48 research outputs found

    Äidin hoiva, jaettu vanhemmuus – ja vapaus valita : Perhevapaiden uudistamisen argumentointi 1970-luvulta 2000-luvulle

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    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan perhevapaista Suomessa käytyä poliittista keskustelua ja sen pitkän aikavälin muutosta. Tutkimuksessa syvennytään 1970-luvun uudistusaaltoon, jolloin isät otettiin mukaan järjestelmään, sekä 2000-lukuun, jolloin isiä on eri keinoin kannustettu vapaiden käyttöön. Tässä yhteydessä selvitetään itse uudistusprosesseja, mutta keskei-nen tutkimuskohde ovat päätöksentekoon osallistuneiden toimijoiden perhevapaita koske-vien näkemysten argumentointitavat. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu mm. valtiopäiväasia-kirjoista, työryhmämuistioista, hallitusten ja puolueiden ohjelmista ja työmarkkinajärjestöjen kannanotoista. Aineistoa lähestytään kehysanalyysin sekä argumentaatioteorian menetel-mien avulla. Näillä kiinnitetään huomio niihin tekniikoihin, joilla poliittisessa argumentoin-nissa on pyritty saamaan esitetyille toimenpiteille mahdollisimman laaja kannatus. 1970-luvulla keskustelu vanhempainlomista oli hyvin polarisoitunutta. Isien hoivaajaroolin kas-vattaminen oli osa vasemmiston diskurssia, joka pyrki tasa-arvoon niin kodeissa kuin työ-markkinoillakin. Konservatiivien äidinhoivan diskurssi sitä vastoin piti äitiä luonnostaan pa-rempana hoitajana lapselle ja vaati pitkän äitiysloman jatkeeksi kotihoidon tukea, jota va-semmisto puolestaan vastusti. 2000-luvun pääteemoja ovat olleet vanhemmuuden kus-tannusten tasaisempi jakaminen sekä isien kannustaminen vapaiden käyttöön. Isien kan-nustamiseksi on esitetty erilaisia malleja isäkiintiöistä: perusteina ovat olleet muun muassa isä–lapsi-suhde, tasa-arvo sekä Pohjoismaiden positiiviset kokemukset kiintiöistä. Työnan-tajat ja konservatiivit ovat kuitenkin pitäneet kiintiöitä vanhempien valinnanvapauden rajoit-tamisena, vaikka ne muuten ovatkin argumentoineet tasaarvon ja isien kannustamisen puolesta. Isäkiintiöiden kannattajat taas eivät enää 2000-luvulla ole kyseenalaistaneet ko-tihoidon tukea, joka on pidentänyt naisten katkoja työelämästä ja jolla on suuri merkitys lasten hoidon epätasaiselle jakautumiselle.10,10 euro

    Challenges of Religious Literacy in Education : Islam and the Governance of Religious Diversity in Multi-faith Schools

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    This chapter seeks take part in an emerging research where religion is approached as a whole school endeavor. Previous research and policy recommendations typically focused on teaching about religion in school, but the accommodation of religious diversity in the wider school culture merits more attention. Based on observations in our multiple case studies, we discuss the multi-level governance of religious diversity in Finnish multi-faith schools with a particular focus on the challenges of religious literacy for educators. The three examples we present focus on the inclusion of Muslims in Finnish schools and in particular on the challenges for educator (1) in interpreting the distinction between religion and culture, (2) in recognizing and handling intra-religious diversity, and (3) in being aware of Protestant conceptions of religion and culture. A theme cutting across these examples is how they reflect the tendencies either to see different situations merely through the lens of religion (religionisation), or not to recognize the importance of religion at all (religion-blindness). We argue that religious literacy should be recognized and developed as a vital part of the intercultural competencies of educators.Peer reviewe

    Construction of Chimeric Dual-Chain Avidin by Tandem Fusion of the Related Avidins

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    BACKGROUND: Avidin is a chicken egg-white protein with high affinity to vitamin H, also known as D-biotin. Many applications in life science research are based on this strong interaction. Avidin is a homotetrameric protein, which promotes its modification to symmetrical entities. Dual-chain avidin, a genetically engineered avidin form, has two circularly permuted chicken avidin monomers that are tandem-fused into one polypeptide chain. This form of avidin enables independent modification of the two domains, including the two biotin-binding pockets; however, decreased yields in protein production, compared to wt avidin, and complicated genetic manipulation of two highly similar DNA sequences in the tandem gene have limited the use of dual-chain avidin in biotechnological applications. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To overcome challenges associated with the original dual-chain avidin, we developed chimeric dual-chain avidin, which is a tandem fusion of avidin and avidin-related protein 4 (AVR4), another member of the chicken avidin gene family. We observed an increase in protein production and better thermal stability, compared with the original dual-chain avidin. Additionally, PCR amplification of the hybrid gene was more efficient, thus enabling more convenient and straightforward modification of the dual-chain avidin. When studied closer, the generated chimeric dual-chain avidin showed biphasic biotin dissociation. SIGNIFICANCE: The improved dual-chain avidin introduced here increases its potential for future applications. This molecule offers a valuable base for developing bi-functional avidin tools for bioseparation, carrier proteins, and nanoscale adapters. Additionally, this strategy could be helpful when generating hetero-oligomers from other oligomeric proteins with high structural similarity

    Identities and integration in the context of ethnic migration: A longitudinal, multi-pronged approach to studying Ingrian-Finnish migrants

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    This paper presents some of the key results of the INPRES (“Intervening at the pre-migration stage: Providing tools for promoting integration and adaptation”) research project concerning identity and integration of Ingrian Finns migrating from Russia to Finland. Conducted at the University of Helsinki between 2008 and 2011, the aim of the research project was to investigate the factors involved in these migrants’ integration processes over the course of the migration process, starting before they move to Finland. The project also aimed to provide researchbased tools to promote integration and positive intergroup relations. In this paper, we discuss our findings that concern the complexity of identities and how they are constructed and change based on context. The role of identities in the formation of acculturation orientations, and anticipated and actual intergroup relations are also discussed. The results presented are derived from our most recent INPRES publications and ongoing work