5,189 research outputs found

    Regulation and differences in financial institutions

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    First paragraph: Some regulation of financial markets is accepted even in these dirigiste times and even by those neoclassical economists who find it a struggle to explain why the market for money is different from the market for peanuts

    Overall buckling of lightweight stiffened panels using an adapted orthotropic plate method

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    The ultimate longitudinal bending strength of thin plated steel structures such as box girder bridges and ship hulls can be determined using an incremental–iterative procedure known as the Smith progressive collapse method. The Smith method first calculates the response of stiffened panel sub-structures in the girder and then integrates over the cross section of interest to calculate a moment–curvature response curve. A suitable technique to determine the strength behaviour of stiffened panels within the Smith method is therefore of critical importance. A fundamental assumption of the established progressive collapse method is that the buckling and collapse behaviour of the compressed panels within the girder occurs between adjacent transverse frames. However, interframe buckling may not always be the dominant collapse mode, especially for lightweight stiffened panels such as are found in naval ships and aluminium high speed craft. In these cases overall failure modes, where the buckling mode extends over several frame spaces, may dominate the buckling and collapse response. To account for this possibility, an adaptation to large deflection orthotropic plate theory is presented. The adapted orthotropic method is able to calculate panel stress–strain response curves accounting for both interframe and overall collapse. The method is validated with equivalent nonlinear finite element analyses for a range of regular stiffened panel geometries. It is shown how the adapted orthotropic method is implemented into an extended progressive collapse method, which enhances the capability for determining the ultimate strength of a lightweight stiffened box girder

    Quality of life for Alaskan individuals with FASD and their families

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2019Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a lifelong disability caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol. The effects of FASD include a range of physical, mental, behavioral, and learning disabilities. These disabilities impact quality of life, not only for the affected individual, but for family members. The effects from FASD ripple into schools, the correctional system, and throughout rural and urban communities. Although there are no reliable statistics available on FASD in Alaska, many professionals in the field believe Alaska to have the highest rate of FASD in the United States. This research has explored the ways in which prenatal exposure to alcohol affects quality of life for Alaskan individuals and their families. For this study, I have defined quality of life as the multi-faceted evaluation of the individual's personal experiences and life satisfaction, including health, psychological and social indicators. Since the identification of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and FASD, many studies have analyzed the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure, as well as possible interventions. Few studies have investigated how prenatal alcohol exposure affects the individual's quality of life and even fewer studies have analyzed how raising one or more children with FASD affects the family. To address the gap in the literature, this research applied social constructivist theory and employed a qualitative design, using semi-structured interviews to explore individuals' and parents' life stories and perceptions on how FASD has affected their lives. I interviewed eight individuals with FASD and 14 adoptive or long-term foster parents. Findings indicate that FASD impacts almost every facet of the lives of both the individuals affected and their families. All individuals with FASD interviewed for this project suffered serious adverse childhood experiences in addition to their prenatal exposure to alcohol. All encountered academic and social difficulties at school. Individuals struggled in their transitions to adulthood, with some individuals needing assistance from parents or social services throughout their lifespan. Parents expressed their ongoing need for structure within the home and the continual need to advocate for suitable services for their children. They described how the ongoing stress of raising their child(ren) with FASD affected their social lives, employment and even their marriages. The perspectives and insight of these individuals with FASD and their parents can provide other family members, service providers and legislators a better understanding of how FASD affects quality of life and assist decision makers in making informed choices on how to best provide expanded or improved supportive services to these individuals and families whose everyday struggles go largely unrecognized by the general public

    Language Arts Acquisition Rates of English Language Learners during Multi-Modal Instruction during COVID

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    This study explores the correlation between remote, blended, and in-person learning, as it pertains to language arts acquisition by English Language learners. The purpose of this paper is to determine the optimal method of instruction as determined by assessment scores. The research focussed on a rural school district in Minnesota. The research was conducted by quantitative analysis of WiDA ACCESS, Renaissance Star, and FastBridge data. WiDA ACCESS data was obtained toward the end of each school year. A year of blended learning modalities was compared to two prior years of in-person instruction. Renaissance Star assessments were administered after each leaning modality occurred in order to determine which resulted in higher language arts acquisition. FastBridge data was utilized for kindergarten and grade 1students. Like the Star test, FastBridge was administered after each leaning modality. The study analyzed the results in relation to the learning theories of Jean Piaget and Robert Gagne. The results showed in-person instruction was more effective for language arts acquisition among English Language Learners

    Using the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) as a Framework to Dimensionally Map Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

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    Mental disorders are organised via the categorical framework of the DSM-5-TR, which has several issues (e.g., extensive co-occurrence). However, evidence alternatively supports the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP), a dimensional framework of mental disorders. We extended the HiTOP by considering the dimensional position of Neurodevelopmental disorders and related experiences, and found that they generally fitted under existing HiTOP domains (i.e., autism under Detachment, ADHD under Disinhibition, and specific learning disorder and tic disorders under Psychoticism)

    Effect of sample size and P-value filtering techniques on the detection of transcriptional changes induced in rat neuroblastoma (NG108) cells by mefloquine

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    BACKGROUND: There is no known biochemical basis for the adverse neurological events attributed to mefloquine. Identification of genes modulated by toxic agents using microarrays may provide sufficient information to generate hypotheses regarding their mode of action. However, this utility may be compromised if sample sizes are too low or the filtering methods used to identify differentially expressed genes are inappropriate. METHODS: The transcriptional changes induced in rat neuroblastoma cells by a physiological dose of mefloquine (10 micro-molar) were investigated using Affymetrix arrays. A large sample size was used (total of 16 arrays). Genes were ranked by P-value (t-test). RT-PCR was used to confirm (or reject) the expression changes of several of the genes with the lowest P-values. Different P-value filtering methods were compared in terms of their ability to detect these differentially expressed genes. A retrospective power analysis was then performed to determine whether the use of lower sample sizes might also have detected those genes with altered transcription. RESULTS: Based on RT-PCR, mefloquine upregulated cJun, IkappaB and GADD153. Reverse Holm-Bonferroni P-value filtering was superior to other methods in terms of maximizing detection of differentially expressed genes but not those with unaltered expression. Reduction of total microarray sample size (< 10) impaired the capacity to detect differentially expressed genes. CONCLUSIONS: Adequate sample sizes and appropriate selection of P-value filtering methods are essential for the reliable detection of differentially expressed genes. The changes in gene expression induced by mefloquine suggest that the ER might be a neuronal target of the drug

    Evaluations of Space Shielding

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    A general method of evaluating the efficiency of space vehicle shielding is developed and used to compare various active and passive systems for protection against ionizing radiation. Available permanent magnets are found useless for active shielding, and combined active-passive systems in general are determined to be inefficient. On the other hand, evaluations show that active electrostatic shielding may have possibilities for weight savings if electrical conditions (presently unknown) are favorable therefor in space. Further, a positive potential improvement is calculated for an active shielding system which utilizes superconducting Nb3Sn to provide a confined magnetic flux to deflect incident charged particles; this potential points toward substantial reductions in shield weight for the protection of large vehicles from highly energetic particles. Recommendations are made for further research, particularly for flight experiments to measure directionality of solar flare protons

    Attendance Control Techniques: Union vs. Non-Union Differences in the Southeast United States

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    This research examines both the rate of absenteeism and the attendance control methods found in a sample of 423 union and non-union organizations located in the Southeast United States. These data indicate that absenteeism rates for union and non-union organizations are not significantly different. Methods of controlling absenteeism are reported for both union and non-union facilities. Implications for the control of absenteeism are discussed

    A critique of full reserve banking

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    Proposals for full reserve banking have been put forward as a radical way of preventing further financial crises. They rest on the argument that crises are caused by excessive money supply growth brought about by inadequately controlled bank credit creation. Our aim is to provide a critique of the theoretical assumptions underlying the plans for full reserve banking. In particular some of the plans rely on the view that the money supply is a key causal variable and that it is feasible for central banks to identify and enforce an optimal quantity. Second, the plans all rely on an unsupported confidence in the efficiency of financial markets outside the centrally controlled banking system. Third, by removing profit-making opportunities from banks, the proposals may unduly tip the balance further in favour of shadow banking. Finally, as the case of 95% liquidity requirements on Kaupthing, Singer and Friedlander in the wake of the Great Financial Crash shows that modern financial engineering makes such policy-making difficult to execute. A Minskyan analysis rather emphasises the inherent instability of the financial system such that it is subject to systemic crises and the indeterminacy of demand for liquidity, while also emphasising the contribution prudent banking can make to financing economic activity and providing a safe money asset. While a return to a traditional separation of retail banking (regulated and supported by the central bank) from investment banking (regulated differently but not supported) would contribute to financial stability, it is argued that the full reserve banking proposals go too far
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