86 research outputs found

    Model counting for CNF formuals of bounded module treewidth.

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    The modular treewidth of a graph is its treewidth after the contraction of modules. Modular treewidth properly generalizes treewidth and is itself properly generalized by clique-width. We show that the number of satisfying assignments of a CNF formula whose incidence graph has bounded modular treewidth can be computed in polynomial time. This provides new tractable classes of formulas for which #SAT is polynomial. In particular, our result generalizes known results for the treewidth of incidence graphs and is incomparable with known results for clique-width (or rank-width) of signed incidence graphs. The contraction of modules is an effective data reduction procedure. Our algorithm is the first one to harness this technique for #SAT. The order of the polynomial time bound of our algorithm depends on the modular treewidth. We show that this dependency cannot be avoided subject to an assumption from Parameterized Complexity

    Model counting for CNF formulas of bounded modular treewidth

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    We define the modular treewidth of a graph as its treewidth after contraction of modules. This parameter properly generalizes treewidth and is itself properly generalized by clique-width. We show that the number of satisfying assignments can be computed in polynomial time for CNF formulas whose incidence graphs have bounded modular treewidth. Our result generalizes known results for the treewidth of incidence graphs and is incomparable with known results for clique-width (or rank-width) of signed incidence graphs. The contraction of modules is an effective data reduction procedure. Our algorithm is the first one to harness this technique for #SAT. The order of the polynomial bounding the runtime of our algorithm depends on the modular treewidth of the input formula. We show that it is unlikely that this dependency can be avoided by proving that SAT is W[1]-hard when parameterized by the modular incidence treewidth of the given CNF formula

    Existence versus Exploitation: The Opacity of Backbones and Backdoors Under a Weak Assumption

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    Backdoors and backbones of Boolean formulas are hidden structural properties. A natural goal, already in part realized, is that solver algorithms seek to obtain substantially better performance by exploiting these structures. However, the present paper is not intended to improve the performance of SAT solvers, but rather is a cautionary paper. In particular, the theme of this paper is that there is a potential chasm between the existence of such structures in the Boolean formula and being able to effectively exploit them. This does not mean that these structures are not useful to solvers. It does mean that one must be very careful not to assume that it is computationally easy to go from the existence of a structure to being able to get one's hands on it and/or being able to exploit the structure. For example, in this paper we show that, under the assumption that P ≠\neq NP, there are easily recognizable families of Boolean formulas with strong backdoors that are easy to find, yet for which it is hard (in fact, NP-complete) to determine whether the formulas are satisfiable. We also show that, also under the assumption P ≠\neq NP, there are easily recognizable sets of Boolean formulas for which it is hard (in fact, NP-complete) to determine whether they have a large backbone

    Paradigms for Parameterized Enumeration

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    The aim of the paper is to examine the computational complexity and algorithmics of enumeration, the task to output all solutions of a given problem, from the point of view of parameterized complexity. First we define formally different notions of efficient enumeration in the context of parameterized complexity. Second we show how different algorithmic paradigms can be used in order to get parameter-efficient enumeration algorithms in a number of examples. These paradigms use well-known principles from the design of parameterized decision as well as enumeration techniques, like for instance kernelization and self-reducibility. The concept of kernelization, in particular, leads to a characterization of fixed-parameter tractable enumeration problems.Comment: Accepted for MFCS 2013; long version of the pape

    Combining Treewidth and Backdoors for CSP

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    We show that CSP is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the treewidth of a backdoor into any tractable CSP problem over a finite constraint language. This result combines the two prominent approaches for achieving tractability for CSP: (i) structural restrictions on the interaction between the variables and the constraints and (ii) language restrictions on the relations that can be used inside the constraints. Apart from defining the notion of backdoor-treewidth and showing how backdoors of small treewidth can be used to efficiently solve CSP, our main technical contribution is a fixed-parameter algorithm that finds a backdoor of small treewidth

    Phase Transition in Matched Formulas and a Heuristic for Biclique Satisfiability

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    A matched formula is a CNF formula whose incidence graph admits a matching which matches a distinct variable to every clause. We study phase transition in a context of matched formulas and their generalization of biclique satisfiable formulas. We have performed experiments to find a phase transition of property "being matched" with respect to the ratio m/nm/n where mm is the number of clauses and nn is the number of variables of the input formula φ\varphi. We compare the results of experiments to a theoretical lower bound which was shown by Franco and Gelder (2003). Any matched formula is satisfiable, moreover, it remains satisfiable even if we change polarities of any literal occurrences. Szeider (2005) generalized matched formulas into two classes having the same property -- var-satisfiable and biclique satisfiable formulas. A formula is biclique satisfiable if its incidence graph admits covering by pairwise disjoint bounded bicliques. Recognizing if a formula is biclique satisfiable is NP-complete. In this paper we describe a heuristic algorithm for recognizing whether a formula is biclique satisfiable and we evaluate it by experiments on random formulas. We also describe an encoding of the problem of checking whether a formula is biclique satisfiable into SAT and we use it to evaluate the performance of our heuristicComment: Conference version submitted to SOFSEM 2018 (https://beda.dcs.fmph.uniba.sk/sofsem2019/) 18 pages(17 without refernces), 3 figures, 8 tables, an algorithm pseudocod

    Backdoors to q-Horn

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    The class q-Horn, introduced by Boros, Crama and Hammer in 1990, is one of the largest known classes of propositional CNF formulas for which satisfiability can be decided in polynomial time. This class properly contains the fundamental classes of Horn and Krom formulas as well as the class of renamable (or disguised) Horn formulas. In this paper we extend this class so that its favorable algorithmic properties can be made accessible to formulas that are outside but "close"\u27 to this class. We show that deciding satisfiability is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by the distance of the given formula from q-Horn. The distance is measured by the smallest number of variables that we need to delete from the formula in order to get a q-Horn formula, i.e., the size of a smallest deletion backdoor set into the class q-Horn. This result generalizes known fixed-parameter tractability results for satisfiability decision with respect to the parameters distance from Horn, Krom, and renamable Horn

    Model counting for CNF formuals of bounded module treewidth

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    The modular treewidth of a graph is its treewidth after the contraction of modules. Modular treewidth properly generalizes treewidth and is itself properly generalized by clique-width. We show that the number of satisfying assignments of a CNF formula whose incidence graph has bounded modular treewidth can be computed in polynomial time. This provides new tractable classes of formulas for which #SAT is polynomial. In particular, our result generalizes known results for the treewidth of incidence graphs and is incomparable with known results for clique-width (or rank-width) of signed incidence graphs. The contraction of modules is an effective data reduction procedure. Our algorithm is the first one to harness this technique for #SAT. The order of the polynomial time bound of our algorithm depends on the modular treewidth. We show that this dependency cannot be avoided subject to an assumption from Parameterized Complexity

    A SAT approach to branchwidth

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    Branch decomposition is a prominent method for structurally decomposing a graph, a hypergraph, or a propositional formula in conjunctive normal form. The width of a branch decomposition provides a measure of how well the object is decomposed. For many applications, it is crucial to computing a branch decomposition whose width is as small as possible. We propose an approach based on Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) to finding branch decompositions of small width. The core of our approach is an efficient SAT encoding that determines with a single SAT-call whether a given hypergraph admits a branch decomposition of a certain width. For our encoding, we propose a natural partition-based characterization of branch decompositions. The encoding size imposes a limit on the size of the given hypergraph. To break through this barrier and to scale the SAT approach to larger instances, we develop a new heuristic approach where the SAT encoding is used to locally improve a given candidate decomposition until a fixed-point is reached. This new SAT-based local improvement method scales now to instances with several thousands of vertices and edges
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