459 research outputs found

    Do we still need animals? Surveying the role of animal-free models in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease research

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    The use of animals in neuroscience and biomedical research remains controversial. Policy is built around the “3R” principle of “Refining, Reducing and Replacing” animal experiments, and across the globe, different initiatives stimulate the use of animal-free methods. Based on an extensive literature screen to map the development and adoption of animal-free methods in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease research, we find that at least two in three examined studies rely on animals or on animal-derived models. Among the animal-free studies, the relative contribution of innovative models that may replace animal experiments is limited. We argue that the distinction between animal research and alternative models presents a false dichotomy, as the role and scientific value of both animal and animal-free approaches are intertwined. Calls to halt all animal experiments appear premature, as insufficient non-animal-based alternatives are available and their development lags behind. In light of this, we highlight the need for objective, unprejudiced monitoring, and more robust performance indicators of animal-free approaches

    Electromagnetic compatibility of implantable neurostimulators to RFID emitters

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The objective of this study is to investigate electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of implantable neurostimulators with the emissions from radio frequency identification (RFID) emitters.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Six active implantable neurostimulators with lead systems were tested for susceptibility to electromagnetic fields generated by 22 RFID emitters. These medical devices have been approved for marketing in the U.S. for a number of intended uses that include: epilepsy, depression, incontinence, Parkinsonian tremor and pain relief. Each RFID emitter had one of the following carrier frequencies: 125 kHz, 134 kHz, 13.56 MHz, 433 MHz, 915 MHz and 2.45 GHz</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The test results showed the output of one of the implantable neurostimulators was inhibited by 134 kHz RFID emitter at separation distances of 10 cm or less. The output of the same implantable neurostimulator was also inhibited by another 134 kHz RFID emitter at separation distances of 10 cm or less and also showed inconsistent pulsing rate at a separation distance of 15 cm. Both effects occurred during and lasted through out the duration of the exposure.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The clinical significance of the effects was assessed by a clinician at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The effects were determined to be clinically significant only if they occurred for extended period of time. There were no observed effects from the other 5 implantable neurostimulators or during exposures from other RFID emitters.</p

    Ovonic threshold-switching GexSey chalcogenide materials : stoichiometry, trap nature, and material relaxation from first principles

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    Density functional theory simulations are used to identify the structural factors that define the material properties of ovonic threshold switches (OTS). They show that the nature of mobility-gap trap states in amorphous Ge-rich Ge50Se50 is related to Ge-Ge bonds, whereas in Se-rich Ge30Se70 the Ge valence-alternating-pairs and Se lone-pairs dominate. To obtain a faithful description of the electronic structure and delocalization of states, it is required to combine hybrid exchange-correlation functionals with large unit-cell models. The extent of localization of electronic states depends on the applied external electric field. Hence, OTS materials undergo structural changes during electrical cycling of the device, with a decrease in the population of less exothermic Ge-Ge bonds in favor of more exothermic Ge-Se. This reduces the amount of charge traps, which translates into coordination changes, an increase in mobility-gap, and subsequently changes in the selector-device electrical parameters. The threshold voltage drift process can be explained by natural evolution of the nonpreferred Ge-Ge bonds (or "chains"/clusters thereof) in Ge-rich GexSe1-x. The effect of extrinsic doping is shown for Si and N, which introduce strong covalent bonds into the system, increase both mobility-gap and crystallization temperature, and decrease the leakage current

    The Effect of Thermal Exposure on the Mechanical Properties of 2099-T6 Die Forgings, 2099-T83 Extrusions, 7075-T7651 Plate, 7085-T7452 Die Forgings, 7085-T7651 Plate, and 2397-T87 Plate Aluminum Alloys

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    Aluminum alloys 2099-T6 die forgings, 2099-T83 extrusions, 7075-T7651 plate, 7085-T7452 die forgings, 7085-T7651 plate, and 2397-T87 plate were thermally exposed at temperatures of 180 degrees C (350 degrees F), 230 degrees C (450 degrees F), and 290 degrees C (550 degrees F) for 0.1, 0.5, 2, 10, 100, and 1000 h. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of thermal exposure on the mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of these alloys. The data shows that higher temperatures and longer exposure times generally resulted in decreased strength and hardness and increased percent elongation and electrical conductivity

    Effects of biochar amendment on root traits and contaminant availability of maize plants in a copper and arsenic impacted soil

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    Biochar has been proposed as a tool to enhance phytostabilisation of contaminated soils but little data are available to illustrate the direct effect on roots in contaminated soils. This work aimed to investigate specific root traits and to assess the effect of biochar amendment on contaminant availability. Amendment with two different types of biochar, pine woodchip and olive tree pruning, was assessed in a rhizobox experiment with maize planted in a soil contaminated with significant levels of copper and arsenic. Amendment was found to significantly improve root traits compared to the control soil, particularly root mass density and root length density. Copper uptake to plants and ammonium sulphate extractable copper was significantly less in the biochar amended soils. Arsenic uptake and extractability varied with type of biochar used but was not considered to be the limiting factor affecting root and shoot development. Root establishment in contaminated soils can be enhanced by biochar amendment but choice of biochar is key to maximising soil improvement and controlling contaminant availability

    Novel GAA Variants and Mosaicism in Pompe Disease Identified by Extended Analyses of Patients with an Incomplete DNA Diagnosis

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    Pompe disease is a metabolic disorder caused by a deficiency of the glycogen-hydrolyzing lysosomal enzyme acid a-glucosidase (GAA), which leads to progressive muscle wasting. This autosomal-recessive disorder is the result of disease-associated variants located in the GAA gene. In the present study, we performed extended molecular diagnostic analysis to identify novel disease-associated variants in six suspected Pompe patients from four different families for which conventional diagnostic assays were insufficient. Additional assays, such as a generic-splicing assay, minigene analysis, SNP array analysis, and targeted Sanger sequencing, allowed the identification of an exonic deletion, a promoter deletion, and a novel splicing variant located in the 5' UTR. Furthermore, we describe the diagnostic process for an infantile patient with an atypical phenotype, consisting of left ventricular hypertrophy but no signs of muscle weakness or motor problems. This led to the identification of a genetic mosaicism for a very severe GAA variant caused by a segmental uniparental isodisomy (UPD). With this study, we aim to emphasize the need for additional analyses to detect new disease-associated GAA variants and non-Mendelian genotypes in Pompe disease where conventional DNA diagnostic assays are insufficient

    Literature review and appraisal on alternative neurotoxicity testing methods

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    The goal of this review was the evaluation of information on assessment methods in the field of alternative neurotoxicity (NT) testing. We therefore performed a systematic and comprehensive collection of scientific literature (in English) from the past 27 years until mid of 2017 on state of the art alternative testing methods including in vitro test methods, in silico methods and alter- native non-mammalian models. This review identified a variety of test methods that have the ability to predict NT of chemicals based on predefined key NT endpoint categories (27). Those endpoint categories were derived from the Mode of Action (MoA) of known human neurotoxi- cants. Pre-evaluated MoAs of human neurotoxicants allowed the identification of performance characteristics with regard to the ability of a test system to correctly predict a chemical effect on an endpoint category. The most predictive in vitro model that covers a large variety of end- point categories are primary rodent cells or tissues. Human based systems derived from in- duced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) are promising and warrant human relevance. There is how- ever not yet sufficient data on these models to demonstrate their suitability to reliably substi- tute primary rodent cells for NT testing purposes. Test methods for glia toxicity are rare and glia endpoint categories are clearly underrepresented. Therefore, a focus for future method de- velopment should be placed on glia, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and microglia based models, preferably in a co-culture se up. The review on in silico methods, resulted into 54 QSARs publi- cations, relevant for NT, of which 39 on blood brain barrier (BBB) permeation. The QSARs available in the publications were developed from data on drugs and chemicals, but there ap- pears a limited set of experimental data for chemicals and pesticides on blood-brain barrier pas- sage. The evaluation of NT methods using alternative whole organism approaches demon- strated a majority of data for C. elegans (nematode species), represented with high true predic- tion (96%). The main endpoint category was inhibition of cholinergic transmission, with specific endpoints for AChE activity and motor activity, the latter confirming the added value of a whole organism approach among alternative models. Though D. rerio, the zebrafish model appeared promising model for DNT studies with numerous advantages, it was poorly evaluated for NT endpoints. Next to the need for standardized protocols using C. elegans as a test organism, the zebrafish model needs further exploration for NT relevant endpoints. In conclusion, a NT alter- native test battery covering identified and relevant MoA for NT is recommended. Therefore, test methods with relevant controls and standard operation procedures have to be set up for cover- ing most important MoA. To link the human in vitro testing to rodent in vivo studies and vali- date the stem cell-derived systems, it is advised to include rodent primary cultures into the studies. For more complex, behavioural readout, effects in alternative organisms should be combined with electrophysiological assessments in vitro

    The role of Herceptin in early breast cancer

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    Herceptin is widely regarded as the most important development in the treatment of breast cancer since Tamoxifen and the development of the multidisciplinary team (MDT). It is particularly exciting from an oncological polint of view as it represents success in the emerging field of specific targeted therapies to specific molecular abnormalities in tumour cells. This review will focus on the nature of the Her2 overexpression and the role of herceptin in the treatment of early breast cancer

    Analysis of Large Phenotypic Variability of EEC and SHFM4 Syndromes Caused by K193E Mutation of the TP63 Gene

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    EEC (ectrodactyly, ectodermal dysplasia, clefting; OMIM 604292) is an autosomal dominant developmental disorder resulting mainly from pathogenic mutations of the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of the TP63 gene. In this study, we showed that K193E mutation in nine affected individuals of a four-generation kindred with a large degree of phenotypic variability causes four different syndromes or TP63-related disorders: EEC, Ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia (EE), isolated ectodermal dysplasia, and isolated Split Hand/Foot Malformation type 4 (SHFM4). Genotype-phenotype and DBD structural modeling analysis showed that the K193-located loop L2-A is associated with R280 through hydrogen bonding interactions, while R280 mutations also often cause large phenotypic variability of EEC and SHFM4. Thus, we speculate that K193 and several other DBD mutation-associated syndromes may share similar pathogenic mechanisms, particularly in the case of the same mutation with different phenotypes. Our study and others also suggest that the phenotypic variability of EEC is attributed, at least partially, to genetic and/or epigenetic modifiers
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