105 research outputs found

    EU-wide methodology: towards operationalisation of the SEEA EA condition accounts in the EU

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    The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 anticipates the development of an EU-wide methodology to map, assess and achieve good condition of ecosystems. The Joint Research Centre (European Commission) has led the development of such methodology, making use of the System of Environmental Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) of United Nations as reference framework. Specifically, the EU-wide methodology follows the rules of the SEEA-EA ecosystem condition accounts, presenting useful insights to operationalise this framework for all ecosystem types in the EU. The EU-methodology provides a comprehensive set of condition variables per ecosystem type as well as recommendations on methods for setting reference levels and thresholds to determine good ecosystem condition. In this presentation, we introduce the EU-wide methodology, its relationship with the SEEA-EA, and the challenges identified during the development of this work. Regarding challenges, the presentation will introduce those that could be mitigated through further advances in Earth Observation data. The case of urban ecosystems will be used to illustrate the challenges in a practical form, to facilitate their comprehension by a broad audience. To conclude, the presentation will open a discussion on the role of Earth Observation for the mapping and assessment of good ecosystem condition, and which should be the next steps

    New Issues in Object Interoperability

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    Adopting a cross-scale approach for the deployment of a green infrastructure

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    The implementation of a Green Infrastructure (GI) involves several actors and governance scales that need adequate knowledge support. The multifunctionality of GI entails the implementation of a cross-scale approach, which combines assessments conducted at different levels and active stakeholder engagement. This paper provides a methodology to implement a cross-scale approach to support the deployment of a Regional GI. The methodology was tested in Lombardy Region (north-west of Italy), considering three relevant territorial scales and relative strategic and planning policies. The continental level representing the overall policy-context; the regional level, with its key role for guaranteeing landscape coherence and connectivity and the local level where planning actions are effectively designed and implemented. The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and the EU GI strategy were used as references for the continental level; at the regional level, a proposal of Regional GI was evaluated focusing on two Provinces (Varese and Lecco), three regional parks (Ticino, Adda Nord and Campo dei Fiori). At the local scale, the new development plan of the Municipality of Cassano d'Adda (Milan metropolitan area) was evaluated considering different possible scenarios. The regional GI was evaluated with respect to the capacity to provide Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES). CES were mapped using the ESTIMAP-recreation model. The model was adapted to the regional and local level with the active engagement of local stakeholders. Additionally, census data were analysed to obtain an overview of the equitable distribution of the CES amongst inhabitants. Results show that, in 78% of the census blocks of the study area, inhabitants have a high-value recreation resource within 4 km (31% within 4 km and 47% within 300 m). Unmet demand characterises 22% of the census blocks in the study area, clustered in zones with a high population density. The regional GI covers almost completely the two Provinces and the regional parks. In Varese Province: 68% of the territory is included in the regional GI, 82% of the census blocks local demand for recreation opportunities is met, but the population density is higher where the demand is unmet. The Province is characterised by a relatively old population (share of people older than 65 years 23.4%). In Lecco Province, 80% of the territory is included in the regional GI, in 96% of the blocks the local demand is met and the local population is relatively old (share of elderly population 22.12%). The three regional parks present significant differences, strongly influenced by the territorial context. The Campo dei Fiori Park is almost completely included in the regional GI. The entire local population has nature-based recreation opportunities in their close vicinity. Nevertheless, the population density is very low and citizens are relatively old. The majority of the Parco Adda Nord is included in the regional GI providing recreation opportunities to 90% of the census blocks within the Park boundaries. A total of 70% of Ticino Park is included in the regional GI, where local residents are relatively old (share of elderly population 23.78%) and 90% of local census blocks are close to nature-based opportunities. At local scale, we explored how the approach can be used to estimate changes in the CES potential provision and how this can be integrated into a site management plan. This paper demonstrated that the combination of studies in a cross-scale perspective enhances the understanding of GI multifunctionality. It provides a framework to adapt CES mapping models to the local setting with active stakeholders engagement. Moreover, it demonstrates that also highly urbanised areas, such as the Lombardy Region in Italy, can play a role in the deployment of a continental GI and can support biodiversity and nature protection

    Mediação artística. Intervenção social através da arte e da cultura em Honduras

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    Honduras es un país inseguro, corrupto y subdesarrollado. La situación de riesgo y vulnerabilidad social permanente son situaciones ineludibles de intervención perentoria. Las disciplinas artísticas y enfoques socioeducativos que apuntan hacia el desarrollo cultural y comunitario son alcanzados por la mediación artística. Hacer cultura contra la barbarie es el sentido más palpable en varios de los proyectos de mediación artística realizados por organizaciones independientes, internacionales y estatales en el país. La UNAH (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras), en tanto rectora de la educación superior en Honduras, ha desarrollado durante 5 años, desde el 2015, el diplomado de Enseñanza de las Artes Visuales en Contextos de riesgo de Exclusión Social. Tal formación ha sido creada bajo la colaboración bilateral de Honduras y España y se materializa en la formación en la educación artística más actual del mundo global; no obstante, haciendo énfasis en la Metodología Artísticas de Enseñanza (MAE) en contextos de alta vulnerabilidad social. Con las MAE y el arte visual contemporáneo hondureño se cumplen dos aspectos fundamentales: la aplicación del precepto metodológico y el reconocimiento de la fortaleza de contar con artistas que ejercen un papel crítico y constructivo. Los logros alcanzados demuestran que la formación recibida ha afectado positivamente a la promoción del arte hondureño, a los participantes, y a las zonas prioritarias elegidas.Honduras is an insecure, corrupt and underdeveloped country. The situation of risk and permanent social vulnerability are unavoidable situations of peremptory intervention. The artistic disciplines and socioeducational approaches that point towards cultural and community development are achieved by art mediation. Making culture against barbarism is the most palpable sense in several of the art mediation projects carried out by independent, international and state organizations in the country. UNAH (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras), as the rector of higher education in Honduras, has developed for 5 years, since 2015, the diploma course of Teaching of the Visual Arts in Contexts of risk of Social Exclusion. Such training has been created under the bilateral collaboration of Honduras and Spain and is embodied in the most current artistic education training in the global world; however, emphasizing the Artistic Teaching Methodology (MAE) in contexts of high social vulnerability. With the MAE and contemporary Honduran visual art, two fundamental aspects are fulfilled: the application of the methodological precept and the recognition of the strength of having artists who play a critical and constructive role. The achievements achieved show that the training received has positively affected the promotion of Honduran art, the participants, and the priority areas chosen.Honduras é um país inseguro, corrupto e subdesenvolvido. A situação de risco e a vulnerabilidade social permanente são situações inevitáveis de intervenção peremptória. As disciplinas artísticas e as abordagens socioeducacionais que apontam para o desenvolvimento cultural e comunitário são alcançadas pela mediação artística. Tornar a cultura contra a barbárie é o sentido mais palpável em vários dos projetos de mediação artística realizados por organizações independentes, internacionais e estatais no país. A UNAH (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras), como reitora do ensino superior em Honduras, desenvolve há 5 anos, desde 2015, o diploma de Ensino de Artes Visuais em Contextos de Risco de Exclusão Social. Esse treinamento foi criado sob a colaboração bilateral de Honduras e Espanha e está incorporado no mais atual treinamento em educação artística do mundo global; no entanto, enfatizando a Metodologia do Ensino Artístico (MAE) em contextos de alta vulnerabilidade social. Com o MAE e a arte visual contemporânea de Honduras, dois aspectos fundamentais são cumpridos: a aplicação do preceito metodológico e o reconhecimento da força de ter artistas que desempenham um papel crítico e construtivo. As realizações alcançadas mostram que o treinamento recebido afetou positivamente a promoção da arte hondurenha, os participantes e as áreas prioritárias escolhidas

    Histology of the skin of the blanca serrana goat bred in different production systems

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    Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la piel de caprinos de raza Blanca Serrana Andaluza, criados en sistemas de producción intensivo y extensivo. Fueron sacrificados 31 animales de la raza Blanca Serrana Andaluza (16 en extensivo y 15 en intensivo) con 20 kg de peso vivo. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p0,05) entre los dos sistemas de producción analizados. Las características de la piel de los chivos revelaron pieles de primera calida

    Urban Ecosystem accounts following the SEEA EA standard: A pilot application in Europe

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    National and local authorities are promoting restoration actions in urban areas to mitigate societal challenges such as urban heat island, poor air quality or biodiversity loss. Urban re-greening is among the implementation actions supporting targets of the European Green Deal, EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, its proposal for a Nature Restoration Law, and the proposal for an amendment of the Regulation on Environmental Accounts. However, to monitor progress towards policy targets and an overall enhancement of urban ecosystems, policy makers require regular, consistent and comparable data. The implementation of United Nation's System of Environmental Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) on urban ecosystems could help to track changes in their ecosystem extent, condition, services and derived benefits. Despite SEEA EA became a statistical standard, it has been only tested in pilot exercises, of which very few are urban ecosystem accounts. This report presents a pilot SEEA EA urban ecosystem account for EU-27 and EFTA Member States in 2018. It discusses challenges for the development of urban ecosystem accounts and potential solutions. The outputs illustrate where re-greening efforts should be applied and discusses feasibility and potential issues of targets. The report also presents key insights to operationalise SEEA EA for urban ecosystem accounts. It provides an instructive guiding example to national and local authorities starting to draft their own urban ecosystem accounts

    Melatonin-doped polymeric nanoparticles induce high crystalline apatite formation in root dentin

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    This work was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and European Regional Development Fund( MINECO/AEI/FEDER/UE) Project number PID2020-114694RBI00. Funding for open access charge: University of Granada / CBUA.Objective. To investigate the effect of novel polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) doped with melatonin (ML) on nano-hardness, crystallinity and ultrastructure of the formed hydroxyapatite after endodontic treatment. Methods. Undoped-NPs and ML-doped NPs (ML-NPs) were tested at radicular dentin, after 24 h and 6 m. A control group without NPs was included. Radicular cervical and apical dentin surfaces were studied by nano-hardness measurements, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Mean and standard deviation were analyzed by ANOVA and StudentNewman-Keuls multiple comparisons (p < 0.05). Results. Cervical dentin treated with undoped NPs maintained its nano-hardness values after 6 m of storage being [24 h: 0.29 (0.01); 6 m: 0.30 (0.02) GPa], but it decreased at apical dentin [24 h: 0.36 (0.01); 6 m: 0.28 (0.02) GPa]. When ML-NPs were used, nano-hardness was similar over time [24h: 0.31 (0.02); 6 m: 0.28 (0.03) GPa], at apical dentin. Root dentin treated with ML-NPs produced, in general, high crystallinity of new minerals and thicker crystals than those produced in the rest of the groups. After 6 m, crystals became organized in randomly oriented polyhedral, square polygonal block-like apatite or drop-like apatite polycrystalline lattices when ML-NPs were used. Undoped NPs generated poor crystallinity, with preferred orientation of small crystallite and increased microstrain. Significance. New polycrystalline formations encountered in dentin treated with ML-NPs may produce structural dentin stability and high mechanical performance at the root. The decrease of mechanical properties over time in dentin treated without NPs indicates scarce remineralization potential, dentin demineralization and further potential degradation. The amorphous stage may provide high hydroxyapatite solubility and remineralizing activity.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and European Regional Development Fund( MINECO/AEI/FEDER/UE) PID2020-114694RB-I00University of Granada/CBU