680 research outputs found

    Authorship Trends and Collaborative Patterns on Annals of Library and Information Studies

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    Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS) is a quarterly journal, published by National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resource (NISCAIR). This study aimed at analyzing the authorship trends and collaborative pattern of the 377 publications published by ALIS during the period of eleven years (2007-2017). The findings revealed that majority of the publications (246) were multi-authored and the overall degree of collaboration (DC) is 0.65. The average publication of the journal is 34 articles per year. Further, Collaborative co-efficient was applied to find out the different levels of multi-authored collaboration and finally conclusion was presented with scope and directions for further researc

    Mathematical Modelling of Blood Flow through Catheterized Artery under the Influence of Body Acceleration with Slip Velocity

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    The flow of blood through stenosed catheterized artery with the effect of external body acceleration has been considered. The pulsatile flow behaviour of blood in an artery subjected to the pulsatile pressure gradient and slip velocity has been studied considering blood as a Newtonian fluid. The non-linear differential equations governing the fluid flow are solved using the perturbation method. The analytic expressions are derived for the velocity profile, flow rate, wall shear stress and effective viscosity. The computer codes are developed for the analysis of physiological parameters. The effects of various parameters on blood flow are discussed through graphs. It is observed that insertion of catheter increases the wall shear stress enormously depending upon the size of the catheter. Body acceleration enhances the axial velocity and flow rate. However it is found that with the application of slip velocity, the wall shear stress is significantly decreases

    Dendrimer-Guest Interactions: Challenging Conventional Wisdom

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    Solutions to many future challenges - including water purification, drug delivery, and energy storage - will require innovative new materials. Dendrimers are a class of materials with wide-ranging applications whose behavior is not fully understood. In many potential applications, dendrimers interact with small molecules. Our work focuses on describing the fundamental mechanisms governing the interactions between dendrimers and hydrocarbons using molecular modeling and computer simulations. A common view of dendrimer host-guest interactions is that the guest molecules are encapsulated in protected interior voids within the dendrimer structure. Our results present an alternative picture and show that the association of a model aromatic hydrocarbon, naphthalene (NPH), involves temporary pockets formed by the dendrimer branches and interactions between the NPH molecules themselves

    Prevalence and outcome of hypothyroidism in women attending antenatal clinic at J. J. M Medical College

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    Background: Pregnancy induces physiological and metabolic changes, when overlapped with endocrine imbalance leads to undesirable consequences for both mother and fetus. Thyroid pathology has major negative impact on both mother and fetus. Hypothyroidism may be pre-existent or may begin during pregnancy; severity depends on how early and appropriately treatment is initiated. Aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of hypothyroidism in pregnancy and its outcome.Methods: 150 pregnant women obstetric files were studied based on their TSH value, women with TSH levels greater than 3mIU/ml who were on L-Thyroxin were included. All others who had diabetes, collagen disease, heart disease with pregnancy were excluded from the study.Results: Prevalence of hypothyroidism in pregnancy is 1.2%.Conclusions: Hypothyroidism presents with complex and serious complications with increase in maternal morbidity and perinatal mortality. To identify potential and overt hypothyroid patient thyroid screening is must during pregnancy. TSH levels should be kept less than 2mIU/L for adequate control

    A Review: Polygon Filling Algorithms Using Inside-Outside Test

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    In computer graphics we have many polygon filling algorithms. In this paper I review scan line polygon filling algorithms using inside-outside test, boundary fill algorithm and flood fill algorithm. Scan line filling algorithm, finds an intersection of the scan line with polygon edges and inside-outside test is used to find the inside and outside region of a polygon. Boundary fill is a recursive algorithm. This paper has a review on various polygon filling algorithms

    Comparative study between effectiveness of low molecular weight heparin injection and unfractionated heparin in terms of morbidity and outcome in COVID-19 cases

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    Background: The novel coronavirus 2019 presented a variety of disease spectrums that range from asymptomatic to sepsis with multi-organ dysfunction and death. One of the mechanisms being a hypercoagulable state with micro and macro-circulatory thrombosis is found in critically ill COVID-19 patient with ARDS with pathology consistent with a vascular occlusive aetiology of respiratory failure rather than more classic finding of ARDS. Venous thromboembolism, MI, acute peripheral arterial thrombosis is seen in COVID-19. Endothelial cells dysfunction induced by infection causing excess thrombin generation, fibrinolysins shutdown, hypoxia inducible transcription factor dependent signalling pathways, increasing blood viscosity leading to Hypercoagulable state. Early application of anticoagulant therapy in severe COVID-19 was suggested for improving outcome in patients with elevated d-dimer. Aim of study was comparing effectiveness of LMWH with unfractionated heparin in outcome of COVID-19.Methods: This retrospective observational study including 400 patients meeting inclusion criteria were divided 2 groups out of which 200 patients were treated with inj. LMWH and other 200 were treated with injection heparin and various parameters were compared. A probability value (p value) of less than or equal to 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: Death rate is seen lower with LMWH in critically ill patients with high discharge rate with minimal lab parameter derangement and high efficacy to lower down inflammatory markers (LDH, ferritin, CRP, D-dimer, ESR) in comparison to unfractionated heparin.Conclusions: Early use of LMWH may be beneficial for the outcome

    A rare case report of recurrent ectopic pregnancy

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    This case presenting a 30-year-old lady, a case of G4A1E2 who presented with history of 1 month of amenorrhoea, followed by bleeding per vaginum 1 week back for 3 days. Presented to hospital with spotting PV and pain abdomen for 2 days. UPT done at home was positive. USG revealed right ovarian complex haemorrhagic cyst and left adnexal ectopic pregnancy near left ovarian fimbriae. Conservative management by Methotrexate and Folinic acid regimen was tried but as there were no signs of resolution on serial ultrasonography reports and serial human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels did not fall as expected, hence decision of laparoscopy/laparotomy was made and salpingectomy was done. Later patient was followed up with serial hCG levels

    Pregnancy with extrahepatic portal venous hypertension

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    We are reporting a case of pregnancy with extrahepatic portal venous hypertension. Portal hypertension in pregnancy is an uncommon event. It presents a challenge to the obstetrician in management as physiological hemodynamic changes associated with pregnancy worsen with portal hypertension. Thus, increasing risk of life threatening complications like variceal haemorrhage and hepatic decompensation to many folds during pregnancy. Management requires knowledge of effects of portal hypertension on maternal and fetal outcome and vice-versa
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