41 research outputs found

    The Representation of Cultural Content in Global Elementary Coursebook

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    This study was to find out the types of cultural content source found in the reading and listening texts presented in Global elementary coursebook (2012) and the similarities and differences of the types of cultural content source found in those texts. The data were analyzed using the theory of types of cultural content source proposed by Matsuda (2012). The findings of this study showed that the reading texts met 54.9% of global culture, 35.3% of target culture, and 9.8% of local culture while the listening texts met 72.5% of global culture, 25% of target culture, and 2.5% of local culture. All in all, as proposed by Matsuda (2012), a good coursebook is the one that has multiple sources of cultural content; and Global elementary coursebook fulfills this criterion as it has three types of cultural content source


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    Harta atau benda yang bersifat immaterial (tidak berwujud) sangat memiliki manfaat atau kegunaan. Bahkan jumhur ulama selain Hanafiyah menyebutkan  harta yang memiliki  manfaat termasuk harta yang dimiliki. Masalah kepemilikan hak paten  dalam perspektif hukum Islam,  sah secara hukum syara’ dan hukum negara (undang-undang).  Sementara    mengenai miras dan tirkah yang sama-sama memasukkan hak sebagai sesuatu yang dapat diwariskan, dalam bentuk hak paten bisa diwariskan dengan cara pembagiannya    sama dengan pembagian waris pada benda yang  berwujud (materiil)  dengan  teknik    pembagiannya    sesuai  aturan pembagian  yang terdapat dalam hukum Islam.

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Underpricing Saham Perdana (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan yang Melakukan Ipo di Bei Tahun 2006-2010)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh reputasi penjamin emisi, rata-rata kurs, ukuran Perusahaan, return on assets (ROA), dan jenis industri terhadap underpricing saham perdana. Setelah melalui proses purposive sampling, terpilih sebanyak 70 Perusahaan yang telah melakukan initial public offerings di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada tahun 2006-2010 yang menjadi sampel penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan model regresi linear berganda dan metode ordinary least square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi reputasi penjamin emisi, investor memiliki keyakinan pengelolaan modal emiten dilakukan dengan baik dan emiten memiliki keyakinan bahwa risiko underpricing dapat ditangani dengan baik. Rata-rata kurs yang semakin tinggi membuat investor asing membeli saham emiten dan penjamin emisi dapat menaikkan harga saham pada saat initial public offering (IPO). Semakin besar ukuran Perusahaan maka semakin kecil tingkat ketidakpastian risiko, sehingga investor merasa terjamin dalam membeli saham emiten. ROA yang semakin tinggi menunjukkan profitabilitas yang semakin tinggi dan mengurangi ketidakpastian investor dalam membeli saham. Jenis industri yang memiliki risiko tinggi akan memberikan kompensasi yang tinggi (higher risk higher return) maka investor akan tertarik untuk menanamkan modalnya. Hal-hal tersebut yang membuat underpricing saham perdana semakin rendah

    Analisis Kontrastif Onomatope Bahasa Jepang Dan Bahasa Jawa

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    In writing this essay the author discusses the 'Contrastive Analysis of Onomatopoeia in Japanese and Javanese'. The author chose this title because of the lack of discussion about the comparison between the onomatopoeic Japanese and Javanese. To write this thesis, firstly, the author collected data, and then analyze the data, after that, the dat presented in a descriptive form. Onomatopoeia in Japanese consists of two types, namely giseigo (giongo) andgitaigo incorporated in onshouchougo. Giseigo (giongo) are words that express mock voices or sounds of living beings and inanimate objects, while gitaigo are words that express the state. Classification giseigo (giongo) is divided into two, namely giseigo stating voice imitation of living things, and giongo stating imitation sounds of inanimate objects. Just as giseigo (giongo), gitaigo divided into three classifications. The classifications, namely gitaigo who declared a state of inanimate objects, giyougo who declared a state (state behavior) of living creatures, and gijougo who declared a state of heart (feeling) human. Of all these classifications outline has ten different meanings classification. Moreover, the characteristic forms contained on onomatopoeia also affect its meaning

    Rekayasa Software Computer Aided Process Planning Berbasis Metode CBR Untuk Membantu Proses Pembuatan Batik

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    If we make batik manually, it will less effective and efficient.besides that can make worker uncomfortable. Because the new worker must learn all over again to be a reliable process planner as his predecessor. This is loss to the company. Fortunately there is a method called Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP). CAPP can use to make job more fast than before. Besides that it will make more effective and efficient plan process

    Enhanced sensitivity of zinc phthalocyanine-based microporous humidity sensors by varying size of electrode gaps

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    The use of organic materials has become an increasingly important issue in sensing devices in recent times. Phthalocyanine is among the most promising materials in this undertaking. Zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc) based microporous device was fabricated and its capacitance was utilized as the sensing mechanism for a humidity sensor. The effect of the electrode gap of the device on the electrical properties was investigated along with the correlation between the device’s performances and the morphology of the sensing film. Using the solution-processed spin coating method, the capacitive type humidity sensor devices have been fabricated in a planar geometry of Al/ZnPc/Al with the presence of a microporous template. The size of electrode gaps measured with a surface profiler was 53.00 ± 0.06 μm, 119.00 ± 0.03 μm and 286.00 ± 0.01 μm. The surface morphology was characterized by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Analysis of the experimental results showed that the device with the shortest electrode gap (53.00 μm) produced the best sensitivity of 1.03 ± 0.04 pF/%RH than that of the longer gaps. Additionally, hysteresis as well as response and recovery performances have also been investigated

    Laboratory evolution of Pyrococcus furiosus alcohol dehydrogenase to improve the production of (2S,5S)-hexanediol at moderate temperatures

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    There is considerable interest in the use of enantioselective alcohol dehydrogenases for the production of enantio- and diastereomerically pure diols, which are important building blocks for pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and fine chemicals. Due to the need for a stable alcohol dehydrogenase with activity at low-temperature process conditions (30°C) for the production of (2S,5S)-hexanediol, we have improved an alcohol dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus (AdhA). A stable S-selective alcohol dehydrogenase with increased activity at 30°C on the substrate 2,5-hexanedione was generated by laboratory evolution on the thermostable alcohol dehydrogenase AdhA. One round of error-prone PCR and screening of ∼1,500 mutants was performed. The maximum specific activity of the best performing mutant with 2,5-hexanedione at 30°C was tenfold higher compared to the activity of the wild-type enzyme. A 3D-model of AdhA revealed that this mutant has one mutation in the well-conserved NADP(H)-binding site (R11L), and a second mutation (A180V) near the catalytic and highly conserved threonine at position 183


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    As part of the mu'amalah discourse, fiscal policy in Islam is flexible and open to ijtihad. Texts related to fiscal policy can not be separated from the socio historical circumstances early Islamic society. Interpretation must use a contextual approach, although the mechanism may be different contextualisation. With the above formulation, this study found in common principles and objectives of the State's fiscal policy in Indonesia. In fact, some types of taxes collected by the government is a reformulation of the tax that is applied in the early days of Islam. Thus, the system of fiscal policies during the State of Indonesia is still in the corridors of Shari'ah. However, implementation of such systems is still far from the expected. With the point of the equation, the government can implement fiscal policies of an Islamic state in accordance with the laws and culture of Indonesia. In this paper, the authors propose the idea to the admissibility of zakat and taxation as a source of state revenue

    Pemanfaatan Fitur Analisis Data Menggunakan K-Means Cluster dalam Point Of Sales (POS)

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    Pemanfaatan big data untuk meningkatkan performa usaha banyak menjadi pembahasan penelitian akhir-akhir ini. Ketersediaan data yang mampu diakses secara cepat untuk mereproduksi informasi baru yang penting dalam pengambilan keputusan menjadi salah satu faktor kunci yang menentukan keberhasilan organisasi. K-Means cluster sebagai salah satu algoritma data mining dengan kemampuan pengelompokan data merupakan salah satu tools yang penting untuk melakukan hal ini. Penelitian ini akan membahas implementasi algoritma K-Means untuk menghasilkan informasi baru berupa klasifikasi kelompok produk berdasarkan data transaksi penjualan di masa lalu. Algoritma ini selanjutnya akan menjadi fitur pada Sistem Informasi Point of Sales (POS) yang dikembangkan. Dengan adanya fitur baru pada sistem informasi POS, diharapkan pemilik usaha dapat merencanakan jumlah dan waktu pembelian produk dengan lebih baik, mengurangi jumlah persediaan barang di gudang, dan memberikan keleluasaan bagi pemilik usaha untuk menganalisis permintaan dengan mudah