719 research outputs found

    Controle patrimonial (ativo imobilizado) da Embrapa Florestas.

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    Melhoria dos canais de comunicação da cadeia de suprimentos no setor de patrimÎnio e materiais (SPM) da Embrapa Florestas.

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    Clinical Features of 705 Borrelia burgdorferi Seropositive Patients in an Endemic Area of Northern Italy

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    Background. Lyme Borreliosis is a multisystemic infection caused by spirochetes of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato complex. The features of Lyme Borreliosis may differ in the various geographical areas, primarily between the manifestations found in America and those found in Europe and Asia. Objective. to describe the clinical features of Lyme Borreliosis in an endemic geographic area such as Friuli-Venezia Giulia in the Northeastern part of Italy. Methods.The medical records of patients resulted seropositive for Borrelia burgdorferi have been retrospectively recorded and analyzed. Results. Seven hundred and five patients met the inclusion criteria, 363 males and 342 females. Erythema migrans was the most common manifestation, detected in 437 patients. Other classical cutaneous manifestations included 58 cases of multiple erythema migrans, 7 lymphadenosis benigna cutis, and 18 acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans. The musculoskeletal system was involved in 511 patients. Four hundred and sixty patients presented a neurological involvement. Flu-like symptoms preceded or accompanied or were the only clinical feature in 119 patients. Comments.The manifestations of Lyme borreliosis recorded in this study are similar to the ones of other endemic areas in Europe, even if there are some peculiar features which are different from those reported in Northern Europe and in the USA

    Mortality Associated With Influenza In Tropics, State Of SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil, From 2002 To 2011: The Pre-pandemic, Pandemic, And Post-pandemic Periods.

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    The impact of the seasonal influenza and 2009 AH1N1 pandemic influenza on mortality is not yet completely understood, particularly in tropical and subtropical countries. The trends of influenza related mortality rate in different age groups and different outcomes on a area in tropical and subtropical climate with more than 41 million people (State of SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil), were studied from 2002 to 2011 were studied. Serfling-type regression analysis was performed using weekly mortality registries and virological data obtained from sentinel surveillance. The prepandemic years presented a well-defined seasonality during winter and a clear relationship between activity of AH3N2 and increase of mortality in all ages, especially in individuals older than 60 years. The mortality due to pneumonia and influenza and respiratory causes associated with 2009 pandemic influenza in the age groups 0-4 years and older than 60 was lower than the previous years. Among people aged 5-19 and 20-59 years the mortality was 2.6 and 4.4 times higher than that in previous periods, respectively. The mortality in all ages was higher than the average of the previous years but was equal mortality in epidemics of AH3N2. The 2009 pandemic influenza mortality showed significant differences compared to other years, especially considering the age groups most affected.201369627

    Co-targeting of Bcl-2 and mTOR pathway triggers synergistic apoptosis in BH3 mimetics resistant acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Several chemo-resistance mechanisms including the Bcl-2 protein family overexpression and constitutive activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling have been documented in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), encouraging targeted approaches to circumvent this clinical problem. Here we analyzed the activity of the BH3 mimetic ABT-737 in ALL, exploring the synergistic effects with the mTOR inhibitor CCI-779 on ABT-737 resistant cells. We showed that a low Mcl-1/Bcl-2 plus Bcl-xL protein ratio determined ABT-737 responsiveness. ABT-737 exposure further decreased Mcl-1, inducing apoptosis on sensitive models and primary samples, while not affecting resistant cells. Co-inhibition of Bcl-2 and the mTOR pathway resulted cytotoxic on ABT-737 resistant models, by downregulating mTORC1 activity and Mcl-1 in a proteasome-independent manner. Although Mcl-1 seemed to be critical, ectopic modulation did not correlate with apoptosis changes. Importantly, dual targeting proved effective on ABT-737 resistant samples, showing additive/synergistic effects. Together, our results show the efficacy of BH3 mimetics as single agent in the majority of the ALL samples and demonstrate that resistance to ABT-737 mostly correlated with Mcl-1 overexpression. Co-targeting of the Bcl-2 protein family and mTOR pathway enhanced drug-induced cytotoxicity by suppressing Mcl-1, providing a novel therapeutic approach to overcome BH3 mimetics resistance in ALL

    Ep?stola da Geografia: da forma??o cient?fica ao surgimento do Estado na Idade Moderna

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    The epistemological development of the Modern Age Geography is enriched with the somatization of man as its object of study and research, making the Geography a Science able of discuss issues related to Politics, Power and Territory. These concepts are essentials in issues concerning State prototypes of passed times, in the Antiquity, Midle Age and Modern Age, which are revealed today as models imbued with social problems due to power centralization in institutions that manipulate individual and collective personalities. For this reason, understanding the process of development of the Geographic Science, having the knowledge of the main Classic Geographers and Libertarians theories, makes the researcher as well as the reader, enlightened people on the territorial configuration of today. The theoretical representations of the leading names of Geography in the Modern Age, the set of expressions on the States models presented by philosephers of the Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Age, and the conjectures concerning the transition from of the feudal mode of production to the capitalist mode, supports and legitimize the concepts of State, Territory and Power Relations, which are strictly related to the moment that the man becomes object of geographical studies and the contemporary territorial configuration.O desenvolvimento epistemol?gico da Geografia na Idade Moderna se enriquece com a somatiza??o do homem como seu objeto de investiga??o e estudo, tornando a Geografia uma Ci?ncia capacitada para tratar de temas relacionados ? Pol?tica, ao Poder e ao Territ?rio. Esses conceitos s?o essenciais nas abordagens relativas aos prot?tipos de Estados de quadras temporais passadas, na Antiguidade, Idade M?dia e Moderna, que se revelam hoje, como modelos impregnados de problem?ticas sociais, devido ? centraliza??o de for?as manipuladoras de institui??es e personalidades individuais e coletivas. Por isso, entender o processo de desenvolvimento da Ci?ncia Geogr?fica, tendo o conhecimento das teorias dos principais Ge?grafos Cl?ssicos e Libert?rios, faz do pesquisador bem como do leitor, pessoas esclarecidas sobre a configura??o territorial da atualidade. As representa??es te?ricas dos principais nomes da Geografia na Idade Moderna, o conjunto de express?es acerca dos modelos de Estados apresentados por fil?sofos da Idade Antiga, Medieval e Moderna, e, as conjunturas referentes ? transi??o do modo de produ??o feudal para o capitalista, d?o suporte e legitimam os conceitos de Estado, Territ?rio e Poder, os quais est?o estritamente relacionados com o momento que torna o homem objeto de estudos geogr?ficos e a configura??o territorial contempor?nea

    Assessing climate effects on railway earthworks Using MASW

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    Many parts of the UK’s rail network were constructed in the mid‐19th century long before the advent of modern construction standards. Historic levels of low investment, poor maintenance strategies and the deleterious effects of climate change have resulted in critical elements of the rail network being at significant risk of failure. The majority of failures which have occurred over recent years have been triggered by extreme weather events. Advance assessment and remediation of earthworks is, however, significantly less costly than dealing with failures reactively. It is therefore crucial that appropriate approaches for assessment of the stability of earthworks are developed, so that repair work can be better targeted and failures avoided wherever possible. This extended abstract briefly discusses some preliminary results from an ongoing geophysical research project being carried out in order to study the impact of climate or seasonal weather variations on the stability of a century old railway embankment on the Gloucestershire Warwickshire steam railway line in Southern England

    monthly averaged anthropogenic aerosol direct radiative forcing over the mediterranean based on aeronet aerosol properties

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    Abstract. The all-sky direct radiative effect by anthropogenic aerosol (DREa) is calculated in the solar (0.3–4 ÎŒm) and infrared (4–200 ÎŒm) spectral ranges for six Mediterranean sites. The sites are differently affected by pollution and together reflect typical aerosol impacts that are expected over land and coastal sites of the central Mediterranean basin. Central to the simulations are aerosol optical properties from AERONET sun-/sky-photometer statistics for the year 2003. A discussion on the variability of the overall (natural + anthropogenic) aerosol properties with site location is provided. Supplementary data include MODIS satellite sensor based solar surface albedos, ISCCP products for high- mid- and low cloud cover and estimates for the anthropogenic aerosol fraction from global aerosol models. Since anthropogenic aerosol particles are considered to be smaller than 1 ÎŒm in size, mainly the solar radiation transfer is affected with impacts only during sun-light hours. At all sites the (daily average) solar DREa is negative all year round at the top of the atmosphere (ToA). Hence, anthropogenic particles produce over coastal and land sites of the central Mediterranean a significant cooling effect. Monthly DREa values vary from site to site and are seasonally dependent as a consequence of the seasonal dependence of available sun-light and microphysical aerosol properties. At the ToA the monthly average DREa is −(4±1) W m−2 during spring-summer (SS, April–September) and −(2±1) W m−2 during autumn-winter (AW, October–March) at the polluted sites. In contrast, it varies between −(3±1) W m−2 and −(1±1) W m−2 on SS and AW, respectively at the less polluted site. Due to atmospheric absorption the DREa at the surface is larger than at the ToA. At the surface the monthly average DREa varies between the most and the least polluted site between −(7±1) W m−2 and −(4±1) W m−2 during SS, and between −(4±3) W m−2 and −(1±1) W m−2 during AW. The DREa at infrared wavelengths is positive but negligible, especially at the ToA (<0.3 W m−2). The average of DREa monthly-means referring to all sites has allowed getting a ToA- and sfc-DREa yearly-mean value of −(3±2) and −(5±3) W m−2, respectively at solar wavelengths. Last data, even if refer to a particular year, indicate that the radiative energy-balance of Central Mediterranean land and coastal sites is quite affected by anthropogenic particles
