Language Arts Acquisition Rates of English Language Learners during Multi-Modal Instruction during COVID


This study explores the correlation between remote, blended, and in-person learning, as it pertains to language arts acquisition by English Language learners. The purpose of this paper is to determine the optimal method of instruction as determined by assessment scores. The research focussed on a rural school district in Minnesota. The research was conducted by quantitative analysis of WiDA ACCESS, Renaissance Star, and FastBridge data. WiDA ACCESS data was obtained toward the end of each school year. A year of blended learning modalities was compared to two prior years of in-person instruction. Renaissance Star assessments were administered after each leaning modality occurred in order to determine which resulted in higher language arts acquisition. FastBridge data was utilized for kindergarten and grade 1students. Like the Star test, FastBridge was administered after each leaning modality. The study analyzed the results in relation to the learning theories of Jean Piaget and Robert Gagne. The results showed in-person instruction was more effective for language arts acquisition among English Language Learners

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