7,201 research outputs found

    Light Colored Scalar as Messenger of Up-Quark Flavor Dynamics in Grand Unified Theories

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    The measured forward-backward asymmetry in the t tbar production at the Tevatron might be explained by the additional exchange of a colored weak singlet scalar. Such state appears in some of the grand unified theories and its interactions with the up-quarks are purely antisymmetric in flavor space. We systematically investigate the resulting impact on charm and top quark physics. The constraints on the relevant Yukawa couplings come from the experimentally measured observables related to D0--D0bar oscillations, as well as di-jet and single top production measurements at the Tevatron. After fully constraining the relevant Yukawa couplings, we predict possible signatures of this model in rare top quark decays. In a class of grand unified models we demonstrate how the obtained information enables to constrain the Yukawa couplings of the up-quarks at very high energy scale.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, version as published in PR

    Monitoring accretion rate variability in the Orion Nebula Cluster with the Wendelstein Wide Field Imager

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    The understanding of the accretion process has a central role in the understanding of star and planet formation. We aim to test how accretion variability influences previous correlation analyses of the relation between X-ray activity and accretion rates, which is important for understanding the evolution of circumstellar disks and disk photoevaporation. We monitored accreting stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster from November 24, 2014, until February 17, 2019, for 42 epochs with the Wendelstein Wide Field Imager in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey u'g'r' filters on the 2 m Fraunhofer Telescope on Mount Wendelstein. Mass accretion rates were determined from the measured ultraviolet excess. The influence of the mass accretion rate variability on the relation between X-ray luminosities and mass accretion rates was analyzed statistically. We find a typical interquartile range of ~ 0.3 dex for the mass accretion rate variability on timescales from weeks to ~ 2 years. The variability has likely no significant influence on a correlation analysis of the X-ray luminosity and the mass accretion rate observed at different times when the sample size is large enough. The observed anticorrelation between the X-ray luminosity and the mass accretion rate predicted by models of photoevaporation-starved accretion is likely not due to a bias introduced by different observing times

    Zur Diagnostik des Diabetes insipidus unter besonderer Berücksichtigung hypophysektomierter Patienten

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    Verschiedene, am gleichen Patienten durchgeführte Stimulationsteste für die ADH-Sekretion (17-Std.-Durstversuch, Carter-Robbins-Test, osmotische Diurese) zeigen eine ausgezeichnete Korrelation. Auf Grund dieser Ergebnisse werden Richtlinien zur möglichst einfachen Diagnostik einer Konzentrationsstörung vorgeschlagen. In den meisten Fällen kann allein schon auf Grund eines exakt durchgeführten Durstversuchs eine Konzentrationsstörung nachgewiesen (höchste Urinosmolalität 750 mOsm/kg) werden. Lediglich bei einer höchsten Urinosmolalität im 17-Std.-Durstversuch zwischen 500 und 750 mOsm/kg müssen aufwendigere und den Patienten mehr belastende Tests (z. B. Carter-Robbins-Test) eingesetzt werden, um das Vorliegen bzw. den Grad einer Konzentrationsstörung endgültig diagnostizieren zu können. ADH-Injektionen dienen dabei zur Differenzierung zwischen einem ADH-Mangel und einer mangelhaften ADH-Ansprechbarkeit der Niere. Unsere Untersuchungen an hypophysektomierten Patienten (N=29) zeigen auch bei Patienten ohne polyurisch-polydiptisches Syndrom (N=22) eine gegenüber Normalpersonen signifikant eingeschränkte Konzentrationsleistung im 17-Std.-Durstversuch.The results of three different stimulation tests for ADH (17 hours thirst period, Carter-Robbins-test, osmotic diuresis) correlate well in the same patient. Because of this we propose a simplified procedure for the detection of failure to produce a concentrated urine. In most cases merely on the basis of a precisely executed thirst period test, one can either recognize an abnormality of concentration (highest urine osmolality less than 500 mOsm/kg), or exlude it (highest urine osmolality greater than 750 mOsm/kg). Only when the highest urine osmolality lies between 500 and 750 mOsm/kg after a 17 hour thirst must more painstaking tests (e.g. Carter-Robbins test) be employed to determine both the presence of and the degree of a failure to produce a concentrated urine. An injection of ADH can be used to differentiate between a deficiency of ADH and a defective response of the kidneys to ADH. Our investigations on hypophysectomized patients (n=29) showed that also in patients without the syndrome of polyuria-polydypsia (n=22), there was a significantly reduced capacity to concentrate urine during a 17 hour thirst period, as compared with normal people

    Separated Oscillatory Fields for High-Precision Penning Trap Mass Spectrometry

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    Ramsey's method of separated oscillatory fields is applied to the excitation of the cyclotron motion of short-lived ions in a Penning trap to improve the precision of their measured mass. The theoretical description of the extracted ion-cyclotron-resonance line shape is derived out and its correctness demonstrated experimentally by measuring the mass of the short-lived 38^{38}Ca nuclide with an uncertainty of 1.61081.6\cdot 10^{-8} using the ISOLTRAP Penning trap mass spectrometer at CERN. The mass value of the superallowed beta-emitter 38^{38}Ca is an important contribution for testing the conserved-vector-current hypothesis of the electroweak interaction. It is shown that the Ramsey method applied to mass measurements yields a statistical uncertainty similar to that obtained by the conventional technique ten times faster.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 0 table

    A format for phylogenetic placements

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    We have developed a unified format for phylogenetic placements, that is, mappings of environmental sequence data (e.g. short reads) into a phylogenetic tree. We are motivated to do so by the growing number of tools for computing and post-processing phylogenetic placements, and the lack of an established standard for storing them. The format is lightweight, versatile, extensible, and is based on the JSON format which can be parsed by most modern programming languages. Our format is already implemented in several tools for computing and post-processing parsimony- and likelihood-based phylogenetic placements, and has worked well in practice. We believe that establishing a standard format for analyzing read placements at this early stage will lead to a more efficient development of powerful and portable post-analysis tools for the growing applications of phylogenetic placement.Comment: Documents version 3 of the forma

    Penning trap mass measurements on (99-109)$Cd with ISOLTRAP and implications on the rp process

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    Penning trap mass measurements on neutron-deficient Cd isotopes (99-109)Cd have been performed with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at ISOLDE/CERN, all with relative mass uncertainties below 3*10^8. A new mass evaluation has been performed. The mass of 99Cd has been determined for the first time which extends the region of accurately known mass values towards the doubly magic nucleus 100Sn. The implication of the results on the reaction path of the rp process in stellar X-ray bursts is discussed. In particular, the uncertainty of the abundance and the overproduction created by the rp-process for the mass A = 99 is demonstrated by reducing the uncertainty of the proton-separation energy of 100In Sp(100In) by a factor of 2.5.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Generating reversible circuits from higher-order functional programs

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    Boolean reversible circuits are boolean circuits made of reversible elementary gates. Despite their constrained form, they can simulate any boolean function. The synthesis and validation of a reversible circuit simulating a given function is a difficult problem. In 1973, Bennett proposed to generate reversible circuits from traces of execution of Turing machines. In this paper, we propose a novel presentation of this approach, adapted to higher-order programs. Starting with a PCF-like language, we use a monadic representation of the trace of execution to turn a regular boolean program into a circuit-generating code. We show that a circuit traced out of a program computes the same boolean function as the original program. This technique has been successfully applied to generate large oracles with the quantum programming language Quipper.Comment: 21 pages. A shorter preprint has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of Reversible Computation 2016. The final publication is available at http://link.springer.co

    HITRAP: A facility at GSI for highly charged ions

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    An overview and status report of the new trapping facility for highly charged ions at the Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung is presented. The construction of this facility started in 2005 and is expected to be completed in 2008. Once operational, highly charged ions will be loaded from the experimental storage ring ESR into the HITRAP facility, where they are decelerated and cooled. The kinetic energy of the initially fast ions is reduced by more than fourteen orders of magnitude and their thermal energy is cooled to cryogenic temperatures. The cold ions are then delivered to a broad range of atomic physics experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Direct mass measurements beyond the proton drip-line

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    First on-line mass measurements were performed at the SHIPTRAP Penning trap mass spectrometer. The masses of 18 neutron-deficient isotopes in the terbium-to-thulium region produced in fusion-evaporation reactions were determined with relative uncertainties of about 71087\cdot 10^{-8}, nine of them for the first time. Four nuclides (144,145^{144, 145}Ho and 147,148^{147, 148}Tm) were found to be proton-unbound. The implication of the results on the location of the proton drip-line is discussed by analyzing the one-proton separation energies

    Production and trapping of carbon clusters for absolute mass measurements at ISOLTRAP

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    Singly-charged carbon clusters C/sub n//sup +/ (n >or= 1) have been produced by laser-induced desorption and fragmentation of C/sub 60/ fullerenes and have been injected into and stored in the Penning trap system of the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at ISOLDE/CERN. The present study is the first step to extend the until now direct mass measurements at ISOLTRAP to absolute mass measurements by using clusters of /sup 12/C. (10 refs)