1,530 research outputs found

    Universal behaviour of ideal and interacting quantum gases in two dimensions

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    I discuss ideal and interacting quantum gases obeying general fractional exclusion statistics. For systems with constant density of single-particle states, described in the mean field approximation, the entropy depends neither on the microscopic exclusion statistics, nor on the interaction. Such systems are called {\em thermodynamically equivalent} and I show that the microscopic reason for this equivalence is a one-to-one correspondence between the excited states of these systems. This provides a method, different from the bosonisation technique, to transform between systems of different exclusion statistics. In the last section the macroscopic aspects of this method are discussed. In Appendix A I calculate the fluctuation of the ground state population of a condensed Bose gas in grandcanonical ensemble and mean field approximation, while in Appendix B I show a situation where although the system exhibits fractional exclusion properties on microscopic energy intervals, a rigorous calculation of the population of single particle states reveals a condensation phenomenon. This also implies a malfunction of the usual and simplified calculation technique of the most probable statistical distributions.Comment: About 14 journal pages, with 1 figure. Changes: Body of paper: same content, with slight rephrasing. Apendices are new. In the original submission I just mentioned the condensation, which is now detailed in Appendix B. They were intended for a separate paper. Reason for changes: rejection from Phys. Rev. Lett., resubmission to J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Development of the algorithm for aircraft control at inaccurate measurement of the state vector and variable accuracy parameter

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    A parametric method of the synthesis of control in the closed circuit, taking into account explicitly generalized error of the inertial module, is presented. The law of control in the form of analytical formulas is typically assigned to the control program and does not change during flight of an unmanned aerial vehicle. This decreases the capabilities of the autonomous flight control system to overcome control errors, which occur for various reasons. To verify assumptions about a possibility of improving the accuracy of an aerial vehicle control by the data of the strapdown inertial navigation system on a certain time interval of autonomous operation, the calculation experiment was conducted with the use of the developed software complex, simulating operation of the automatic flight control system. Parametrization of the law of control is considered as the main contribution (the outcome). Introduction of the parameter made it possible to decrease a negative impact of measurement errors and other disturbing factors on accuracy of reaching by the point of flight destination. Through computer modeling, it was shown that it is possible to decrease the impact of a generalized measurement error on generation of values of control functions by changing the value of the parameter. Analytical expressions for the estimation of accuracy of automatic control at the known generalized error of the inertial module and limited disturbing influences were obtained. After analyzing the influence of these factors on accuracy of the object control, a set of recommendations on selection of a variable parameter of synthesis of control depending on precision level of the sensors, used in the inertial module of measuring sensors, was generated.Розглянуто розв’язання термінальної задачі управління та синтезований параметризований закон управління в аналітичному вигляді, який залежить від змінного параметра глибини прогнозу. Досліджено особливості впливу величини параметра управління на точність досягнення кінцевої точки, дані рекомендації з вибору параметра для нівелювання помилки інерційних вимірювань. Синтез управління здійснюється методом переслідування ведучої точки за інформацією, отриманою інтегруванням вимірювань фактичного прискорення і містить помилку, характерну для акселерометрів

    Nonanalytic Features of the First Order Phase Transition in the Lsing Model

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    The absence of the analytic continuation for the free energy near the point of the first order phase transition in the d-dimensional Ising model is proved. It is shown that thermodynamic functions in the metastable phase do not have certain values and can be derived only with an uncertainty δ. The asymptotic expansion near the point of the phase transition yields the values of thermodynamic functions with the same uncertainty. © 1984 Springer-Verlag

    Bosonic and fermionic single-particle states in the Haldane approach to statistics for identical particles

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    We give two formulations of exclusion statistics (ES) using a variable number of bosonic or fermionic single-particle states which depend on the number of particles in the system. Associated bosonic and fermionic ES parameters are introduced and are discussed for FQHE quasiparticles, anyons in the lowest Landau level and for the Calogero-Sutherland model. In the latter case, only one family of solutions is emphasized to be sufficient to recover ES; appropriate families are specified for a number of formulations of the Calogero-Sutherland model. We extend the picture of variable number of single-particle states to generalized ideal gases with statistical interaction between particles of different momenta. Integral equations are derived which determine the momentum distribution for single-particle states and distribution of particles over the single-particle states in the thermal equilibrium.Comment: 6 pages, REVTE

    Exclusion Statistics in a trapped two-dimensional Bose gas

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    We study the statistical mechanics of a two-dimensional gas with a repulsive delta function interaction, using a mean field approximation. By a direct counting of states we establish that this model obeys exclusion statistics and is equivalent to an ideal exclusion statistics gas.Comment: 3 pages; minor changes in notation; typos correcte

    Particulate dynamics in laser ablation plasmas

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    Rigorous Analysis of Singularities and Absence of Analytic Continuation at First Order Phase Transition Points in Lattice Spin Models

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    We report about two new rigorous results on the non-analytic properties of thermodynamic potentials at first order phase transition. The first one is valid for lattice models (d2d\geq 2) with arbitrary finite state space, and finite-range interactions which have two ground states. Under the only assumption that the Peierls Condition is satisfied for the ground states and that the temperature is sufficiently low, we prove that the pressure has no analytic continuation at the first order phase transition point. The second result concerns Ising spins with Kac potentials Jγ(x)=γdϕ(γx)J_\gamma(x)=\gamma^d\phi(\gamma x), where 0<γ<10<\gamma<1 is a small scaling parameter, and ϕ\phi a fixed finite range potential. In this framework, we relate the non-analytic behaviour of the pressure at the transition point to the range of interaction, which equals γ1\gamma^{-1}. Our analysis exhibits a crossover between the non-analytic behaviour of finite range models (γ>0\gamma>0) and analyticity in the mean field limit (γ0\gamma\searrow 0). In general, the basic mechanism responsible for the appearance of a singularity blocking the analytic continuation is that arbitrarily large droplets of the other phase become stable at the transition point.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    On the isospin dependence of the mean spin-orbit field in nuclei

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    By the use of the latest experimental data on the spectra of 133^{133}Sb and 131^{131}Sn and on the analysis of properties of other odd nuclei adjacent to doubly magic closed shells the isospin dependence of a mean spin-orbit potential is defined. Such a dependence received the explanation in the framework of different theoretical approaches.Comment: 52 pages, Revtex, no figure