18 research outputs found

    Outsourcing the Welfare State: The Role of Private Actors in Welfare Fraud Investigations

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    The Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Law & Governance in a World of Multilevel Jurisdiction

    Pseudoaneurisma ventricular esquerdo: um desafio diagnóstico

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    Left ventricular pseudoaneurysm is a rare complication of acute myocardial infarction, associated with high mortality. However, it can present in a non-specific manner, complicating and delaying the diagnosis. The authors present the case of a 65-year-old patient, hypertensive, with no other known relevant medical history, who presented with chest pain, cough and left pleural effusion, initially attributed to a pulmonary process. However, these were in fact the result of a left ventricular pseudoaneurysm following silent acute myocardial infarction. The diagnosis was suspected on echocardiography and confirmed by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, and the patient underwent successful surgical pseudoaneurysm repair. This case illustrates an atypical presentation of a left ventricular pseudoaneurysm, in which the manifestations resulted from pericardial and pleural extension of the inflammatory process associated with contained myocardial rupture. The case demonstrates the need for a high index of suspicion, and the value of imaging techniques to confirm it, in order to proceed with appropriate surgical treatment, and thus modify the course of the disease.O pseudoaneurisma do ventrículo esquerdo é uma complicac¸ão rara do enfarte agudo do miocárdio, associada a elevada mortalidade. No entanto, pode manifestar-se de modo inespecífico, dificultando e atrasando o seu diagnóstico. Os autores apresentam o caso de um doente de 65 anos, hipertenso, sem outros antecedentes relevantes conhecidos, em que toracalgia, tosse e derrame pleural esquerdo, inicialmente atribuídas a um processo pneumológico, foram as manifestac¸ões de um pseudoaneurisma do ventrículo esquerdo, após enfarte agudo do miocárdio silencioso. O diagnóstico foi suspeitado por ecocardiografia, confirmado por ressonância magnética cardíaca e o doente foi submetido a cirurgia de reparac¸ão do pseudoaneurisma com sucesso. Este caso ilustra uma forma de apresentac¸ão atípica de um pseudoaneurisma do ventrículo esquerdo, em que as manifestações resultaram da extensão pericárdico-pleural do processo inflamatório associada à rotura miocárdica contida. O caso demonstra a necessidade de sus- peitar o diagnóstico e o valor dos vários exames de imagem para a confirmac¸ão do mesmo, de modo a possibilitar a terapêutica cirúrgica adequada e assim modificar o curso da doença

    Analyzing and predicting the spatial penetration of Airbnb in U.S. cities

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    In the hospitality industry, the room and apartment sharing platform of Airbnb has been accused of unfair competition. Detractors have pointed out the chronic lack of proper legislation. Unfortunately, there is little quantitative evidence about Airbnb's spatial penetration upon which to base such a legislation. In this study, we analyze Airbnb's spatial distribution in eight U.S. urban areas, in relation to both geographic, socio-demographic, and economic information. We find that, despite being very different in terms of population composition, size, and wealth, all eight cities exhibit the same pattern: that is, areas of high Airbnb presence are those occupied by the \newpart{``talented and creative''} classes, and those that are close to city centers. This result is consistent so much so that the accuracy of predicting Airbnb's spatial penetration is as high as 0.725

    Blockchain and Trust in a Smart City

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    The impact of charity and tax law/regulation on not-for-profit news organizations

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    The advent of digital media means that many news organisations are re-thinking their business models, and facing new challenges. But one sector which has seen growth is the not-for-profit start up industry. This report examines the legal framework in which these operate in by studying the challenges thrown up by legal systems which don’t include journalistic activities within the concept of ‘charitable status’.Drawing on the regulatory systems of Australia, Canada, Ireland, The UK and The US, the report sets out to gain a clearer understanding of the legal frameworks for charitable and tax exempt status for news organisations and the distinct challenges that may hinder their development.</p

    The principle of proportionality in German administrative law

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    An analysis of regional developments of Airbnb in Switzerland ::insights into growth patterns of a P2P platform

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    The rapid emergence of Airbnb in Switzerland is at the origin of this study. The main objective of this work is to describe the development of Airbnb’s offer in Switzerland in terms of temporal and geographical evolution. In addition, the study aims to understand Airbnb’s relative weight compared to the traditional hotel sector and its professionalisation. An analysis at the municipality level gives evidence of a positive link between the Airbnb supply and the tourism intensity of regions. The supply of beds by Airbnb and traditional commercial hotels are the variables under study in this context. As a result, this research highlights the fact that Airbnb mainly reinforces supply in rural tourist regions and large and medium-sized cities, leading to competition with a high hotel supply rather than an expansion of supply in regions where hotel supply is relatively low