1,632 research outputs found

    A new search for anomalous neutrino oscillations at the CERN-PS

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    The LSND experiment has observed a 3.8 sigma excess of anti-nu_e events from an anti-nu_mu beam coming from pions at rest. If confirmed, the LSND anomaly would imply new physics beyond the standard model, presumably in the form of some additional sterile neutrinos. The MiniBooNE experiment at FNAL-Booster has further searched for the LSND anomaly. Above 475 MeV, the nu_e result is excluding the LSND anomaly to about 1.6 sigma but it introduces an unexplained, new 3.0 sigma anomaly at lower energies, down to 200 MeV. The nu_e data have so far an insufficient statistics to be conclusive with LSND's anti-nu_e. The present proposal at the CERN-PS is based on two strictly identical LAr-TPC detectors in the near and far positions, respectively at 127 and 850 m from the neutrino (or antineutrino) target and focussing horn, observing the electron-neutrino signal. This project will benefit from the already developed technology of ICARUS T600, well tested on surface in Pavia, without the need of any major R&D activity and without the added problems of an underground experiment (CNGS-2). The superior quality of the Liquid Argon imaging TPC and its unique electron - pi-zero discrimination allow full rejection of the NC background, without efficiency loss for electron neutrino detection. In two years of exposure, the far detector mass of 600 tons and a reasonable utilization of the CERN-PS with the refurbished previous TT7 beam line will allow to collect about 10^6 charged current events, largely adequate to settle definitely the LSND anomaly.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figures, added watermark, better referencin

    Operation of a LAr-TPC equipped with a multilayer LEM charge readout

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    A novel detector for the ionization signal in a single phase LAr-TPC, based on the adoption of a multilayer Large Electron Multiplier (LEM) replacing the traditional anodic wire arrays, has been experimented in the ICARINO test facility at the INFN Laboratories in Legnaro. Cosmic muon tracks were detected allowing the measurement of energy deposition and a first determination of the signal to noise ratio. The analysis of the recorded events demonstrated the 3D reconstruction capability of ionizing events in this device in liquid Argon, collecting a fraction of about 90% of the ionization signal with signal to noise ratio similar to that measured with more traditional wire chambersComment: 9 pages, 7 Figure

    Free electron lifetime achievements in Liquid Argon Imaging TPC

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    A key feature for the success of the liquid Argon imaging TPC (LAr-TPC) technology is the industrial purification against electro-negative impurities, especially Oxygen and Nitrogen remnants, which have to be continuously kept at an exceptionally low level by filtering and recirculating liquid Argon. Improved purification techniques have been applied to a 120 liters LAr-TPC test facility in the INFN-LNL laboratory. Through-going muon tracks have been used to determine the free electron lifetime in liquid Argon against electro-negative impurities. The short path length here observed (30 cm) is compensated by the high accuracy in the observation of the specific ionization of cosmic ray muons at sea level as a function of the drift distance. A free electron lifetime of (21.4+7.3-4.3) ms, namely > 15.8 ms at 90 % C.L. has been observed over several weeks under stable conditions, corresponding to a residual Oxygen equivalent of about 15 ppt (part per trillion). At 500 V/cm, the free electron speed is 1.5 m/ms. In a LAr-TPC a free electron lifetime in excess of 15 ms corresponds for instance to an attenuation of less than 15 % after a drift path of 5 m, opening the way to the operation of the LAr-TPC with exceptionally long drift distances.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures; Accepted for publication in JINS

    A hardware implementation of Region-of-Interest selection in LAr-TPC for data reduction and triggering

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    Large Liquid Argon TPC detectors in the range of multikton mass for neutrino and astroparticle physics require the extraction and treatment of signals from some 105 wires. In order to enlarge the throughtput of the DAQ system an on-line lossless data compression has been realized reducing almost a factor 4 the data flow. Moreover a trigger system based on a new efficient on-line identification algorithm of wire hits was studied, implemented on the actual ICARUS digital read- out boards and fully tested on the ICARINO LAr-TPC facility operated at LNL INFN Laboratory with cosmic-rays. Capability to trigger isolated low energy events down to 1 MeV visible energy was also demonstrated.Comment: 26 pages, 26 Figure; to be submitted to JINS

    Daedalus: A hardware signal analyser for Icarus

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    Icarus detector [1] is a large-volume (400 cm) liquid Argon TPC that requires continuous high rate sampling signal recording on each channel (about 50 000) to produce event images quite similar to the ones from bubble chambers. In order to optimize the memory usage, a signal feature extractor, that commands memory writing only upon signal detection, has been designed in VLSI CMOS. ( 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    A local trigger system for the large LAr-TPC detector

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    A special dedicated double-rebinning algorithm has been successfully developed in order to extract the physical hit signal from the TPC wires. This solution has been implemented on digital boards, allowing to realize a local trigger able to identify even localized low-energy small events

    Precise 3D track reconstruction algorithm for the ICARUS T600 liquid argon time projection chamber detector

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    Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr TPC) detectors offer charged particle imaging capability with remarkable spatial resolution. Precise event reconstruction procedures are critical in order to fully exploit the potential of this technology. In this paper we present a new, general approach of three-dimensional reconstruction for the LAr TPC with a practical application to track reconstruction. The efficiency of the method is evaluated on a sample of simulated tracks. We present also the application of the method to the analysis of real data tracks collected during the ICARUS T600 detector operation with the CNGS neutrino beam.Comment: Submitted to Advances in High Energy Physic
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