514 research outputs found

    Development of instruments to management adaptation of personnel of trade organization

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    В данной статье показано, что управление адаптацией персонала – одна из важных проблем кадровой работы на торговых предприятиях. Разработана классификация инструментов адаптации, даны рекомендации по успешной адаптации новых сотрудников.This article shows that the management of the adaptation of the personnel – one of the important problems of personnel working in trade enterprise. The developed classification of adaptation tools and recommendations for successful adaptation of new employees

    Development of instruments to management adaptation of personnel of trade organization

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    В данной статье показано, что управление адаптацией персонала – одна из важных проблем кадровой работы на торговых предприятиях. Разработана классификация инструментов адаптации, даны рекомендации по успешной адаптации новых сотрудников.This article shows that the management of the adaptation of the personnel – one of the important problems of personnel working in trade enterprise. The developed classification of adaptation tools and recommendations for successful adaptation of new employees

    Phonon heat capacity and self-heating normal domains in NbTiN nanostrips

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    Self-heating normal domains in thin superconducting NbTiN nanostrips were characterized via steady-state hysteretic current-voltage characteristics measured at different substrate temperatures. The temperature dependence and the magnitude of the current, which sustains a domain in equilibrium at different voltages, can only be explained with a phonon heat capacity noticeably less than expected for 3-d Debye phonons. This reduced heat capacity coincides with the value obtained earlier from magnetoconductance and photoresponse studies of the same films. The rate of heat flow from electrons at a temperature Te to phonons in the substrate at a temperature TB is proportional to (T_e^p - T_B^p) with the exponent p~3, which differs from the exponents for heat flows mediated by the electron-phonon interaction or by escaping of 3-d Debye phonons via the film/substrate interface. We attribute both findings to the effect of the mean grain size on the phonon spectrum of thin granular NbTiN films. Our findings are significant for understanding the thermal transport in superconducting devices exploiting thin granular films

    Ecological and Physiological Assessment of Animal Anesthesia Methods

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    The use of pharmaceuticals is indispensable in everyday medical practice. The patient’s life sometimes depends on the right dosages and the chosen method of administration of the drug, therefore, for the successful provision of assistance to the animal, the specialist should become familiar with pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drugs used to prevent undesirable side effects and to reduce the risk of adverse outcome of the disease. Currently, many veterinary enterprises have been opened in Russia, a considerable number of them are private veterinary clinics, where daily surgical interventions with the use of anesthetics are carried out. Depending on the equipment they use different methods of anesthesia of animals – inhalation, non-inhalation or a combined method. The article deals with pharmacokinetic factors in the field of veterinary anesthesiology, its peculiarities associated with different methods of introduction of different groups of anesthetics, which have a similar effect on the body when injected into anesthesia. Moreover, depending on the method of introduction, their absorption into the body varies, the depth of anesthesia changes and the time of exit from it is different

    Partial restoration of the actin cytoskeleton in transformed Syrian hamster fibroblasts selected for low levels of ‘typical’ multidrug resistance

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    AbstractTwo independent colchicine (CLC)-resistant sublines of Rous sarcoma virus-transformed Syrian hamster flbroblasts were isolated. Each subline represented variants with 11- and 12.4-fold resistance, respectively, their 23- and 23.7-fold resistant descendants, as well as variants cultured in CLC-free medium for 10 months without loss of resistance. All variants demonstrated ‘typical’ multidrug resistance. The parental cells contained actin in dispersed form, as determined by rhodamine-phalloidin staining. In contrast, already in 11- and 12.4-fold resistant sublines up to 30% of cells demonstrated restored stress fibers. Cultivation in CLC-free medium leads to the accumulation of cells with a partially restored actin cytoskeleton. Putative mechanisms of up-regulation of stress fiber assembly in cells with P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance are discussed

    Stationary and quasistationary light pulses in three-level cold atomic systems

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    We have studied stationary and quasistationary signal light pulses in cold Λ-type atomic media driven by counterpropagating control laser fields at the condition of electromagnetically induced transparency. By deriving a dispersion relation we present spectral and temporal properties of the signal light pulse and a significant influence of atomic decoherence on the coupled stationary light pulses for spatial splitting. Finally we discuss quasistationary light pulse evolution characterized by frozen spatial spreading for a robust coherent control of slow light pulses. © 2014 American Physical Society

    Magnetoconductance and photoresponse properties of disordered NbTiN films

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    We report on the experimental study of phonon properties and electron-phonon scattering in thin superconducting NbTiN films, which are intensively exploited in various applications. Studied NbTiN films with sub-10-nm thicknesses are disordered with respect to electron transport, the Ioffe-Regel parameter of kFle=2.5–3.0 (kF is the Fermi wave vector, and le is the electron mean free path), the inelastic electron-phonon interaction, and the product qTle≪1 (qT is the wave vector of a thermal phonon). By means of magnetoconductance and photoresponse techniques, we derive the inelastic electron-phonon scattering rate 1/τe-ph and determine sound velocities and phonon heat capacities. In the temperature range from 12 to 20 K, the scattering rate varies with temperature as 1/τe-ph∝T3.45±0.05; its value extrapolated to 10 K amounts to approximately 1/16 ps. Making a comparative analysis of our films and other films used in superconducting devices, such as polycrystalline granular NbN and amorphous WSi, we find a systematic reduction of the sound velocity in all these films by about 50% compared to the corresponding bulk crystalline materials. A corresponding increase in the phonon heat capacities in all these films is, however, less than the Debye model predicts. We attribute these findings to reduced film dimensionality and film morphology

    Politician's linguistic personality as key figure of institutional discourse

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    The article deals with the approaches to studying a politician's linguistic personality. The communicative potential of the manifestation means of a politician's personality is analyzed. The authors present the algorithm of studying the characteristics of an institutional linguistic personalit

    Features of French, American and Russian intercultural interaction

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    The article deals with the functioning of cultural stereotypes in French, American and Russian linguistic consciousness. Cross-cultural interaction is interpreted within the framework of mastering linguocultural communication codes and the worldview of allophones. The analysis of factual data is based on the linguosemiotic approach to its interpretation within a discursive utterance

    The Discourse Personality of Politician Sergey Mikheyev with Regards to his Speech Behaviour

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    This paper presents the results of research into the linguistic personality of politician Sergey Mikheyev when viewed as a discourse personality. Special consideration has been given to the speech behaviour characteristic of a discourse personality. The paper presents the results of the cognitive-discursive and linguo-rhetorical description of a discourse personality.The relevance of this research is based on the growing interest for linguistic personality typology with regards to discourse (K. F. Sedov, V. I. Karasik, N. D. Golev, A. V. Bolotnov, et al.). A mixed type of political discourse that actualises both the personal and status factors of its formation was chosen as the object of analysis. The research focuses on semantic dominants and semantic constructs of the discourse behaviour of the Russian politician Sergey Mikheyev, as well as on the cognitive and linguo-rhetorical mechanisms of the interpretation of speech acts when viewed as elements of individual discourse behaviour. We define the linguo-rhetorical competence of the politician’s personality. The study is novel in that it identifies semantic dominants and semantic constructs found in Mikheyev’s discourse and uses an integrative approach to analysis (cognitive-discursive and linguo-rhetorical). It is proven that semantic dominants, constructs, and presuppositions manifest inventive mechanisms of individual discourse activity. We suggest defining the status of Mikheyev’s discourse personality as a mixed type of elitist linguistic personality that is pragmatically oriented. We prove that the discourse personality of Sergey Mikheyev is a prototype of a future successful politician’s linguistic personality. The paper presents the author’s original communicative competence system of S. Mikheyev’s discourse personality