474 research outputs found

    Development of a bedrest muscle stress apparatus

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    In attempting further to define the deleterious effects of spaceflight on the human body, measurement systems and techniques were devised to determine the loss of skeletal muscle strength and tone as a result of spaceflight exposure. In order to determine how the muscle degradation process progresses with time during nonuse, a system for measuring muscle stress during bedrest was developed. The Bedrest Muscle Stress Apparatus is configured to slip snugly over the foot board of a standard hospital bed. Data collected with this device correlated well with pre- and post-bedrest data collected with the original skeletal muscle stress apparatus

    Characterization of gsp-Mediated Growth Hormone Excess in the Context of McCune-Albright Syndrome

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    McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) is a disorder characterized by the triad of café-au-lait skin pigmentation, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of bone, and hyperfunctioning endocrinopathies, including GH excess. The molecular etiology of the disease is postzygotic activating mutations of the GNAS1 gene product, Gsα. The term gsp oncogene has been assigned to these mutations due to their association with certain neoplasms. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of GH excess in MAS, characterize the clinical and endocrine manifestations, and describe the response to treatment. Fifty-eight patients with MAS were screened, and 22 with stigmata of acromegaly and/or elevated GH or IGF-I underwent oral glucose tolerance testing. Twelve patients (21%) had GH excess, based on failure to suppress serum GH on oral glucose tolerance test, and underwent a TRH test, serial GH sampling from 2000-0800 h, and magnetic resonance imaging of the sella. We found that vision and hearing deficits were more common in patients with GH excess (4 of 12, 33%) than those without (2 of 56, 4%). Of interest, patients with a history of precocious puberty and GH excess who had reached skeletal maturity achieved normal adult height despite a history of early epiphyseal fusion. All 9 patients tested had an increase in serum GH after TRH, 11 of 12 (92%) had hyperprolactinemia, and all 8 tested had detectable or elevated nighttime GH levels. Pituitary adenoma was detected in 4 of 12 (33%) patients. All patients with elevated IGF-I levels were treated with cabergoline (7 patients), long-acting octreotide (LAO; 8 patients), or a combination of cabergoline and LAO (4 patients). In six of the seven patients (86%) treated with cabergoline, serum IGF-I decreased, but not to the normal range. In the eight patients treated with LAO alone, IGF-I decreased, and, in four, returned to the normal range. The remaining 4 patients were treated with a combination of cabergoline and LAO. For them, symptoms of GH excess diminished, and IGF-I decreased further, but did not enter the normal range. GH excess is common in MAS and results in a distinct clinical phenotype characterized by inappropriately normal stature, TRH responsiveness, prolactin cosecretion, small or absent pituitary tumors, a consistent but inadequate response to treatment with cabergoline, and an intermediate response to LAO

    Big five personality characteristics and commitment levels in romantic relationships

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    While numerous empirical studies have looked at commitment levels across various aspects of life, little research has attempted to integrate these disparate literatures. Accordingly, this study attempts to address this gap by adapting a taxonomy of commitment commonly used in the workplace to the analysis of commitment in romantic relationships. Additionally, the relationship between personality and levels of commitment in romantic relationships were investigated utilizing the Big Five personality factors. Results indicated that personality does relate to commitment and that the affective (emotional) and continuance (economic) facets of commitment have specific relevance to understanding commitment expressed in romantic relationships. Gender similarities and differences, as well as directions for future research, are discussed

    How to design a complex behaviour change intervention: experiences from a nutrition-sensitive agriculture trial in rural India

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    Many public health interventions aim to promote healthful behaviours, with varying degrees of success. With a lack of existing empirical evidence on the optimal number or combination of behaviours to promote to achieve a given health outcome, a key challenge in intervention design lies in deciding what behaviours to prioritise, and how best to promote them. We describe how key behaviours were selected and promoted within a multisectoral nutrition-sensitive agriculture intervention that aimed to address maternal and child undernutrition in rural India. First, we formulated a Theory of Change, which outlined our hypothesised impact pathways. To do this, we used the following inputs: existing conceptual frameworks, published empirical evidence, a feasibility study, formative research and the intervention team’s local knowledge. Then, we selected specific behaviours to address within each impact pathway, based on our formative research, behaviour change models, local knowledge and community feedback. As the intervention progressed, we mapped each of the behaviours against our impact pathways and the transtheoretical model of behaviour change, to monitor the balance of behaviours across pathways and along stages of behaviour change. By collectively agreeing on definitions of complex concepts and hypothesised impact pathways, implementing partners were able to communicate clearly between each other and with intervention participants. Our intervention was iteratively informed by continuous review, by monitoring implementation against targets and by integrating community feedback. Impact and process evaluations will reveal whether these approaches are effective for improving maternal and child nutrition, and what the effects are on each hypothesised impact pathway

    Fission yeast 26S proteasome mutants are multi-drug resistant due to stabilization of the pap1 transcription factor

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    Here we report the result of a genetic screen for mutants resistant to the microtubule poison methyl benzimidazol-2-yl carbamate (MBC) that were also temperature sensitive for growth. In total the isolated mutants were distributed in ten complementation groups. Cloning experiments revealed that most of the mutants were in essential genes encoding various 26S proteasome subunits. We found that the proteasome mutants are multi-drug resistant due to stabilization of the stress-activated transcription factor Pap1. We show that the ubiquitylation and ultimately the degradation of Pap1 depend on the Rhp6/Ubc2 E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme and the Ubr1 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase. Accordingly, mutants lacking Rhp6 or Ubr1 display drug-resistant phenotypes

    Translating global recommendations on HIV and infant feeding to the local context: the development of culturally sensitive counselling tools in the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania

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    BACKGROUND: This paper describes the process used to develop an integrated set of culturally sensitive, evidence-based counselling tools (job aids) by using qualitative participatory research. The aim of the intervention was to contribute to improving infant feeding counselling services for HIV positive women in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. METHODS: Formative research using a combination of qualitative methods preceded the development of the intervention and mapped existing practices, perceptions and attitudes towards HIV and infant feeding (HIV/IF) among mothers, counsellors and community members. Intervention Mapping (IM) protocol guided the development of the overall intervention strategy. Theories of behaviour change, a review of the international HIV/IF guidelines and formative research findings contributed to the definition of performance and learning objectives. Key communication messages and colourful graphic illustrations related to infant feeding in the context of HIV were then developed and/or adapted from existing generic materials. Draft materials were field tested with intended audiences and subjected to stakeholder technical review. RESULTS: An integrated set of infant feeding counselling tools, referred to as 'job aids', was developed and included brochures on feeding methods that were found to be socially and culturally acceptable, a Question and Answer Guide for counsellors, a counselling card on the risk of transmission of HIV, and an infant feeding toolbox for demonstration. Each brochure describes the steps to ensure safer infant feeding using simple language and images based on local ideas and resources. The brochures are meant to serve as both a reference material during infant feeding counselling in the ongoing prevention of mother to child transmission (pMTCT) of HIV programme and as take home material for the mother. CONCLUSION: The study underscores the importance of formative research and a systematic theory based approach to developing an intervention aimed at improving counselling and changing customary feeding practices. The identification of perceived barriers and facilitators for change contributed to developing the key counselling messages and graphics, reflecting the socio-economic reality, cultural beliefs and norms of mothers and their significant others

    Colonize, radiate, decline: Unraveling the dynamics of island community assembly with Fijian trap‐jaw ants

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    The study of island community assembly has been fertile ground for developing and testing theoretical ideas in ecology and evolution. The ecoevolutionary trajectory of lineages after colonization has been a particular interest, as this is a key component of understanding community assembly. In this system, existing ideas, such as the taxon cycle, posit that lineages pass through a regular sequence of ecoevolutionary changes after colonization, with lineages shifting toward reduced dispersal ability, increased ecological specialization, and declines in abundance. However, these predictions have historically been difficult to test. Here, we integrate phylogenomics, population genomics, and X-ray microtomography/3D morphometrics, to test hypotheses for whether the ecomorphological diversity of trap-jaw ants (Strumigenys) in the Fijian archipelago is assembled primarily through colonization or postcolonization radiation, and whether species show ecological shifts toward niche specialization, toward upland habitats, and decline in abundance after colonization. We infer that most Fijian endemic Strumigenys evolved in situ from a single colonization and have diversified to fill a large fraction of global morphospace occupied by the genus. Within this adaptive radiation, lineages trend to different degrees toward high elevation, reduced dispersal ability, and demographic decline, and we find no evidence of repeated colonization that displaces the initial radiation. Overall these results are only partially consistent with taxon cycle and associated ideas, while highlighting the potential role of priority effects in assembling island communities