878 research outputs found

    Hyperbola-generator for location of aperiodic events

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    Plotting device, when used in conjunction with three or more detectors and local receiver and recorder, can quickly pinpoint location of any aperiodic event. Operation requires minimal training and is readily adapted to the field. Mechanical error in device prototype is less than or equal to 3 percent

    A calibration technique for a hot-wire-probe vector anemometer

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    Calibration tests using hot wires were conducted using a newly developed test rig that greatly reduced the data acquisition time. A comparison of measured and computed velocity vector magnitude and direction indicates the necessity of complete probe calibration to determine flow interference and/or operating limitation regions. Calibration results indicate that flow rates with 3 percent accuracy and flow angles with 5 deg accuracy are attainable

    Analysis of Vector Sensor Data Collected in Gulf of Mexico

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    In 2015, the Naval Oceanographic Office collected vector sensor data in approximately 100 meters of water southwest of Panama City, Florida in the Gulf of Mexico. The vector sensor was deployed at a center mass height of one foot above the seafloor and de-coupled from its mooring through lightweight springs to measure local acoustical pressure and particle velocity. Accuracy of the data across frequency and source azimuth is measured by evaluating acoustical impedance as a function of frequency and source azimuthal direction. Results indicate the vector sensor has an effective band from 50 to 450 Hz with mooring reflections and resonances degrading performance above this band. Localization using three spatial processing methods are analyzed for high and low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) sources. Directional accuracy is approximately 3 degrees up to 350 Hz and 10 degrees above 350 Hz. Noise sources from air guns, ships, and mammals are spatially processed and the results show that the vector sensor is capable of discriminating the location of two high SNR sources in the environment that are sufficiently separated in either location, time, or frequency

    History Repeats Itself: The Post-Furman Return to Arbitrariness in Capital Punishment

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    Part I of this comment provides a brief review of Furman and the circumstances leading to the decision. Part II discusses the factors indicating current arbitrariness and other recurring fac-tors surrounding the American death penalty. Part III examines the development of the Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause since Furman. Finally, Part IV discusses how the Supreme Court should apply its contemporary Eighth Amendment doctrine to the current circumstances surrounding the imposition of the death penalty

    Application of the Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) model to structure long-term social and resource management for South Maui Hawaii

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    Modulated infrared radiant source

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    A modulated, infrared radiant energy source was developed to calibrate an airborne nadir-viewing pressure modulated radiometer to be used to detect from Earth orbit trace gases in the troposphere. The technique used an 8 cm long, 0.005 cm diameter platinum-iridium wire as an isothermal, thin line radiant energy source maintained at 1200 K. A + or - 20 K signal, oscillating at controllable frequencies from dc to 20 Hz, was superimposed on it. This periodic variation of the line source energy was used to verify the pressure modulated radiometer's capability to distinguish between the signal variations caused by the Earth's background surface and the signal from the atmospheric gases of interest

    A Tale of Two Tailgates: Jacksonville State University Library\u27s 2016 to 2017 Tailgate Transformation

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    The Houston Cole Library (HCL) welcomed Jacksonville State University (JSU) students, faculty, staff and the greater community to the new academic year by hosting its first-ever Tailgate event on Thursday, September 15, 2016. HCL outreach activities will never be the same. The Tailgate was unique for JSU in its involvement of the greater Jacksonville community, its coordination of Library departments, and its use of University-wide collaboration in both planning stages and attendance. The atmosphere was relaxed and fostered a comfortable environment in which attendees could get to know their Library. Gate counts increased dramatically. The Ad-hoc Tailgate Planning Committee discussed the positives and negatives of Tailgate 2016 and immediately started planning for 2017. Many changes were made to marketing, organizational strategies, and timeframe. Students were informed of Tailgate events by bookmarks, posters, and social media. October 26th, 2017, the second-annual HCL Tailgate was held with greater success. Lunch and door prizes were provided thanks to the generosity of the Friends of the Library and other community partners. Marching band members played in front of the Library and Cocky, the JSU mascot, greeted attendees. Activities included librarian introductions, trivia games, and prizes. The event attracts over 200 people each year. Survey results included appreciation for tailgate activities and revealed many first-time Library visitors. Informal responses from Tailgate attendees and Library staff indicated a strong desire to repeat the Tailgate event. Discover steps to host a touchdown tailgate event for your outreach needs
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