604 research outputs found


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    We examine how soda sales changed due to the campaign attention and election outcome of a local excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages. Using panel data of beverage sales from university retailers in Berkeley, California, we estimate that soda purchases relative to control beverages significantly dropped immediately after the election, months before the tax was implemented in the city of Berkeley or on campus. Supplemental scanner data from off-campus retailers reveal this result is not unique to the university setting. Our findings suggest soda tax media coverage and election outcomes can have larger effects on purchasing behavior than the tax itself. (JEL D12, H20, C23, I38, Q18)

    Robustness of quantum discord to sudden death

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    We calculate the dissipative dynamics of two-qubit quantum discord under Markovian environments. We analyze various dissipative channels such as dephasing, depolarizing, and generalized amplitude damping, assuming independent perturbation, in which each qubit is coupled to its own channel. Choosing initial conditions that manifest the so-called sudden death of entanglement, we compare the dynamics of entanglement with that of quantum discord. We show that in all cases where entanglement suddenly disappears, quantum discord vanishes only in the asymptotic limit, behaving similarly to individual decoherence of the qubits, even at finite temperatures. Hence, quantum discord is more robust than the entanglement against to decoherence so that quantum algorithms based only on quantum discord correlations may be more robust than those based on entanglement.Comment: 4 figures, 4 page

    Maximal correlation between flavor entanglement and oscillation damping due to localization effects

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    Localization effects and quantum decoherence driven by the mass-eigenstate wave packet propagation are shown to support a statistical correlation between quantum entanglement and damped oscillations in the scenario of three-flavor quantum mixing for neutrinos. Once the mass-eigenstates that support flavor oscillations are identified as three-{\em qubit} modes, a decoherence scale can be extracted from correlation quantifiers, namely the entanglement of formation and the logarithmic negativity. Such a decoherence scale is compared with the coherence length of damped oscillations. Damping signatures exhibited by flavor transition probabilities as an effective averaging of the oscillating terms are then explained as owing to loss of entanglement between mass modes involved in the relativistic propagation.Comment: 13 pages, 03 figure

    Country-level findings: Portugal

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    Gender stereotypes and sexism among higher education professors

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    A socialização de género ocorre quotidianamente e marca de forma indelével a identidade individual bem como a cultura das organizações e grupos. A interação entre discentes e docentes faz parte do processo de socialização de género, assim diversas investigações mostram que a atenção dada e as expectativas de docentes em relação a alunos e alunas são diferenciadas. Esta investigação procurou analisar e caracterizar um grupo de docentes universitários portugueses, mulheres e homens, as quanto aos seus estereótipos de género e sexismo, de modo a promover a reflexão do conjunto de agentes educativos envolvidos. Os resultados obtidos permitem-nos concluir que estes e estas docentes possuem estereótipos de género, mas com algumas particularidades interessantes, como o facto de às mulheres serem atribuídas maior carga de traços instrumentais. Verificou-se igualmente qual e o tipo de sexismo que predomina é o sexismo ambivalente, sendo que os homens apresentam atitudes sexistas significativamente mais hostis do que as mulheres.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio