3,351 research outputs found

    Phase structure of the N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature

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    Supersymmetry (SUSY) has been proposed to be a central concept for the physics beyond the standard model and for a description of the strong interactions in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. A deeper understanding of these developments requires the knowledge of the properties of supersymmetric models at finite temperatures. We present a Monte Carlo investigation of the finite temperature phase diagram of the N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory (SYM) regularised on a space-time lattice. The model is in many aspects similar to QCD: quark confinement and fermion condensation occur in the low temperature regime of both theories. A comparison to QCD is therefore possible. The simulations show that for N=1 SYM the deconfinement temperature has a mild dependence on the fermion mass. The analysis of the chiral condensate susceptibility supports the possibility that chiral symmetry is restored near the deconfinement phase transition.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure

    Growing points in attachment disorganization: Looking back to advance forward

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    In this special issue paper we reflect on the next generation of attach- ment research with a focus on disorganization, a central but still poorly understood topic in this area. We suggest that progress will be facili- tated by a return to attachment theory’s evolutionary roots, and to the emphasis on biological function that inspired Bowlby’s original thinking. Increased interdisciplinary cross-fertilization and collaborations would enable novel and generative research on some of the long-standing questions surrounding attachment disorganization. Accordingly, we present an agenda for future research that encompasses contributions of modern ethology and neurobiology, novel hypotheses based on the concept of adaptive decanalization, connections with neurodevelop- mental vulnerability and risk for mental disorders such as schizophrenia, and the possibility of sex differences in the behavioral manifestations of attachment disorganization. We believe that these avenues of theory and research offer exciting potential for innovative work in attachment disorganization in the years ahead

    Implications of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking with vector-like quarks and a ~125 GeV Higgs boson

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    We investigate the implications of models that achieve a Standard Model-like Higgs boson of mass near 125 GeV by introducing additional TeV-scale supermultiplets in the vector-like 10+\bar{10} representation of SU(5), within the context of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking. We study the resulting mass spectrum of superpartners, comparing and contrasting to the usual gauge-mediated and CMSSM scenarios, and discuss implications for LHC supersymmetry searches. This approach implies that exotic vector-like fermions t'_{1,2}, b',and \tau' should be within the reach of the LHC. We discuss the masses, the couplings to electroweak bosons, and the decay branching ratios of the exotic fermions, with and without various unification assumptions for the mass and mixing parameters. We comment on LHC prospects for discovery of the exotic fermion states, both for decays that are prompt and non-prompt on detector-crossing time scales.Comment: 32 pages. v2: references added, figure caption 5.3 correcte

    Renormalization of the nonequilibrium dynamics of fermions in a flat FRW universe

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    We derive the renormalized equations of motion and the renormalized energy-momentum tensor for fermions coupled to a spatially homogeneous scalar field (inflaton) in a flat FRW geometry. The fermion back reaction to the metric and to the inflaton field is formulated in one-loop approximation. Having determined the infinite counter terms in an MSˉ\bar{MS} scheme we formulate the finite terms in a form suitable for numerical computation. We comment on the trace anomaly which is inferred from the standard analysis. We also address the problem of initial singularities and determine the Bogoliubov transformation by which they are removed.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe

    Comparing Map Learning between Touchscreen-Based Visual and Haptic Displays: A Behavioral Evaluation with Blind and Sighted Users

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    The ubiquity of multimodal smart devices affords new opportunities for eyes-free applications for conveying graphical information to both sighted and visually impaired users. Using previously established haptic design guidelines for generic rendering of graphical content on touchscreen interfaces, the current study evaluates the learning and mental representation of digital maps, representing a key real-world translational eyes-free application. Two experiments involving 12 blind participants and 16 sighted participants compared cognitive map development and test performance on a range of spatio-behavioral tasks across three information-matched learning-mode conditions: (1) our prototype vibro-audio map (VAM), (2) traditional hardcopy-tactile maps, and (3) visual maps. Results demonstrated that when perceptual parameters of the stimuli were matched between modalities during haptic and visual map learning, test performance was highly similar (functionally equivalent) between the learning modes and participant groups. These results suggest equivalent cognitive map formation between both blind and sighted users and between maps learned from different sensory inputs, providing compelling evidence supporting the development of amodal spatial representations in the brain. The practical implications of these results include empirical evidence supporting a growing interest in the efficacy of multisensory interfaces as a primary interaction style for people both with and without vision. Findings challenge the long-held assumption that blind people exhibit deficits on global spatial tasks compared to their sighted peers, with results also providing empirical support for the methodological use of sighted participants in studies pertaining to technologies primarily aimed at supporting blind users

    Brane world models need low string scale

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    Models with large extra dimensions offer the possibility of the Planck scale being of order the electroweak scale, thus alleviating the gauge hierarchy problem. We show that these models suffer from a breakdown of unitarity at around three quarters of the low effective Planck scale. An obvious candidate to fix the unitarity problem is string theory. We therefore argue that it is necessary for the string scale to appear below the effective Planck scale and that the first signature of such models would be string resonances. We further translate experimental bounds on the string scale into bounds on the effective Planck scale

    Strategies to identify muscle fatigue from SEMG during cycling

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    Detection, quantification and analysis of muscle fatigue are crucial in occupational/rehabilitation and sporting settings. Sports organizations, such as the Australian Institute of Sports (AIS), currently monitor fatigue by a battery of tests including invasive techniques that require taking blood samples and/or muscle biopsies, the latter of which is highly invasive, painful, time consuming and expensive. SEMG (surface electromyography) is non-invasive monitoring of muscle activation and is an indication of localized muscle fatigue based on the observed shift of the power spectral density of the SEMG. The success of SEMG based techniques is currently limited to isometric contraction and is not acceptable to the human movement community. The paper proposes and tests a simple signal processing technique to identify the onset of muscle fatigue during cyclic activities of muscles, such as VL and VM, during cycling. Based on experiments conducted with 7 participants, using power output as a measure of fatigue, the technique is able to identify muscle fatigue with 98% significance

    Observable Electron EDM and Leptogenesis

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    In the context of the minimal supersymmetric seesaw model, the CP-violating neutrino Yukawa couplings might induce an electron EDM. The same interactions may also be responsible for the generation of the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe via leptogenesis. We identify in a model-independent way those patterns within the seesaw models which predict an electron EDM at a level probed by planned laboratory experiments and show that negative searches on \tau-> e \gamma decay may provide the strongest upper bound on the electron EDM. We also conclude that a possible future detection of the electron EDM is incompatible with thermal leptogenesis, even when flavour effects are accounted for.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure

    Relativistic Turbulence: A Long Way from Preheating to Equilibrium

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    We study, both numerically and analytically, the development of equilibrium after preheating. We show that the process is characterised by the appearance of Kolmogorov spectra and the evolution towards thermal equilibrium follows self-similar dynamics. Simplified kinetic theory gives values for all characteristic exponents which are close to what is observed in lattice simulations. The resulting time for thermalization is long, and temperature at thermalization is low, T100T \sim 100 eV in the simple λΦ4\lambda \Phi^4 inflationary model. Our results allow a straightforward generalization to realistic models.Comment: 4 pages, 3figures, LaTe