652 research outputs found

    Sensitivity studies for the cubic-kilometre deep-sea neutrino telescope KM3NeT

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    The observation of high-energy neutrinos from astrophysical sources would substantially improve our knowledge and understanding of the non-thermal processes in these sources, and would in particular pinpoint the accelerators of cosmic rays. The sensitivity of different design options for a future cubic-kilometre scale neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea is investigated for generic point sources and in particular for some of the galactic objects from which TeV gamma emmission has recently been observed by the H.E.S.S. atmospheric Cherenkov telescope. The effect of atmospheric background on the source detection probabilities has been taken into account through full simulation. The estimated event rates are compared to previous results and limits from present neutrino telescopes.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, contribution of the 30th International Cosmic Ray conferenc

    Persistence distributions for non gaussian markovian processes

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    We propose a systematic method to derive the asymptotic behaviour of the persistence distribution, for a large class of stochastic processes described by a general Fokker-Planck equation in one dimension. Theoretical predictions are compared to simple solvable systems and to numerical calculations. The very good agreement attests the validity of this approach.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Europhysics Letter

    Search for neutrinos from transient sources with the ANTARES telescope and optical follow-up observations

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    The ANTARES telescope has the opportunity to detect transient neutrino sources, such as gamma-ray bursts, core-collapse supernovae, flares of active nuclei... To enhance the sensitivity to these sources, we have developed a new detection method based on the optical follow-up of "golden" neutrino events such as neutrino doublets coincident in time and space or single neutrinos of very high energy. The ANTARES Collaboration has therefore implemented a very fast on-line reconstruction with a good angular resolution. These characteristics allow to trigger an optical telescope network; since February 2009. ANTARES is sending alert trigger one or two times per month to the two 25 cm robotic telescope of TAROT. This follow-up of such special events would not only give access to the nature of the sources but also improves the sensitivity for transient neutrino sources.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the 31st ICRC, Lodz, Polan, July 200

    Voter Dynamics on an Ising Ladder: Coarsening and Persistence

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    Coarsening and persistence of Ising spins on a ladder is examined under voter dynamics. The density of domain walls decreases algebraically with time as t1/2t^-{1/2} for sequential as well as parallel dynamics. The persistence probability decreases as tθst^{-\theta_{s}} under sequential dynamics, and as tθpt^{-\theta_{p}} under parallel dynamics where θp=2θs.88\theta_{p} = 2 \theta_{s} \approx .88. Numerical values of the exponents are explained. The results are compared with the voter model on one and two dimensional lattices, as well as Ising model on a ladder under zero-temperature Glauber dynamics.Comment: replaced with published version (text somewhat expanded): 11 pages, 2 figure

    Large-Deviation Functions for Nonlinear Functionals of a Gaussian Stationary Markov Process

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    We introduce a general method, based on a mapping onto quantum mechanics, for investigating the large-T limit of the distribution P(r,T) of the nonlinear functional r[V] = (1/T)\int_0^T dT' V[X(T')], where V(X) is an arbitrary function of the stationary Gaussian Markov process X(T). For T tending to infinity at fixed r we find that P(r,T) behaves as exp[-theta(r) T], where theta(r) is a large deviation function. We present explicit results for a number of special cases, including the case V(X) = X \theta(X) which is related to the cooling and the heating degree days relevant to weather derivatives.Comment: 8 page

    Analytical results for generalized persistence properties of smooth processes

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    We present a general scheme to calculate within the independent interval approximation generalized (level-dependent) persistence properties for processes having a finite density of zero-crossings. Our results are especially relevant for the diffusion equation evolving from random initial conditions, one of the simplest coarsening systems. Exact results are obtained in certain limits, and rely on a new method to deal with constrained multiplicative processes. An excellent agreement of our analytical predictions with direct numerical simulations of the diffusion equation is found.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Journal of Physics

    Zero Temperature Dynamics of the Weakly Disordered Ising Model

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    The Glauber dynamics of the pure and weakly disordered random-bond 2d Ising model is studied at zero-temperature. A single characteristic length scale, L(t)L(t), is extracted from the equal time correlation function. In the pure case, the persistence probability decreases algebraically with the coarsening length scale. In the disordered case, three distinct regimes are identified: a short time regime where the behaviour is pure-like; an intermediate regime where the persistence probability decays non-algebraically with time; and a long time regime where the domains freeze and there is a cessation of growth. In the intermediate regime, we find that P(t)L(t)θP(t)\sim L(t)^{-\theta'}, where θ=0.420±0.009\theta' = 0.420\pm 0.009. The value of θ\theta' is consistent with that found for the pure 2d Ising model at zero-temperature. Our results in the intermediate regime are consistent with a logarithmic decay of the persistence probability with time, P(t)(lnt)θdP(t)\sim (\ln t)^{-\theta_d}, where θd=0.63±0.01\theta_d = 0.63\pm 0.01.Comment: references updated, very minor amendment to abstract and the labelling of figures. To be published in Phys Rev E (Rapid Communications), 1 March 199

    Sign-time distributions for interface growth

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    We apply the recently introduced distribution of sign-times (DST) to non-equilibrium interface growth dynamics. We are able to treat within a unified picture the persistence properties of a large class of relaxational and noisy linear growth processes, and prove the existence of a non-trivial scaling relation. A new critical dimension is found, relating to the persistence properties of these systems. We also illustrate, by means of numerical simulations, the different types of DST to be expected in both linear and non-linear growth mechanisms.Comment: 4 pages, 5 ps figs, replaced misprint in authors nam

    Global culture: A noise induced transition in finite systems

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    We analyze the effect of cultural drift, modeled as noise, in Axelrod's model for the dissemination of culture. The disordered multicultural configurations are found to be metastable. This general result is proven rigorously in d=1, where the dynamics is described in terms of a Lyapunov potential. In d=2, the dynamics is governed by the average relaxation time T of perturbations. Noise at a rate r 1/T sustains disorder. In the thermodynamic limit, the relaxation time diverges and global polarization persists in spite of a dynamics of local convergence.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. For related material visit http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept

    Generalized persistence exponents: an exactly soluble model

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    It was recently realized that the persistence exponent appearing in the dynamics of nonequilibrium systems is a special member of a continuously varying family of exponents, describing generalized persistence properties. We propose and solve a simplified model of coarsening, where time intervals between spin flips are independent, and distributed according to a L\'evy law. Both the limit distribution of the mean magnetization and the generalized persistence exponents are obtained exactly.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures Submitted to PR