123 research outputs found

    Методика системно-ориентированного анализа городского ландшафта как инструмент планирования

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    The article discloses the analysis technique of a concept “townscape” based on universal properties of systems that makes it possible to examine such properties of the townscape as base categories, structural elements, and reference norms. The system-oriented analysis of various types of the townscape is also provided; their characteristic peculiarities and properties have been revealed in the article.Статья раскрывает методику анализа понятия «городской пейзаж» на основе универсальных свойств систем, что делает возможным исследование таких свойств городского пейзажа, как основные категории, структурные элементы и соответствие нормативным требованиям. Выполнен системно-ориентированный анализ различных типов городского ландшафта, его характерных особенностей и свойств

    External Interaction of Criminal Police Units in the Course of Operative-Investigative Counteraction to Illegal Possession of Vehicles

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    Черниш, М. О. Зовнішня взаємодія підрозділів кримінальної поліції під час оперативно-розшукової протидії незаконним заволодінням транспортними засобами [Електронний ресурс] / М. О. Черниш, С. А. Салтовець // Форум права. - 2017. - № 5. - С. 421–426. – Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/jpdf/FP_index.htm_2017_5_66.pdf.Черниш М. О., Салтовець С. А. Зовнішня взаємодія підрозділів кримінальної поліції під час оперативно-розшукової протидії незаконним заволодінням транспортними засобами. Форум права: електрон. наук. фахове вид. 2017. № 5. С. 421–426. URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/jpdf/FP_index.htm_2017_5_66.pdf.Черниш М. О., Салтовець С. А. "Зовнішня взаємодія підрозділів кримінальної поліції під час оперативно-розшукової протидії незаконним заволодінням транспортними засобами." Форум права5 (2017): 421–426.Відмічено, що, зовнішня взаємодія підрозділів кримінальної поліції під час оперативно-розшукової протидії незаконним заволодінням транспортними засобами відбувається з багатьма суб’єктами; в кожному конкретному випадку кількісний та суб’єктивний склад взаємодії може варіюватись; в залежності від суб’єкта зовнішньої взаємодії видозмінюються такі аспекти взаємодії як інформаційні, організаційні, психологічні та тактичні.It is noted that in recent years the practice of attracting external actors to the conduct of not only public actions of operational and investigative activities or procedural actions, but also to the use of people, enterprises and organizations of different forms of ownership during the secret work has become increasingly frequent. It is summarized that the units of the criminal police during the external interaction in the process of operational-search counteraction to the illegal possession of vehicles most often interact with the following subjects: the prosecutor’s office and the court; Interpol units; bodies of the State Border Guard Service; notaries; subjects of entrepreneurial activity of different forms of ownership, selling or trading-in vehicles; subjects of entrepreneurial activity, providing various kinds of vehicle maintenance services; insurance institutions and organizations; people; public associations, including social networks; mass-media. The peculiarities of the external interaction of the criminal units during the counteraction with the illegal possession of vehicles by means of separate means with each of the above-mentioned subjects are considered in detail. It was noted that the external interaction of criminal police units in the course of operative-search counteraction to the illegal seizure of vehicles occurs with many subjects; in each specific case, the quantitative and subjective composition of the interaction may vary; depending on the subject of external interaction, such aspects of interaction as information, organizational, psychological and tactical are modified.Отмечено, что внешнее взаимодействие подразделений криминальной полиции в ходе оперативно-розыскной противодействия незаконным завладением транспортными средствами происходит со многими субъектами; в каждом конкретном случае количественный и субъективный состав взаимодействия может варьироваться; в зависимости от субъекта внешнего взаимодействия видоизменяются такие аспекты взаимодействия как информационные, организационные, психологические и тактические

    Development of Internet communication and social networking in modern conditions: institutional and legal aspects

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    The development of the Internet, which has been active over the past two decades, is leading to the formation of new forms of human interaction on the World Wide Web. One of such forms is actually social networks, which from the beginning of their activity are used mainly as a way to ensure human communication. However, such a big number of consumers with the usual ways of buying goods and services, lead to the search for new platforms for companies to do business, which in turn provokes the transition of social networks to a fundamentally new level of activity

    The cluster species effect on the noble gas cluster interaction with solid surfaces

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    The effect of noble gas cluster species on the cluster interaction with solid surfaces was investigated. Processes of Ar, Kr and Xe clusters interaction with Cu and Mo surfaces were studied using molecular dynamics simulations. It is shown that lighter cluster front atoms undergo more backscattering from surface atoms, causing more intense multiple collisions between cluster atoms. This affects cluster penetration, energy exchange between the cluster and surface atoms, and cluster thermalization. The influence of energy per cluster atom on these effects is discussed.The effect of noble gas cluster species on the cluster interaction with solid surfaces was investigated. Processes of Ar, Kr and Xe clusters interaction with Cu and Mo surfaces were studied using molecular dynamics simulations. It is shown that lighter cluster front atoms undergo more backscattering from surface atoms, causing more intense multiple collisions between cluster atoms. This affects cluster penetration, energy exchange between the cluster and surface atoms, and cluster thermalization. The influence of energy per cluster atom on these effects is discussed.Peer reviewe

    Health risks of secondhand smoke

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    Secondhand smoke (SHS) has the same harmful chemicals that smokers inhale. There’s no safe level of exposure for secondhand smoke (SHS). Secondhand smoke is known to cause cancer

    Health risks of secondhand smoke

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    Secondhand smoke (SHS) has the same harmful chemicals that smokers inhale. There’s no safe level of exposure for secondhand smoke (SHS). Secondhand smoke is known to cause cancer

    Rationale for the Combined Use of Biological Processes and AOPs in Wastewater Treatment Tasks

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    This paper aims to form a unified concept of the integrated use of different wastewater treatment methods to form a resistant biological treatment stage of technological systems under the influence of such toxic factors as antibiotics and surfactants. The processes of mechanical treatment, ozonation, UV irradiation, and electrolytic anodic oxidation were implemented in an electrotechnological wastewater treatment facility. Wastewater treatment quality was determined by the concentration of nitrogen compounds in aqueous solutions according to the method of Lurie. Biodiagnostics of the investigated activated sludge via surfactant action was carried out at polyethylene oxide concentrations of 10, 30, and 50 mg/dm3. As a result of experiments on wastewater treatment after aquaculture, an improvement in the reduction of pollutants only by the indicator “nitrate concentration” was determined: by 20% after anodic oxidation, and by 15% after photolysis. At almost all surfactant concentrations studied, the activated sludge was not completely recovered, which was expressed in a decrease in its quantity and in the inability to aggregate flakes of activated sludge. The diameter of the growth retardation of the standard disk with antibiotic (amoxiclav) by the accumulative culture of activated sludge was 17.3 2 mm at a concentration of 4 mg/dm3 and 31.3 3 mm at a concentration of 6 mg/dm3. In the process of studying the state of the activated sludge’s biocenosis under the influence of such toxicants, several regularities were revealed. The directions of using combined approaches of water treatment and wastewater treatment were defined. The structural model of treatment facilities using aerobic and anaerobic bioprocesses together with advanced oxidative technologies was substantiated

    Modeling of innovation research clusters in the field of radioactive waste utilization

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    The situation with the processing and disposal of radioactive waste, including the liquid phase, is not resolved. Many questions remain regarding the environmental safety of processes and the technological implementation of the most energy-efficient solutions. Thus, the article’s main attention is paid to theoretical studies of the development innovation directions of radioactive waste processing using the VOSviewer software tool. The clusters were formed under modeling directions of application of radiolysis for radioactive waste utilization: the red cluster includes research of radionuclide sorption processes and their concentration for radiolysis of liquid media; the green cluster concerns factors of influence on water radiolysis in hydrogen production; the yellow cluster includes research areas of natural processes related to radiolysis; the blue cluster is connected with mathematical modeling of radiolysis process with fuel production and engineering implementation and the purple cluster related to the processes of radioactive waste management and disposal as well as the application of radiolysis for this purpose. The cluster simulations of nanoparticle and radiolysis applications for radioactive waste treatment have resulted in a new energy recovery strategy. The development of new matrix materials in combination with nanoparticles for the agglomeration and concentration of radionuclides is a promising innovation method improving radiolysis under hydrogen production from radioactive waste

    Геоботанічні аспекти екотонізації природних ландшафтів

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    Vegetation is one of the main criteria for landscape differentiation of the Earth surface. The main morphological feature of the landscape is the presence or absence of the forest that is, and the gradual character of the boundaries between the natural zones causes the formation of fairly wide transitional zones bands – ecotones. They have become one of the most common subjects in landscape research in recent years. This is natural in view of the insufficient localization of ecotones and their constant drift in the light of gradual changes in climate and degradation of soil cover. In modern studies, structural-geographical ecotones are considered not as clear sharp boundaries, but as rather wide transitional bands. There are four natural zones (mixed coniferous-deciduous forests, deciduous forests, forest-steppe and steppe) and three structural and geographical strips – pasture, forest and field districted in the plain part of Ukraine. If the physical-geographical boundary of the forest-steppe and steppe is traditionally drawn along the Balta – Kropyvnytskyi – Dnipro – Izyum – Kup'yansk line, from the standpoint of constructive geography, the area of continuous predominance of the field landscapes is shifted to the north by almost 100 km. In general, the territory of the traditionally separated southern sub-zone of the forest-steppe objectively reaching the steppe zone is today. Anthropogenic factor makes its adjustments to the holding of ecotones, in particular through deforestation. The action of natural and anthropogenic factors is synergistic. On the one hand, the natural process of the steppe on the forest continues; on the other hand, one actively promotes deforestation. Therefore, the boundaries of Polissya and the Forest-Steppe are becoming less clear. Ecotones are manifested not only on the interzonal (macro- and meso scale) but also on the intra-zonal, within landscape complexes (micro levels). A striking example would be the ecotones in forest landscapes. In general, the continuous changes of the landscape environment, caused nowadays by both natural and anthropogenic factors, inevitably cause the displacement of both geobotanical and physical-geographical boundaries. However, most landscape systems are not homogeneous in their typological characteristics; the transitions between them are rather blurred. This further complicates the boundaries and suggests the leading importance of ecotones in the terrestrial landscape organization.Відзначено, що більшість сучасних ландшафтів – як натуральних природних, так і антропогенних – мають характер екотонів. Наголошено, що екотонізація виразно позначається на педобіогенному компоненті-чинникові ландшафту. Зауважено, що формування екотонів відбувається як на макро- й мезо-, так і на мікрорівні організації рослинного компоненту. Проілюстровано, що явище поступового переходу від однієї фізико-географічної зони до іншої яскраво проявляється на прикладах лісостепу Правобережної України – як у межах екотону "зона мішаних лісів" – "лісостеп", так і в смузі екотону "лісостеп" – "степ". Наголошено, що процесам екотонізації ландшафтів істотно сприяє втручання антропогенного чинника. Розглянуто різні варіанти екотонізації лісових фітоценозів, зокрема висвітлено особливості природних і антропогенних екотонів "ліс – галявина", "ліс – прогалина", "ліс – узлісся", "ліс – зруб" тощо. Відзначено високий рівень біорізноманіття, властивий лісовим ландшафтам завдяки їхній екотонізації. Проаналізовано феномен "екотону в часі", що проявляється на сукцесійних стадіях розвитку лісових фітоценозів. Окреслено основний зміст концепцій змін порід деревної лісової рослинності відповідно до поглядів В. П. Кучерявого та Г. Ф. Морозова. Зауважено, що сукупна дія природних і антропогенних чинників увиразнює розмитість меж природних регіонів і в такий спосіб підсилює екотонізацію ландшафтів, зокрема лісових. Наголошено, що дослідження екотонів становить комплексну міждисциплінарну наукову проблему, що перебуває на пограниччі географії, геоботаніки, лісознавства, ландшафтної та соціоекології