effects inside the Alfvén dissipative layer. Results. The nonlinear corrections to resonant waves in the Alfvén dissipative layer are derived, and it is proved that at the Alfvén resonance (with isotropic/anisotropic dissipation) wave dynamics can be described by the linear theory with great accuracy

    Resonantly damped oscillations of longitudinally stratified coronal loops

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    Soon after coronal loop oscillations were observed by TRACE spacecraft for the first time in 1999, various theoretical models have been put forward to explain the rapid damping of the oscillations of these intriguing objects. Coronal loop oscillations are often interpreted as fast kink modes of a straight cylindrical magnetic flux tube with immovable edges modelling dense photospheric plasma at the ends of the loop. Taking this model as a basis we use cold plasma approximation and consider the tube to be thin to simplify the problem and be able to deal with it analytically. In its equilibrium state the tube is permeated by a homogeneous magnetic field directed along the tube axis. We include the effect of stratification in our model supposing that plasma density varies along the tube. There is also density inhomogeneity in the radial direction confined in a layer with thickness much smaller than the radius of the tube. Considering the system of linearized MHD equations we study the dependence of the spectrum of tube oscillations and its damping due to resonant absorption on the parameters of the unperturbed state. The implication of the obtained results on coronal seismology is discussed

    XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL analysis of the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient IGR J17354-3255

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    We present the results of combined INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton observations of the supergiant fast X-ray transient (SFXT) IGR J17354-3255. Three XMM-Newton observations of lengths 33.4 ks, 32.5 ks and 21.9 ks were undertaken, the first an initial pointing to identify the correct source in the field of view and the latter two performed around periastron. Simultaneous INTEGRAL observations across 66%\sim66\% of the orbital cycle were analysed but the source was neither detected by IBIS/ISGRI nor by JEM-X. The XMM-Newton light curves display a range of moderately bright X-ray activity but there are no particularly strong flares or outbursts in any of the three observations. We show that the spectral shape measured by XMM-Newton can be fitted by a consistent model throughout the observation, suggesting that the observed flux variations are driven by obscuration from a wind of varying density rather than changes in accretion mode. The simultaneous INTEGRAL data rule out simple extrapolation of the simple powerlaw model beyond the XMM-Newton energy range.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Published by Oxford University Pres

    Bounds on the Magnetic Fields in the Radiative Zone of the Sun

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    We discuss bounds on the strength of the magnetic fields that could be buried in the radiative zone of the Sun. The field profiles and decay times are computed for all axisymmetric toroidal Ohmic decay eigenmodes with lifetimes exceeding the age of the Sun. The measurements of the solar oblateness yield a bound <~ 7 MG on the strength of the field. A comparable bound is expected to come from the analysis of the splitting of the solar oscillation frequencies. The theoretical analysis of the double diffusive instability also yields a similar bound. The oblateness measurements at their present level of sensitivity are therefore not expected to measure a toroidal field contribution.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Alfven node-free vibrations of white dwarf in the model of solid star with toroidal magnetic field

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    In the context of the white dwarf asteroseismology, we investigate vibrational properties of a non-convective solid star with an axisymmetric purely toroidal intrinsic magnetic field of two different shapes. Focus is laid on regime of node-free global Lorentz-force-driven vibrations about symmetry axis at which material displacements have one and the same form as those for nodeless spheroidal and torsional vibrations restored by Hooke's force of elastic shear stresses. Particular attention is given to the even-parity poloidal Alfven modes whose frequency spectra are computed in analytic form showing how the purely toroidal magnetic fields completely buried beneath the star surface can manifest itself in seismic vibrations of non-magnetic white dwarfs. The obtained spectral formulae are discussed in juxtaposition with those for Alfven modes in the solid star model with the poloidal, homogeneous internal and dipolar external, magnetic field whose inferences are relevant to Alfven vibrations in magnetic white dwarfs.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    New insights on accretion in Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients from XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL observations of IGR J17544-2619

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    XMM-Newton observations of the supergiant fast X-ray transient IGR ~J17544-2619 are reported and placed in the context of an analysis of archival INTEGRAL/IBIS data that provides a refined estimate of the orbital period at 4.9272±\pm0.0004 days. A complete outburst history across the INTEGRAL mission is reported. Although the new XMM-Newton observations (each lasting \sim15 ks) targeted the peak flux in the phase-folded hard X-ray light curve of IGR ~J17544-2619, no bright outbursts were observed, the source spending the majority of the exposure at intermediate luminosities of the order of several 1033^{33}\,erg\,s1^{-1} (0.5\,-\,10\,keV) and displaying only low level flickering activity. For the final portion of the exposure, the luminosity of IGR ~J17544-2619 dropped to \sim4×\times1032^{32}\,erg\,s1^{-1} (0.5 - 10 keV), comparable with the lowest luminosities ever detected from this source, despite the observations being taken near to periastron. We consider the possible orbital geometry of IGR ~J17544-2619 and the implications for the nature of the mass transfer and accretion mechanisms for both IGR ~J17544-2619 and the SFXT population. We conclude that accretion under the `quasi-spherical accretion' model provides a good description of the behaviour of IGR ~J17544-2619, and suggest an additional mechanism for generating outbursts based upon the mass accumulation rate in the hot shell (atmosphere) that forms around the NS under the quasi-spherical formulation. Hence we hope to aid in explaining the varied outburst behaviours observed across the SFXT population with a consistent underlying physical model.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA