373 research outputs found

    Relative Interval Analysis of Paging Algorithms on Access Graphs

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    Access graphs, which have been used previously in connection with competitive analysis and relative worst order analysis to model locality of reference in paging, are considered in connection with relative interval analysis. The algorithms LRU, FIFO, FWF, and FAR are compared using the path, star, and cycle access graphs. In this model, some of the expected results are obtained. However, although LRU is found to be strictly better than FIFO on paths, it has worse performance on stars, cycles, and complete graphs, in this model. We solve an open question from [Dorrigiv, Lopez-Ortiz, Munro, 2009], obtaining tight bounds on the relationship between LRU and FIFO with relative interval analysis.Comment: IMADA-preprint-c

    An Exercise in Tournament Design: When Some Matches Must Be Scheduled

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    Single-elimination (SE) tournaments are a popular format used in competitive environments and decision making. Algorithms for SE tournament manipulation have been an active topic of research in recent years. In this paper, we initiate the algorithmic study of a novel variant of SE tournament manipulation that aims to model the fact that certain matchups are highly desired in a sporting context, incentivizing an organizer to manipulate the bracket to make such matchups take place. We obtain both hardness and tractability results. We show that while the problem of computing a bracket enforcing a given set of matches in an SE tournament is NP-hard, there are natural restrictions that lead to polynomial-time solvability. In particular, we show polynomial-time solvability if there is a linear ordering on the ability of players with only a constant number of exceptions where a player with lower ability beats a player with higher ability.Comment: Full version of AAAI 2024 pape

    The effect of length of birth interval on the risk of breast cancer by subtype in grand multiparous women

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    BackgroundThe length of interval between successive childbirths (birth interval) might influence the incidence of breast cancer, either by stimulating or by inhibiting the factors that are responsible for the initiation of breast cancer or its early development.MethodsThis is a case-control study nested in a cohort of 47,479 Finnish grand-multiparous (GM) women born after 1934, and registered as having had at least five births before 2013. The 1354 women with breast cancer diagnosis were compared with controls (1:5) matched by parity and date of birth of the mother. Conditional logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios of the risk of ductal and lobular breast cancer subtypes associated with each of the intervals between the 1st and 5th birth, stratified by age at diagnosis. Age at first and last birth before index date were used as covariates.ResultsIncreased intervals between the 1st and 5th births were associated with an increased risk of lobular breast cancer. In contrast, regarding ductal cancer, premenopausal women with shorter length of interval (Peer reviewe

    A self-medicating scale and questionnaire based drug use survey and the effect of educational intervention among healthcare professional students

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    Background: Due to an array of reasons like easy accessibility and awareness about the available drugs, self-medication has steeply increased the already existent drug misuse. As the health professional students are exposed to all the information of drugs, it would be worthwhile to survey if this knowledge is misused to self-medicate. The present study was aimed at determining the impact of educational intervention on the prevalent attitudes and pattern of self-medication among medical, dental and nursing students as they constitute a vulnerable group for such practices.Methods: A total of 360 health professional students participated in the study. A validated questionnaire and self-medication scale (SMS) were used for the survey, before and after the educational workshop.Results: Of the 360 students 70% were females. 93.89% reported practicing self-medication, which reduced to 78.63% after the educational workshops. Average number of self-medication encounters before the workshop was 4.03±0.30. Analgesics were most commonly used. The modified SMS scores were significantly reduced (p<0.0001) after interventional workshops indicating that the enhanced knowledge, increased the reluctance to self-medicate and make students think twice before self-medicating so as to reduce such harmful, casual drug use habits.  Educational workshops statistically (p<0.0001) enhanced the participants knowledge of ADRs, OTC drugs, expiry date, package inserts etc. 77.78% nursing students were habituated to at least one drug which was significantly higher (χ2=20.45, p<0.0001) than that of medical and dental students taken together.Conclusions: Educational intervention reduces the evil of self-medication and enhances safe drug use habits among healthcare professional students

    Agro-morphological Diversity of High Altitude Bean Landraces in the Kailash Sacred Landscape of Nepal

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    Many varieties of bean are widely grown across diverse agro-ecological zones in Nepal. And opportunities exist for improving the crops and enhancing their resilience to various biotic and abiotic stressors. In this context, an experiment was conducted from June to October 2016 in Khar VDC of Darchula district to study the phenotypic traits of nine landraces of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The bean landraces were planted using randomized complete block design in three sites (Dhamidera, Dallekh and Sundamunda villages), with three replications in each site for their comparative analysis. The study considered the following phenotypic traits: days to emergence, days to 50% flowering, days to 90% pod maturity, number of nodes, pod length, pod width, number of pods, number of seeds per pod and weight and grain yield for 100 seeds. Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant differences in the landraces both within and among locations. KA-17-08-FB and KA-17-04-FB were late &nbsp;flowering (63 and 65 days respectively) compared to other landraces whereas KA-17-07-FB flowered earliest (within 42 days). In all three sites, three landraces namely KA-17-07-FB, KA-17-04-FB and KA-17-06-FB were found to be relatively more resistant to pest and diseases than other landraces. Eight out of nine landraces in Dhamidera and Dallekh villages and seven out of nine in Sundamunda village produced seeds greater than 1.0 t/ha. Among the nine varieties KA-17-02-FB was the highest yielding variety, with an average yield of 3.8 t/ha. This study is useful for identifying suitable landraces for future promotion based on their maturity, grain yield, diseases resistance and other qualitative and quantitative characteristics

    Utilization pattern, safety profile and cost analysis of antimicrobials prescribed in an intensive care unit of a teaching hospital

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    BACKGROUND: Critically ill patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) are highly susceptible to infections because of predisposing illness and the use of invasive and surgical procedures and are, therefore, exposed to high antimicrobial pressure. Use of antimicrobial in the ICU must follow best clinical practice, if the emergence of resistance to antimicrobials is to be minimized. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To assess the utilization pattern, safety profile and cost analysis of antimicrobials in Medical ICU of the institution. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective cross sectional observational study was undertaken from February 2016 to February 2017 in a teaching hospital. Standard case record form was used to collect the information regarding demographic data, clinical data, antibiotic use and adverse drug reactions. Antimicrobial use was analyzed using Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification/Defined Daily Dose (DDD) system. RESULTS: Totally 123 patients in the ICU were included in the study. These includes 82 men and 41 women. The average age of the patient was 57.7 years. Majority patients were admitted with respiratory infection (23.49%). The average number of drugs prescribed per patient was 7.63. Total drug utilization in terms of DDD/1000 patients in ICU/day was 26.02. Ceftriaxone + metronidazole (15.44%) were the most common empirical regimen used as 2AMAs, whereas with single drug ceftriaxone (21.13%) was most commonly used. The maximum ADRs observed were probable according to WHO causality assessment. CONCLUSION: Majority of patients were prescribed AMAs as monotherapy or combined therapy for control of infections during Intensive Care management. Over all extensive polypharmacy among AMAs was noticed

    Deep gray matter atrophy in multiple sclerosis: a tensor based morphometry.

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    Tensor based morphometry (TBM) was applied to determine the atrophy of deep gray matter (DGM) structures in 88 relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. For group analysis of atrophy, an unbiased atlas was constructed from 20 normal brains. The MS brain images were co-registered with the unbiased atlas using a symmetric inverse consistent nonlinear registration. These studies demonstrate significant atrophy of thalamus, caudate nucleus, and putamen even at a modest clinical disability, as assessed by the expanded disability status score (EDSS). A significant correlation between atrophy and EDSS was observed for different DGM structures: (thalamus: r=-0.51, p=3.85 x 10(-7); caudate nucleus: r=-0.43, p=2.35 x 10(-5); putamen: r=-0.36, p=6.12 x 10(-6)). Atrophy of these structures also correlated with 1) T2 hyperintense lesion volumes (thalamus: r=-0.56, p=9.96 x 10(-9); caudate nucleus: r=-0.31, p=3.10 x 10(-3); putamen: r=-0.50, p=6.06 x 10(-7)), 2) T1 hypointense lesion volumes (thalamus: r=-0.61, p=2.29 x 10(-10); caudate nucleus: r=-0.35, p=9.51 x 10(-4); putamen: r=-0.43, p=3.51 x 10(-5)), and 3) normalized CSF volume (thalamus: r=-0.66, p=3.55 x 10(-12); caudate nucleus: r=-0.52, p=2.31 x 10(-7), and putamen: r=-0.66, r=2.13 x 10(-12)). More severe atrophy was observed mainly in thalamus at higher EDSS. These studies appear to suggest a link between the white matter damage and DGM atrophy in MS

    Retrospective study to assess the prevalence of overweight and obese women delivering at tertiary care centre in Pune

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    Background: Obesity is a modern-day epidemic affecting women in reproductive age group. Increase in obesity in pregnant women is associated with increased rates of complications.Methods: A retrospective study was conducted based on available hospital data between January 2020 and March 2020. Pregnant women who have had their first visit at this centre before 20 weeks period of gestation were included and were classified into normal body mass index (BMI), overweight and obese. The rates of caesarean delivery, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP), gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), assisted reproductive techniques (ART) for conception and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admissions were studied.Results: A total of 582 pregnant women were included in the study. The estimated prevalence of obesity was 29.3% (n=171) whereas 27.8% (n=162) were overweight. There was statistically significant association seen between obesity and caesarean delivery rates, HDP, NICU admission.Conclusions: The results reveal high prevalence of obesity in pregnant women. There is a need for a comprehensive and clinically effective approach to tackle obesity.


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    WB-S Autosomal Dominant Disorder is the most common genetic disorder. We report a case of 20 year old with infrequent association of WBS and TOF. Clinical examination and ECHO confirmed TOF, WB-S was suspected based on the clinical signs used in the scoring system of WB-S which were described by AAP(2001), FISH study was performed in this patient because of having more than 3 clinical signs of WB-S and FISH study showed 7q11.23 deletion and remains the gold standard laboratory investigation for WB-S. KEYWORDS:&nbsp;Tetralogy of Fallot; William Beuren Syndrome; Clinical Diagnosis; Fluroscence In Situ Hybridisation
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