2,877 research outputs found

    Individual, community and region level predictors of insecticide-treated net use among women in Uganda: a multilevel analysis.

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    BackgroundUse of insecticide-treated net (ITN) has been identified by the World Health Organization as an effective approach for malaria prevention. The government of Uganda has instituted measures to enhance ITN supply over the past decade, however, the country ranks third towards the global malaria burden. As a result, this study investigated how individual, community and region level factors affect ITN use among women of reproductive age in Uganda.MethodsThe 2018-2019 Malaria Indicator Survey of Uganda involving 7798 women aged 15-49 was utilized. The descriptive summaries of ITN use were analysed by individual, community and region level factors. Based on the hierarchical nature of the data, four distinct binomial multilevel logistic regression models were fitted using the MLwiN 3.05 module in Stata. The parameters were estimated using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation procedure and Bayesian Deviance Information Criterion was used to identify the model with a better fit.ResultsThe proportion of women who use ITN was 78.2% (n = 6097). Poor household wealth status [aOR = 1.66, Crl = 1.55-1.80], knowing that sleeping under ITN prevents malaria [aOR = 1.11, Crl = 1.05-1.24] and that destroying mosquito breeding sites can prevent malaria [aOR = 1.85, Crl = 1.75-1.98] were associated with higher odds of ITN use. ITN use attributable to regional and community level random effects was 39.1% and 45.2%, respectively.ConclusionThe study has illustrated that ITN policies and interventions in Uganda need to be sensitive to community and region level factors that affect usage. Also, strategies to enhance women's knowledge on malaria prevention is indispensable in improving ITN use

    Psychiatric morbidity in hypertensives attending a cardiology outpatient clinic in West Africa

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    Objectives: To determine kinds of psychiatric morbidity among a sample of stable hypertensive outpatients in a teaching hospital. Materials and Methods: A cross‑sectional study of 260 enrolled outpatients. Psychiatric morbidity was assessed using a 2‑stage evaluation method with the General Health Questionnaire Version 12 (GHQ‑12) and Structured Clinical Interview for DSM‑IV (SCID) to assess for psychiatric diagnosis. Results: 28 (10.8%) of the 260 patients endorsed some psychological distress, with a mean GHQ‑12 score of ≥2. At the second stage, 16.1% (N=13 of 81) interviewed had one or more psychiatric disorder on the SCID. The commonest psychiatric diagnosis made were mood disorders, with current major depressive disorder occurring at a rate of 6.2%. Other disorders found were past major depressive episode (2.5%), organic mood syndrome (3.7%), and somatoform disorder (3.7%). Conclusion: The relationship between hypertension and mood disorders should inform a higher index of suspicion among physicians and general practitioners in order to give patients appropriate treatments or referrals where necessary. It is recommended that collaboration with mental health service providers be encouraged.Keywords: African, cardiology, hypertensive, psychiatric morbidityNigerian Journal of Clinical Practice •Jan-Mar 2012 • Vol 15 • Issue


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    The article dwells on the importance of the rational use of natural resources potential at the level of spatial economic system.  The researcher investigates the specificity of territorial distribution as well as available natural resources and recreation and tourism potential of the Transcarpathian region. The author notes that non-timber resources of plant origin, i.e. minor forest products, such as mushrooms, fruits, berries, including medical, technical and bee plants, are a significant potential for regional spatial economic system. The researcher evaluates the available recreation and tourism potential and the operation of economic entities. It is indicated in the article that recreation and tourism field is among the fields with the highest priority in ensuring socio-economic development of spatial economic system under study. The author emphasizes the prospects of the development of rural green tourism by providing unique tourist and recreational products and services, including the organization of traditional festivals in separate settlements, which have their own tourism features.Обоснована важность рационального использования природно-ресурсного потенциала на уровне пространственно-экономической системы. Исследована специфика территориального размещения и имеющегося природно-ресурсного и рекреационно-туристического потенциала Закарпатской области. Отмечено, что весомым потенциалом региональной пространственно-экономической системы являются недревесные ресурсы растительного происхождения, то есть лесные ресурсы побочного пользования, это грибы, плоды, ягоды, в том числе лекарственные, технические и медоносные растения. Осуществлено оценку существующего рекреационно-туристического потенциала и функционирования субъектов хозяйствования. Указано, что рекреационно-туристическая сфера является одной из приоритетных в обеспечении социально-экономического развития исследуемой пространственно-экономической системы. Отмечено перспективы развития сферы сельского зеленого туризма на основе предоставление уникальных туристическо-рекреационных продуктов и услуг, в том числе организация традиционных фестивалей на уровне отдельного населенного пункта, имеющего собственные туристические особенности.Обґрунтовано важливість раціонального використання природно-ресурсного потенціалу на рівні просторово-економічної системи. Досліджено специфіку територіального розміщення й наявного природно-ресурсного й рекреаційно-туристичного потенціалу Закарпатської області. Відмічено, що вагомим потенціалом регіональної просторово-економічної системи є недеревні ресурси рослинного походження, тобто лісові ресурси побічного користування, це гриби, плоди, ягоди, в тому числі лікарські, технічні та медоносні рослини. Здійснено оцінювання наявного рекреаційно-туристичного потенціалу та функціонування суб’єктів господарювання. Зазначено, що рекреаційно-туристична сфера є однією з пріоритетних у забезпеченні соціально-економічного розвитку досліджуваної просторово-економічної системи. Наголошено на перспективах розвитку сфери сільського зеленого туризму на основі надання унікальних туристично-рекреаційних продуктів і послуг, зокрема організація традиційних фестивалів на рівні окремого населеного пункту, що має власні туристичні особливості


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    Control strategy of shunt active filter based on forming the network current vector proportional to the instantaneous phase voltage vector with partial decrease of zero-sequence component that gives advantages of power losses in the four-wire cables is proposed. The optimal coefficient of decrease is determined by the ratio of specific active resistance values of the phase and neutral conductors, i.e. for each brand of four-wire power cable of three-phase network is its optimal coefficient of decrease of zero-sequence component that provides a minimum of active power losses. Comparison of control strategies in value of instantaneous reactive power consumed by the three-phase source was performed. References 8, figures 5.Предложена стратегия управления параллельным активным фильтром, который базируется на формировании вектора тока источника пропорционального мгновенному вектору фазовой мощности с частичным ослабленим составляющей нулевой последовательности, дающей преимущества по величине мощности потерь в силовом четырёхпроводном кабеле в сравнении с известными стратегиями. Бібл. 9, рис. 4.Запропоновано стратегію керування паралельним активним фільтром, яка базується на формуванні вектора струму джерела пропорційним миттєвому вектору фазної напруги з частковим послабленням складової нульової послідовності, що дає переваги за величиною потужності втрат у силовому чотирьохпровідному кабелі в порівнянні з відомими стратегіями. Бібл. 9, рис. 4

    Proteomic biomarkers of the apnea hypopnea index and obstructive sleep apnea: Insights into the pathophysiology of presence, severity, and treatment response

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a disease associated with excessive sleepiness and increased cardiovascular risk, affects an estimated 1 billion people worldwide. The present study examined proteomic biomarkers indicative of presence, severity, and treatment response in OSA. Participants

    Decomposing the rural–urban gap in factors associated with childhood immunisation in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from surveys in 23 countries

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    Background: About 31 million children in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) suffer from immunisation preventable diseases yearly and more than half a million children die because of lack of access to immunisation. Immunisation coverage has stagnated at 72% in SSA over the past 6 years. Due to evidence that full immunisation of children may be determined by place of residence, this study aimed at investigating the rural–urban differential in full childhood immunisation in SSA. Methods: The data used for this study consisted of 26 241 children pooled from 23 Demographic and Health Surveys conducted between 2010 and 2018 in SSA. We performed a Poisson regression analysis with robust Standard Errors (SEs) to determine the factors associated with full immunisation status for rural and urban children. Likewise, a multivariate decomposition analysis for non-linear response model was used to examine the contribution of the covariates to the observed rural and urban differential in full childhood immunisation. All analyses were performed using Stata software V.15.0 and associations with a p<0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: More than half of children in urban settings were fully immunised (52.8%) while 59.3% of rural residents were not fully immunised. In all, 76.5% of rural–urban variation in full immunisation was attributable to differences in child and maternal characteristics. Household wealth was an important component contributing to the rural–urban gap. Specifically, richest wealth status substantially accounted for immunisation disparity (35.7%). First and sixth birth orders contributed 7.3% and 14.9%, respectively, towards the disparity while 7.9% of the disparity was attributable to distance to health facility. Conclusion: This study has emphasised the rural–urban disparity in childhood immunisation, with children in the urban settings more likely to complete immunisation. Subregional, national and community-level interventions to obviate this disparity should target children in rural settings, those from poor households and women who have difficulties in accessing healthcare facilities due to distance