9 research outputs found

    Mass measurements of As, Se and Br nuclei and their implication on the proton-neutron interaction strength towards the N=Z line

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    Mass measurements of the nuclides 69As, 70,71Se, and 71Br, produced via fragmentation of a 124Xe primary beam at the Fragment Separator (FRS) at GSI, have been performed with the multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer (MR-TOF-MS) of the FRS Ion Catcher with an unprecedented mass resolving power of almost 1000000. Such high resolving power is the only way to achieve accurate results and resolve overlapping peaks of short-lived exotic nuclei, whose total number of accumulated events is always limited. For the nuclide 69As, this is the first direct mass measurement. A mass uncertainty of 22 keV was achieved with only ten events. For the nuclide 70Se, a mass uncertainty of 2.6 keV was obtained, corresponding to a relative accuracy of δm/m=4.0×10−8, with less than 500 events. The masses of the nuclides 71Se and 71Br have been measured with an uncertainty of 23 and 16 keV, respectively. Our results for the nuclides 70,71Se and 71Br are in good agreement with the 2016 Atomic Mass Evaluation, and our result for the nuclide 69As resolves the discrepancy between the previous indirect measurements. We measured also the mass of the molecule 14N15N40Ar (A=69) with a relative accuracy of δm/m=1.7×10−8, the highest yet achieved with an MR-TOF-MS. Our results show that the measured restrengthening of the proton-neutron interaction (δVpn) for odd-odd nuclei along the N=Z line above Z=29 (recently extended to Z=37) is hardly evident at the N−Z=2 line, and not evident at the N−Z=4 line. Nevertheless, detailed structure of δVpn along the N−Z=2 and N−Z=4 lines, confirmed by our mass measurements, may provide a hint regarding the ongoing ≈500 keV discrepancy in the mass value of the nuclide 70Br, which prevents including it in the world average of Ft value for superallowed 0+→0+β decays. The reported work sets the stage for mass measurements with the FRS Ion Catcher of nuclei at and beyond the N=Z line in the same region of the nuclear chart, including the nuclide 70Br.peerReviewe

    First spatial separation of a heavy ion isomeric beam with a multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer

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    211 Po ions in the ground and isomeric states were produced via 238 U projectile fragmentation at 1000 MeV/u. The 211 Po ions were spatially separated in flight from the primary beam and other reaction products by the fragment separator FRS. The ions were energy-bunched, slowed-down and thermalized in a gas-filled cryogenic stopping cell (CSC). They were then extracted from the CSC and injected into a high-resolution multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer (MR-TOF-MS). The excitation energy of the isomer and, for the first time, the isomeric-to-ground state ratio were determined from the measured mass spectrum. In the subsequent experimental step, the isomers were spatially separated from the ions in the ground state by an ion deflector and finally collected with a silicon detector for decay spectroscopy. This pioneering experimental result opens up unique perspectives for isomer-resolved studies. With this versatile experimental method new isomers with half-lives longer than a few milliseconds can be discovered and their decay properties can be measured with highest sensitivity and selectivity. These experiments can be extended to studies with isomeric beams in nuclear reactions

    Independent isotopic fission yields of Cf-252 spontaneous fission via mass measurements at the FRS Ion Catcher

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    We present first preliminary results of a novel method for measuring independent isotopic fission yields (IIFYs) of spontaneous fission (SF) via direct mass measurements, at the FRS Ion Catcher (FRS -IC) at GSI. Fission products were generated from a Cf-252 source installed in a cryogenic stopping cell, and were identified and counted with the multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer (MR-TOR-MS) of the FRS-IC, utilizing well-established measurement and data analysis methods. The MR-TOR-MS resolves isobars unambiguously, even with limited statistics, and its non-scanning nature ensures minimal relative systematic uncertainties amongst fission products. The analysis for extracting IIFYs includes isotope-dependent efficiency corrections for all components of the FRS -IC. In particular, we applied a self-consistent technique that takes into account the element-dependent survival efficiencies in the CSC, due to chemical reactions with the buffer gas. Our IIFY results, which cover several tens of fission products in the less -accessible high-mass peak (Z = 56 to 63) down to fission yields at the level of 10(-5), are generally similar to those of the nuclear database ENDF/B-VII.O. Nevertheless, they reveal some structures that are not observed in the database smooth trends. These are the first results of a planned campaign to investigate IIFY distributions of spontaneous fission at the FRS-IC. Upcoming experiments will extend our results to wider Z and N ranges, lower fission yields, and other spontaneously-fissioning actinides

    The FRS Ion Catcher - A facility for high-precision experiments with stopped projectile and fission fragments

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    At the FRS Ion Catcher at GSI, projectile and fission fragments are produced at relativistic energies, separated in-flight, range-focused, slowed down and thermalized in a cryogenic stopping cell. A multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer (MR-TOF-MS) is used to perform direct mass measurements and to provide an isobarically clean beam for further experiments, such as mass-selected decay spectroscopy. A versatile RF quadrupole transport and diagnostics unit guides the ions from the stopping cell to the MR-TOF-MS, provides differential pumping, ion identification and includes reference ion sources. The FRS Ion Catcher serves as a test facility for the Low-Energy Branch of the Super-FRS at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), where the cryogenic stopping cell and the MR-TOF-MS will be key devices for the research with stopped projectile and fission fragments that will be performed with the experiments MATS and LaSpec. Off-line tests of the stopping cell yield a combined ion survival and extraction efficiency for Rn-219 ions of about 30% and an extraction time of about 25 ms. The stopping cell and the MR-TOF-MS were commissioned on-line as part of the FRS Ion Catcher. For the first time, a stopping cell for exotic nuclei was operated on-line at cryogenic temperatures. Using a gas density almost two times higher than ever reached before for a stopping cell with RF ion repelling structures, various U-238 projectile fragments were thermalized and extracted with very high efficiency. Direct mass measurements of projectile fragments were performed with the MR-TOF-MS, among them the nuclide Rn-213 with a half-life of 19.5 ms only. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Isomer studies in the vicinity of the doubly-magic nucleus Sn-100: Observation of a new low-lying isomeric state in Ag-97

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    Long-lived isomeric states in Ag-97 and In101-109 were investigated with the FRS Ion Catcher at GSI. In the isotope Ag-97, a long-lived (1/2(-)) isomeric state was discovered, and its excitation energy was determined to be 618(38) keV. This is simultaneously the first discovery of a nuclear isomeric state by multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The measured excitation energies were compared to large-scale shell-model calculations, which indicated the importance of core excitation around Sn-100. Furthermore, advanced mean-field calculations for the Ag-97 nucleus and relevant neighboring nuclei were performed, which have contributed to a better understanding of the repetitive appearance of certain isomeric structures in neighboring nuclei, and which have supported the discovery of the isomeric state in Ag-97 in a global shell-evolution scheme. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V