58 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Media Compact Disc ( Cd ) Dalam Pembelajaran Akhlak Mulia Taman Kanak-kanak Islam Al Azhar 21 Pontianak

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    Improving the qualityof human resourcesis importantto anticipate thedevelopment of science and technolog yisgro wing rapidly in manyareas of life and global competition today.Qualified human resourcesare expected totake advantage of opportunities to achievea better life. Quality of human resources can berealized through the implementation ofquality education, in cluding school education. Honoris one ofthe moralteaching and learning program contained in the school curriculum kind ergartento equip students withthe knowledge, attitudes and skill slead to national education goals. Kindergarten educationis expected tobe avehicle fo rstudentsto learn about them selves andthe environment,as well asprospects forfurther developmentin applying i tin everyday life. In fact, based onthe observation ofteachinggood values??in onekindergartenin Pontiana obtained information tha tthe majority of learning good values??in particularare stil using conventional learning with lecture method, more focused an lessmastery of subject matter experience,skill spractice. Interviews were conducted with one of the teachers was obtained that the activities and motivations of students kindergartenis stilllow, and studentstend to beless enthusiasticduring the lessoninclass. As a result, the concept of mastery students a chieved good values??arestill low. Based onthe above considerations, an attempttoun covero nthe use of CD media a reimplemen tedin learnin ggood values??teachers perceivedrational enough to do. CD media utilizationin teaching good values ??necessary to obtain the information through research


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    AbstrakTujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa, respon belajar sisiwa, dan hasil belajar siswa melalui penerapan metode penemuan terbimbing berbantuan Geogebra di kelas VII SMP IT Generasi Rabbani Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian ini merupakan PTK dengan subjek penelitian yaitu siswa kelas VII A SMP IT Generasi Rabbani Kota Bengkulu tahun ajaran 2016/2017 yang berjumlah 13 siswa. Instrumen penelitian ini terdiri dari lembar observasi aktivitas siswa, lembar angket respon siswa, dan lembar tes hasil belajar siswa. Indikator keberhasilan pada penelitian adalah aktivitas siswa dikatakan aktif jika kriteria penilaian berada pada kriteria baik pada lembar observasi aktivitas siswa memenuhi interval 24 ? x ? 30. Siswa dikatakan merespon positif jika hasil angket respon siswa berada pada interval 26 ? x ? 40. Hasil belajar dikatakan tuntas jika siswa mendapatkan nilai ? 70. Sedangkan  ketuntasan belajar klasikal tercapai apabila  ? 80% siswa tuntas belajar. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) Penerapan metode penemuan terbimbing berbantuan Geogebra di kelas VII SMP IT Generasi Rabbani Kota Bengkulu meningkatkan aktivitas siswa dengan cara membentuk kelompok belajar, memberikan LKS yang berorientasi dengan metode penemuan terbimbing. Rata-rata skor aktivitas siswa pada siklus I, II, III berturut-turut adalah 22,86; 25,75; 28. (2) Penerapan metode penemuan terbimbing berbantuan Geogebra di kelas VII SMP IT Generasi Rabbani Kota Bengkulu meningkatkan respon siswa dengan cara memberikan motivasi agar bersungguh-sungguh dalam belajar, menggunakan media pembelajaran seperti Geogebra. Rata-rata skor angket respon siswa pada siklus I, II, III berturut-turut adalah 30,85; 33,69; 35,69 (3) Penerapan metode penemuan terbimbing berbantuan Geogebra di kelas VII SMP IT Generasi Rabbani Kota Bengkulu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dengan cara membimbing secara individu pada siswa yang kesulitan dalam belajar. Rata-rata hasil belajar siswa pada siklus I, II, III berturut-turut adalah 59,23; 76,23; 76,53 dengan ketuntasan belajar pada siklus I, II, III berturut-turut adalah 46,15%, 76,92%, 84,62%. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode penemuan terbimbing berbantuan Geogebra dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa, respon belajar siswa, serta hasil belajar siswa

    Aktivitas Hepatoproteksi Ekstrak Etanol Kecambah Kedelai (Glycine Max) dengan Parameter Histopatologi Hepar pada Tikus yang Diinduksi Parasetamol

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    Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr) mengandung senyawa flavonoid yang berfungsi sebagai hepatoprotektor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas hepatoproteksi ekstrak etanol kecambah kedelai pada tikus jantan yang diinduksi parasetamol dengan parameter histopatologi. Ekstraksi dengan metode maserasi dengan menggunakan pelarut etanol 70% dilakukan untuk mendapatkan ekstrak etanol kecambah kedelai. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah tikus jantan (Rattus norvegicus) sebanyak 15 ekor dan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok, secara berturut-turut adalah kelompok I sebagai kontrol tanpa induksi, kelompok II sebagai kontrol dengan pemberian induksi parasetamol, kelompok III, IV dan V yang diberi ekstrak etanol kecambah kedelai, berturut-turut 200 mg/kgBB, 300 mg/kgBB dan 400 mg/kgBB. Pada hari ke-8 seluruh tikus, kecuali kelompok I, diberikan induktor kerusakan hepar, yaitu parasetamol dosis 180mg/200gBB. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol kecambah kedelai 400 mg/kgBB memiliki aktivitas hepatoproteksi paling efektif dibandingkan dosis 200 mg/kgBB dan 300 mg/kgBB dengan parameter histopatologi tikus jantan yang diinduksi parasetamol


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    Pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor unggulan dalam pembangunan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan nasional, penyerap tenaga kerja, dan penyumbang devisa negara. Sistem informasi geografis merupakan perkembangan ilmu komputer dan geografis yang disatukan sehingga menjadi suatu sistem yang dapat dimanfaatkan guna pengambilan keputusan baik pemerintah maupun swasta. Riset ini bertujuan untuk; Menganalisa kesesuaian lahan untuk wisata bahari/pantai sebagai pengembangan ekowisata, merincikan zona/sub zona pariwisata dalam bentuk pembagian blok pemanfaatan ruang dan merumuskan strategi pengembangan ekowisata dan rekomendasi untuk pemangku kepentingan berdasarkan potensi wisatanya. Analisis kesesuaian kawasan dilakukan dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis dengan berlandaskan pada Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata. Hasil analisis peta kesesuaian wisata menunjukan bahwa area di Kab. Nias dibagi menjadi 3 kategori kesesuaian yaitu: sesuai, sesuai bersyarat dan tidak sesuai. Alokasi ruang di Kec. Bawolato terdiri dari 3 zona pemanfaatan; wisata snorkeling (42,45 ha), wisata selam (245,32 ha) dan wisata memancing (237,88 ha) sedangkan di Kec. Idanogawo terdiri dari 2 zona pemanfaatan; wisata pantai (1,55 ha) dan wisata renang (6,27 ha). Pertimbangan berdasarkan luas area lima jenis wisata ini dapat dilakukan pengelolaan dan pengembangan wisata dalam membantu perekonomian masyarakat setempat.Tourism is one of the leading sectors in development to increase national income, absorb employment, and contribute to the country's foreign exchange. Geographic information systems are developments in computer science and geography that are put together so that it becomes a system that can be utilized for decision making both government and private. This research aims to; Analyzing land suitability for marine/beach tourism as ecotourism development, detailing tourism zones / sub-zones in the form of division of space utilization blocks and formulating ecotourism development strategies and recommendations for stakeholders based on tourism potential. Regional suitability analysis is carried out using a Geographic Information System based on the Tourism Suitability Index. The results of the analysis of the tourism suitability map show that the area in the district. The Nias district is divided into 3 categories of suitability, namely: suitable, conditionally suitable, and unsuitable. Space allocation in Bawolato sub-district consists of 3 utilization zones; snorkeling (42.45 ha), diving (245.32 ha), and fishing (237.88 ha) while in Idanogawo sub-district consists of 2 utilization zones; beach tourism (1.55 ha) and swimming tourism (6.27 ha). Consideration based on the area of the five types of tourism can be carried out through the management and development of tourism in helping the economy of the local community

    A rare case of alpha-thalassaemia intermedia in a Malay patient double heterozygous for α+ –thalassaemia and a mutation in α1 globin gene CD59 (GGC → GAC)

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    A rare case of thalassaemia-intermedia involving a non-deletion alpha thalassemia point mutation in the α1-globin gene CD59 (GGC → GAC) and a deletion α+ (-α3.7) thalassaemia in which use of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) C-gram Hb subtype profile and DNA molecular analysis helped establish the diagnosis

    Comparison Between Different Herbal Formulations of Roses and Their Therapeutic Potential

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    Roses are one of the most popular flowers in the world, not only because of their beauty but also because they have medicinal properties. Drugs developed from roses must be support from various parties. Roses have active components that can be used to improve public health, such as anthocyanins, tannins and other active compounds. Making the right rose water herbal mixtures will help filter out the active substances according to the expected therapeutic effect. The manufacture of herbal mixtures of roses can vary, namely, infusions, extracts and rose oil. These three variations require different procedures. The three herbal formulations can provide an initial condition of the content of the active substances in the roses. The results of the rose infusion gave a red color in a short time, while the maceration of the extract with ethyl alcohol, methanol and hexsan gave a varied color appearance, while the identification of rose oil using water distillation did not show any filtered oil. The comparison of the three preparations shows that the herbal formulations can be done in a simple way and the formulation that gives the best results is rose water infusions that produces rose water. Keywords: herbal preparation, rose infusion, rose oil, rose extrac

    Pre-assessment of microbiology quality and antibiotic resistance of vibrio parahaemolyticus from cockle (Anadaragranosa) in Malaysia.

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    Introduction Vibrio species has shown one of the most important bacterial diseases in marine cultured organisms, affecting a large number of species of fish and shellfish. Among well known species is Vibrio parahaemolyticus which associated with cockle and reported as one of the important foodborne diseases in developing countries. Objectives The study was conducted to determine the microbiology quality of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in cockles (Anadaragranosa) in Selangor, Perak, Melaka and Negeri Sembilan. Methods A total of 12 cockle samples were purchased from wet market throughout 3 weeks in September 2009. Out of the 12 cockle samples, 120 isolates were randomly produced and tested for microbiology quality of V. parahaemolyticus by growing onto Thiosulphate Bile-Salt Sucrose (TCBS) agar. Tentative colonies of V. parahaemolyticus were then examined for biochemical test and antibiotic resistance patterns towards bacitracin, vancomycin, penicillin, chloramphenicol, amikacin, enrofloxacin and cifrofloxacin. Results The highest mean colony counting value for Vibrio grown onto TCBS agar was from Melaka with 4.19 x 105cfu per gm, followed by Perak (4.15 x 105cfu per gm), Negeri Sembilan (3.72 x 105cfu per gm) and Selangor with 1.58 x 105 cfu per gm. Biochemical tests showed 75 isolates were positive for V. parahaemolyticus with 29.3% (22/30) isolates were from Perak, 26.3% (20/30) isolates were from Selangor, 22.6% (17/30) isolates were from Melaka and 21.2% (16/30) isolates were from Negeri Sembilan. As for antibiotic resistance pattern, all V. parahaemolyticus isolates were resistant toward one or more antibiotic tested with 100% (75/75) isolates resistant toward bacitracin, 99% (74/75) toward vancomycinand 92% (69/75) toward penicillin. Inspite of this, none of the V. parahaemolyticus isolates were resistant toward chloramphenicol, amikacin, enrofloxacin and cifrofloxacin. Conclusion The presence of V. parahaemolyticus in all cockle samples with their antibiotic resistance properties was alarming. More samples should be studied in obtaining an accurate view of microbiology quality and antibiotic resistance of V. parahaemolyticusin cockle samples in Malaysia

    Engineering properties of self-compacting concrete incorporating coal bottom ash (CBA) as sustainable materials for green concrete: a review

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    Over the past two decades, concrete has been frequently employed in the construction sector because of its features. The development of massive concrete buildings with more complicated geometries and dense reinforcing has been growing progressively. Moreover, there is an increased need for improving the current practices of concrete technology to create new forms of concrete with better qualities, which encouraged scholars to advance further investigations in this area of research. Consequently, an innovative type of concrete called Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) has been improved. Simultaneously, one key challenge, confronted by the civil engineering sector, is how to go more environmentally friendly. Using reused waste materials, e.g., coal bottom ash (CBA), is one of the carefully utilized techniques in construction and building applications. The CBA’s pozzolanic characteristic with high silica and its useful pozzolanic capabilities have effectively turned CBA into a beneficial substitute in self-compacting concrete. Therefore, CBA has been successfully employed in producing SCC. Research into CBA function in SCC production not only contributes to increasing its use but also helps decrease the cost of landfills and provides a clean, sustainable, and environmental solution by conserving energy and reducing the depletion of natural resources. In this study, an overview of previous studies on CBA’s physical and chemical characteristics has been thoroughly presented. Moreover, the impact of CBA on the self-compacting concrete’s fresh and mechanical properties is discussed. Results indicated that using up to 10% CBA in SCC as sand replacement resulted in improved fresh and hardened properties

    A Validity Study of Malay-translated Version of the Modified Caregivers Strain Index Questionnaire (M-CSI-M)

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    Objectives The diversity of the population of the world suggests a great need for validated cross cultural survey instruments or scales.Health care professionals should have access to reliable sources and valid concepts of interest in their own cultures and languages to provide quality patient care.Therefore, the aims of this study were to translate the Modified Caregiver Strain Index (M-CSI) in the national language of Malaysia.Also to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Malay-translated version of Modified Caregiver Strain Index (M-CSI-M).Methods Instrument was translated forward and rearward through the translation strategy, reconciled by a panel, and verified by the Malaysian Institute of Translation & books as experts of content.After methodological approaches for the translation, adaptation and transcultural validation of Modified Caregiver Strain Index (M-CSI).The latest version of Malaysia was administered to 50 informal care providers of dependent elderly with the Parkinson’s disease, at the Association of Parkinson Malaysia (MPDA) and University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Medical Centre in May 2017.Results The Malaysians Modified Caregiver Strain Index (M-CSI-M) has a good face validity and content, as well as inner consistency (Cronbach’s alpha 0.75).In conclusion, the M-CSI-M is a reliable tool for the evaluation of caregiving strain levels experienced by informal care providers in Malaysia.M-CSI-M is recommended as a brief and valid measurement that can be used by doctors, counselors, social workers and psychologists to locate the caregiving strain levels of the informal care providers of dependent elderly in Malaysia