893 research outputs found

    Evaluation through adaptive model (ATC) in the levels of thermal comfort in summer in offices in Mediterranea locations.

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    The design of the building-plant system in the case of office buildings has rarely considered the adaptive model of comfort almost always limited to the control of temperature and humidity and only in some cases of PMV and PPD. Specifically when the building interacts with a climate characterized by high values of external temperature and humidity for long periods, and with high solar radiation in the presence of large glazed areas, it is crucial to take into account relevant aspects of the principle of thermal adaptation. The long stay of the occupants in an air-conditioned environment leads, at the request of colder temperatures very distant from those indicated by the criteria of acceptability of an environment from those occurring at the same moment outside the building, characterizing in this way, a greatly exceeding to negative values with respect to static model of comfort. By using of the adaptive model, the occupant of a building is no longer simply understood as a passive subject, as it appeared in the static model of Fanger, but as an active agent that interacts at all levels with the environment in which stays. This article shows an experimental study, which shows that the results of this model defines comfort temperatures greater and more flexible than the model of Fanger, even with significant energy savings on air conditioning in summer

    Fano collective resonance as complex mode in a two dimensional planar metasurface of plasmonic nanoparticles

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    Fano resonances are features in transmissivity/reflectivity/absorption that owe their origin to the interaction between a bright resonance and a dark (i.e., sub-radiant) narrower resonance, and may emerge in the optical properties of planar two-dimensional (2D) periodic arrays (metasurfaces) of plasmonic nanoparticles. In this Letter, we provide a thorough assessment of their nature for the general case of normal and oblique plane wave incidence, highlighting when a Fano resonance is affected by the mutual coupling in an array and its capability to support free modal solutions. We analyze the representative case of a metasurface of plasmonic nanoshells at ultraviolet frequencies and compute its absorption under TE- and TM-polarized, oblique plane-wave incidence. In particular, we find that plasmonic metasurfaces display two distinct types of resonances observable as absorption peaks: one is related to the Mie, dipolar resonance of each nanoparticle; the other is due to the forced excitation of free modes with small attenuation constant, usually found at oblique incidence. The latter is thus an array-induced collective Fano resonance. This realization opens up to manifold flexible designs at optical frequencies mixing individual and collective resonances. We explain the physical origin of such Fano resonances using the modal analysis, which allows to calculate the free modes with complex wavenumber supported by the metasurface. We define equivalent array dipolar polarizabilities that are directly related to the absorption physics at oblique incidence and show a direct dependence between array modal phase and attenuation constant and Fano resonances. We thus provide a more complete picture of Fano resonances that may lead to the design of filters, energy-harvesting devices, photodetectors, and sensors at ultraviolet frequencies.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Urban Waste As Resource For Sustainable Environment

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    The emerging model of waste disposal, develops an integrated approach based on waste reduction, selection, recycling, energy recovery and residual use of landfill. Here we discuss the fundamentals of a proper planning of waste disposal system, specially the thermal recovery, the integration and the methodological approach, either from the environmental and economic point of view. The growing demand for energy, the resulting environmental problems due to satisfy the demand for energy and the complex-economic system, necessitate the study of new technologies such as energy from municipal solid waste (MSW) obtaining as a result of decrease huge mass of solid waste to sanitary landifill and emissions of landifill gas as (CH4 and CO2 ). Therefore, we propose to validate a technical, economical and environmental analysis of waste-treatment systems with enphasis on generation of energy. The recovery of heat from a waste-to-energy plant, can make a useful contribution to the city energy needs. Whilst we have been slow to exploit fully this resource in Sicily, economically in urban areas

    A Mathematical Model For Evaluating Energy Consumptions In Life Cycle Assessment.

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    This paper takes up the ecobalance topic giving prominence to a calculation procedure of necessary energy consumptions for the production of a product in the different phases of a whole life cycle. Are used to identify all stages of the life cycle are determined and simplified formulas for the calculation of specific energy consumption. Is also examined a case where the components of the final product are up to 8. The model is valid for any type of product and through operations research (ie, placing constraints on the variables) you could get to optimal solutions minimizing the objective function

    Viscoelastic optical nonlocality of low-loss epsilon-near-zero nanofilms

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    Optical nonlocalities are elusive and hardly observable in traditional plasmonic materials like noble and alkali metals. Here we report experimental observation of viscoelastic nonlocalities in the infrared optical response of doped cadmium-oxide, epsilon-near-zero nanofilms. The nonlocality is detectable thanks to the low damping rate of conduction electrons and the virtual absence of interband transitions at infrared wavelengths. We describe the motion of conduction electrons using a hydrodynamic model for a viscoelastic fluid, and find excellent agreement with experimental results. The electrons elasticity blue-shifts the infrared plasmonic resonance associated with the main epsilon-near-zero mode, and triggers the onset of higher-order resonances due to the excitation of electron-pressure modes above the bulk plasma frequency. We also provide evidence of the existence of nonlocal damping, i.e., viscosity, in the motion of optically-excited conduction electrons using a combination of spectroscopic ellipsometry data and predictions based on the viscoelastic hydrodynamic model.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Description and characterization of the complex modes in a linear chain of gold nanospheres

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    In this paper, complex modes in a linear chain of gold nanospheres are analyzed, accounting for metal losses. Dispersion diagrams are computed for travelling modes with both longitudinal and transverse (with respect to the array axis) polarization states. The procedure outlined in this work allows for the description of single mode evolution varying frequency, thus the modal dispersion diagrams are composed by the superposition of all the different modes in the one dimensional array. Each nanoparticle is modeled as an electric dipole, by adopting the single dipole approximation, and the complex zeroes of the homogeneous equation characterizing the field in the periodic structure are computed. The Ewald method is employed to analytically continue the periodic Green's function into the complex spectral domain and to achieve rapid convergence. Full characterization of the modes is provided in terms of their direction of propagation (forward/backward), their guidance and radiation properties (bound/leaky), the position of their wavenumber on the Riemann sheet (proper/improper), and also in terms of their possible physical excitation in the structure by a source in proximity of the array or a defect (physical/nonphysical modes). Understanding the modes excitable in this kind of structures is essential for possible applications in which the linear chain can be employed, from near-field enhancement to SERS, and innovative sensors. © 2011 SPIE

    effect of calcipotriol on etanercept partial responder psoriasis vulgaris and psoriatic arthritis patients

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    Patients who respond only partially to etanercept may require additional treatments that act synergistically to improve their therapeutic response while at the same time reducing the dose required and the risk of side-effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of topical calcipotriol in etanercept partial responder patients. We enrolled 120 patients affected by psoriasis vulgaris and psoriatic arthritis. A 50 mg dose of etanercept was administered twice weekly for the first 12 weeks, followed by a 25 mg dose twice weekly for an additional 12 weeks. At week 12, for 45 patients who had not achieved PASI 50, calcipotriol cream was also prescribed twice daily for 4 weeks and then once daily for a further 8 weeks. At week 24, of the 45 patients in the group treated with etanercept plus calcipotriol,14 (31.1%) had achieved PASI 75, and 23 PASI 50, while 8 (17.7%) had dropped out of therapy; of the 75 patients who continued etanercept in monotherapy with a 25 mg dose twice weekly for another 12 weeks, 71 (94.6%) had achieved PASI 50 and 57 (76.0%) PASI 75. The application of calcipotriol in etanercept partial responder patients had therefore helped 37 out of 120 patients (31 %) achieve at least PASI 50. This is the first report about the controlled combination of topical calcipotriol and etanercept in a large group of psoriatic patients. The efficacy and cost-effectiveness of the combined treatment is evidenced by the good response shown at week 24 by a group of etanercept low-responder patients using drugs sparingly and limiting likely toxicity

    Unveiling the complexity of japanese metallic threads

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    In the framework of an extensive survey campaign on a collection of Japanese samurai armors, metallic threads from different parts of the traditional equipment were studied by several analytical techniques. The collection of armors belongs to Museo delle Culture (Lugano, Switzerland) and it is composed of ten elements, which date back from the 15th to 20th century. Metallic threads under study come from six of ten elements of the collection and represent a complex and unique multimaterial, which shows specific characteristics in Japanese tradition (kinran). The multianalytical approach based on ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and SEM-EDX analysis, together with a careful observation with optical and digital microscopy, permitted to obtain a complete characterization of materials, which have shown a great variability in metal foils and in organic adhesives (urushi, animal glue, starch). Gold and silver turned out to be not so largely used as scholars thought, while aluminum showed a great diffusion. Within the collection of analyzed armors, the obtained results allowed us for the first time to get a complete comprehension of materials and techniques used by Japanese craftsmen, and to observe differences in the quality of the materials and in manufacture technology over the centuries