244 research outputs found

    Consequences of a flattened morphology: effects of flow on feeding rates of the scleractinian coral Meandrina meandrites

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    Per polyp feeding rate was independent of the horizontal planform area of colonies. At the lowest velocities, most particles were captured on the upstream edge or in the middle of colonies, but all positional bias in capture rate disappeared at higher velocities. Particle capture and increasing flow speed were negatively associated. There were small, but measurable, differences in mean tentacle length between corals feeding at different velocities. Velocity-dependent feeding rate at most velocities was thus related to changes in flow rather than to changes in feeding behavior. Experiments in which corals were turned upside down revealed that the increased capture rate for rightside-up corals feeding at low velocity could be almost entirely accounted for by gravitational deposition of particles on the corals\u27 tentacles. The tentacles form a canopy within which water movement was slowed, possibly facilitating gravitational deposition of non-buoyant or sinking food particles. -from Author

    Killer on the road?-cells from pancreatic preneoplastic lesions disseminate through pancreatic ducts on their way to cancer

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is ranked the fourth most common cause of cancer related deaths in western countries with a 5-year survival rate of less than 8 (1). It is estimated to be even the second most common cause by 2030 as there are no successful treatment options (2). Due to the lack of early and specific symptoms as well as non-invasive biomarkers, the majority of patients is diagnosed at an advanced and already metastasized disease stage, where palliative treatment remains the only option (3). Thus, in order to improve the dismal prognosis of PDAC patients, a much better understanding of PDAC evolution is urgently needed allowing earlier detection of the disease and providing novel therapeutic modalities

    Survival of children in Cape Town known to be vertically infected with HIV-1

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    Objective. To determine the survival patterns of children in Cape Town known to be vertically infected with HIV.Design. Retrospective record review of children diagnosed with symptomatic HIV infection during the period 1 December 1990 - 31 May 1995.Setting. Hospitals in the Cape Town metropolitan area.Patients. 193 children were known to be vertically HIV infected. HIV diagnosis was based on the following criteria: two positive HIV enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELlSAs) in children older than 15 months and a positive ELlSA together with a positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in younger children. The mothers of the children were known to be HIV-positive. On the basis of the presenting clinical findings children were assigned to a disease severity category (A, B or C) according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s 1994 revised classification system for HIV infection in children.Outcome measures. Survival was analysed according to the Kaplan-Meier method. Survival time was defined as the length of time between clinical diagnosis of HIV and death or last contact with the health services. Mortality risk in relation to specific variables at diagnosis such as age and clinical manifestations was determined by calculation of odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (Cls).Results. The median age at diagnosis was 5 months; 72% of children were aged less than 1 year at diagnosis. According to the CDC clinical classification, 47 (24%) fell into category A, 111 (58%) into category Band 35 (18%) into category C. Of the 193 patients 85 (44%) were alive at the time of review, 65 (34%) had died and 43 (22%) were lost to folloW-Up. Risk of death was significantly associated with age less than 6 months (OR 4.7, Cl 2.1 - 10.3) and severe disease, Le. CDC category C (OR 2.7; Cl 1.1 - 6.9) at time of diagnosis. The median survival for all the children from time of diagnosis was 32 months. Infants diagnosed before 6 months of age had significantly shorter median survival (10 months) compared with 36 months for those diagnosed at 7 - 12 months of age. For the children over the age of 12 months the cumulative proportion surviving at 48 months was 78%. Children with severe disease (category C) had a median survival of 21 months, significantly lower than that in category B (32 months). For the children in category A the cumulative proportion surviving at 48 months was 66%.Conclusion. The median survival of children with HIV was 32 months from time of diagnosis, and survival was influenced by age and disease severity

    Realism about the Wave Function

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    A century after the discovery of quantum mechanics, the meaning of quantum mechanics still remains elusive. This is largely due to the puzzling nature of the wave function, the central object in quantum mechanics. If we are realists about quantum mechanics, how should we understand the wave function? What does it represent? What is its physical meaning? Answering these questions would improve our understanding of what it means to be a realist about quantum mechanics. In this survey article, I review and compare several realist interpretations of the wave function. They fall into three categories: ontological interpretations, nomological interpretations, and the \emph{sui generis} interpretation. For simplicity, I will focus on non-relativistic quantum mechanics.Comment: Penultimate version for Philosophy Compas

    Pitfalls in the characterization of circulating and tissue-resident human γδ T cells

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    Dissection of the role and function of human γδ T cells and their heterogeneous subsets in cancer, inflammation, and auto-immune diseases is a growing and dynamic research field of increasing interest to the scientific community. Therefore, harmonization and standardization of techniques for the characterization of peripheral and tissue-resident γδ T cells is crucial to facilitate comparability between published and emerging research. The application of commercially available reagents to classify γδ T cells, in particular the combination of multiple Abs, is not always trouble-free, posing major demands on researchers entering this field. Occasionally, even entire γδ T cell subsets may remain undetected when certain Abs are combined in flow cytometric analysis with multicolor Ab panels, or might be lost during cell isolation procedures. Here, based on the recent literature and our own experience, we provide an overview of methods commonly employed for the phenotypic and functional characterization of human γδ T cells including advanced polychromatic flow cytometry, mass cytometry, immunohistochemistry, and magnetic cell isolation. We highlight potential pitfalls and discuss how to circumvent these obstacles

    Effective modeling for integrated water resource management: a guide to contextual practices by phases and steps and future opportunities

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    The effectiveness of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) modeling hinges on the quality of practices employed through the process, starting from early problem definition all the way through to using the model in a way that serves its intended purpose. The adoption and implementation of effective modeling practices need to be guided by a practical understanding of the variety of decisions that modelers make, and the information considered in making these choices. There is still limited documented knowledge on the modeling workflow, and the role of contextual factors in determining this workflow and which practices to employ. This paper attempts to contribute to this knowledge gap by providing systematic guidance of the modeling practices through the phases (Planning, Development, Application, and Perpetuation) and steps that comprise the modeling process, positing questions that should be addressed. Practice-focused guidance helps explain the detailed process of conducting IWRM modeling, including the role of contextual factors in shaping practices. We draw on findings from literature and the authors’ collective experience to articulate what and how contextual factors play out in employing those practices. In order to accelerate our learning about how to improve IWRM modeling, the paper concludes with five key areas for future practice-related research: knowledge sharing, overcoming data limitations, informed stakeholder involvement, social equity and uncertainty management. © 2019 Elsevier Lt

    The effect of local hydrodynamics on the spatial extent and morphology of cold-water coral habitats at Tisler Reef, Norway

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    This study demonstrates how cold-water coral morphology and habitat distribution are shaped by local hydrodynamics, using high-definition video from Tisler Reef, an inshore reef in Norway. A total of 334 video frames collected on the north-west (NW) and south-east (SE) side of the reef were investigated for Lophelia pertusa coral cover and morphology and for the cover of the associated sponges Mycale lingua and Geodia sp. Our results showed that the SE side was a better habitat for L. pertusa (including live and dead colonies). Low cover of Geodia sp. was found on both sides of Tisler Reef. In contrast, Mycale lingua had higher percentage cover, especially on the NW side of the reef. Bush-shaped colonies of L. pertusa with elongated branches were the most abundant coral morphology on Tisler Reef. The highest abundance and density of this morphology were found on the SE side of the reef, while a higher proportion of cauliflower-shaped corals with short branches were found on the NW side. The proportion of very small L. pertusa colonies was also significantly higher on the SE side of the reef. The patterns in coral spatial distribution and morphology were related to local hydrodynamics—there were more frequent periods of downwelling currents on the SE side—and to the availability of suitable settling substrates. These factors make the SE region of Tisler Reef more suitable for coral growth. Understanding the impact of local hydrodynamics on the spatial extent and morphology of coral, and their relation to associated organisms such as sponges, is key to understanding the past and future development of the reefVersión del editor3,87

    A Modified View on Octocorals: Heteroxenia fuscescens Nematocysts Are Diverse, Featuring Both an Ancestral and a Novel Type

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    Cnidarians are characterized by the presence of stinging cells containing nematocysts, a sophisticated injection system targeted mainly at prey-capture and defense. In the anthozoan subclass Octocorallia nematocytes have been considered to exist only in low numbers, to be small, and all of the ancestral atrichous-isorhiza type. This study, in contrast, revealed numerous nematocytes in the octocoral Heteroxenia fuscescens. The study demonstrates the applicability of cresyl-violet dye for differential staining and stimulating discharge of the nematocysts. In addition to the atrichous isorhiza-type of nematocysts, a novel type of macrobasic-mastigophore nematocysts was found, featuring a shaft, uniquely comprised of three loops and densely packed arrow-like spines. In contrast to the view that octocorals possess a single type of nematocyst, Heteroxenia fuscescens features two distinct types, indicating for the first time the diversification and complexity of nematocysts for Octocorallia

    Circadian Clock Gene Expression in the Coral Favia fragum over Diel and Lunar Reproductive Cycles

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    Natural light cycles synchronize behavioral and physiological cycles over varying time periods in both plants and animals. Many scleractinian corals exhibit diel cycles of polyp expansion and contraction entrained by diel sunlight patterns, and monthly cycles of spawning or planulation that correspond to lunar moonlight cycles. The molecular mechanisms for regulating such cycles are poorly understood. In this study, we identified four molecular clock genes (cry1, cry2, clock and cycle) in the scleractinian coral, Favia fragum, and investigated patterns of gene expression hypothesized to be involved in the corals' diel polyp behavior and lunar reproductive cycles. Using quantitative PCR, we measured fluctuations in expression of these clock genes over both diel and monthly spawning timeframes. Additionally, we assayed gene expression and polyp expansion-contraction behavior in experimental corals in normal light:dark (control) or constant dark treatments. Well-defined and reproducible diel patterns in cry1, cry2, and clock expression were observed in both field-collected and the experimental colonies maintained under control light:dark conditions, but no pattern was observed for cycle. Colonies in the control light:dark treatment also displayed diel rhythms of tentacle expansion and contraction. Experimental colonies in the constant dark treatment lost diel patterns in cry1, cry2, and clock expression and displayed a diminished and less synchronous pattern of tentacle expansion and contraction. We observed no pattern in cry1, cry2, clock, or cycle expression correlated with monthly spawning events suggesting these genes are not involved in the entrainment of reproductive cycles to lunar light cycles in F. fragum. Our results suggest a molecular clock mechanism, potentially similar to that in described in fruit flies, exists within F. fragum
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