6,392 research outputs found

    Joseph Brant vs. Peter Russell: A Re-examination of the Six Nations' Land Transactions in the Grand River Valley

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    Some historians have not sufficiently appreciated the importance of the legal context to understanding the Six Nations’ dispute with the colonial Upper Canadian government over land transactions in the Grand River Valley. Viewed with an emphasis on the right of restricted use accorded Amerindians in the Proclamation of 1763, the historical appraisal of both major actors must be reconsidered. Peter Russell, faced with the threat posed by Six Nations’ agitation for a clear title he could not provide, emerges not as the weak-willed administrator of earlier histories, but as a skilled negotiator who diffused a heated situation, reducing it to a bureaucratic exercise which ultimately ended in his favour. Joseph Brant’s tenacious, if illinformed, pursuit of an expanded title for the Six Nations renders suspect the allegations of corruption and embezzlement which have been levelled at him.Des historiens n’ont pas tenu compte suffisamment de l’importance du contexte légal dans lequel s’inscrivait le conflit opposant les Six-Nations au gouvernement colonial du Haut-Canada sur les transactions dans la vallée de la rivière Grand pour comprendre cette dispute. Dans l’optique du droit à l’usage restreint consenti aux Amérindiens dans la Proclamation de 1763, il faut revoir l’évaluation historique que l’on a faite des deux grands acteurs. Devant la menace posée par l’agitation des Six-Nations pour l’obtention d’un titre clair qu’il ne pouvait leur accorder, Peter Russell apparaît non pas comme un administrateur mou, mais plutôt comme un négociateur habile ayant su neutraliser une situation délicate, la réduisant à une exercice bureaucratique qui tourna en sa faveur. La quête obstinée, bien que mal informée, de Joseph Brant pour l’obtention d’un titre élargi pour les Six-Nations rend suspectes les allégations de corruption et de malversation portées à son endroit

    An assessment of the risk arising from electrical effects associated with carbon fibers released from commercial aircraft fires

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    The risks associated with electrical effects arising from carbon fibers released from commercial aviation aircraft fires were estimated for 1993. The expected annual losses were estimated to be about 470(1977dollars)in1993.Thechancesoftotallossesfromelectricaleffectsexceeding470 (1977 dollars) in 1993. The chances of total losses from electrical effects exceeding 100,000 (1977 dollars) in 1993 were established to be about one in ten thousand

    SATCHMO-JS: a webserver for simultaneous protein multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree construction.

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    We present the jump-start simultaneous alignment and tree construction using hidden Markov models (SATCHMO-JS) web server for simultaneous estimation of protein multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) and phylogenetic trees. The server takes as input a set of sequences in FASTA format, and outputs a phylogenetic tree and MSA; these can be viewed online or downloaded from the website. SATCHMO-JS is an extension of the SATCHMO algorithm, and employs a divide-and-conquer strategy to jump-start SATCHMO at a higher point in the phylogenetic tree, reducing the computational complexity of the progressive all-versus-all HMM-HMM scoring and alignment. Results on a benchmark dataset of 983 structurally aligned pairs from the PREFAB benchmark dataset show that SATCHMO-JS provides a statistically significant improvement in alignment accuracy over MUSCLE, Multiple Alignment using Fast Fourier Transform (MAFFT), ClustalW and the original SATCHMO algorithm. The SATCHMO-JS webserver is available at http://phylogenomics.berkeley.edu/satchmo-js. The datasets used in these experiments are available for download at http://phylogenomics.berkeley.edu/satchmo-js/supplementary/

    A Low-Flow Self-Cleaning Drainage System for Fish Rearing Tanks

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    A float-stopper mechanism was designed to drain fish holding tanks directly from the bottom. Unlike traditional, top-drawn standpipe systems, it allows continuous flushing of settled solid waste. It also prevents the accumulation of these wastes between the two standpipes that are used in bottom-drawn, double-walled standpipe systems. When suspended solids are forced upward between the outer and inner standpipes of such systems, a minimum velocity must be maintained to prevent sediment accumulation. This minimum velocity determines the minimum flow rate through the tank. The system described in this report flushes well over a wide range of flow rates

    Can discuss bullying in nursing?

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    O assédio moral representa uma conduta antiética que rompe com o equilíbrio no ambiente de trabalho e se mostra contrário aos bons costumes e à boa-fé que deve nortear as relações sociais e laborais (Alkimin, 2005). Objetivo: Identificar e analisar a produção científica sobre o fenômeno do assédio moral na enfermagem. Método: Revisão sistemática de literatura com abordagem qualitativa. Critérios de inclusão: todas as categorias de artigos com textos completos; publicados nos idiomas português, inglês ou espanhol, no período entre 2005 e 2014 e artigos que interligassem assuntos acerca de assédio moral, assédio sexual e enfermagem. Resultados: Dentre os critérios estabelecidos foram selecionados doze artigos. Verificou-se que o assédio moral manifesta-se em formas distintas, vivenciadas em situações concretas pela equipe de enfermagem e agrupadas por similaridade em categorias que retratam as percepções e consequências do fenômeno, bem como as ações adotadas para o seu enfrentamento. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a discussão do fenômeno na área de enfermagem deve ser ampliada para melhor entendimento e enfrentamento do assédio moral por esta categoría com a expectativa de que o fenômeno deixe de ser silencioso e oculto e passe a ser discutido abertamente influindo na melhoria dos processos de trabalho da enfermagem.La intimidación es una conducta no ética que altera el equilibrio en el lugar de trabajo y parece contraria a la moral y la buena fe que deben guiar las relaciones sociales y laborales (Alkmim, 2005). El objetivo de este estudio consiste en identificar y analizar la literatura científica sobre el fenómeno del bullying en enfermeira. Método: Revisión bibliográfica sistemática con enfoque cualitativo. Criterios de inclusión: todas las categorías de artículos con texto completo; publicado en portugués, inglés o español entre 2005 y 2014 y artículos interconexión cuestiones acerca de la intimidación, el acoso sexual y de enfermería. Resultados: Entre los criterios establecidos se seleccionaron doce artículos. Se encontró que el acoso se manifiesta de diferentes maneras, en situaciones concretas experimentadas por el personal de enfermería y agrupados por similitud en categorías que representan las percepciones y las consecuencias del fenómeno, así como las medidas adoptadas para resolverlos. Conclusión: Llegamos a la conclusión de que la discusión del fenómeno en enfermería debe ampliarse a una mejor comprensión y haciendo frente a la intimidación en esta categoría con la expectativa de que el fenómeno ya no es silenciosa, oculta y pasa a ser discutido abiertamente influir en la mejora de procesos del trabajo de enfermería.Bullying is an unethical conduct that disrupts the balance in the workplace and appears contrary to morals and good faith that should guide social and labor relations (Alkmim, 2005). Objective: Identify and analyze the scientific literature on the phenomenon of bullying in nursing. Method: Systematic literature review with qualitative approach. Inclusion criteria: all categories of articles with full text; published in Portuguese, English or Spanish between 2005 and 2014 and articles interconnect issues about bullying, sexual harassment and nursing. Results: Among the established criteria were selected twelve articles. It was found that bullying manifests itself in different ways, in concrete situations experienced by nursing staff and grouped by similarity into categories that depict the perceptions and consequences of the phenomenon as well as the actions taken for solving them. Conclusion: We conclude that the discussion of the phenomenon in nursing should be expanded to better understanding and coping with bullying in this category with the expectation that the phenomenon is no longer silent, hidden and pass to be discussed openly influencing the process improvement of the nursing work

    The effects of household assets inequality and conflict on population health in Sudan

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    We explored the effects on health of both household asset inequality and political armed conflict in Sudan. Using the 2010 Sudan household survey, we evaluated the role of both household asset distribution (measured by the Gini coefficient) and armed conflict status at the state level. We measured associations with six health-related outcomes: life expectancy, infant mortality, height-for-age (stunting), adequacy of food consumption, teenage birth rates and vaccination coverage for young children. For each of six measures of health in Sudan, outcomes were significantly worse in the states with more unequal asset distribution, with correlation coefficients ranging between -0.56 (stunting) and -0.80 (life expectancy). Conflict status predicted worse outcomes. Wealth redistribution in the more unequal states, as well as a political resolution of conflict, may improve population health

    Robotic Extrusion of Algae-Laden Hydrogels for Large-Scale Applications

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    A bioprinting technique for large‐scale, custom‐printed immobilization of microalgae is developed for potential applications within architecture and the built environment. Alginate‐based hydrogels with various rheology modifying polymers and varying water percentages are characterized to establish a window of operation suitable for layer‐by‐layer deposition on a large scale. Hydrogels formulated with methylcellulose and carrageenan, with water percentages ranging from 80% to 92.5%, demonstrate a dominant viscoelastic solid–like property with G′ > G″ and a low phase angle, making them the most suitable for extrusion‐based printing. A custom multimaterial pneumatic extrusion system is developed to be attached on the end effector of an industrial multiaxis robot arm, allowing precision‐based numerically controlled layered deposition of the viscous hydrogel. The relationship between the various printing parameters, namely air pressure, material viscosity, viscoelasticity, feed rate, printing distance, nozzle diameter, and the speed of printing, are characterized to achieve the desired resolution of the component. Printed prototypes are postcured in CaCl2 via crosslinking. Biocompatibility tests show that cells can survive for 21 days after printing the constructs. To demonstrate the methodology for scale‐up, a 1000 × 500 mm fibrous hydrogel panel is additively deposited with 3 different hydrogels with varying water percentages