15 research outputs found
Formação Continuada de Professores de Química: uma proposta envolvendo a inserção da informática nas práticas de sala de aula
Este trabalho aborda a formação continuada de professores de Química associada ao uso do computador como instrumento pedagógico em sala de aula. O contexto de formação aqui apresentado tem como base a primeira fase de uma pesquisa de Doutorado e foi desenvolvido de acordo com os propósitos da racionalidade prática e da reflexão crítica, envolvendo um grupo de profissionais de escolas públicas estaduais em uma região do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Tais escolas dispõem de sala ambiente de informática. Para mediar o conjunto de encontros presenciais com o grupo foi utilizado um ambiente virtual que apresenta ferramentas como fórum e chat integrando a educação a distância a esse processo de formação. A investigação forneceu elementos que permitem avaliar como um processo coletivo, envolvendo reflexão e planejamento, pode desencadear reformulações na percepção dos professores em relação ao papel da informática nas aulas de Química e na utilização desse recurso em sala de aula
studio in pazienti affetti da sindrome di meniere degli effetti dall'inibitore dell'anidrasi carbonica acetazolamideThe effect of acetazolamide was assessed in 25 patients with Menière's disease. During the test session hearing threshold and plasmatic osmolality were monitored along with fluctuations in hearing loss, fullness, tinnitus and balance. A single, 250 mg dose of acetazolamide was administered to all patients via os early in the morning on an empty stomach. Hearing was tested prior to administration and every hour for five hours thereafter. Plasmatic osmolality was also assessed during the same session. In 52% of this group an improvement in the threshold was seen. The greatest shift was observed two hours after administration of acetazolamide at 250 Hz, whereas the smallest threshold shift corresponded to 2000 Hz. In all cases, plasmatic osmolality remained constant throughout. Of the patients 44% presented an improvement of all or one of the symptoms: hearing loss, tinnitus, fullness, balance. The data were compared with data obtained for a control group (9 patients) which received a pl
Formação de professores em geotecnologia por meio de ensino a distância
O sensoriamento remoto e o Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) são recursos didáticos de grande potencial para diferentes áreas e níveis de ensino. Para capacitar professores no uso dessas geotecnologias foram criados dois cursos a distância. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar os resultados obtidos com esse tipo de capacitação oferecida a professores de escolas da rede pública e privada do Brasil. Para ensinar técnicas de processamento de imagens e SIG, foram preparados para os professores tutorias específicos, bem detalhados. Os materiais e os métodos utilizados mostraram-se adequados, apesar de somente cerca de 50% dos professores terem alcançado um bom desempenho nas atividades propostas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram a necessidade de se investir não só na formação continuada, mas também na formação inicial dos professores
The growing role of precision medicine for the treatment of autoimmune diseases; results of a systematic review of literature and Experts’ Consensus
Autoimmune diseases (AIDs) share similar serological, clinical, and radiological findings, but, behind these common features, there are different pathogenic mechanisms, immune cells dysfunctions, and targeted organs. In this context, multiple lines of evidence suggest the application of precision medicine principles to AIDs to reduce the treatment failure. Precision medicine refers to the tailoring of therapeutic strategies to the individual characteristics of each patient, thus it could be a new approach for management of AIDS which considers individual variability in genes, environmental exposure, and lifestyle. Precision medicine would also assist physicians in choosing the right treatment, the best timing of administration, consequently trying to maximize drug efficacy, and, possibly, reducing adverse events. In this work, the growing body of evidence is summarized regarding the predictive factors for drug response in patients with AIDs, applying the precision medicine principles to provide high-quality evidence for therapeutic opportunities in improving the management of these patients
Management of psoriatic arthritis: a consensus opinion by expert rheumatologists
Background: Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory musculoskeletal disease involving several articular and extra-articular structures. Despite the important progresses recently made in all of the aspects of this disease, its management is still burdened by unresolved issues. The aim of this exercise was to provide a set of statements that may be helpful for the management of PsA.
Methods: A group of 38 Italian rheumatologists with recognized expertise in PsA selected and addressed the following four topics: "early PsA," "axial-PsA," "extra-articular manifestations and comorbidities," "therapeutic goals." Relevant articles from the literature (2016-2022) were selected by the experts based on a PubMed search. A number of statements for each topic were elaborated.
Results: Ninety-four articles were selected and evaluated, 68 out of the 1,114 yielded by the literature search and 26 added by the Authors. Each of the four topic was subdivided in themes as follows: transition from psoriasis to PsA, imaging vs. CASPAR criteria in early diagnosis, early treatment for "early PsA"; axial-PsA vs. axialspondyloarthritis, diagnosis, clinical evaluation, treatment, standard radiography vs. magnetic resonance imaging for "axial PsA"; influence of inflammatory bowel disease on the therapeutic choice, cardiovascular comorbidity, bone damage, risk of infection for "comorbidities and extra-articular manifestations"; target and tools, treat-to-target strategy, role of imaging for "therapeutic goals." The final document consisted of 49 statements.
Discussion: The final product of this exercise is a set of statements concerning the main issues of PsA management offering an expert opinion for some unmet needs of this complex disease
Expert consensus on the treatment of patients with adult-onset still's disease with the goal of achieving an early and long-term remission
We performed a comprehensive systematic targeted literature review and used the Delphi method to formulate expert consensus statements to guide the treatment of adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD) to achieve an early and long-term remission. Seven candidate statements were generated and reached consensus in the first round of voting by the panel of experts. We postulate: (i) In patients with AOSD with predominant arthritis at onset who achieved no disease control with glucocorticoids (GCs), the use of methotrexate can be considered, whereas the use of cyclosporin A and low-dose GCs should not (Statements 1–3); (ii) In patients with AOSD with poor prognostic factors at diagnosis, an IL-1 inhibitor (IL-1i) in addition to GCs should be taken into consideration as early as possible (Statement 4); (iii) A switch to an IL-6 inhibitor (IL-6i) may be considered in patients with AOSD with prevalent joint involvement, who are unresponsive or intolerant to IL-1i (Statement 5); (iv) Drug tapering or discontinuation may be considered in patients who achieved a sustained clinical and laboratory remission with IL-1i (Statement 6); (v) In patients with AOSD who failed to attain a good clinical response with an IL-1i, switching to an IL-6i may be considered in alternative to a different IL-1i. TNF-inhibitors may be considered as a further choice in patients with a prominent joint involvement (Statement 7). These statements will help clinicians in treatment decision making in patients with AOSD