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    This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Nangapanda with class X language and culture research subjects. The subject matter that will be studied is trigonometric comparisons in right triangles. Factors to be studied are learning outcomes and student activities in learning activities. This research was conducted in two cycles with planning, implementation, observation and evaluation, and reflection. Sources of data in this study are the results of observations by the observer and the results of a written test at the end of the cycle of class X Babu students of SMA Negeri 1 Nangapanda. The type of data is quantitative data in the form of an assessment of the results of written tests at the end of the cycle and qualitative data in the form of data from observations of student activities and teacher activities. The results showed that 19 out of 23 (82%) students had met the minimum completeness criteria. Meanwhile, the results obtained from the comparison in cycles one and 2 showed an increase in the achievement of students' mastery results in this classroom action research. The average increase in student learning outcomes from 77.39 in cycle 1 increased by 13.31 points to 91.30 in the average result of cycle 2. These results indicate an increase in learning outcomes with the application of Problem Based Learning

    Wilhelmo Wundto paskaitų atspindžiai Vytauto Civinskio Dienoraštyje: savistabos taikymas emocinių reiškinių pažinimui

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    The beginning of the 20th century is well known as a time of formation of psychology as an independent scientific discipline. One of the students interested in it was Vytautas Civinskis (1887–1910), who attended Wilhelm Wundt’s Psychology lectures during his agriculture (Landwirtschaft) studies at Leipzig University, in 1904–1906, and led a Diary at that time. This article presents analysis of fragments of Civinskis’ Diary related to psychology. Several artefacts found in it, preliminarily interpreted as the diarist’s introspection data related to emotional phenomena, are being discussed. The analysis verified the initial assumption and helped to understand the essence of the diarist’s research design. It was also deduced that Civinskis proceeded with the introspection at least two years after Wundt’s Psychology lectures, trying to elaborate the method. It was found that some other researchers, e. g. Flügel (1925), Viliūnas, Pacevičius and Stončius (1997) applied similar methods much later. The Civinskis’ research on his own emotional states was amateurish but performed consistently and diligently. It can be considered as one of the earliest cases of empirical research in the history of Lithuanian psychology and adds to our still incomplete knowledge of the latter.Straipsnis skirtas 1905–1906 m. Leipcigo universitete Wilhelmo Wundto (1832–1920) paskaitas lankiusio Vytauto Civinskio (1887–1910) Dienoraščio fragmentų analizei. Pirmą kartą mokslinėje publikacijoje plačiau pristatoma Civinskio egodokumentinio palikimo dalis, susijusi su šių paskaitų metu įgytomis žiniomis ir jų taikymu. Analizuojami dienoraštyje aptikti jausminių būsenų stebėjimo grafikai, kuriuos Civinskis sudarė taikydamas introspekcijos metodą, iš dalies pasirėmęs Wundto emocinių reiškinių aiškinimu ir jį kūrybiškai plėtodamas. Straipsnyje pristatomo tyrimo medžiaga reikšmingai papildo esamą supratimą apie XX a. pradžioje Vakarų Europoje psichologiją studijavusius asmenis iš Lietuvos, jų motyvaciją ir įgytų žinių taikymą. Kaip straipsnio iliustracijos pateikti unikalūs artefaktai – Civinskio Dienoraščio fragmentai

    Wilhelmas Wundtas studento iš Lietuvos akimis: įrašai apie 1905 metais Leipcigo universitete lankytas paskaitas Vytauto Civinskio Dienoraštyje

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    The article addresses aspects of the connections between Wilhelm Wundt and Lithuania. It is introduced by briefly mentioning facts known from previous research about Lithuanians who studied at Wundt’s Institute of Experimental Psychology at Leipzig, and those who chose Wundt’s work as the object of their research. In the main part of the article, for the first time, excerpts from a manuscript with Lithuanian student’s impressions about Wundt’s psychology lectures he attended are published in Lithuanian and in original multilingual text. It was written by Vytautas Civinskis (Polish Witold Cywiński, 1887–1910), the student of agricultural sciences at Leipzig University, in his Diary in 1905. Although small in volume and written by a very young person, these recordings are interesting as an authentic testimony. According to the available data, this is the only surviving archival document of such kind written by a student from Lithuania. From the document, it is possible to deduce how the student evaluated Wundt as a lecturer, what were the content and form of his lectures, as well as the physical, social and intellectual environment at Leipzig, and what opportunities all that provided for students. The mentioned aspects are discussed in the comments of the archival materials. It is concluded that bringing to awareness the fact of existence of the student’s Diary entries related to Wundt’s lectures complements the Lithuanian psychology history quite significantly, and their content reveals Wundt’s attention to the philosophical basis of experimental psychology, psychophysiology, the details of several experiments he demonstrated.Šis straipsnis skirtas sąsajoms tarp Wilhelmo Wundto ir Lietuvos. Jo įvade trumpai paminėti iš ankstesnių tyrimų žinomi faktai apie asmenis iš Lietuvos, studijavusius Wundto Eksperimentinės psichologijos institute Leipcige, ir tuos, kurie Wundto darbus pasirinko kaip savo mokslo studijų objektą. Pagrindinėje straipsnio dalyje lietuviškai ir originalo kalba pirmą kartą publikuojami Wundto paskaitas lankiusio Vytauto Civinskio (lenkų k. Witold Cywiński, 1887–1910) Dienoraščio įrašai, kuriuose minimas šis garsus vokiečių filosofas ir psichologas. Nors nedidelės apimties, rašyti labai jauno asmens, šie įrašai įdomūs kaip autentiškas studento iš Lietuvos liudijimas. Turimais duomenimis, tai vienintelis toks išlikęs archyvinis dokumentas. Iš Dienoraščio įrašų galima spręsti, kaip Civinskis vertino Wundtą, kokios jo studijų Leipcige metu buvo Psichologijos dalyko paskaitos (jų turinys ir forma), kokia buvo fizinė, socialinė ir intelektualinė studijų Leipcige aplinka, kokias galimybes ji teikė studentams. Tai aptariama publikuojamos archyvinės medžiagos komentaruose. Apibendrinant teigiama, kad tokių įrašų egzistavimo faktas gana reikšmingai papildo Lietuvos psichologijos istoriją, o jų turinys atskleidžia Wundto dėmesį filosofiniam eksperimentinės psichologijos pagrindui, psichofiziologijai, kelių jo demonstruotų eksperimentų detales, įvairių priemonių (dūdelių, uogienės ir kt.) bei prietaisų naudojimą jų metu

    The Safety level of Pasteurized Milk in Surabaya Region During Storage at Refrigerator Temperature

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    The aim of research to determine safety level and the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in pasteurized milk in Surabaya region during storage at refrigerator temperature. Sample from ten milk pasteurized product in region Surabaya with conducting simple pasteurisasi process Sampel taked about in the morning (06.00 a.m.) and which. after storage during one day, two-day, three-day and four day at temperature refrigerator. Parameters which observed are total bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli growth, degree of acidity, alcohol test, reduktase number, colour changes, odor and apperance of milk. Result of research indicated that total bacteria , Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli growth when one day storage is zero (0 CFUlml) of all pasteurized milk and safety to be consumed. At one day during storage, 70% of pasteurized milk have not safety to consumed. At during two-day storage, 100% of pasteurized milk have not safety to consumed with total bacteria, total Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli more than SNI standard. During storage at refrigerator temperature, what happened by the improvement of total bacteria, total Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. but do not showed of change at colour, aroma and appearence. Result of alcohol test showed negativity Keyword: Pasteurized Milk, safety level, storage, refrigerator temperatur

    Pelaksanaan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Program Generasi Berencana (Genre) pada Kantor Perwakilan Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (Bkkbn) di Provinsi Riau

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    The lack of socialization towards teens/students that impact the lack of knowledge about the problems that teens are very complex surrounding the Triad KRR (sexuality, HIV, AIDS, and Drugs). In addition also still lack of motivation and support from the education and Training Generasi Berencana Program (GenRe) that caused some factors.The aint of this research is to know the implementation of the education and Training of the GenRe Programs at Perwakilan Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) in Riau ProvinceThe concept of the theory that researchers use is the implementation of education and training where educational standards and implementation consists of training needs, goal setting, the determination of the content of the programmes, principles of learning, implementation of programs, the identification of benefits, and an assessment of the implementation of the program. This training using qualitative method with descriptive data review. In the data collection of researchers using the technique of interviewing, observation, and study of librarianship as a source of information.The results showed that the implementation of the education and Training GenRe have been concluded but not yet optimal. This is evidenced by the existence of training needs, goal setting, the determination of the content of the programmes, principles of learning, implementation of programs, the identification of benefits, and an assessment of the implementation of the program could not be implemented as a whole. As for restricting factors that affect the implementation of the education and training programs of the Genre is the participants of the education and training and also the cost that would be sure not required at the time of the implementation of education and training

    Percakapan Bahasa Inggris antara Pengemudi Becak dan Penjaga Toko di Kampung Batik Laweyan-surakarta

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    The purpose of this research was peculiarly to provide pocket book as one media that can be used to improve English conversation and guiding skill for pedicab drivers and shopkeeper at batik tourism village of Laweyan Surakarta which include: 1) how to make a conversation, and 2) how to guide. Generally, it aimed to (1) develop the instruments of linguists' test covering a) material design, b) linguist, c) tourism, and d) translation expert. (2) Carry out revision test, and (3) developing the final product of pocket book. This research was namely Research and Development (R & D). This research was done in developing product. Need analysis has become the basic instrument for the researcher in developing pocket book. Besides, theoretical and empirical study has helped the researcher to decide former pocket book design. The steps of the research covered 5 steps: 1) Former product analysis; 2) Developing former product; 3) expert validation and revision; 4) small-scale test and revision; 5) large-scale test and final froduct. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the using of pocket book was effective to improve the communication ability of the pedicab driver and shopkeeper at batik tourism village of Laweyan Surakarta The pocket book could help increasing the life-quality in case of finance, knowledge, and ethics for the pedicab driver snd shopkeeper in facing the foreign tourist. Key Words: pocket book, English conversation, guiding, pedicab driver, shopkeeper

    Identification of Critical Molecular Components in a Multiscale Cancer Model Based on the Integration of Monte Carlo, Resampling, and ANOVA

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    To date, parameters defining biological properties in multiscale disease models are commonly obtained from a variety of sources. It is thus important to examine the influence of parameter perturbations on system behavior, rather than to limit the model to a specific set of parameters. Such sensitivity analysis can be used to investigate how changes in input parameters affect model outputs. However, multiscale cancer models require special attention because they generally take longer to run than does a series of signaling pathway analysis tasks. In this article, we propose a global sensitivity analysis method based on the integration of Monte Carlo, resampling, and analysis of variance. This method provides solutions to (1) how to render the large number of parameter variation combinations computationally manageable, and (2) how to effectively quantify the sampling distribution of the sensitivity index to address the inherent computational intensity issue. We exemplify the feasibility of this method using a two-dimensional molecular-microscopic agent-based model previously developed for simulating non-small cell lung cancer; in this model, an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced, EGF receptor-mediated signaling pathway was implemented at the molecular level. Here, the cross-scale effects of molecular parameters on two tumor growth evaluation measures, i.e., tumor volume and expansion rate, at the microscopic level are assessed. Analysis finds that ERK, a downstream molecule of the EGF receptor signaling pathway, has the most important impact on regulating both measures. The potential to apply this method to therapeutic target discovery is discussed