113 research outputs found

    The Role of Aspirin in Preeclampsia Prevention: State of the Art

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    Introdução: O papel do ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS ou aspirina) na prevenção das complicações associadas à pré-eclâmpsia tem sido objeto de estudos e de controvérsias ao longo de 30 anos. Os primeiros trabalhos de investigação acerca do papel da placenta na génese da pré-eclâmpsia surgiram em finais dos anos 70 e assinalavam um aumento da atividade plaquetária e alteração da síntese das prostaglandinas, como consequência da deficiente adaptação da placenta. Ao longo dos últimos 20 anos do século XX, sucederam-se estudos de investigação acerca do papel profilático da aspirina na redução do risco de pré-eclâmpsia. Material e Métodos: Para analisar os trabalhos publicados sobre o uso da aspirina na prevenção da pré-eclâmpsia, bem como sobre a dose mais adequada e momento de administração, foram consultados apenas estudos prospetivos, revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises através das seguintes fontes pesquisa (PubMed, Cochrane, Embase). Os artigos citados foram considerados os mais relevantes. Os trabalhos foram divididos em dois grupos: no primeiro foram incluídos os trabalhos em que a aspirina era administrada até às 16 semanas e o segundo, com início de administração por um período mais alargado. Resultados e Discussão: No primeiro grupo, com menor número de casos, mas com início mais precoce de administração do fármaco, até às 16 semanas, concluiu-se que a aspirina poderia ter um papel positivo na redução de risco de gravidade da pré-eclâmpsia; o segundo grupo, com maior número de casos nos estudos, mas com condições menos restritas de entrada e de tempo de início do fármaco, teve resultados mais controversos. As meta-análises destes estudos concluíram que os resultados favoráveis estavam associados às condições de e momento da administração. Conclusão: Não existindo ainda alternativas ou fármacos que lhe possam ser associados, a aspirina em baixas doses (80 a 150 mg/dia) ao deitar, iniciada no 1º trimestre e até às 16 semanas mantém-se um fármaco seguro, que tem contribuído para redução do risco de pré-eclâmpsia precoce, com as consequências que lhe estão associadas

    Cupid Is Not Doomed Yet: On the Stability of the Inner Moons of Uranus

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    Some of the small inner moons of Uranus have very closely-spaced orbits. Multiple numerical studies have found that the moons Cressida and Desdemona, within the Portia sub-group, are likely to collide in less than 100 Myr. The subsequent discovery of three new moons (Cupid, Perdita, and Mab) made the system even more crowded. In particular, it has been suggested that the Belinda group (Cupid, Belinda, and Perdita) will become unstable in as little as 105^5 years. Here we revisit the issue of the stability of the inner moons of Uranus using updated orbital elements and considering tidal dissipation. We find that the Belinda group can be stable on 10810^8-year timescales due to an orbital resonance between Belinda and Perdita. We find that tidal evolution cannot form the Belinda-Perdita resonance, but convergent migration could contribute to the long-term instability of the Portia group. We propose that Belinda captured Perdita into the resonance during the last episode of disruption and re-accretion among the inner moons, possibly hundreds of Myr ago.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted for A

    Fatty acid in colorectal cancer in adult and aged patients of both sexes

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    Purpose: Colorectal cancer represents the second most common type of cancer in Serbia. Alteration of lipid metabolism begins early, and can represent a central hallmark in cancer evolution. Fatty acids have various important functions as building components of cell membranes, as signaling molecules in immune responses and also manage the general cancer signaling network. The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of various fatty acids content between colorectal cancer and adjacent healthy intestinal tissue in adult and aged patients of both sexes. Methods: 52 subjects participated in this study. Healthy colon mucosa and tumor tissue samples were obtained from patients previously diagnosed with colorectal carcinoma. Simplified method of Berstad et al was used for direct transesterification of total lipids in tumor and healthy mucosa tissue samples and separations of the methyl esters was carried out using a gas chromatograph equipped with a split/ splitless injector and a flame ionization detector. Results: 18 0, 18 1 n7, 20 3, 20 4, 20 5, 22 4, 22 5 22 6, SFA, PUFA, n6, n3 and AA/EPA were significantly higher in tumor tissue. On the other hand, 18 1 n9, 18 2, 18 3 n3, MUFA, n6/ n3 were significantly higher in healthy tissue. Conclusions: Saturation index (SI) could be a valuable tool to delineate robust immune response and worse prognosis in patients with colorectal cancer. Our study demonstrated significant differences in fatty acid profiles between tumor tissue and healthy mucosa. Parameters, such as gender, age, stage and mucinous component didn't influence altered fatty acid content

    The angular momentum of two collided rarefied preplanetesimals and the formation of binaries

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    This paper studies the mean angular momentum associated with the collision of two celestial objects in the earliest stages of planet formation. Of primary concern is the scenario of two rarefied preplanetesimals (RPPs) in circular heliocentric orbits. The theoretical results are used to develop models of binary or multiple system formation from RPPs, and explain the observation that a greater fraction of binaries originated farther from the Sun. At the stage of RPPs, small-body satellites can form in two ways: a merger between RPPs can have two centers of contraction, or the formation of satellites from a disc around the primary or the secondary. Formation of the disc can be caused by that the angular momentum of the RPP formed by the merger is greater than the critical angular momentum for a solid body. One or several satellites of the primary (moving mainly in low-eccentricity orbits) can be formed from this disc at any separation less than the Hill radius. The first scenario can explain a system such as 2001 QW322 where the two components have similar masses but are separated by a great distance. In general, any values for the eccentricity and inclination of the mutual orbit are possible. Among discovered binaries, the observed angular momenta are smaller than the typical angular momenta expected for identical RPPs having the same total mass as the discovered binary and encountering each other in circular heliocentric orbits. This suggests that the population of RPPs underwent some contraction before mergers became common.Comment: 12 pages, Monthly Notices of Royal Astron. Society, in pres

    A Sawtooth-like Timeline for the First Billion Year of Lunar Bombardment

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    We revisit the early evolution of the Moon's bombardment. Our work combines modeling (based on plausible projectile sources and their dynamical decay rates) with constraints from the lunar crater record, radiometric ages of the youngest lunar basins, and the abundance of highly siderophile elements in the lunar crust and mantle. We deduce that the evolution of the impact flux did not decline exponentially over the first billion years of lunar history, but also there was no prominent and "narrow" impact spike some 3.9 Gy ago, unlike that typically envisioned in the lunar cataclysm scenario. Instead, we show the timeline of the lunar bombardment has a sawtooth-like profile, with an uptick in the impact flux near 4.1 Gy ago. The impact flux at the beginning of this weaker cataclysm was 5-10 times higher than the immediately preceding period. The Nectaris basin should have been one of the first basins formed at the sawtooth. We predict the bombardment rate since about 4.1Gy ago declined slowly and adhered relatively close to classic crater chronology models (Neukum and Ivanov (1994)). Overall we expect that the sawtooth event accounted for about 1/4 of the total bombardment suffered by the Moon since its formation. Consequently, considering that about 12-14 basins formed during the sawtooth event, we expect that the net number of basins formed on the Moon was about 45-50. From our expected bombardment timeline, we derived a new and improved lunar chronology suitable for use on Pre-Nectarian surface units. According to this chronology, a significant portion of the oldest lunar cratered terrains has an age of 4.38-4.42 Gyr. Moreover, the largest lunar basin, South Pole Aitken, is older than 4.3Gy, and therefore was not produced during the lunar cataclysm.Comment: In press in EPS

    Rings in the Solar System: a short review

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    Rings are ubiquitous around giant planets in our Solar System. They evolve jointly with the nearby satellite system. They could form either during the giant planet formation process or much later, as a result of large scale dynamical instabilities either in the local satellite system, or at the planetary scale. We review here the main characteristics of rings in our solar system, and discuss their main evolution processes and possible origin. We also discuss the recent discovery of rings around small bodies.Comment: Accepted for the Handbook of Exoplanet